Wat is d best?

Started by renzchester, Feb 07, 2008, 06:21 AM

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Wats d best wepon 4 a SBK sinx??
nid help badly...SBK damage only 10k to a pally


Im just giving my own limited knowledge on sinX so dont Axe me for this  ;D

+10Infil[Incantation Samurai] [well i dont play eclipse so i dont know if you have slotted infil]

Like i said limited knowledge  ;D


ahh but we do.can any one tell me do cards like than and incan affect SBk if so wats better thana of incan?


When fighting a Paladin use a Ice Pick... it's so simple lol.

Edit: If you're on a Low rate and got a Ice Pick or will get one then go for a STR based SD build as it's better with Ice Pick and get a endow or elemental converters.


well idk SBk with icepick??   ??? [like i said limited knowledge..]

But if your a donator i think ill have Thana card since it has Occult effect [i think any katar would do w/ proper cards]


oh this is a donator server... I was talking about a legit 99/70 server >> either way Ice Pick would do way better than Incan if you use SD. If you don't believe me then go test it yourself.


he said SBk well BTW  ???  [Just use EDP and you will be able to deal proper damage unless he has Evil Druid]

Ice pick will do good for sure for a 99/70 low rate server and i rather have a SD build but for "HW" i think SBk would be better

Ansuz Isaz

xD Exactly, Mark. He said SBK.

SBK = Soul Breaker, or Soul Destruction

SB = Sonic Blow, which is what I think you're talking about.


Ah so i missed it! [well anyway i was noob to start with.. :-[ ]

Like i said "Im just giving my own limited knowledge on sinX"

About the acronyms just use SD plzz..  :-[


Switch between Katar and Daggers?


If i remeber it well... do icepick deals damage w/ real defense or defense from armors??

[I think someone posted a topic about this already and i think he/she said it was only defense on armors??]


You mean Armor Defense and VIT defense? lol uhm it's both as far as I know.


Well in terms of SBk SD or whatever you call it  ;D

If you use a double dagger [Icepick and CT] will that do any difference?? or is it better to have gladius full of hydras??

Ansuz Isaz

Hydras is a BAD idea, because, unless the calculations changed, SD / SBK doesn't put % cards into it's calculations.

No, one of the more common, and popular combos, is to use a +10 Quadruple Diligent Blade [ Zipper Bear cards. ] This adds a fair bit of additional attack, and is the only real way to use cards to add power to the attack. There was one sword that could give +2 INT, which only has two slots but is imensly useful for this, but it's name was odd and I don't feel like looking it up. xD

However, ALWAYS put the Ice Pick in the shield hand. The attack of the weapon isn't actually included in the damage calculations. Only it's cards and / or affects are. Again, this might have changed, but I doubt it. o.o


So?.. CT is a yes or no?

[[I think it was  Haedonggum or excalibur well BTW! if you put a thana on your blade maybe 4 if it stacks will that do good?]