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Ragnarok Online => General Discussion => Topic started by: LiteX on May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM

Title: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM
In my long days of ROing, I have encountered a lot of newbies saying...well...newbish things, post here anything that fits in the category, can be either IRL or in-game, just avoid quoting others to avoid flame wars

Some of theme are:
"I'm a priest, so therefore i get holy damage reduction"-Random HP in PvP (FokRO-doubt anyone heard of this obscure server)
"I'm a high priest, I need more exp than snipers"-(See the hall of shame section)
"Angeling is a MvP"-Some Knight on bRO Loki
"Low Rates are for noobs"-Some Assasin Cross on a HR server, can't remember which, qRO I think
"Soul Linker sucks"-Some guy in qRO HR
"High Wizards don't need a buff, they are already overpowered!"-A SinX player on FokRO
-Not really something that someone said, but I'l say it anyway, while I was still playing HRs, i had a mage 255 joke character, for the lolz is just walked into PvP, then some random stalker decided to attack me, I killed him, for the notice, It was a Non-Donator 255 Mage against a Donator 255 Stalker (IIRC Non-Donor customs gave ~+25 Allstat while donors gave ~+35 Allstat), what amazed me was these 2 facts:
1) His double strafe really did not do much damage at all (Possibly using normal arrow while i used DV)
2) He was easly frozen by Frost Driver

And heck, Kiel Card wasn't even implemented at that time.

So..moar plz?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LemonCrosswalk on May 06, 2009, 05:24 AM
It's a fun game.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on May 06, 2009, 08:17 AM
Quote from: LemonCrosswalk on May 06, 2009, 05:24 AM
It's a fun game.

ROFL. I love you.

Hmmmm, stupid things I've heard on RO...

"nooooob use edp noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob" - Sin X from the guild "PinoyGuild" on FaithRO. Mind you...this guy was an EDP Sonic Blow nubcake.

"lord knights cant reduce magic lulz datz y dey nid gtb" - High Wizard on FaithRO
"wtf nooooooooooooooob u r rported 4 hacking" - same High Wizard on Faith after my 95 MDEF LK smoked him.

"I play hrs cuz of da challenge" - some kid on EShadowRO

"You can parry an Asura Strike??" - a champion on HighwindRO
"What do you think I was doing for the past minute in there...?" - Infii, an LK on HighwindRO

"sg is a useless class cuz they cant do any dmg thats why i prefer sinx or champ" - Some punk on FaithRO...shortly after he said that, our two SGs in Desolate both hit him for five-digit damage.

And finally, this is one of my absolute favourites.

"GTB is completely unfair. It takes multiple classes and makes them completely useless. I propose that GTB either gets an MDEF nerf or is completely removed from the server. I am sick and tired of going into PVP or Clock Tower 01, and getting rocked by GTB users. I'm not the only person upset about this. GTB is game-breaking and I strongly feel it should either be nerfed...or removed." - Tarnesh, FaithRO's "Best High Wizard"

"What are you smoking? The only reason you cry about it constantly is because you're too stupid to a) bring a Stalker with you, or b) just use a Tao card, it has strip instead of HP post-wipe. There's also ways to get around it without using EITHER of those, but I guess I won't tell 'FaithRO's Best High Wizard', since you seem to know it all anyway. For somebody who thinks so highly of himself, you really are the world's biggest whiner." - Balthazar, FaithRO's ACTUAL Best High Wizard.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: horo on May 06, 2009, 08:48 AM
"high rate/level servers aren't unbalanced"
"not if you're actually skilled at playing -insert class here, but probably sinx-, then you do -retarded thing that only works vs other retards" - everyone that hasn't played official servers  :-\
"sniper aren't the worst class pvp/woe class in the game"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Relics on May 06, 2009, 08:53 AM
"How are you sonic blowing with a dagger?"

"Use elemental fists to hit ghostring harder"

"I use brocca for spiral pierce cause it bypasses defense"

"Max int for mdef"

"Wan a bf/husband in english educated.. on often."

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Cielte on May 06, 2009, 09:12 AM
"gm y i ban?? ??"

Damn emotes.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on May 06, 2009, 09:42 AM
"You only won because you used pressure"
"lol sacrifice noob"
"lol SC sucks*after dying to SC"
"you only won because you used *insert thing used to kill someone*

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Raistlin on May 06, 2009, 10:40 AM
"Guys, I just dropped some demonstrations at the door of the second room. Head back to the emp.

-one paladin enters, dies to mob of 4 SinXes

SinX1: "omg wtf Raist some1 broke my jur"


SinX1:"Wut is this s***?"

SinX3:"fix plz"

Me: ....

Moral of the story: People don't listen.
Champion: wtf why u no die?

Me: Hide clip?

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Dean Stark on May 06, 2009, 12:58 PM
This just happened 5 min ago on Phase on the #main channel:

Player A: Where do I lvl a 64 Clown?
Player B: No.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LemonCrosswalk on May 06, 2009, 01:00 PM
I think the stupidest thing I have heard was something a GM said.

"I've seen powerful dagger hunters before"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: horo on May 06, 2009, 01:07 PM
Quote from: LemonCrosswalk on May 06, 2009, 01:00 PM
I think the stupidest thing I have heard was something a GM said.

"I've seen powerful dagger hunters before"

He might just be remembering 2002 when autoblitz worked without bow! I remember killing BK for my first level 99 in 2003's iro with a grimtooth and 10 priests for support  ;)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LemonCrosswalk on May 06, 2009, 01:13 PM
Quote from: horo on May 06, 2009, 01:07 PM
Quote from: LemonCrosswalk on May 06, 2009, 01:00 PM
I think the stupidest thing I have heard was something a GM said.

"I've seen powerful dagger hunters before"

He might just be remembering 2002 when autoblitz worked without bow! I remember killing BK for my first level 99 in 2003's iro with a grimtooth and 10 priests for support  ;)
Nope. She was the GM's girlfriend and was a dumba$$
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Irrelevant on May 06, 2009, 03:11 PM
"game me without [gear] and i kill you noob"; my personal favorite.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on May 06, 2009, 04:00 PM
"plis remove backslide n snap becuz it helpz runners and take the fun of the game, also take out full strip cuz stalkers r annoying"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on May 07, 2009, 03:18 AM
Quote from: Irrelevant on May 06, 2009, 03:11 PM
"game me without [gear] and i kill you noob"; my personal favorite.

Happens to a lot of people, some wizzie started swearing at me because I was using a Saphien's Armor of Ocean with Marc, instead of smarting up, he continued SGing me.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on May 07, 2009, 04:38 AM
One i read here on RMS forums(Topics somewhere)

I will report you to the wizerd that runs this game.

I think that wins,

some that just happened to me

@main Player A: Help i /exall and i cant talk to friends
@main Player B: Type /inall
@main Player  A: /inall
@main Player B: ...
@main Me: alt+space+c fixes it
*few mins later*
@main Player A: i am back, you made me quit
@main Player B: Is it fixed?
@main Player A: PM me so i can see
@main Player A: ok i can see PM's now.

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Skoll on May 07, 2009, 09:24 PM
Stupid things I have heard people say about RO?

Hm, well some of my friends when they saw it for the first time said it "has crappy graphics and looks gay".  >:(

Boo to them!

Obviously, they have never had a true RO experience of their own.  :D
And, they are closed-minded when it comes to Online fantasy games for some reason, so they won't give it a chance. /sob
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Zelos on May 07, 2009, 09:41 PM
This happened recently on PoisonRO's forums.
"Can i Copy your staff rules?
Or can you give me sites where I could really find trusted custom items?
Can anyone help me in making custom maps or could you help us in our server as a staff there?No offense thanks!"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on May 07, 2009, 09:46 PM
"All MvPs share the same difficult, which mean, Battling a Beelzebub and a Moonlight is the same difficult"

/g Hey guild, join up today, we're attempting Moonlight ! Keep your TeamSpeak on!
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Symbiote on May 07, 2009, 10:56 PM
Some kid asked my Lord Knight, whom at the time had Frenzy active, to buff him in Lighthalzen Dungeon 3.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on May 08, 2009, 06:12 AM
Quote from: Parameters on May 07, 2009, 09:46 PM
"All MvPs share the same difficult, which mean, Battling a Beelzebub and a Moonlight is the same difficult"

/g Hey guild, join up today, we're attempting Moonlight ! Keep your TeamSpeak on!

How much time has he/she been playing RO?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on May 08, 2009, 04:22 PM
I know that if I use fire endow my pressure will ignore raydric but will it work vs thara card?

Tripple fail :/
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Hutchy on May 08, 2009, 04:39 PM
"I should use fire against Explosions, right? If my fire is stronger they will die?"

Oh. My. God.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on May 08, 2009, 05:02 PM
DemonAngel : how kayin can hit for 16kk??
HolyAsuka : what armor are you wearing?
DemonAngel : swordfish
HolyAsuka : well there you go :S
DemonAngel : y??
Kayin Amoh : Dude. Wind Converter on Water? Do the math.
DemonAngel : no u use edp noob
DemonAngel : is edp no wind
DemonAngel : wind not do 16kk
HolyAsuka : just give it up jay :{
Negative : Rofl.
Negative : Converter Scroll > DemonAngel.
Demise : Lol.

Rofl. Good times, on FaithRO with Suka, Negs, and Demise.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on May 09, 2009, 12:06 AM
Quote from: Descent on May 08, 2009, 05:02 PM
DemonAngel : how kayin can hit for 16kk??
HolyAsuka : what armor are you wearing?
DemonAngel : swordfish
HolyAsuka : well there you go :S
DemonAngel : y??
Kayin Amoh : Dude. Wind Converter on Water? Do the math.
DemonAngel : no u use edp noob
DemonAngel : is edp no wind
DemonAngel : wind not do 16kk
HolyAsuka : just give it up jay :{
Negative : Rofl.
Negative : Converter Scroll > DemonAngel.
Demise : Lol.

Rofl. Good times, on FaithRO with Suka, Negs, and Demise.

Haha, few people actually USE elements nowadays, and I really wouldn't trust what DemonAngel was saying in the first place, mainly calling someone who killed him a noob and too much abreviating

And some more:
"Lhz3 mobs are FFA"
"Bards are useless"
"People who use elemental armors are noobs"
"Ninjas is a first class like archers and swordsmans"
"Using Create Potion in the middle of towns is considered spamming"
"3rd classes are broken"(Someone QQing when they were still in the testing phase, around Feb 2009 i think)
"Esma is a stupid skill, it can't be used on players"
"*Dies a fair fight to player from X country*ban X country from the server plz"
"*Sends a DDOS attack to the server after dying in PvP*"-qRO HR, for those who didn't know
Pretty much the fact of a GM not knowing that 150 Dex is required for instant cast and calling herself "Experienced"

And not really stupid but:
Guy: Let's kill clocks, they are better exp than these
Me: K, let me calculate something first
Me:@mi Clock
*Some time passes*
Me:Hmm...my MATK is ~600, ~6000 will be the total damage from a L10 Firebolt, the elemental modifier will increase the damage to ~10500, ~8950 Damage because of it's MDEF, since clocks have like 11k HP, it would take 2 FB10 to kill them.
Guy:O_o wtf...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Loki on May 09, 2009, 12:08 AM
"wtf dun use backslide and cloak if 1 on 1" - XiaoLexLex, a SinX in SlumDogRO(Funny thing is, she doesn't use cloak and just attacks whenever she can click on an enemy. At that time I was a Hybrid SinX that uses DD and SB. So whenever I see her/him I just throw poison knife with a weapon that has SK on it until she freezes). On a side note, she thinks anyone she could kill once, is a noob. Unlimited fail.

"r u gm?" - random guy who died in PvP after a duel.

"I've played RO for 8 Years. I know almost everything about RO. I play with 6 different weapons and 3 different armors." A char which is actually a GM LV 80 without the GM sprites. Funny thing about his statement is, if he's played RO for 8 years, he should surely know that Thanatos works really well with high def and vit char. Especially if you have more than 99 vit :P
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on May 09, 2009, 12:12 AM
Quote from: LiteX on May 09, 2009, 12:06 AM
"Bards are useless"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on May 09, 2009, 12:13 PM
Quote from: LiteX on May 09, 2009, 12:06 AM
Haha, few people actually USE elements nowadays, and I really wouldn't trust what DemonAngel was saying in the first place, mainly calling someone who killed him a noob and too much abreviating

That was good ol' DA for you. Anytime he won, you were a noob. Kill him? You're still a noob.

Also, he was baffled by how my Crit damage went from 11.4K(my normal EDP rate) to a staggering 16.8K. Obvious elemental conflict. Just too stupid to realize it. He was also getting Water Balled by a Stalker and didn't switch when he chose to take me on.

