Two-Hand Sword Build

Started by Agent287, Jan 23, 2008, 12:18 AM

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So, I can restart all over again when rebirth?

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

When you rebirth, you're reset to level 1 High Novice and you do it all all over again, except you get some bonuses(+30%HP/SP, a bit more stat points, and of course trans job later instead of second job).


Ok, I use my calculator and here's my result.

Lv 99 ; Job Lv. 50:

STR: 76 + 14
INT : 5 + 0
AGI : 90 + 4
DEX: 34 + 6
VIT: 37 + 10
LUK: 36 + 4


Claymore (2) (No idea) (No idea if I need to refine this or not)
Full Plate (1) (no Idea)
(No Idea for the Head Gear)

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

Headgear - Helm is a good start, 6Def, you can buy it in Izlude.
Armor: Full Plate, Prontera.
Garment: Manteau, Prontera.
Shoes: Greaves, Yuno. Getting slotted ones is very hard though so you will probably want slotted Boots instead.
As I said, getting elemental Claymores is important.

You should upgrade everything to max safety level, then it's just wasting money on overupgrades.


Sorry for the very late respond.

Uhmmm... is there a better place to level up than Ice Cave?

BTW, I'm also creating a battle forger Blacksmith.

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

I don't think there is. Ice Cave 3 is very popular for AGIs. Or so my sources say.


I see. I got annoyed with those stones creature called Gazeti. Might as well, level up my BS to forge a wind Claymore. Speaking of that, I don't get the forge.

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

Wow, you're already doing this without ele Claymore? Keep to level 2 as long as you can, there are only 15 Gazetis there.

As for forging, I have no idea.


Yeah. I can handle without Wind Claymore. All I need is Claymore, Meats and Awakening Potion. Right now, money making at Orc Village.

So, no idea on making elemental weapons? (Darn.)

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

That's the bad things about Knights. Very gear-dependent. And Gravity hates them.

Type /blacksmith to view top ten blacksmiths on the server. Chances are hovewer that if you're playing on a new server there will simply be none. In that case you're pretty much screwed...
- You can try looking for a Sage, they're much more popular than Blacksmiths, and ask/pay him for an Endow
- You can try and get Schweizersabel(Only elemental two-handed sword in the game) but honestly it'll be almost impossible thing to do
- You can get Bastard Sword [2] and hunt for cards to increase race damage instead of elemental damage
- You can ask at your server boards if anyone is making a Blacksmith forger, and be a nice dude and help him or something so he'll get there faster
- You can switch to weaker enemies and mob massively with Bowling Bash

That's all I can think of.


I see. I guess I have to use my Knight as my money making while my Blacksmith for forging. Hehehe


i really prefer vit lance build is better for pvp and well i think is better to lvling by mob massively... but if you prefer to get money and lvling.. but it will be really hard to win a duel using an agi build, but if you play well you cuold win anyway just try...


no, don't use lance. you can always get more damage with a carded pike and if applicable, endow, while also using a race reducing shield. lances are for when you don't have anything else to level with, or if you want to get owned in pvp.

Quote from: Loki on Nov 11, 2008, 12:01 AM
You're one slick gal, JJJ.