Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?

Started by LiteX, May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM

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^ What? Is there a reason I didnt chuckle throughout that entire thing?

And whats funny about the fact that GTB is imba >>;


Stupid things..."so arrogant. hacker. donation user. dun hide. stop spam. no kill pls. give some zeny?? how to dupe item?? fight me without ____. EDP is overpowered. high rates suck. pre-ro is corrupt. servers not giving the command @go. making certain cards only available through donation, and taking out the monster who drops it."
[color=#FF8C00]Top 3 Town BGMs[/color] -[color=#DDA0DD] Theme of Al De Baran, Izlude and Geffen [/color]
[color=#FF0000]Top 3 RO BGMs[/color] - [color=#FF00FF]One Step Closer(@go 15's BGM), Yetit Petit (ice dungeon BGM), Rose of Sharon (Veins field 3 BGM)[/color]
[color=#9932CC]TOP 4 GMs[/color] - [color=#FF0000]GM Meep, tearbleu, GM Amemeep, GM Castiel[/color] - [color=#FFC0CB]Honorable Mention - GM Fite, GM BlueDrops, GM Fite, GM Nicholas[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]Top 3 Hardest MVPs[/color]- [color=#FFC0CB]Naght Seiger, Entweihen Crothen, Satan Morroc[/color]
[color=#98FB98]Top 3 buffs[/color]- [color=#4B0082]Assumptio, gloria, aspersio[/color]
[color=#00BFFF]Top 3 NBA Teams[/color]- [color=#0000FF]Cleveland Cavaliers, Lakers, Denver Nuggets
[color=#0000FF]Me and Squishy love tearbleu/GM Meep/GM BlueDrops![/color]
[color=#FF0000]Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Champions '10~[/color]




A GM I won't mention, starts his first Hide & seek event.
After an hour of seeking him, a guy with a maya purple on finds him.

Player: Lolwhut. Why were you cloaked?
GM: Ugh... we were playing hide & seek.


Not something someone said, but...
A guy from my actual server, told a bunch of people...
Guy: I'm a GM. If you want free items, you must act as my slaves. Create a guild, and invite people. More slaves, more items for you!

5 minutes later, the main chat is looking like this:
"*Guy* is our god. If you insult him, i will kill you"- a soul linker
"BUYING SLAVES. PM ME" - a gearless LK
Me (just for the lulz): YEAH, *GUY* IS OUR GOD. PRAISE THE LORD!!

The guy logged on a different char.  ::)

And so you killed yourself,
but you killed everyone else around you too.


Quote from: tomaschx on Oct 12, 2009, 01:39 AM
A GM I won't mention, starts his first Hide & seek event.
After an hour of seeking him, a guy with a maya purple on finds him.

Player: Lolwhut. Why were you cloaked?
GM: Ugh... we were playing hide & seek.


worst event I seen was when satan morroc maps where JUST put in, the server comes back up and the GM hosts 1, he hides in the map that requires a quest to get to(not to mention filled with many many mobs the server cant fight through) and cancled the event not to long after,


Quote from: Orange on Oct 12, 2009, 01:52 AM
Quote from: tomaschx on Oct 12, 2009, 01:39 AM
A GM I won't mention, starts his first Hide & seek event.
After an hour of seeking him, a guy with a maya purple on finds him.

Player: Lolwhut. Why were you cloaked?
GM: Ugh... we were playing hide & seek.


worst event I seen was when satan morroc maps where JUST put in, the server comes back up and the GM hosts 1, he hides in the map that requires a quest to get to(not to mention filled with many many mobs the server cant fight through) and cancled the event not to long after,

I remember one event, where a GM warped everyone to man_fild03... he made error half of the server. Lololol.

"You can't kos me" - the biggest wannabe ever
"Oh, really? I'm pretty sure that i can" - a friend.
"I don't wanna try. We already know who is going to win."