But I'll agree with you on the Element thing...I think I was one of maybe SIX people on the entire server that had all four Converters, plus Cursed Waters in my inventory.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Zoma on May 09, 2009, 10:47 PM
Some guy came into my Vent and tried to argue with me about how Smiths were a great support class...  ::)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on May 10, 2009, 09:05 AM
Kaia: *uses Endure* Go.
JannyWiz: *spams bolts that do 8 damage*
JannyWiz: o.O
JannyWiz: *spams more bolts and stops*
rage2kk2: lol
Kaia: Done yet?
JannyWiz: *continues to bolt*
rage2kk2: How long are you going to keep this up?
Kaia: There's no way these bolts will kill me. I still have 158K to go.
rage2kk2: What's your max?
Kaia: 160.
JannyWiz: *stops bolting*
Ranma: What's going on?
rage2kk2: He's testing MDEF build
Ranma: ah
Ranma: XD
JannyWiz: *starts bolting again*
Negative: Rofl. Walking GTB, GO!
Kaia: I'm going for a smoke. Be back in five minutes.
Kaia: If I die...what the hell am I talking about. I won't die.

*five minutes later*

Kaia: Back.
Ranma: wb :D
rage2kk2: yo. he stopped bolting.
Kaia: What? Why?
JannyWiz: no sp T_T

Edwerdelrc: alchemist are best
Edwerdelrc: cuz acid dem dmg is based on ur blvl

Saske: *attempting to Full Strip somebody with FCP* y it not working?!
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Zelos on May 10, 2009, 09:26 AM
"sir may i have ur accnt?" :-\
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Astonica on May 10, 2009, 09:32 AM
"sir gimme sum zeny" - a Sin in ZeusRO hi rate server.
When the drop rate of gold is 100% and max base lv is 255? Not to mention that other players rarely hunt monsters there? Please.
In addition, he thought of me as a guy-playing-a-girl. >.<
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on May 10, 2009, 10:15 AM
"i cant beat you in duel but i can kill you"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Cielte on May 10, 2009, 10:36 AM
"im the admin of this server"
"Oh, well, it just so happens the actual admin is sitting right beside me."

*logs out*
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Zoma on May 10, 2009, 12:29 PM
Quote from: ღ Raine ღ on May 10, 2009, 10:36 AM
"im the admin of this server"
"Oh, well, it just so happens the actual admin is sitting right beside me."

*logs out*
Classic. I had a friend on staff that was playing one of his legits go through the same thing. Some random guy PMed him and said that he was a GM and needed to check his accounts for duping. You'd think they'd be smart enough to look up what the actual staff members' legits are.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Irrelevant on May 10, 2009, 12:52 PM
Quote from: Zoma on May 10, 2009, 12:29 PM
Quote from: ღ Raine ღ on May 10, 2009, 10:36 AM
"im the admin of this server"
"Oh, well, it just so happens the actual admin is sitting right beside me."

*logs out*
Classic. I had a friend on staff that was playing one of his legits go through the same thing. Some random guy PMed him and said that he was a GM and needed to check his accounts for duping. You'd think they'd be smart enough to look up what the actual staff members' legits are.

They're dumb enough to think a few tradelogs and IP traces aren't enough to get them. Go figure.


Enemy: *After dying to me with 8 different classes* well, all u can play is LK.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Phen001 on May 10, 2009, 02:47 PM
Quote from: Orange on May 10, 2009, 10:15 AM
"i cant beat you in duel but i can kill you"
that's not a dumb thing to say, necessarily...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Zelos on May 10, 2009, 06:36 PM
Quote from: ღ Raine ღ on May 10, 2009, 10:36 AM
"im the admin of this server"
"Oh, well, it just so happens the actual admin is sitting right beside me."

*logs out*
Lol, thats a good one.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on May 11, 2009, 03:27 AM
"Your priest only wins because he heals!"
"Can I have a leech pls?"-First, that was on a *70 exp server, second, he kept spamming PLS after I said no, and I still laugh at people who impersonate GM and end up trying to scam the real GM
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on May 11, 2009, 09:58 PM
"can som1 thank mi?"
"Sure, Thank you ! :)"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Astonica on May 12, 2009, 06:02 AM
Quote from: LiteX on May 11, 2009, 03:27 AM
"Your priest only wins because he heals!"

LOL, I laughed really hard on this. A priest is a priest if he can heal, whaddya expect? =/
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LemonCrosswalk on May 12, 2009, 12:22 PM
I'm not sure if it counts in this thread, but I got so sick of Hel plz and buff me I made a priest without heal and buffs just to piss off people.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Cielte on May 12, 2009, 12:33 PM
RO is a game full of nice people.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Sziadan on May 12, 2009, 03:49 PM
I just love this one ;D

"Just how strong is stormy knight? I am a new mage (lv 18) but I guess if I fight him from a distance and run when he walk too close I might be able to beat him? If I can that would probably give my mage alot of exp, but I don't know how strong he is."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Hutchy on May 12, 2009, 05:14 PM
Quote from: LemonCrosswalk on May 12, 2009, 12:22 PM
I'm not sure if it counts in this thread, but I got so sick of Hel plz and buff me I made a priest without heal and buffs just to piss off people.

This is what my partner does.
Except by that I mean he only says he lacks these things, because I need them to stay alive D:<
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Allie on May 13, 2009, 10:45 PM
"Can you give me donation items please? I'll pay you later, I promise."

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Loki on May 14, 2009, 03:09 AM
'gb ar? not brave for 1v1??' - A really idiotic SinX who tries to kill everyone whenever he gets into PvP.

*gb = Gang bang.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on May 14, 2009, 03:29 AM
Quote from: Loki on May 14, 2009, 03:09 AM
'gb ar? not brave for 1v1??' - A really idiotic SinX who tries to kill everyone whenever he gets into PvP.

*gb = Gang bang.

This happens quite often whenever I go, someone starts attacking everyone on the room then starts nagging on how we "gangbanged" him, I mean, anyone with half a brain knows that you SHOULD NOT antagonize the whole room unless you want a bad rep for your character
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on May 14, 2009, 08:14 AM
Quote from: LiteX on May 14, 2009, 03:29 AM
Quote from: Loki on May 14, 2009, 03:09 AM
'gb ar? not brave for 1v1??' - A really idiotic SinX who tries to kill everyone whenever he gets into PvP.

*gb = Gang bang.

This happens quite often whenever I go, someone starts attacking everyone on the room then starts nagging on how we "gangbanged" him, I mean, anyone with half a brain knows that you SHOULD NOT antagonize the whole room unless you want a bad rep for your character

To compound on that...

"pvp is a place 4 honor not gang!"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on May 14, 2009, 11:21 AM
Quote from: Descent on May 14, 2009, 08:14 AM
pvp honor
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on May 14, 2009, 02:31 PM
Quote from: Descent on May 14, 2009, 08:14 AM
Quote from: LiteX on May 14, 2009, 03:29 AM
Quote from: Loki on May 14, 2009, 03:09 AM
'gb ar? not brave for 1v1??' - A really idiotic SinX who tries to kill everyone whenever he gets into PvP.

*gb = Gang bang.

This happens quite often whenever I go, someone starts attacking everyone on the room then starts nagging on how we "gangbanged" him, I mean, anyone with half a brain knows that you SHOULD NOT antagonize the whole room unless you want a bad rep for your character

To compound on that...

"pvp is a place 4 honor not gang!"

:/ On my server I kill everyone in PvP, Guildies and stuff to.

and lol pvp honor.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on May 14, 2009, 09:51 PM
Lol my friend believes in fighting alone in PvP, no matter against a horde of enemies, or 1v1.

Really a weird habit.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Irrelevant on May 15, 2009, 02:56 AM
Quoteemerzone2007 - how to unbanned my ips?!

Fresh from the shoutbox.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on May 17, 2009, 03:50 AM
I get "buff heal plz" PMed to me a lot. Far too often. I am a dancer. <<

Random player: hi u gm?
Me: Uh.. Why?
Random player: u have aura. u gm.

A friend the other day, said on @main "Chatting on @main decreases your chance of card drops", simply because main was being silly. Took a while for people to start talking again. =P
But I guess that one is more of a "Stupid reactions to things people say"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Freya Ayna on May 19, 2009, 01:49 AM
Off hand, I can't remember many. But just last week, someone wanted me to warp them somewhere(I was on my priest) and I offered to help them level.
"what can u do?"
"I'm a priest?"
"answer plz"

Or something along those writing lines. And proceeded to continue sitting by me and asking twice if I knew where their class could level. Which I already said I didn't know the class and suggested main.

Also, today on a high rate(which I poke around on just to play favorite male classes x3), I was standing around Pront when a sader asked a lord knight how they got their peco. I'm guessing he went off to get it, only to come back and say "dont have skill lol." Should be paying attention to your skills, than.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Pow on May 19, 2009, 01:56 AM
This isn't about RO... But it does come FROM RO..

Enough said, IMO.

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: kurby on May 19, 2009, 09:50 AM
Quote from: Dean Stark on May 06, 2009, 12:58 PM
This just happened 5 min ago on Phase on the #main channel:

Player A: Where do I lvl a 64 Clown?
Player B: No.

Quote from: Relics on May 06, 2009, 08:53 AM
"How are you sonic blowing with a dagger?"

"Use elemental fists to hit ghostring harder"

"I use brocca for spiral pierce cause it bypasses defense"

"Max int for mdef"

"Wan a bf/husband in english educated.. on often."

HAHAH! These made me lol.

"To bypass AD: get 1 VIT, use Dimik card."

*Creator stabs you to death*
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on May 19, 2009, 10:06 AM
"if u card ur valkyrie with cornutus it cant be broken from forging"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on May 19, 2009, 10:12 AM
More funny than stupid, but...

Me and a few pals from FaithRO being silly. Good ol Eric(Cross Fire).
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on May 19, 2009, 10:13 AM
Quote from: Parameters on May 19, 2009, 10:06 AM
"if u card ur valkyrie with cornutus it cant be broken from forging"

This one makes me cry. D=
I really hope they were pulling a prank on another person, and didn't honestly believe it. =P

*remembers once telling a newbie friend that if they were sick of wolves, they should go to Bio3. And watched as they did*

edit; Just noticed that Descent is apparently on heRo? oO
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on May 20, 2009, 03:27 AM
Quote from: Green on May 19, 2009, 10:13 AM
Quote from: Parameters on May 19, 2009, 10:06 AM
"if u card ur valkyrie with cornutus it cant be broken from forging"

This one makes me cry. D=
I really hope they were pulling a prank on another person, and didn't honestly believe it. =P

*remembers once telling a newbie friend that if they were sick of wolves, they should go to Bio3. And watched as they did*

edit; Just noticed that Descent is apparently on heRo? oO

Didn't you see his "Current Servers:"?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on May 20, 2009, 03:48 AM
Well, that's where I noticed it. I never said I wasn't slow. D=
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scars on Jun 21, 2009, 03:45 PM
Beat this.

QuoteTo everyone who knew me I leave you now and Pray that all of you take care I pray that the Server will Grow and as For Scars well I feel bad for what may happen in his life soon. For to anger me is something small compared to as to Anger God. For those who don\'t know.

I am a follower of Christ I wanted to leave this server for a long time but God told me No,Stay here and Preach my word. But Scars Stopped that by Glitching my Characters. So now I leave, Leaving Scars Consequences to God.

But Farewell to all who knew me and I pray that you grow and prosper in this Server.

God Bless.


Lots of code error since we changed forum software/import forum.

Btw he was banned for constant insults/complaints.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Hutchy on Jun 21, 2009, 05:32 PM
"God told me to play here" - wtf?

Scars, I never knew you were actually Satan. Because, you know... only the devil would glitch people's characters to keep them from preaching the word of God.

Damn nutjobs.

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on Jun 21, 2009, 06:06 PM
... Does he seriously start the thread saying you are damned, then end it riiighhhtt down the bottom by listing you as a friend?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scars on Jun 21, 2009, 11:32 PM
Quote from: Hutchy on Jun 21, 2009, 05:32 PM
"God told me to play here" - wtf?

Scars, I never knew you were actually Satan. Because, you know... only the devil would glitch people's characters to keep them from preaching the word of God.

Damn nutjobs.


LOL no man, I have no problem if he preaches and I don't care what his religion is as long as he doesn't annoy people.

He got banned for being offensive and  constantly spamming, then he brought that up.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: markaizer on Jun 22, 2009, 01:38 AM
1. A Player from Lumina RO
GM: Lemme Check it.
GM checked the Job Changer NPC and its working fine until he notice something funny.
GM: LoL you are a Ninja, and Ninja dun have 2nd job >.<
Player: Aaaah LoL!! I'll try Gunslinger then

2. A Donator from NFRO Year 2007 broke a rule and was punished.
Donator: You're going down GM I'm going to donate so Admin will kicked you out! Fck u fck u gm(something like this lol)

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Jun 23, 2009, 03:31 AM
Quote from: Scars on Jun 21, 2009, 03:45 PM
Beat this.

