Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?

Started by LiteX, May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM

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My friend thought LKs have Reflect Shield, due to a encounter he had with a LK wearing a Valk Mant.

[color=navy]Rates 20/20/20 | MaxLvl 200/120 | MaxStat 200 | 12 Characters per Account | ANTI-BOT | ANTI-WPE | ANTI-KS | Heavily Customized (Storylines, Quests, Items, Maps, Features) | WoE:SE | Homunculus | Mercenaries | Newest Features | Dedicated Server | Randomized WoE System | Endless Tower | Quest Log |


Player 1: (roaming around PvP room then died)
Player 2: /omg
Player 3: (killed Player 1 and Player 2)

Player 1 and Player 2: (teleported back to PvP Room)

Player 1 and 2: are you a GM?
Player 3: wtf?!
If I offended you, too bad.


I heard this yesterday
Soul linker:ei did u now tat if u did +10 on a weapon ur atk is +10?
Whitesmith:Are you kidding me?
Soul linker:nu. r u a nub? ur a whitesmith and u don't know about tat?
Whitesmith:Oh God.
Lord knight passing by:here take this +10 knife for an example
Soul linker:nuuu this are not true! u hack the game! i report u to gm and tell it 2 forums!
Lord knight:o_O
Soul linker:dun lolwut lolwut me you nub! me level higher than urs! u have aura meaning u r not yet strong and u need aura to be strong
Soul linker:look at me i has nu aura which means i is strong enough to kill you because i don't need aura to be powerful
Me:Oook then. Let's go to pvp
Soul linker:nub
(Short while later)
Soul linker:u c? u have aura which means u are not strong because aura gives you super stats
Lord knight:you just messed with 2 people in a row
Soul linker:shaddup nubs
(Short while later getting ganged by the 3 of us)
Soul linker:waa u 3 r hackers. i report u all muhahaha then i become gm because i do good things
Whitesmith:Like what?
Soul linker: reporting u allllll!!!!!
Me: Ok then report us all, Let's see what will happen
He's banned for spamming pms at the gms saying that we're hackers and scamming gms saying make him a gm and he gives them 1000$ donation


The real question is, why did that LK have a +10 Knife?
Quote from: Jeon on Jun 04, 2009, 12:02 PM
XileRo is the only HR I know that has a reasonable PvP system. I did watch the RWC like you said, all I see is people spamming the room like every other gang fight there is in RO.


This happened on a server I used to GM on.

Player: make me a LK
Me: I can't do that. You have to level to get to LK.
Player: ok..where is the leveling npc?
Me: Uh.. o_O;
Me: You have to kill monsters to level.
Player: ok what are monsters? how do i kill them?
Me: o___o;;;

Yes, this actually happened. xD

Player: What monster drops Tao Gunka card?

Edit: There was more, I forgot to add it. D: There was also another one.


A paladin once asked me at what level does he obtain "Beserk"...

[color=navy]Rates 20/20/20 | MaxLvl 200/120 | MaxStat 200 | 12 Characters per Account | ANTI-BOT | ANTI-WPE | ANTI-KS | Heavily Customized (Storylines, Quests, Items, Maps, Features) | WoE:SE | Homunculus | Mercenaries | Newest Features | Dedicated Server | Randomized WoE System | Endless Tower | Quest Log |


The most funny thing was ,when a schoolmate asked me
Can We Play Ragnarok Online?


If I offended you, too bad.


I have always found randoms asking a Wizard for a heal very funny.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.


Quote from: blast on Nov 20, 2009, 11:48 PM
The most funny thing was ,when a schoolmate asked me
Can We Play Ragnarok Online?

Think about it "Can we play Ragnarok, ONLINE?"

Ah, fun times on RMS~   (Added more~)
-- Signature too big again.  You were notified previously on the same issue.

- So? Stop b****.


some random says: i`ll grimtooth you to death! *EDP then enchant poisoned and spams grimtooth on me*

i pneuma`d and after some 10 grimtooths more... he went sb... too bad i`m on ED..

then he unequiped weapon, then attack me with high aspd normal ataks... too bad i tagged GR and bladestop`d him... and EF he died....

and he wlked away from sight and went saying... "hehehehe"


Has played in: aeRO, heRO, OracleRO, ReboundRO, AriaRO, IntenseRO, VastRO, LuminaRO, AerialRO, NyuubiRO and PumpkinRO.


My personal favorite which happens often on the server I play ---

Random Noobie - *Comes in and tries to kill me*
Me - *Kills him*
Random Noobie - "y u kil me???????"

Majinken Souga

On my first server, at @go 13...

SinX: (wins a duel against a High Priest, then challenges a Female Ninja to a duel)

Ninja: (kills SinX with LSoI spam)

SinX: Oh, crap. I thought that was a Soul Linker. It was a Ninja...

And on my most recent server, as a Soul Linker...

Random person: Buff pls

Me: Do I look like a priest to you?

Random person: oops, sorry. I thought you were a high priest...

Me: (facepalm)
The only way to save Modern TV: burn it in a pile, then burn the ashes, then compress and burn those ashes, then sprinkle it with holy water, then send the result into a black hole and never see it again.


Noob : Itam Zeny Pls
Noob : GM What class are you?
Me : Beggar.
Noob : PVP?

¤Odeon Ragnarok Online¤
¤Eight Medieval Races to choose from!¤
¤Race Wars! - Battle of the Eight Races!¤