After 5 minutes of my friend kosing him.
Friend: *Acid Demostration*

And so you killed yourself,
but you killed everyone else around you too.


I'm more like a neutral guy in PvP because I never hit anyone unless they kill me first so I rarely get KoSed. So, I was in a PvP room chatting with the people in there and suddenly a guild consisting of 5 people started to KoS everyone except me(because I was kind of friendly to them when they first joined the server, not knowing their complete jerks).

And then the SinX from the guild said to the guy he KoSed "ur gild lap sap(which means rubbish)".
And the guy(an Assassin Cross) only replied "Orly?"

He came back with 2 of his guild mates a Paladin and a High Wizard beat the crap out of their opposite 5.

And 20 minutes later, they stopped coming in an the SinX broadcast a message.
"Ony u 3 pro. rest of ur gld sux."

Which was funny because their guild from my experience are decent and conquered the any open castles in WoE.
QuoteWhatever floats your boat.


"weak, sb noob" - a sinx from a server where EVERYONE played a melee sinx. o___O?

And so you killed yourself,
but you killed everyone else around you too.


"Dude I got 2 Icepicks cause the effect will double the dmg!"
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.


not actually a stupid thing said by someone about RO, but i find this experience on the server i played totally stupid.

me: *sets a pub titled "B> GR card for 150M"*
player: *enters pub*
player: buy my GR card for 170M. PM me if deal.
player: *left the pub*
me: *waits for other sellers*
me: *getting impatient, i closed the pub and decided to buy the GR card from the guy and tries to PM him*
me: (through PM) i'll buy your GR card now for 170M.
player: "<player name> is not in the mood to talk to anyone."




lol, that would be really really pissy xD
If I offended you, too bad.


Edit:Changed here to see/read/hear/whatever... XD
I hear/see/read/whatever... these stuff so much in PVP
"u cheat u nub y do u use sonic blow with edp? evry1 nows its bad" -A Soul Linker in some lowrate server(I forgot the name)
"every1 is a noob except for me because no one can kill me" A short while later.. "what a noob, you just killed me by luck!" -A lord knight in iRO Loki
"how do u go invisible?" - Novice in anthemro


Quote from: LiteX on May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM
In my long days of ROing, I have encountered a lot of newbies saying...well...newbish things, post here anything that fits in the category, can be either IRL or in-game, just avoid quoting others to avoid flame wars

Some of theme are:
"I'm a priest, so therefore i get holy damage reduction"-Random HP in PvP (FokRO-doubt anyone heard of this obscure server)
"I'm a high priest, I need more exp than snipers"-(See the hall of shame section)
"Angeling is a MvP"-Some Knight on bRO Loki
"Low Rates are for noobs"-Some Assasin Cross on a HR server, can't remember which, qRO I think
"Soul Linker sucks"-Some guy in qRO HR
"High Wizards don't need a buff, they are already overpowered!"-A SinX player on FokRO
-Not really something that someone said, but I'l say it anyway, while I was still playing HRs, i had a mage 255 joke character, for the lolz is just walked into PvP, then some random stalker decided to attack me, I killed him, for the notice, It was a Non-Donator 255 Mage against a Donator 255 Stalker (IIRC Non-Donor customs gave ~+25 Allstat while donors gave ~+35 Allstat), what amazed me was these 2 facts:
1) His double strafe really did not do much damage at all (Possibly using normal arrow while i used DV)
2) He was easly frozen by Frost Driver

And heck, Kiel Card wasn't even implemented at that time.

So..moar plz?

1. You're just bad because youre a dirty noob and im pro - Every donator with +50 stat helms on 99/70 servers
Quote from: Temjin on Feb 16, 2010, 12:07 PM
You are a f*** idiot. Why you even bother to post here, I will never know. It is BEYOND ME.


"lol edited" - Some dude who couldn't beat another dude.

"Tribal Solidarity adds more chances of you refining an item!" - My fave
Chloe Grace Moretz's Number 1 Fan