QuoteTo everyone who knew me I leave you now and Pray that all of you take care I pray that the Server will Grow and as For Scars well I feel bad for what may happen in his life soon. For to anger me is something small compared to as to Anger God. For those who don\'t know.

I am a follower of Christ I wanted to leave this server for a long time but God told me No,Stay here and Preach my word. But Scars Stopped that by Glitching my Characters. So now I leave, Leaving Scars Consequences to God.

But Farewell to all who knew me and I pray that you grow and prosper in this Server.

God Bless.


Lots of code error since we changed forum software/import forum.

Btw he was banned for constant insults/complaints.

What the heck...i have been hearing people impersonate the president of X country because they got banned and now claiming the GMs from defying the will of god?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Lucia Blanche on Jun 26, 2009, 04:30 AM
Well, this occurred ON an RO server, but it isn't really ABOUT RO...

It was October and I was encouraging my fellow players to wear pink, since it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Well, my friend's cousin, who was new at RO and logical thinking... well...


Also, this was a question in a custom quest on a different server:

Which MvP is harder, Ktullanux or Garm?

The right answer, according to the person who made the quest? Neither. *sighs*

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Jun 26, 2009, 08:25 AM
p servers r much better than offical serevrs

Something I snatched up on a super high rate server.
I've also heard similar on some low rates.. but I mean.. come on.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Jun 26, 2009, 08:58 AM
Quote from: Lucia Blanche on Jun 26, 2009, 04:30 AM
Which MvP is harder, Ktullanux or Garm?

The right answer, according to the person who made the quest? Neither. *sighs*

....What. And I've heard people say they "support breast cancer" :/
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Jun 26, 2009, 09:03 AM
There are also people who say they support aids, but what they really mean is that they support the foundations working to cure aids=.=
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Jun 26, 2009, 09:11 AM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Jun 26, 2009, 09:03 AM
There are also people who say they support aids, but what they really mean is that they support the foundations working to cure aids=.=

If someone said "I support *Insert deadly disease here*" then I would possibly assume it is a foundation against the disease, if otherwise, I shall take it with nihilism

But on topic, "RO sucks because of it's graphics" and the unnecessery "polls" posted by those who want help with something
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Jun 26, 2009, 09:24 AM
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: DeadUsers on Jun 26, 2009, 10:44 AM
this one was funny
''hops in thread''

ME : Can anyone give me a card with a little bit of fire in it plz?
some SinX : Garm works

another one..

SinX in PVP : Use edp to get stronger
Me : Im a lord knight?

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Amayax on Jun 26, 2009, 11:18 AM
Quote from: Jeon on Jun 04, 2009, 12:02 PM
XileRo is the only HR I know that has a reasonable PvP system. I did watch the RWC like you said, all I see is people spamming the room like every other gang fight there is in RO.

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Jun 26, 2009, 01:19 PM
Quote from: DeadUsers on Jun 26, 2009, 10:44 AM
this one was funny
''hops in thread''

ME : Can anyone give me a card with a little bit of fire in it plz?
some SinX : Garm works

another one..

SinX in PVP : Use edp to get stronger
Me : Im a lord knight?

EDP = Brawndo - The Thirst Mutilator (http://www.brawndo.com/)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: echo44 on Jun 26, 2009, 05:34 PM
I was using a champ on a SH rate and used snap...


ME: huh?

Guy: Ya ur using speed hack!

ME: its a skill...

Guy: Give me Equips and no report!

Me:-used snap again around him-

Guy: im reporting u!-log out-

(1 Week Later) I found him on the forums banned... xD


People that use names like "Super Swordman" and are Ninjas....

(low rate, noob archer sayd the following, idk y)
"plis remove lvl 99 cap so i can lvl more, and heal and buffs plis"

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Poki on Jun 26, 2009, 05:51 PM
"wat is ro?"
Played for a year.  In one year, the player still didn't know what the game was.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: PETER09 on Jun 26, 2009, 08:22 PM
Reported for PK'ing on a PK server
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Jun 26, 2009, 10:44 PM
Quote from: PETER09 on Jun 26, 2009, 08:22 PM
Reported for PK'ing on a PK server

Some PK servers add in rules that your not allowed to go out and kill people. I played on 1 where a GM was called to me because someone kept WALKING INTO MY SG while I was mobbing, And I was warned to stop.

I don't think it can get much stupider :/
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Loki on Jun 27, 2009, 01:27 AM
Assassin Cross v.s Assassin Cross situation
[Platinum Skills are available via NPC]
[99/70 PvP in Izlude]

SinX A: u win coz of bckslide n poison knife
SinX B: I r pro o coz!

I'm sure 'B' was being sarcastic.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: PETER09 on Jun 27, 2009, 01:49 AM
Quote from: Orange on Jun 26, 2009, 10:44 PM
Quote from: PETER09 on Jun 26, 2009, 08:22 PM
Reported for PK'ing on a PK server

Some PK servers add in rules that your not allowed to go out and kill people. I played on 1 where a GM was called to me because someone kept WALKING INTO MY SG while I was mobbing, And I was warned to stop.

I don't think it can get much stupider :/

Those servers shouldn't be classified as PK servers  >:(
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Jun 27, 2009, 01:50 AM
Not exactly IN RO, but it can still be related,happened in Perfect World:

~Before taking out a really strong mob
Me: Hmm...so who's going to tank it?
Girl: Tank? Are we in a war?
~Needless to say, it was a failed attempt

~While helping my 2x friend (I was around 5x at the time) kill a strong mob
Some 2x dude: Noob!
Me: Umm...what?
Some 2x dude: My friend was gonna help me kill it!
Friend: This was mine
Some 3x dude: I'm gonna report u
Me: =_= *Walks away*

Even though, that dude was in PK mode so I could just enter PK and start murdering him...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Jun 27, 2009, 02:08 AM
Quote from: LiteX on Jun 27, 2009, 01:50 AM
Even though, that dude was in PK mode so I could just enter PK and start murdering him...


On Conquer online they had PK, While I was on sis's char I got her "red named(drop some of your equips if you die) from PK'ing someone, He came back, killed me, I drop my loot, I run back pick it up and then he asks me if he can buy my bow(which dropped and he just stood on it for like a minute)

Anyways damn I love PK games : d
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: carbine23 on Jun 27, 2009, 01:59 PM
"I was lagging, i'll get you nex time" - Lot's of people. LOL
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Poobey on Jun 27, 2009, 02:59 PM

A banned kid: 'My bro was on my acct and he's blind so I let him play because he like sound peach tree make when it dies...i srry gm i no no that he was gonna dupe...pls unban me.

My friend: go to pay_dun00
Noob: Where?
Friend: pay_dun00 >_> do you need to write that down?
Noob: 1 sec nid pen.

(Me on my Baby alchy)
Kid:Are you some kinda advanced class O:? What are you?!
Me:Uh...I'm a baby alchy >_>
Kid: Oh I'm sorry...are you angry?

Some guy who was sitting down: HALP IM STUCK I can't move O_O.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Patapon on Jun 27, 2009, 06:40 PM
"RO is a good game"

As said by many people, some on this very forum
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Hutchy on Jun 27, 2009, 10:11 PM
Quote from: Patapon on Jun 27, 2009, 06:40 PM
"RO is a good game"

As said by many people, some on this very forum

I love you more every time you post. :[
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Max on Jun 28, 2009, 02:04 AM
Some of the old guides for RO (written in 2003 or so) sound pretty stupid when you read them nowadays  :D
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: uannaka on Jul 07, 2009, 04:31 AM
Can  you give me ur account?


Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: chinkyeyes on Jul 07, 2009, 05:42 AM
This happened at a SHR I tried out lol. Apparently the guild leader of the guild I randomly joined was pro.

*20 mins before woe starts*
Guild leader: I've played on iRO chaos on one of the biggest guilds and was the best breaker so follow my build. For breakers just boost crit as much as possible because the emp doesn't get hit if its not critted.
Me: ....*leaves guild*
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Pandora on Jul 07, 2009, 08:46 AM
Quote from: Orange on Jun 27, 2009, 02:08 AM
On Conquer online they had PK, While I was on sis's char I got her "red named(drop some of your equips if you die) from PK'ing someone, He came back, killed me, I drop my loot, I run back pick it up and then he asks me if he can buy my bow(which dropped and he just stood on it for like a minute)

Anyways damn I love PK games : d
Rare to see someone that plays CO ^^ anyhow I think they added a system where you can lock some of your items now so they don't drop.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: uannaka on Jul 10, 2009, 05:30 PM
CO sucks so bad. the only way you can play properly there is by buying dragonballs with real money.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Jul 12, 2009, 10:29 PM
Ehhh, just remembered some more
Back in August-September 2008 on my old school, some internet security (Technically, it was more of a "protect yourself from predators" than a "protect your computer from hackers&DDoS attacks") guy was at school with a powerpoint about internet security, and he had a lot of flawed arguements, some bits of his speech was:
1) If anyone is harrasing you online, call the police. (Which is very flawed, if someone from persay Korea, France or Argentina was harrasing me, there is no way american police would solve this problem.)

2) When you are playing online, do not speak with others, I can assure you this works because I do it and I play WoW, you don't need to talk to play the game, so don't. (Which is an extremely flawed statement, without communication, partying and trading would be impossible in MMORPGs, not to mention it makes other people take you for a bot)

3) Never talk about such minor things like your age or number of rooms in your house, any smart person can use this to find out where you live (Even though this is kind of true, there is no way that you are going to find a specific 14/15 year old out of all the ones who use the net..., and who the hell puts something like number of rooms in your house on their myspace page)

In the end, he said something like "I know how all of you younger generation are brighter then us, like my son always bypasses our internet bans such as stealing our password(It's easy as hell to do this if you watch the victim type their password) or going into Youtube(Dunno why, but a lot of parents in that area pretty much blocked Youtube, possibly because of "pr0n vidz"), but please use the net safely"
In the end, he showed us cases that happened about these kinds of crap, but this mainly happened because of people telling their address to everyone they met on the internet, which is one of the most idiotic thing someone can do online(Most kids there listening were about 13-15, so it should be common sense for them...), and in the end, he did not even mention anything about important stuff such as not plagiarising (Highly common in my old school) and about DDoS attacks, just how to keep "the net safe", this really took my "this region is definetly lacking in it's info department view" from many stupid things i've seen to "this region is still in the industrial age view", thank god i have moved from there...atleast for some years...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Jul 13, 2009, 12:06 AM
^lol... I was always told stuff like "never tell anyone your australian they can find you"

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Jul 13, 2009, 02:19 AM
Quote from: Orange on Jul 13, 2009, 12:06 AM
^lol... I was always told stuff like "never tell anyone your australian they can find you"


According to wikipedia, there are ~22,000,000 Australians in the world, 1/~22000000 is a pretty low chance fo find you, and it gets extremely ridiculous in Brazil (Which is 1/~200000000, and yeah, they actually say that...)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Poki on Jul 13, 2009, 05:41 AM
"What the eff?  GM, I think backslide is broken.  I kept spamming it in WoE to get past the group of players, but I didn't move."

"You hacker!  What the hell?!  How do you know where I am and follow my every movement when I am cloaked?!"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Loki on Jul 13, 2009, 09:46 PM
"I hate this server because everyone has EDP and I don't."
"That's because you never hunt for Poison Bottles."
"I do! I always spam 'Create Poison Bottle' skill but nothing happens."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Lucia Blanche on Jul 14, 2009, 12:28 AM
Oh dear. I lol'd.

"sin x's are the best class cuz of edp!"

Oh yeah. Here's something stupid I thought when I first started:
"Clovers give luck!!"
Hush, we were all stupid once.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Annihilate on Jul 14, 2009, 12:42 AM
From somebody else's signature in some forum ive read:

*WoE Time*

A: Dude, are you wearing your smokie gloves?

B: Yeah. I'm wearing one right now.

A: Cool.

B: And I'm wearing another one too, just to be on the safe side.

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Jul 14, 2009, 04:16 AM
Quote from: Lucia Blanche on Jul 14, 2009, 12:28 AM
Oh dear. I lol'd.

"sin x's are the best class cuz of edp!"

Oh yeah. Here's something stupid I thought when I first started:
"Clovers give luck!!"
Hush, we were all stupid once.

When I started, I thought Mounted Classes were GMs...to be honest, LUG did not have any mounted knights nor crusaders in their screenshots...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on Jul 14, 2009, 09:04 AM
From a player on an old server I GM'd, speaking to my colleague about a "disappearing" donation item.

