Monster Search by Aggresive / Non Aggressive

Started by Kalamidad, May 09, 2008, 06:28 PM

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You see..i was trying to level up my homunculus and so i was trying to tank it.

but then found out that i cant find the monsters from whether they are aggressive or not.

It could be useful for other reasons too. this is the reason why i wanted it to be implemented.

and also, i have been using for so long. i just dont sign on forums cause i end up being addicted to them <__<

thanks for the concern again.



lol addiction to forums = good imo!

and hmmmm i do like this idea =o
i really would like it in ^^


in monster descriptions, it says whether or not it is aggressive under "mode".  But yeha there is no search for aggressive, but there's a search for non aggressive x.x
Quote from: Temjin on Feb 16, 2010, 12:07 PM
You are a f*** idiot. Why you even bother to post here, I will never know. It is BEYOND ME.