Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?

Started by LiteX, May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM

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Head Monocle of DOOM

I saw a GM argueing with aplayer over which star trek captain was superior Picard or Kirk.

When I started GMing at YmirRO I had to ask my bosses assistant how to mute and broadcast amoung other things >.>
Proof or it didn't happen.
All server reviews are based on a reviewers experience.
This is how negative server reviews work.
Eddy, carrots are good for your eyes, can it dial a phone.


Orange, I had been playing rpg's like Baldurs gate before, and a bunch of other games related to "click and figure out what happens, then read about it."

When I started mmo's I was more like "Wow Rpg's ONLINE! Now that's an achievement!", and began to go into character, then found out the people didn't care about it, cause their mothers were calling them for dinner.

Kinda of harsh, and it took a good five days till I understood most of the concepts in ro.


I think I took longer than 5 days, I've even had a friend who casted his skills from Alt+S (his skillbook) for a week before he discovered the f12 skillbar.

That was a loooooong time ago though, when most players were also confused as hell.
Quote from: Jeon on Jun 04, 2009, 12:02 PM
XileRo is the only HR I know that has a reasonable PvP system. I did watch the RWC like you said, all I see is people spamming the room like every other gang fight there is in RO.


Quote from: SilverStream~ on Aug 21, 2009, 05:23 AM

When I started mmo's I was more like "Wow Rpg's ONLINE! Now that's an achievement!", and began to go into character, then found out the people didn't care about it, cause their mothers were calling them for dinner.

"Let's go on an adventure!"
"i gotta eat tea"
"oh... ok"

Worst thing ever.




Just a first note, the patcher must be able to find teh patch list and you must be updated before being able to open the client.

PlayerA: GM why you ban me!!
Me: I dont know what your talking about
PlayerA: My Patcher wont patch, so you must of banned me.
Me: Your not banned server is moving sites, Patcher wont work for the moment, need a new client.
PLayerA: So why you banned me, I didnt leave that review on RMS about you.
PlayerB: Dude nobody can connect its not just you.

This continues for awhile until I kicked them from our IRC channel.
Quote from: CuTeBoi on Sep 04, 2009, 02:24 PM
  Will the donors complain? maybe, but they aren't what run my network, I run it, and so does my blood and sweat.


Yeah that happens mostly to 12 year to 15 year olds, often someone who doesn't eat english as their first language.


English is my first language, and even I don't eat it. =(


I heard a 99 High Wizard say that hide is OP and he can't do anything to counter it.


Quote from: Svein on Aug 25, 2009, 09:15 PM
I heard a 99 High Wizard say that hide is OP and he can't do anything to counter it.
Lol , Can't read? X3


When people consider deviling and angeling as an MVP, when people don't know that OCAs don't drop MVP cards, when people say "I want to fite" and not knowing that it's "@duel", and when people say "don't use cloak or hide" [especially when they're an assassin cross saying that]
If they say that on my server I #dropall and #baselvl 1  :D

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[color=#9932CC]TOP 4 GMs[/color] - [color=#FF0000]GM Meep, tearbleu, GM Amemeep, GM Castiel[/color] - [color=#FFC0CB]Honorable Mention - GM Fite, GM BlueDrops, GM Fite, GM Nicholas[/color]
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Novice : "I Keep clicking Trick Dead, but I can't get back up."
Me : "That's because someone used a DB and the monster it spawned killed you..."