0neSh0t: gm neko gm neko
GM Neko: ?
0neSh0t: my frened hav problem he
GM Kagari: Problem...?
GM Neko: What's the problem?
0neSh0t: hes LEGIONS
0neSh0t: gstorage eat
GM Kagari: >.> I highly doubt that one...
GM Neko: 0neSh0t, the Legion Helm is still in your Guild Storage, what are you trying to pull.
0neSh0t: *sits* u fix
GM Kagari: Fix what? There's nothing to fix!
0neSh0t: w8 me here
GM Neko: We're not going to fix anything, the CP shows it
GM Neko: You still have it >.>
GM Kagari: He tried this last week with me.
0neSh0t: W8 ME HERE

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Lucia Blanche on Jul 14, 2009, 05:28 PM
I lol'd... W8 ME HERE!! u fix!1

This was a discussion about the possibility of giving Super Novices bows on a server I used to play on. I don't remember all the people, so I'll designate them names like A, B, and C.

A: GM-B, could we possibly have Super Novices that use bows? I mean, they get owl's eye and attention concentrate...

GM-B: Geez, that sounds like a lot of scripting and sprite making. x_x

C: Huh? Dex? Why dex? That wouldn't affect a super novice's attack with a bow. It only affects archer classes attack!
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Hutchy on Jul 14, 2009, 08:52 PM
I remember that. It was both amusing and saddening at the same time.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Jul 15, 2009, 03:14 AM

Guy1: You didn't kill me, I just used @die

This was after 4 mins of him using a Ygg. and the server didn't even have @die >>
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Poki on Jul 15, 2009, 04:54 AM
Some guy wearing ED and screams out for heals when fighting an MVP that likes to rape undead.  The guy got mad.  He left the server.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Jul 15, 2009, 07:44 PM
Quote from: Poki on Jul 15, 2009, 04:54 AM
Some guy wearing ED and screams out for heals when fighting an MVP that likes to rape undead.  The guy got mad.  He left the server.

I do that, On purpose... I'll ask for heals then blame the person if I die, Or ask for heal in PvP and then stand up and kill anyone that hit me.
Title: Lol?
Post by: Scribbles on Jul 16, 2009, 02:26 AM
Lv 80 Blacksmith : Who Keeps Healing you?!

The blacksmith thought Chepet card would heal the user ~
Title: Re: Lol?
Post by: LiteX on Jul 16, 2009, 02:44 AM
Quote from: Scribbles on Jul 16, 2009, 02:26 AM
Lv 80 Blacksmith : Who Keeps Healing you?!

The blacksmith thought Chepet card would heal the user ~

Fast reading a card's description, but seriously not noticing the "Heal!!" above your head?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Jul 16, 2009, 02:53 AM
Lol X3
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Jul 18, 2009, 12:21 PM
saw this chat today...

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Relics on Jul 18, 2009, 03:08 PM
Her headgear was kind of a giveaway, y'know.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Omi on Jul 18, 2009, 04:09 PM
Some well known iRO Valk sinx said this to me in pvp on my sinx when I killed him

"You can't sonic blow with a dagger, hacker.  SinX shouldn't even use shields either, are you stupid?"

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Karmarsi on Jul 26, 2009, 07:22 PM
Back when I first joined
thief: buff plz
me: *mage* ...
male mage: She's a mage, not a acolyte
thief: buff plz!!

and a silly one by me: I used to think the MVP Eddga was Eggyra when I was new. Stupid names
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Jul 26, 2009, 07:46 PM
"how am i a cheap donkey. i am a sinx"
A EDP link sinx to add, :/

Champ: Sinx's should stop being so lame with EDP link

"PvP tough guy
fail at woe
being best doesnt matter in this game
you can no life on a game and still sucksa(I got lost here)
i totally understand how you feel bro(...doing it wrong)
best loser"
The rest was just cussing.
Someone trying to insult me, Sadly they can never kill me so they mention how "i fail at woe" (im guildless : D) really if anyone understands the last 4 or so lines of that please explain ;_;

and my favorite quote from woe
*guild leader walks in*
The war of emperium has ended!
"What happened?"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Patapon on Jul 26, 2009, 09:08 PM
After a perfect, hour long castle defense on WoE using absolutely huge amounts of plants (we're talking every single tile for the better part of a hallway full of this s***, not to mention surrounding the EMP and slightly inside it)

There was a post on the forums saying to "restrict plant use in the EMP room, just not too close"

Apparently this fellow was upset he couldn't get to the emp, and wanted the GM to personally monitor every castle's emp room to see if plants are being put "too close" then ban the people responsible.

He was promptly laughed out of the server.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Poki on Jul 26, 2009, 09:23 PM
Just a friendly chat going on with a GM:

1: "hueahuea u cant keel me"
2: "Shut up.  Just because it's been a while since I've GMed, doesn't mean I forgot how to kill you."
1: "lolololololol yeyyyyyyy u r nab GM!1"
2: "@Doom player1"
1: "aaa... hey dude wat u do? my guild is screaming 'WTF!!!!?'"
2: "What?  I only killed you. I only typed"
2: "@Doom player1"
2: "er, @doom player1"
1: "no dude that kills the entire server.  my guild is screaming wtf again and swearing in caps"
2: "... f*** I'm getting a lot of PMs"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Karmarsi on Jul 28, 2009, 08:08 PM
Quote from: Poki on Jul 26, 2009, 09:23 PM
Just a friendly chat going on with a GM:

1: "hueahuea u cant keel me"
2: "Shut up.  Just because it's been a while since I've GMed, doesn't mean I forgot how to kill you."
1: "lolololololol yeyyyyyyy u r nab GM!1"
2: "@Doom player1"
1: "aaa... hey dude wat u do? my guild is screaming 'WTF!!!!?'"
2: "What?  I only killed you. I only typed"
2: "@Doom player1"
2: "er, @doom player1"
1: "no dude that kills the entire server.  my guild is screaming wtf again and swearing in caps"
2: "... f*** I'm getting a lot of PMs"
I loled quite hard
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Squishy on Jul 28, 2009, 08:33 PM
A piece from a review I just went over. Took out the server name.

"ServerRo is a HR but how RO should be."

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Ahlspiess on Jul 28, 2009, 10:12 PM

taken from squishy signature. lol
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Descent on Jul 28, 2009, 10:40 PM
"i play iro u nub i think i wud kno how ro works stupid"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Jul 29, 2009, 04:59 AM
Quote from: Karmarsi on Jul 28, 2009, 08:08 PM
Quote from: Poki on Jul 26, 2009, 09:23 PM
Just a friendly chat going on with a GM:

1: "hueahuea u cant keel me"
2: "Shut up.  Just because it's been a while since I've GMed, doesn't mean I forgot how to kill you."
1: "lolololololol yeyyyyyyy u r nab GM!1"
2: "@Doom player1"
1: "aaa... hey dude wat u do? my guild is screaming 'WTF!!!!?'"
2: "What?  I only killed you. I only typed"
2: "@Doom player1"
2: "er, @doom player1"
1: "no dude that kills the entire server.  my guild is screaming wtf again and swearing in caps"
2: "... f*** I'm getting a lot of PMs"
I loled quite hard

Funny Accident?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: CookieEater on Jul 29, 2009, 04:56 PM
Something part stupid, part lol. I was killing Ant Eggs for bottles by planting a pair of Parasites and using /sit. Suddenly a Monk comes by and Asuras one of them:

Monk: wtf no loot
Me: ...yeah, notice that name? That was my summoned plant.
Monk: lol
Me: Now cough up, those things cost me 3k a piece*
Monk: if i giv u money can i kill some more?

(*Bottle vendor sold them for 3k (before Discount))
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: lrellok on Aug 01, 2009, 05:36 AM
(me, trying to describe what i later found out is called a glass cannon)
"A tank is a type of vehicle.  It balances of speed, attack power and armor.  An Assualt tank is a term for a class that focuses on high damage magnification skills, and has no use for things like ASPD."

someone on a forum...
"gunslingers are not on par with hunters, let alone snipers.  the attack power out put may appear higher, but gunslingers lack one very important thing. ELEMENTS!!!"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on Aug 01, 2009, 06:48 AM
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: devilsnevercry on Aug 01, 2009, 10:15 AM
Posts on a servers forums at one time.

PlayerA: How does the game mechanics work for ASPD
PlayerB: Mechanics are the third class of the Blacksmiths/Whitesmiths they get a cool looking gundam armor and can summon turrets
PlayerA: I don't think we are talking about the same thing here.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: FrostFenix on Aug 01, 2009, 04:21 PM
Long time ago in a server, back in pront looking through colors which a skill reseter/ job changer is close by. (ZZLongRO)
"How do reset skil?"
*Me (an idea that I got from my older brother.)*
"Um well first thing you gotta do is kill 1,000,000 porings. Make sure that you only get the jellopy that drops, loot anything else and the quest is reset. Next you find the poring king, spawns in hidden dungeon level 3. Might take a while but once you find him, then you can kill him, immediately after you get the option to reset skills."


4 hours later in pms


*Me* "well thats what you get for asking me when the npc is right next to you"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 01, 2009, 06:34 PM
I played in a Guild one time and turns out there was a spy in the guild o.0

Spy (In Guild Chat) : "Here Comes the other guild"
Guild Leader : "Ok. All the High Wiz get to the entrance to the Emp Room."
Spy (GC) : "Careful, There are High Wiz at the emp room. There's also some SinX coming your way."

Me to GL (pm) : "I ... Think... He's suppost to be talking to the Other Guild Leader ._."

10 Seconds later he was kicked from the guild and immediately killed ~.~
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Aug 02, 2009, 02:48 AM
Quote from: Scribbles on Aug 01, 2009, 06:34 PM
I played in a Guild one time and turns out there was a spy in the guild o.0

Spy (In Guild Chat) : "Here Comes the other guild"
Guild Leader : "Ok. All the High Wiz get to the entrance to the Emp Room."
Spy (GC) : "Careful, There are High Wiz at the emp room. There's also some SinX coming your way."

Me to GL (pm) : "I ... Think... He's suppost to be talking to the Other Guild Leader ._."

10 Seconds later he was kicked from the guild and immediately killed ~.~


Dunno if this has been posted before, but if you go to an MvP event on a HR with a big population you WILL see champs/monks using Guillotine Fist on a ghost MvP on purpose
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 03, 2009, 06:52 AM
Quote from: LiteX on Aug 02, 2009, 02:48 AM
Dunno if this has been posted before, but if you go to an MvP event on a HR with a big population you WILL see champs/monks using Guillotine Fist on a ghost MvP on purpose

I dono if I posted it yet, probably have as it is one of the most awesome things ever...

A: What are you guys killing?
Me(knowing he cant come KS us): Beelze
A: Oh, just a sinx and pally? no champ?
Me: Yeah we got no champ online
A: If I help kill it can I have the variants
Me: No
A: Fine I'm ganna KS it
*logs on champ*
Me: uhh- you cant asura beelze
A: Watch me.

He tried. Twice. Apparently the mobs where interrupting his cast or something.

Sad thing was our party died because we all stopped to screenshot it >:
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: A92FL0163 on Aug 03, 2009, 01:35 PM
Quote4 slots on everything is a joke. Ice pick with 2 thana and 2 incantation samurai cards
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 03, 2009, 11:49 PM
not RO related but was posted on RO forumz.. good enough >:

Quotemy space bar is broken
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Aug 04, 2009, 02:14 AM
Quote from: Orange on Aug 03, 2009, 11:49 PM
not RO related but was posted on RO forumz.. good enough >:

Quotemy space bar is broken

He could have copypasted a space...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: CookieEater on Aug 04, 2009, 12:56 PM
Screen Keyboard?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 05, 2009, 08:14 AM
Taken from TokeiXro2
Quoteahahah..this is really2 funny2 guy... this must be brandon .. aiyoo..dont spam herelah...and,dont make more LIE....pitty lah my fren...
Quoteanother same person??? ahahaha... play n regret? ahahah... too all of u..try go to my website 1st.see how many ppl on9..then u try,ask them personally.. u will know all this guy said is LIe ,LIE,LIE n MORE LIE...
QuoteRPE filter?i on9 everyday to see if there any bug or hacker in my ro... n u said [ SERVER FULL OF HACKERS ]??? how long u play Tokeixro?? are GM from from another server?.hhhmmm.... 1 more?..laggg?? ..zzzz no more to said... just play n se it...

LOL! Sp3||i/\/G L3550/\/$ 4r3 /\/33d3d
       (Spelling Lessons are Needed)
Also, he's a little defensive about his reviews...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: wtfuxx on Aug 05, 2009, 11:21 AM
lmao! just play and enjoy the game xD
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 05, 2009, 12:05 PM
welcome to make new your server

1000 bath per mounth


I don't even take that many baths 0.0
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Ahlspiess on Aug 06, 2009, 04:22 AM
Quote from: Scribbles on Aug 05, 2009, 08:14 AM
Taken from TokeiXro2
Quoteahahah..this is really2 funny2 guy... this must be brandon .. aiyoo..dont spam herelah...and,dont make more LIE....pitty lah my fren...
Quoteanother same person??? ahahaha... play n regret? ahahah... too all of u..try go to my website 1st.see how many ppl on9..then u try,ask them personally.. u will know all this guy said is LIe ,LIE,LIE n MORE LIE...
QuoteRPE filter?i on9 everyday to see if there any bug or hacker in my ro... n u said [ SERVER FULL OF HACKERS ]??? how long u play Tokeixro?? are GM from from another server?.hhhmmm.... 1 more?..laggg?? ..zzzz no more to said... just play n se it...

