Best card combo for sincross.

Started by Kakure, Sep 09, 2007, 11:35 AM

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I wanted t know if there was a card combination that was extremely ideal for an assasin cross. Sorry if i am posting on the wrong forum for this but if anyone could give me a hand or some advice I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.


There really isnt. It depends what youre doing. Thats whats great about Ro.. theres not only 1 good gearset for any class no matter what the lvl is.


Thanks Kurogasa. Thats what I like about RO as well. I meant though if there was a card combo that gave a sinx the best results maybe.


Its based on the type of sinx they are, if they are going for an mvp(and which mvp), or pvp(and what class they face), or woe(and what role they want to play)... I could never get used to the other mmos that have one godly gearset for a lvl xx class xx. Thats why i always come back to ro.


I see......I suppose I was aiming for a woe sinx. I wanted to be an attacker role, but the guild leader would rather I sort of just rush the emperium.