LF > A server that is not owned by...

Started by condoms, Aug 19, 2016, 11:53 AM

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Pinoys, or 30% >= population of the server is from their country. Is there even any?

    The rates of the server you are looking for.  Specific mvp item or card drop rates. = doesn't matter
    Maximum Level / Job Level / Stats. = as above
    Population range. = 100-200 or bigger, as long as less pinoys or zero
    Server geographical location. = US or europe
    The main language of the server and any secondary languages you would like to see. = english
    Customs, episodes, apsd, specific map, WoE time or other miscellaneous features. = doesn't matter

I might sound racist [comment removed].


Me too, i'm still searching but only for 99/70. If there is, please notify me. Thanks!


Hello there!
Elaria Woon Reloaded might be a good place to go.
Server will be located in USA. Main language is english, but we will have GM support in multiple languages.
Rates: 50x50x25x / 1x MvP cards
Population range: We're not open yet, however we got 120 forum sign ups within a few days.
We'll also have battleground 2.0 (also called extended battleground) , a purely cosmetic cash shop and a lot of features which will be showcased in our forum in a few days. :)
As a side note, the server is a collaboration of two bigger old servers; ElariaRO & WoonRO. One was a LR, the other a MR.

Here is the forum link: http://board.playelaria.com/

Hope to see both of you signed up and ingame soon! ♥


can try xero its a new server no pinoys yet i dislike them also
High Rate

Rates: 5000/9000/100%/10%
Max base level: 500
Max job level: 120
Max stats: 450
Max asp 197

Low Rate

Rates: 5/9/100%/10%
Max base level: 120
Max job level: 90
Max stats: 99
Max asp 193



Hi! I'd like to be honest that its impossible for a server not to have Pinoy players, but I believe that not all Pinoys are toxic. Just don't play on high and super high rates, the most retarded of them can be found on those rates (based on experience). Anyways, moving on.

I'd like to invite you to our server, its GaeaRO.

We're currently on our pre-trans stage and transcendent classes will be released on September! Population isn't that high as you wanted, randomly peaking at 40-60 a day, with at least 10~15 vendors on @autotrade. We got players from US, EU, SEA.

If you're still interested to view our server, kindly visit our website or forums for information.

Website: http://gaearo.org
Forums: http://forums.gaearo.org
RMS Listing: (read the reviews from the players!) http://tinyurl.com/gaeaRO-review

Thanks for the effort in reading. Hope to see you in our server soon!


still looking for a server that has less (or zero) pinoy and with 100+ population


People, you won't find a server that has no or a low amount of pinoys.

Most europeans and americans don't play RO anymore.

RO is still very popular in the phillipines, taiwan, indonesia and malaysia. That's simply how it is.

If you want to change that, go and get your american and european friends back into RO, but that won't happen since there are like 1.000.000 different and mostly better games they can choose from instead of lagging through bugged pathfinding and losing 2 years of work because some retard-admin decides he earned enough money with your asses.

Just stop being racists and learn to live with pinoys if you want to play RO.
Or go and join official servers like FranceRO (lol) or iRO (There's iRO Classic, too)
TotalRO - 10x/10x


We don't promote hate/racist against specific group of players.  Please refrain from making further comment about certain race/group.  Just make your recommendation as this is the purpose of the topic. 


I push the back button as soon as I see it's a pinay server and with Tagalog in its Languages Supported