LOL! Sp3||i/\/G L3550/\/$ 4r3 /\/33d3d
       (Spelling Lessons are Needed)
Also, he's a little defensive about his reviews...
Lol. I played that server...forum always have bring-topic-to-off-topic-user.. lol

Admin: Do you have bot?
Me: I do
Admin: Give me I want bot
Me: =.=" Which server
Admin: My server lorh, I want play normal account dunwant use @item... bot more easy + no abuse
Me: . . . .
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 06, 2009, 08:05 AM
Quote from: Ahlspiess on Aug 06, 2009, 04:22 AM
Lol. I played that server...forum always have bring-topic-to-off-topic-user.. lol

Admin: Do you have bot?
Me: I do
Admin: Give me I want bot
Me: =.=" Which server
Admin: My server lorh, I want play normal account dunwant use @item... bot more easy + no abuse
Me: . . . .

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 06, 2009, 08:29 AM
Admin: Do you have bot?
Me: I do
Admin: Give me I want bot
Me: =.=" Which server
Admin: My server lorh,
I lol'd

QuoteI want play normal account dunwant use @item... bot more easy + no abuse
then I lol'd some more...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Ahlspiess on Aug 06, 2009, 10:04 AM

Random SinX at SHR Server.

SinX: How to tank asura?
Me: Wear GR + Dev card
SinX: Gr no effect on this server, and deviling card only good to against wizard.
Me: Lol... Bring your champion and let me test.
SinX:*switch to champ*
Champ: Wait I change stat.
*few minutes*
Champ: done
*He asura me with 25k dmg...*
Champ: WTF, r u gm? why 25k only?
Me: Ya...
Me: Im guild master leh =.='' not game master
Me: Btw, wat ur champ stat?
Champ: erm, I can tell u but dun tell anyone
Me: sure
Champ: str 200, dex 200, other go agi.
Me: no wonder ur asura so geng*.

**Geng = Power
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: amazonland on Aug 07, 2009, 01:58 AM
GM: You will be banned for hacking.
Player A: what?! how can i be ban im no hacking.
GM: Dude, I'm #itemlisting you and you have tao gunka cards everywhere.
Player A: but u cant ban me cuz the website i download from say "100% non-detectable".
GM: *Bans*

Here's another one. I was bored so I was eavesdropping with cloaking.

Player A: Hey have you seen 'Player C'?
Player B: ya hes my friend and in my party.
Player A: Okay tell him that I said: You have you PM's disabled and I can't make the trade.
Player B: k brb.
Me: *Follows*
Player B: hey theres a guy looking for u.
Player C: What's his name?
Player B: i unno
Player C: What does he want?
Player B: i unno
Player C: Okay where is he?
Player B: i unno
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Aug 08, 2009, 08:38 AM
Quote from: Ahlspiess on Aug 06, 2009, 10:04 AM

Random SinX at SHR Server.

SinX: How to tank asura?
Me: Wear GR + Dev card
SinX: Gr no effect on this server, and deviling card only good to against wizard.
Me: Lol... Bring your champion and let me test.
SinX:*switch to champ*
Champ: Wait I change stat.
*few minutes*
Champ: done
*He asura me with 25k dmg...*
Champ: WTF, r u gm? why 25k only?
Me: Ya...
Me: Im guild master leh =.='' not game master
Me: Btw, wat ur champ stat?
Champ: erm, I can tell u but dun tell anyone
Me: sure
Champ: str 200, dex 200, other go agi.
Me: no wonder ur asura so geng*.

**Geng = Power

Lol@people who don't read formulas/mechanics, IIRC i've seen a case somewhat equal to it involving an int-less AD Biochem
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: luigiman on Aug 08, 2009, 05:10 PM
I've had people try to tell me they use incantation samurai to do more damage with asura, or changing your weapon element affects asura's element.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Craggy on Aug 10, 2009, 01:41 PM
Most Stupid Thing i have heard ...
RO Is Boring

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 10, 2009, 02:01 PM
Quote from: Craggy on Aug 10, 2009, 01:41 PM
Most Stupid Thing i have heard ...
RO Is Boring

._.? That's... not that stupid
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on Aug 10, 2009, 02:04 PM
If they are ingame it is.
If it is so boring, why keep playing?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: LiteX on Aug 10, 2009, 02:54 PM
Quote from: Green on Aug 10, 2009, 02:04 PM
If they are ingame it is.
If it is so boring, why keep playing?

It's hypocritical humor, it's kind of like someone saying the internet is evil...on the internet
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: omegacrash on Aug 10, 2009, 06:02 PM
cant remember the exact event but it went something like this


GM: *IP bans*

--10minutes pass--

PlayerA: LOLROFL gm sucks cant ban!

GM: Your mother is a *insert pretty profane and yet extremely funny paragraph here*

PlayerA:  ....EFF YOU GM I AM QUITZ!!!
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Annihilate on Aug 13, 2009, 10:16 PM
Me: Why did u put 99 agi and 99 luk on your Sacrifice Pally?

Player X: Erm..

Me: Flee build? Thats ridiculous. You'd have no HP to make Sacrifice matter.

Player X: Oh no! no! I put 99 agi because I walk too slowly.

Me: *Chokes* and how about the luk?

Player: So my sacrifice will crit.

Me: *falls off the chair*
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Sarin on Aug 13, 2009, 10:17 PM
Wow. Quality stuff from both involved.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Annihilate on Aug 13, 2009, 10:28 PM
Quote from: Sarin on Aug 13, 2009, 10:17 PM
Wow. Quality stuff from both involved.

come on, i was cutting the guy some slack. XD
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: omegacrash on Aug 14, 2009, 02:38 PM
Quote from: Annihilate on Aug 13, 2009, 10:16 PM
Me: Why did u put 99 agi and 99 luk on your Sacrifice Pally?

Player X: Erm..

Me: Flee build? Thats ridiculous. You'd have no HP to make Sacrifice matter.

Player X: Oh no! no! I put 99 agi because I walk too slowly.

Me: *Chokes* and how about the luk?

Player: So my sacrifice will crit.

Me: *falls off the chair*

player X makes me sound like a pro....
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 15, 2009, 05:48 AM
Quote from: Annihilate on Aug 13, 2009, 10:16 PM
Me: Why did u put 99 agi and 99 luk on your Sacrifice Pally?

Player X: Erm..

Me: Flee build? Thats ridiculous. You'd have no HP to make Sacrifice matter.

Player X: Oh no! no! I put 99 agi because I walk too slowly.

Me: *Chokes* and how about the luk?

Player: So my sacrifice will crit.

Me: *falls off the chair*


I conned 3 pallies into thinking orcish axe[4] was the best sac weapon, They all went out  to farm them, Then used them in PvP for about a day.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: freakyred on Aug 15, 2009, 09:27 AM
Player A:How to be stalker?
Player B:You follow someone and r*** them when you get into a dark alley
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 16, 2009, 06:54 AM
QuoteWhy are you trying to 1v1 on a prof.

Cause y'know... profs aint good 1v1
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Aug 19, 2009, 09:33 AM
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: devilsnevercry on Aug 19, 2009, 10:14 AM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Aug 19, 2009, 09:33 AM

Haha wow, should of told him alt +f4
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Broken Moon on Aug 19, 2009, 10:15 AM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Aug 19, 2009, 09:33 AM

I was asking that to people on my first RO day too.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 19, 2009, 10:26 AM
Quote from: Broken Moon on Aug 19, 2009, 10:15 AM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Aug 19, 2009, 09:33 AM

I was asking that to people on my first RO day too.

Aha, I never had to ask that.

I found out in the first 15 minutes that the kafra saves.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 19, 2009, 10:39 AM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Aug 19, 2009, 09:33 AM

Crap, I died ><
Now i have to start all over again from Lvl 1
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Aug 19, 2009, 10:41 AM
You guys obviously didn't understand how mmo's worked did you ._.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 19, 2009, 05:23 PM
When I first started playing RO, When I think about it, I was extremely Noobish.

Seeing as RO was my first MMO. I knew I didn't have to save (>.> X3) But I did have to ask how to attack. But I asked my friend, so there was less ridiculing (;-;)

After that, I found that Traveling the distance of 5 Maps is a long way (It's really isn't, Now)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 21, 2009, 01:34 AM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Aug 19, 2009, 10:41 AM
You guys obviously didn't understand how mmo's worked did you ._.

Well I'm still fairly young, I started RO at like, 11 years old?

I remember my first server, Got to pront(found a way there from izlude after awhile) and got told that the people with the names above their heads are "shops" 1 talked and im like WOW YOU CAN HAVE ENTIRE CONVERSATIONS WITH SHOPS IN THIS GAME?(Yes, Fully serious)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Head Monocle of DOOM on Aug 21, 2009, 02:28 AM
I saw a GM argueing with aplayer over which star trek captain was superior Picard or Kirk.

When I started GMing at YmirRO I had to ask my bosses assistant how to mute and broadcast amoung other things >.>
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Aug 21, 2009, 05:23 AM
Orange, I had been playing rpg's like Baldurs gate before, and a bunch of other games related to "click and figure out what happens, then read about it."

When I started mmo's I was more like "Wow Rpg's ONLINE! Now that's an achievement!", and began to go into character, then found out the people didn't care about it, cause their mothers were calling them for dinner.

Kinda of harsh, and it took a good five days till I understood most of the concepts in ro.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on Aug 21, 2009, 05:31 AM
I think I took longer than 5 days, I've even had a friend who casted his skills from Alt+S (his skillbook) for a week before he discovered the f12 skillbar.

That was a loooooong time ago though, when most players were also confused as hell.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Aug 21, 2009, 06:44 AM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Aug 21, 2009, 05:23 AM

When I started mmo's I was more like "Wow Rpg's ONLINE! Now that's an achievement!", and began to go into character, then found out the people didn't care about it, cause their mothers were calling them for dinner.

"Let's go on an adventure!"
"i gotta eat tea"
"oh... ok"

Worst thing ever.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 21, 2009, 08:21 AM
eat... tea?



Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on Aug 21, 2009, 10:20 AM
Another word for dinner. =P
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: devilsnevercry on Aug 21, 2009, 10:57 AM
Just a first note, the patcher must be able to find teh patch list and you must be updated before being able to open the client.

PlayerA: GM why you ban me!!
Me: I dont know what your talking about
PlayerA: My Patcher wont patch, so you must of banned me.
Me: Your not banned server is moving sites, Patcher wont work for the moment, need a new client.
PLayerA: So why you banned me, I didnt leave that review on RMS about you.
PlayerB: Dude nobody can connect its not just you.

This continues for awhile until I kicked them from our IRC channel.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Aug 21, 2009, 06:28 PM
Yeah that happens mostly to 12 year to 15 year olds, often someone who doesn't eat english as their first language.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on Aug 21, 2009, 06:39 PM
English is my first language, and even I don't eat it. =(
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Svein on Aug 25, 2009, 09:15 PM
I heard a 99 High Wizard say that hide is OP and he can't do anything to counter it.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 25, 2009, 11:08 PM
Quote from: Svein on Aug 25, 2009, 09:15 PM
I heard a 99 High Wizard say that hide is OP and he can't do anything to counter it.
Lol , Can't read? X3
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Uzam on Aug 28, 2009, 03:35 PM
When people consider deviling and angeling as an MVP, when people don't know that OCAs don't drop MVP cards, when people say "I want to fite" and not knowing that it's "@duel", and when people say "don't use cloak or hide" [especially when they're an assassin cross saying that]
If they say that on my server I #dropall and #baselvl 1  :D

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Svein on Aug 29, 2009, 05:27 AM
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Aug 31, 2009, 10:42 AM
Acolyte: "heal pls"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Scribbles on Aug 31, 2009, 04:16 PM
Novice : "I Keep clicking Trick Dead, but I can't get back up."
Me : "That's because someone used a DB and the monster it spawned killed you..."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Sanin on Sep 02, 2009, 12:31 AM
"I heard RO was a pretty fun game."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: CaramelToast on Sep 02, 2009, 07:47 PM
"I think using Vent for guild organization and strategic operations during WoE is tantamount to botting..."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Shokalov on Sep 03, 2009, 04:31 AM
"Why doesn't my Asura hit Ghostring?"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Sep 03, 2009, 08:49 AM
I actually got called a botter once because I was afking outside the kiel dungeon, by a lvl 32 thief on iro.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Kisuka on Sep 03, 2009, 04:50 PM
"I'm pissing people off to research their reaction for my phycology paper."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Xarandele on Sep 03, 2009, 05:58 PM
"I can't buy gold in Morroc. How Come?" <Some years ago on a mid rate server lol.

SinX: "I'm best friends with the GM"

Me: "Oh really?"

SinX: "Yeah I'll get you banned"

Me: /w GM "Yo bro this chick thinks she's your best bud"

GM: "Orlynao?"

Me: "Yeah I don't think she notices i'm a GM too"

GM: "Lulz, Ban?"

Me: "Have fun then."   < Directly after this my friend showed up and we @ command killed everything on the map. The stalker that was on our server didn't say a word and just logged out lol. When we checked the log records for her she hadn't logged in again in months. It was great.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Lost~Dreams on Sep 06, 2009, 04:24 AM
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Zelos on Sep 06, 2009, 10:17 AM
Quote from: Scribbles on Aug 31, 2009, 04:16 PM
Novice : "I Keep clicking Trick Dead, but I can't get back up."
Me : "That's because someone used a DB and the monster it spawned killed you..."

Lol, that's good.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Uzam on Sep 06, 2009, 09:36 PM
well I hear this from a lot of illiterate noobs - "DUN BE SO ARROGANT OR THE GM WILL BAND YOUR ID!"
"What's this music? I never heard it before" - [the guy claims to have played RO for 8 years and has never heard theme of Prontera P.S. RO hasn't been out 8 years]
"Noob don't use <insert skill here> that's the only reason why you win"
"High rates suck"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on Sep 06, 2009, 09:56 PM
Actually if you count the beta RO has been around for roughly 8 years. Might be more, not too sure.

The full release date was sometime in 2001 IIRC.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Sep 06, 2009, 10:46 PM
Quote from: Lost~Dreams on Sep 06, 2009, 04:24 AM

maybe he means if a clown breaks 1 with tarot
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Relics on Sep 07, 2009, 02:33 AM
Clowns can't break accessories with tarot..?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on Sep 07, 2009, 03:48 AM
Clowns break headgear with tarot (Chariot)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on Sep 07, 2009, 11:33 AM
And shields.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Relics on Sep 07, 2009, 11:41 AM
It's top headgear, shield, shoes and garment.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Green on Sep 07, 2009, 12:19 PM
Not only top headgear.
I've broken people's wings on heRO, and they are bottom headgear and armour.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on Sep 07, 2009, 12:42 PM
Lol, the number of times I've used it... and I've only experienced it breaking Top headgear, garment and shoes

I wonder what are the various chances for Chariot to break these diff gear slots.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Sep 07, 2009, 12:44 PM
Cmon guys I was joking, I expected more from RMS(well not rly)

Quote from: Detox on Sep 07, 2009, 12:04 AM(I'm just going off the fact that you have a SinX as an avatar)
My avatar at the time:

This was after a LONG post talking about how I don't know anything about RO(And he was quoting where I said things like "nah bragi is a useless skill because you cant cast anything while its up and it lasts ages")
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Kisa on Sep 07, 2009, 12:56 PM
cards are useless they can be sold for 1 zeny
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Sep 07, 2009, 01:13 PM
Quote from: Kisa on Sep 07, 2009, 12:56 PM
cards are useless they can be sold for 1 zeny

what an idiot... its 10

12 if you use overcharge
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on Sep 07, 2009, 10:18 PM
Quote from: Orange on Sep 07, 2009, 12:44 PM
Cmon guys I was joking, I expected more from RMS(well not rly)

Quote from: Detox on Sep 07, 2009, 12:04 AM(I'm just going off the fact that you have a SinX as an avatar)
My avatar at the time:

This was after a LONG post talking about how I don't know anything about RO(And he was quoting where I said things like "nah bragi is a useless skill because you cant cast anything while its up and it lasts ages")

haha we're just too used to being "srs" when stuff pertaining to ro mechanics pop up.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SilverStream~ on Sep 08, 2009, 01:51 AM
No I think the person was just too stupid not to realize that's ichigo from bleach, wearing his bankai outfit and a vendetta mask.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Avisari on Sep 08, 2009, 08:39 AM
Ohh? I thought it was EFG cosplaying as Ichigo.

*spelling edit*
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Sep 08, 2009, 12:31 PM
Quote from: SilverStream~ on Sep 08, 2009, 01:51 AM
No I think the person was just too stupid not to realize that's ichigo from bleach, wearing his bankai outfit and a vendetta mask.

Quote from: Avisari on Sep 08, 2009, 08:39 AM
Ohh? I thought it was EFG colspaying as Ichigo.

Oh wow I love you guys
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Metafalica on Sep 10, 2009, 02:52 PM
Poor EFG.. Orange you're so cruel. With that size of a sword he will never get a girl.

Stupidest thing Ive ever heared someone say in RO;

"where is the monsters"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Avisari on Sep 11, 2009, 03:53 AM
Stupidest thing i could remember atm is:
"I only speak in guildchat when i wanna sell you something."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Lost~Dreams on Sep 11, 2009, 04:29 AM
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Relics on Sep 11, 2009, 06:33 AM
So you are lostdreams from ZNRO..

leave ben aloneee ;<
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Lost~Dreams on Sep 11, 2009, 03:55 PM
Lol relics, I couldn't resist posting it when i was going through received files i thought it was hilarious.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: grubbykitty on Sep 12, 2009, 07:35 PM

"How are you sonic blowing with a dagger?"

& I still havent figured that out yet!!

"Low Rates are for noobs"-Some Assasin Cross on a HR server, can't remember which,
I think this was me too........

"GTB is completely unfair. It takes multiple classes and makes them completely useless. I propose that GTB either gets an MDEF nerf or is completely removed from the server. I am sick and tired of going into PVP or Clock Tower 01, and getting rocked by GTB users. I'm not the only person upset about this. GTB is game-breaking and I strongly feel it should either be nerfed...or removed."
unfortunately....... even ppl who run servers seem to think so......
Totally unfair.......


Me with a GTB shield and quad orclord armor. whitesmith.
A team of 3 wiz [non trans] n champ ask for pvp....... got slaughterd and said hacker a few times and ran off...
same thing happens agn.... champ makes screnshot and posts on forum..... other's ask for build and if have customs or not and what cards & eq's? gets flamed by evry1 sor being stupid.
[didnt know ther was a mall]
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Metafalica on Sep 13, 2009, 04:46 PM

^ What? Is there a reason I didnt chuckle throughout that entire thing?

And whats funny about the fact that GTB is imba >>;
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Uzam on Oct 12, 2009, 12:10 AM
Stupid things..."so arrogant. hacker. donation user. dun hide. stop spam. no kill pls. give some zeny?? how to dupe item?? fight me without ____. EDP is overpowered. high rates suck. pre-ro is corrupt. servers not giving the command @go. making certain cards only available through donation, and taking out the monster who drops it."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Zone on Oct 12, 2009, 12:39 AM
gm suk
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Poki on Oct 12, 2009, 01:22 AM
Runescape Online is RO?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tom~ on Oct 12, 2009, 01:39 AM
A GM I won't mention, starts his first Hide & seek event.
After an hour of seeking him, a guy with a maya purple on finds him.

Player: Lolwhut. Why were you cloaked?
GM: Ugh... we were playing hide & seek.


Not something someone said, but...
A guy from my actual server, told a bunch of people...
Guy: I'm a GM. If you want free items, you must act as my slaves. Create a guild, and invite people. More slaves, more items for you!

5 minutes later, the main chat is looking like this:
"*Guy* is our god. If you insult him, i will kill you"- a soul linker
"BUYING SLAVES. PM ME" - a gearless LK
Me (just for the lulz): YEAH, *GUY* IS OUR GOD. PRAISE THE LORD!!

The guy logged on a different char.  ::)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Oct 12, 2009, 01:52 AM
Quote from: tomaschx on Oct 12, 2009, 01:39 AM
A GM I won't mention, starts his first Hide & seek event.
After an hour of seeking him, a guy with a maya purple on finds him.

Player: Lolwhut. Why were you cloaked?
GM: Ugh... we were playing hide & seek.


worst event I seen was when satan morroc maps where JUST put in, the server comes back up and the GM hosts 1, he hides in the map that requires a quest to get to(not to mention filled with many many mobs the server cant fight through) and cancled the event not to long after,
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tom~ on Oct 12, 2009, 09:39 AM
Quote from: Orange on Oct 12, 2009, 01:52 AM
Quote from: tomaschx on Oct 12, 2009, 01:39 AM
A GM I won't mention, starts his first Hide & seek event.
After an hour of seeking him, a guy with a maya purple on finds him.

Player: Lolwhut. Why were you cloaked?
GM: Ugh... we were playing hide & seek.


worst event I seen was when satan morroc maps where JUST put in, the server comes back up and the GM hosts 1, he hides in the map that requires a quest to get to(not to mention filled with many many mobs the server cant fight through) and cancled the event not to long after,

I remember one event, where a GM warped everyone to man_fild03... he made error half of the server. Lololol.

"You can't kos me" - the biggest wannabe ever
"Oh, really? I'm pretty sure that i can" - a friend.
"I don't wanna try. We already know who is going to win."

After 5 minutes of my friend kosing him.
Friend: *Acid Demostration*
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Loki on Oct 12, 2009, 10:22 AM
I'm more like a neutral guy in PvP because I never hit anyone unless they kill me first so I rarely get KoSed. So, I was in a PvP room chatting with the people in there and suddenly a guild consisting of 5 people started to KoS everyone except me(because I was kind of friendly to them when they first joined the server, not knowing their complete jerks).

And then the SinX from the guild said to the guy he KoSed "ur gild lap sap(which means rubbish)".
And the guy(an Assassin Cross) only replied "Orly?"

He came back with 2 of his guild mates a Paladin and a High Wizard beat the crap out of their opposite 5.

And 20 minutes later, they stopped coming in an the SinX broadcast a message.
"Ony u 3 pro. rest of ur gld sux."

Which was funny because their guild from my experience are decent and conquered the any open castles in WoE.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tom~ on Oct 12, 2009, 11:03 AM
"weak, sb noob" - a sinx from a server where EVERYONE played a melee sinx. o___O?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: ZeroSympathy on Oct 18, 2009, 10:29 PM
"Dude I got 2 Icepicks cause the effect will double the dmg!"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: BuBuChaCha on Oct 19, 2009, 02:41 AM
not actually a stupid thing said by someone about RO, but i find this experience on the server i played totally stupid.

me: *sets a pub titled "B> GR card for 150M"*
player: *enters pub*
player: buy my GR card for 170M. PM me if deal.
player: *left the pub*
me: *waits for other sellers*
me: *getting impatient, i closed the pub and decided to buy the GR card from the guy and tries to PM him*
me: (through PM) i'll buy your GR card now for 170M.
player: "<player name> is not in the mood to talk to anyone."

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Freedom on Oct 19, 2009, 05:12 AM

lol, that would be really really pissy xD
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tsunami on Nov 13, 2009, 08:04 AM
Edit:Changed here to see/read/hear/whatever... XD
I hear/see/read/whatever... these stuff so much in PVP
"u cheat u nub y do u use sonic blow with edp? evry1 nows its bad" -A Soul Linker in some lowrate server(I forgot the name)
"every1 is a noob except for me because no one can kill me" A short while later.. "what a noob, you just killed me by luck!" -A lord knight in iRO Loki
"how do u go invisible?" - Novice in anthemro
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: mickiedeez on Nov 13, 2009, 06:05 PM
Quote from: LiteX on May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM
In my long days of ROing, I have encountered a lot of newbies saying...well...newbish things, post here anything that fits in the category, can be either IRL or in-game, just avoid quoting others to avoid flame wars

Some of theme are:
"I'm a priest, so therefore i get holy damage reduction"-Random HP in PvP (FokRO-doubt anyone heard of this obscure server)
"I'm a high priest, I need more exp than snipers"-(See the hall of shame section)
"Angeling is a MvP"-Some Knight on bRO Loki
"Low Rates are for noobs"-Some Assasin Cross on a HR server, can't remember which, qRO I think
"Soul Linker sucks"-Some guy in qRO HR
"High Wizards don't need a buff, they are already overpowered!"-A SinX player on FokRO
-Not really something that someone said, but I'l say it anyway, while I was still playing HRs, i had a mage 255 joke character, for the lolz is just walked into PvP, then some random stalker decided to attack me, I killed him, for the notice, It was a Non-Donator 255 Mage against a Donator 255 Stalker (IIRC Non-Donor customs gave ~+25 Allstat while donors gave ~+35 Allstat), what amazed me was these 2 facts:
1) His double strafe really did not do much damage at all (Possibly using normal arrow while i used DV)
2) He was easly frozen by Frost Driver

And heck, Kiel Card wasn't even implemented at that time.

So..moar plz?

1. You're just bad because youre a dirty noob and im pro - Every donator with +50 stat helms on 99/70 servers
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: revan on Nov 18, 2009, 03:52 PM
"lol edited" - Some dude who couldn't beat another dude.

"Tribal Solidarity adds more chances of you refining an item!" - My fave
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Omni on Nov 18, 2009, 10:29 PM
My friend thought LKs have Reflect Shield, due to a encounter he had with a LK wearing a Valk Mant.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Freedom on Nov 19, 2009, 03:44 AM
Player 1: (roaming around PvP room then died)
Player 2: /omg
Player 3: (killed Player 1 and Player 2)

Player 1 and Player 2: (teleported back to PvP Room)

Player 1 and 2: are you a GM?
Player 3: wtf?!
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tsunami on Nov 19, 2009, 08:09 AM
I heard this yesterday
Soul linker:ei did u now tat if u did +10 on a weapon ur atk is +10?
Whitesmith:Are you kidding me?
Soul linker:nu. r u a nub? ur a whitesmith and u don't know about tat?
Whitesmith:Oh God.
Lord knight passing by:here take this +10 knife for an example
Soul linker:nuuu this are not true! u hack the game! i report u to gm and tell it 2 forums!
Lord knight:o_O
Soul linker:dun lolwut lolwut me you nub! me level higher than urs! u have aura meaning u r not yet strong and u need aura to be strong
Soul linker:look at me i has nu aura which means i is strong enough to kill you because i don't need aura to be powerful
Me:Oook then. Let's go to pvp
Soul linker:nub
(Short while later)
Soul linker:u c? u have aura which means u are not strong because aura gives you super stats
Lord knight:you just messed with 2 people in a row
Soul linker:shaddup nubs
(Short while later getting ganged by the 3 of us)
Soul linker:waa u 3 r hackers. i report u all muhahaha then i become gm because i do good things
Whitesmith:Like what?
Soul linker: reporting u allllll!!!!!
Me: Ok then report us all, Let's see what will happen
He's banned for spamming pms at the gms saying that we're hackers and scamming gms saying make him a gm and he gives them 1000$ donation
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on Nov 19, 2009, 10:25 AM
The real question is, why did that LK have a +10 Knife?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Kurisu on Nov 19, 2009, 10:37 AM
This happened on a server I used to GM on.

Player: make me a LK
Me: I can't do that. You have to level to get to LK.
Player: ok..where is the leveling npc?
Me: Uh.. o_O;
Me: You have to kill monsters to level.
Player: ok what are monsters? how do i kill them?
Me: o___o;;;

Yes, this actually happened. xD

Player: What monster drops Tao Gunka card?

Edit: There was more, I forgot to add it. D: There was also another one.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Omni on Nov 19, 2009, 03:53 PM
A paladin once asked me at what level does he obtain "Beserk"...
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: blast on Nov 20, 2009, 11:48 PM
The most funny thing was ,when a schoolmate asked me
Can We Play Ragnarok Online?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Freedom on Nov 21, 2009, 04:25 AM
that's not funny.  ???
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Source on Nov 21, 2009, 10:12 PM
I have always found randoms asking a Wizard for a heal very funny.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Final on Nov 22, 2009, 12:27 AM
Quote from: blast on Nov 20, 2009, 11:48 PM
The most funny thing was ,when a schoolmate asked me
Can We Play Ragnarok Online?

Think about it "Can we play Ragnarok, ONLINE?"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: frozepls on Nov 22, 2009, 06:10 AM
some random says: i`ll grimtooth you to death! *EDP then enchant poisoned and spams grimtooth on me*

i pneuma`d and after some 10 grimtooths more... he went sb... too bad i`m on ED..

then he unequiped weapon, then attack me with high aspd normal ataks... too bad i tagged GR and bladestop`d him... and EF he died....

and he wlked away from sight and went saying... "hehehehe"

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: orix1357 on Nov 22, 2009, 07:27 AM
That isn't stupid imo.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: ZellDincht1226 on Nov 22, 2009, 06:17 PM
My personal favorite which happens often on the server I play ---

Random Noobie - *Comes in and tries to kill me*
Me - *Kills him*
Random Noobie - "y u kil me???????"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Majinken Souga on Nov 22, 2009, 08:05 PM
On my first server, at @go 13...

SinX: (wins a duel against a High Priest, then challenges a Female Ninja to a duel)

Ninja: (kills SinX with LSoI spam)

SinX: Oh, crap. I thought that was a Soul Linker. It was a Ninja...

And on my most recent server, as a Soul Linker...

Random person: Buff pls

Me: Do I look like a priest to you?

Random person: oops, sorry. I thought you were a high priest...

Me: (facepalm)
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Odeon on Nov 23, 2009, 06:47 PM
Noob : Itam Zeny Pls
Noob : GM What class are you?
Me : Beggar.
Noob : PVP?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: mahawirasd on Nov 25, 2009, 01:57 AM
iRO Wiki's forum (http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=37515).
QuoteFinally, to add something completely new to the mix, a Global event where truly epic prizes may be won!
We will be selling The "Red Wing Hat" in Payon from November 24 - December 1, 300 points on Premium, 400 points on Valkyrie. During that week you can earn your chance to win!
Red Wing Hat
INT + 1, DEX + 1, STR+ 1
If refined to 7, increase ATK and MATK by +2%.
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by an additional +2%.
Slot : 1 / DEF : 0 / MDEF : 0

During Maintenance of December 1 we will check all the Red Wing hats on all servers for their upgrade levels. During the Event period the Headgear will be account bound.

* +7 will automatically earn 2 High Efficiency Battle Manuals
* +8 Will enter you in a lottery for 1 of 165 sets of +5 Valkyrie Gear. (Helm, Shoes, Armor and Manteau)
* +9 Will enter you in a lottery for 1 of 50 sets of +7 Valkyrie Gear. (Helm, Shoes, Armor and Manteau)
* +10 Will Automatically earn your choice of Cards, Haiti or Ghostring Card!

oh wow gravity... just WOW...

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Final on Nov 25, 2009, 06:39 PM
Quote from: mahawirasd on Nov 25, 2009, 01:57 AM
iRO Wiki's forum (http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=37515).
QuoteFinally, to add something completely new to the mix, a Global event where truly epic prizes may be won!
We will be selling The "Red Wing Hat" in Payon from November 24 - December 1, 300 points on Premium, 400 points on Valkyrie. During that week you can earn your chance to win!
Red Wing Hat
INT + 1, DEX + 1, STR+ 1
If refined to 7, increase ATK and MATK by +2%.
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by an additional +2%.
Slot : 1 / DEF : 0 / MDEF : 0

During Maintenance of December 1 we will check all the Red Wing hats on all servers for their upgrade levels. During the Event period the Headgear will be account bound.

* +7 will automatically earn 2 High Efficiency Battle Manuals
* +8 Will enter you in a lottery for 1 of 165 sets of +5 Valkyrie Gear. (Helm, Shoes, Armor and Manteau)
* +9 Will enter you in a lottery for 1 of 50 sets of +7 Valkyrie Gear. (Helm, Shoes, Armor and Manteau)
* +10 Will Automatically earn your choice of Cards, Haiti or Ghostring Card!

oh wow gravity... just WOW...


Uh huh..And how does this belong in this thread?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Squishy on Nov 25, 2009, 09:41 PM
Well, it's stupid and it's about RO, isn't it?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Final on Nov 25, 2009, 09:58 PM
Quote from: Squishy on Nov 25, 2009, 09:41 PM
Well, it's stupid and it's about RO, isn't it?
But isn't the topic in this thread about stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Nov 25, 2009, 11:13 PM
Quote from: Final on Nov 25, 2009, 09:58 PM
Quote from: Squishy on Nov 25, 2009, 09:41 PM
Well, it's stupid and it's about RO, isn't it?
But isn't the topic in this thread about stupid things you have heard people say about RO?

You should of underlined about, as he heard gravity say it, but it wasn't about RO.

And if you look over the thread it's mostly "stupid crap people have said/done"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Squishy on Nov 25, 2009, 11:21 PM
Quote from: Orange on Nov 25, 2009, 11:13 PM
And if you look over the thread it's mostly "stupid crap people have said/done"

So, people as in Gravity, and done as in the crappy event (even though they're currently doing it, but you should be able to understand).
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Uzam on Nov 26, 2009, 12:03 AM
That doesn't go under this topic sorry. But it's alright. Gravity is not "people" and saying stuff about RO does not include "holding red wing hat events".

That wasn't necessary
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tsunami on Nov 26, 2009, 05:10 AM
QuoteThe real question is, why did that LK have a +10 Knife?-From fluidin To answer his question
Well i asked him the same question, He said he got it when he was on his assassin and some random merchant gave him that +10 Knife
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: blast on Nov 27, 2009, 12:31 PM
 fake gm-gimme ur account Id and password or I will report u to a gm.
I-quit life.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: yawnzz on Nov 27, 2009, 12:38 PM
Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Quote from: Final on Nov 25, 2009, 06:39 PM
Quote from: mahawirasd on Nov 25, 2009, 01:57 AM
iRO Wiki's forum (http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=37515).
QuoteFinally, to add something completely new to the mix, a Global event where truly epic prizes may be won!
We will be selling The "Red Wing Hat" in Payon from November 24 - December 1, 300 points on Premium, 400 points on Valkyrie. During that week you can earn your chance to win!
Red Wing Hat
INT + 1, DEX + 1, STR+ 1
If refined to 7, increase ATK and MATK by +2%.
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by an additional +2%.
Slot : 1 / DEF : 0 / MDEF : 0

During Maintenance of December 1 we will check all the Red Wing hats on all servers for their upgrade levels. During the Event period the Headgear will be account bound.

* +7 will automatically earn 2 High Efficiency Battle Manuals
* +8 Will enter you in a lottery for 1 of 165 sets of +5 Valkyrie Gear. (Helm, Shoes, Armor and Manteau)
* +9 Will enter you in a lottery for 1 of 50 sets of +7 Valkyrie Gear. (Helm, Shoes, Armor and Manteau)
* +10 Will Automatically earn your choice of Cards, Haiti or Ghostring Card!

oh wow gravity... just WOW...


Uh huh..And how does this belong in this thread?
Quote from: Squishy on Nov 25, 2009, 09:41 PM
Well, it's stupid and it's about RO, isn't it?
Quote from: Final on Nov 25, 2009, 09:58 PM
Quote from: Squishy on Nov 25, 2009, 09:41 PM
Well, it's stupid and it's about RO, isn't it?
But isn't the topic in this thread about stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Quote from: Squishy on Nov 25, 2009, 11:21 PM
Quote from: Orange on Nov 25, 2009, 11:13 PM
And if you look over the thread it's mostly "stupid crap people have said/done"

So, people as in Gravity, and done as in the crappy event (even though they're currently doing it, but you should be able to understand).

Quote from: Uzam on Nov 26, 2009, 12:03 AM
That doesn't go under this topic sorry. But it's alright. Gravity is not "people" and saying stuff about RO does not include "holding red wing hat events".

That wasn't necessary
Pretty much this.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Squishy on Nov 27, 2009, 04:48 PM
Get over it, it hasn't been removed.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Gankz on Nov 30, 2009, 06:34 AM
when being confronted by a GM over a ks accusation

"but they are all died!"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tsunami on Dec 11, 2009, 07:25 AM
lol In my opinion this is the funniest I've ever known in my Ro days...
Stalker:hey you
Stalker:go to pvp i nid to copy ur bowling bash
Me:Ok then
*Goes to pvp then uses bowling bash on the stalker*
Stalker:y can't i copy it?
Me:Ima try again
Stalker:do it til i copy it
*After a few minutes*
Stalker:y can't i copy iiiitt?????
Me:It seems you have preserve on
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: mahawirasd on Dec 15, 2009, 02:20 AM
i saw a Taekwon the other day kicking a sapling (slightly buffed up version of poporing with ~2k hp, 2 popos as slaves, but it's not too hard to kill) for 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 damage...

that TK girl had a wings of victory headgear on, so i @who2 her and she was 36/21 IIRC.

so i approached her and said: "you really should get running" (because that server had a free resetter for ppl under lv 40)
She said: "thanks for the input, but i wanted to get the elements first"
Me: "ok... but running PASSIVELY gives you 100 damage. 100 Def-ignoring damage"
she: "sure i appreciate your suggestion, but really i'm fine"

so i walk away...

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: bhenina on Dec 16, 2009, 05:00 AM
my first day of RO: aug 2001

me: excuse me how do i sit?
thief: bend your knees.
me: err

another incident:
me: how did you get those cool clothes? (talking abt male mage sprite, i was a novice then)
mage: i am naturally cool. (o.o)

another incident:
novice: can i have a ride on your pet bird? (talking to a random knight)
knight: im sorry no u cant, u have to change ur job swordsman and knight.
novice: ur mean wont let me ride! ill kill u one day! so tired of walking!
knight: >_< *walks away*

*real life talk with a local celeb playing RO*
me: oh RO chars are sooo cute!
celeb: yeah! and someone dropped zeny! i picked it up!
me: uhh... ok. o.o (dropped zeny?!?!?!?)

talk with my first ever friend in RO
arnagov: hey! click alt a
(me)srivara: oh! what is this for?
arnagov: idk, my friend told em to put it all in int.
srivara: oh why? what does int do?
arnagov: make ur char wiser and dodge monsters more. (a month later I lawled so hard remembering this.)

another incident:
arnagov: hey wanna lvl today?
srivara: sure!
arnagov: ok lets try the monster outside
*srivara and arnagov dies*
srivara: i dnt think we can take those peco pecos yet
arnagov: need more int!
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: BluSnow on Dec 16, 2009, 07:47 PM
(Noob)Lord Knight:How do you memorize everything about the mobs?

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: crysiscore3 on Dec 17, 2009, 08:25 AM
From qRoG:
but.. dont forget... pinoy ruled this F**KING server.. I MEAN ALL F**KING SERVERS.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Judgement on Dec 22, 2009, 02:46 AM
Oh I remember when we first started, my cousin told me that I would have to save using the kafra to save
my gaming progress. /heh
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Tsunami on Dec 24, 2009, 08:54 AM
When i was making a wizard some random novice asked me
Novice: whats ur job?
Me: Wizard
Novice: i dun see the wizard at the job change  /heh
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: angie on Dec 26, 2009, 08:16 PM
"im best breaker in guild i one-shot emperium with edp sonic blow nob"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Fear Me Nao on Dec 26, 2009, 11:13 PM
me- Selling poring card
novice- howd you get a poring card?
me- i killed a poring and it dropped
novice- but ive killed heaps of porings and none have dropped
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Sheoth on Jan 15, 2010, 12:12 AM
hmmmmm Stupid stuff teh noobs say on RO?

Noob:duel me
*a few minutes later of me owning him like 5 times*
Noob:wow you a f*** no life.....i might just hack you.
Me: what lvl are you?
Me:LOL you say im a no life? the max lvl is 255 dumbass just quit Ro
Noob:*logs out*
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Revenant on Jan 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
I've had someone scream at me because I told them to level Basic Skill instead of the key to sit.

I'm sure you can understand why; He wouldn't have been able to sit anyway, but I did actually tell him the key for it after mentioning that he wouldn't be able to use it without raising his skills. Since when he initially tried to sit down, it didn't work, he'd instantly jumped to the conclusion I deliberately told him the wrong key and proceeded whore out his dictionary of swear words.

Stuff like that's why I find it difficult to "click" with the community of any online game community, let alone specifically RO.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: fluidin on Jan 15, 2010, 11:53 AM
Quote from: Revenant on Jan 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
I've had someone scream at me because I told them to level Basic Skill instead of the key to sit.

I'm sure you can understand why; He wouldn't have been able to sit anyway, but I did actually tell him the key for it after mentioning that he wouldn't be able to use it without raising his skills. Since when he initially tried to sit down, it didn't work, he'd instantly jumped to the conclusion I deliberately told him the wrong key and proceeded whore out his dictionary of swear words.

Stuff like that's why I find it difficult to "click" with the community of any online game community, let alone specifically RO.

i think ure just kinda unlucky to meet these kinda retards
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: DeliciousItaly on Jan 15, 2010, 06:17 PM
Quote from: Revenant on Jan 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
I've had someone scream at me because I told them to level Basic Skill instead of the key to sit.

I'm sure you can understand why; He wouldn't have been able to sit anyway, but I did actually tell him the key for it after mentioning that he wouldn't be able to use it without raising his skills. Since when he initially tried to sit down, it didn't work, he'd instantly jumped to the conclusion I deliberately told him the wrong key and proceeded whore out his dictionary of swear words.

Stuff like that's why I find it difficult to "click" with the community of any online game community, let alone specifically RO.

Stuff like this is why I LOVE the community of RO.

So touchy. u.u

I recall once having seen someone say "Everyone who plays Ragnarok Online is a pervert"....Obviously they hadn't read the rest of the thread consisting of RO players berating initial poster asking for naked Kafras, as it was tasteless and they had no will or wish to see it.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: alorama17 on Apr 06, 2010, 05:22 PM
my favs r OMG u cheated by using heal in a duel
Doppelganger card is so cheap
Stop killing me "says the lvl 50 swordy who comes to PvP when kill him and say lvl
lvl1 Novice "can someone please tank me"
Beat a sin with 2 dops and turtle general in +10 glad by bash spamming then GC with almost no gears he says"Omg thats so noob and cheap u spammed heal and bash beat me without bash and then see how well u do"
lastly my fav 1 i have ever heard is "cart term spam is cheap cause even when u miss u can still stun me then hit me"
Posted on: Apr 05, 2010, 10:51 am
k i just saw this one today it made me and my freinds laugh so hard

some1 put marina and pankton cards into a dijinn and thinks some1 will buy for 150m xD (thats the price of most weop SQI with no cards on anthem) im just wonderin what was goin through his head there
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Anti-Static Foam Cleaner on Apr 07, 2010, 12:57 AM
What's wrong with naked Kafras?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Kiyoshiro on Apr 07, 2010, 01:13 PM
Isn't this necro'ed for over 2 months...? Or am I getting something wrong?
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: orix1357 on Apr 08, 2010, 02:50 AM
Hey, you cannot have enough answers to the topic's title.  ;D
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Chuck on Apr 08, 2010, 04:13 AM
Whitesmith mammoing in WoE.


[He was so proud cause he killed a hiwiz with mammo(probably a noob one)]

Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: ishida20 on Apr 08, 2010, 06:49 AM
haha! stupid but funny stuffs on RO eh?

newbie novice: hey how can i get to payon?

me: go 3

newbie novice: no. i mean i want go to payon not 3

me: X_X "logs out"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Chuck on Apr 08, 2010, 08:33 AM
Well since it says "Stupid things you have heard people say ABOUT RO.. then.. "

Playing Ragnarok Online 24/7 for 100 straight days grants you a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: l†achi on Apr 08, 2010, 07:22 PM
noob things : [not said but noob things] - reflect noobs, coma b****, spammers, magic spammers, running ßi†ches, and people who complain too much after you kill them
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Lucian on Apr 08, 2010, 09:15 PM
From a random noob. "RO is so gay. Ragnarok is better."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: savannah on Apr 08, 2010, 11:36 PM
Mage at random prontera field: "how can i become an archer?"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: SunSine on Apr 13, 2010, 03:20 PM
I don't know if this is ontopic but this GM is epic lol.

So ... Detta won but isnt online(Actually was near the gm) ? Lol

Lol repeating
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Orange on Apr 13, 2010, 04:52 PM
Quote from: SunSine on Apr 13, 2010, 03:20 PM
I don't know if this is ontopic but this GM is epic lol.

So ... Detta won but isnt online(Actually was near the gm) ? Lol

Lol repeating

Oh wow.
worse then those GM's that hold hide and seek, warp back to town after being found then ask the person to come to town to give them the prize
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Xeyra on Apr 13, 2010, 06:48 PM
"RO shouldn't allow same-sex marriage."

Now that's "stupid".
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Kei on Apr 16, 2010, 05:59 PM
"RO is for little girls or people who like little girls"
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: CookieEater on Apr 17, 2010, 01:17 AM
Quote from: Kei on Apr 16, 2010, 05:59 PM
"RO is for little girls or people who like little girls"
Of course it is. But, it's also for many other people.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Anti-Static Foam Cleaner on Apr 17, 2010, 02:37 AM
Quote from: Kei on Apr 16, 2010, 05:59 PM
"RO is for little girls or people who like little girls"

I wish that was true!
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Roda Frog of Sakray on Jul 17, 2013, 09:41 PM


Recently I was in a TI on iRO and a priest was telling our wizard to use LoV rather than SG on High Orcs because they are blue and that makes them water property.....

I could also talk about dozens of stupid things I've seen/heard, including a SinX with no cloak because "CLOAKING IS 4 COWARDZ".....but most of it has already been said.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Fruit Pie~ on Jul 27, 2013, 05:36 PM
Quote from: Kei on Apr 16, 2010, 05:59 PM
"RO is for little girls or people who like little girls"
Oh wow, I never thought I'd agree with a post on RMS!

Though I'd add "people who major in mathematics" to the list, myself.

On topic, perhaps the stupidest complaint I've heard about RO is that the combat is too fast so it's hard to keep up with it. Maybe I'm biased because that's what attracts me to RO, but eh.
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Novus Orbis on Jul 27, 2013, 10:19 PM
*Note on renewal server*
"Lol Suras are so cheap, all u do is snap around, Cursed circling people and then using Asura strike! Play a real class!"
Said by a Guillotine Cross who the GM gave extra stats and skills because he was the first on the server*And for those who don't know the class, Take and EDP linked Sonic Blow and multiply it by ten and then give it two hits, that's Cross Impact*
Some Sura who was an awesome friend. Suresh from VibeRO contact me please!!!!!!!!!!!
" Oh give me a break all you do is Cloak, Cross Impact, cloak again and sneak away! You cannot tell me that that isn't cheap!"
GX disconnected
>mfw  /gg
Title: Re: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Roda Frog of Sakray on Jul 30, 2013, 11:10 PM
Quote from: Novus Orbis on Jul 27, 2013, 10:19 PM
*Note on renewal server*
"Lol Suras are so cheap, all u do is snap around, Cursed circling people and then using Asura strike! Play a real class!"
Said by a Guillotine Cross who the GM gave extra stats and skills because he was the first on the server*And for those who don't know the class, Take and EDP linked Sonic Blow and multiply it by ten and then give it two hits, that's Cross Impact*
Some Sura who was an awesome friend. Suresh from VibeRO contact me please!!!!!!!!!!!
" Oh give me a break all you do is Cloak, Cross Impact, cloak again and sneak away! You cannot tell me that that isn't cheap!"
GX disconnected
>mfw  /gg

I don't know about the server you were on....but on iRO CI isn't that great on anyone using reducs in WoE O.o......GXes killing capabilities are actually LOWER in renewal....at least on officials. However, they have resumed their former...pre-rebirth role of status inflicter thanks to the new GX poisons.....and they can still kill: with the proper setup and support. However, I have never played a renewal private server and I'd imagine the mechanics could very well be different.

Edit: but since I remembered that this is the stupid things people have said in RO thread, I guess I'll toss out another: "Assassin with a shield? what kind of noob are you?" "The kind that survives WoE."
Title: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Kensei on Jul 30, 2013, 11:45 PM
Was playing BG as Gypsy with 12000 HP (no MvP cards, Bravery/Valor WoE gears)

Champ 1 : *Asura* WTF THIS B*TCH DIDN'T DIE?
Me : *pots and Slowgrace*
Champ 2 : *Asura* WTF?
Me : *pots again*
Me : wat?
My Team : *Safety wall himself and eating popcorn behind me*

So If I don't die from Asura as a Gypsy I'm hacking.
Title: Re: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Daletos on Jul 31, 2013, 05:17 AM
Quote from: Kensei on Jul 30, 2013, 11:45 PM
Was playing BG as Gypsy with 12000 HP (no MvP cards, Bravery/Valor WoE gears)

Champ 1 : *Asura* WTF THIS B*TCH DIDN'T DIE?
Me : *pots and Slowgrace*
Champ 2 : *Asura* WTF?
Me : *pots again*
Me : wat?
My Team : *Safety wall himself and eating popcorn behind me*

So If I don't die from Asura as a Gypsy I'm hacking.

Yes. Granted if those champs are good.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Novus Orbis on Jul 31, 2013, 05:49 PM
Quote from: Roda Frog of Sakray on Jul 30, 2013, 11:10 PM
I don't know about the server you were on....but on iRO CI isn't that great on anyone using reducs in WoE O.o......GXes killing capabilities are actually LOWER in renewal....at least on officials. However, they have resumed their former...pre-rebirth role of status inflicter thanks to the new GX poisons.....and they can still kill: with the proper setup and support. However, I have never played a renewal private server and I'd imagine the mechanics could very well be different.

Edit: but since I remembered that this is the stupid things people have said in RO thread, I guess I'll toss out another: "Assassin with a shield? what kind of noob are you?" "The kind that survives WoE."
It was a renewal server using pre renewal calculators. And this GX was the first player, so the GM(For some god forsaken reason) Gave him extra stats, extra job levels, and Glorious gears. So it was a pretty unfair fight from the start.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?
Post by: Kensei on Aug 01, 2013, 03:53 AM
Quote from: Daletos on Jul 31, 2013, 05:17 AM
Yes. Granted if those champs are good.

Then we look at topic title  ::)