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RateMyServer.Net => Server Reviews => Topic started by: HammertimeBlackFreshpro on Nov 27, 2014, 01:27 PM

Title: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: HammertimeBlackFreshpro on Nov 27, 2014, 01:27 PM
Before going into details on the server in question first an introduction: I'm a veteran Ragnarok player that has been server hopping with my guild for quite some time now. Lately we have been playing mostly Renewal servers. I welcome all suggestion to good Renewal/Prerenewal servers PM me, since me and my guild have no current server to play on. I'm against corruption and power abuse and this is mostly the reason why I leave servers or get banned, because I stand up against it. Anyway I'm here to provide you hopefully with an entertaining and an honest review on this server from my perspective as a player since nearly the launch of this server.

I have played TrueRo since March 2014 until November 2014. I have been the Guildmaster of CookieMonsters & Reborn. I got banned from this server like a week ago.

How this server acquired many players
People just like servers with many players in /w. The reason why this server blew up in the start in population was due to a guild that had many multiclients on. Thus this made it seem that it was a rather promising server when in fact I could even see back then that it was mediocre. I even quitted it in January then came back later in March. Also back at the time some servers died and people needed a new server. GMs did a pretty good job at advertising. It's the only thing they ever did for this server : keeping their "image" high. But this doesn't seem a good long term strategy. A server needs good fundamentals and active GMs. When those are lackluster it won't last over a year.

Person vs Monster
We surely had some fun in PvM when building up from scratch. We had the most fun when we had no gear at all. Good times killing Mvps with barely any gear. Ranger does seem OP as it's dealing 600-800k unlimit arrow storms when properly geared. This made PvM too easy. I could clear all PvM content solo with ranger even Biolab instance. A lot old bugs active with instances and also reward abuse on biolab instance which damaged the economy severely. Still the server did seem fun to explore renewal more and learn the mechanics.

It's hard to get zeny if you are a new player and not a donator. Most high end gears is vended in the market and the competition is fierce. This does help however for new players to acquire gear with just pure zeny farming, since everything is relatively cheap in the markets. However there is not much markets to exploit and gain your zeny from so you are kind of just limited to that. Not to mention that there are a lot afkers and botters.

The donations are absurdly high. You pay 15 usd for a vagabond wolf hat. That's some s*** there honestly. This is the reason why I never donated in the server. Also donation items are account bound and some are char bound. This kind of gives an advantage to donation players, but still there is ways around. If you want to buy donation points with zeny you have to make some1 donate into your account, meaning you have to give your info which is kind of tedious and risky. The only good donation item is bloody branch as that is relatively cheap for what it gives. For 10 usd you get 40 bloody branches.

Pvp & BG
Pvp is rarely active. Battlegrounds is never active. The server mainly consists of PvM players and merchants in autotrade. We were promised a battle update by the GM team in August. Guess what it's November and nothing happened yet. Not even badge increase. The balance of classes is actually quite decent though, but a lot skills aren't working properly.

The WoE was the only fun thing left in this server. The guild that I was part of was one of the most dominant guilds in WoE. We held castles for quite a long time and had all flags several times. We would quite often beat the competing zerging guilds with lower number of players. A noteworthy guild that gave us a run for our money was Ascension that at the time did manage to beat us a couple of times. A special shoutout to the underdog guild Garuda that has been playing with barely any player and still making impact every WoE. Most of the time guilds would copy the way we played as we were clearly way ahead of others in renewal. Currently there is a zerg guild Guardians in the server (old guildname was Protomen) that just recruits pretty much anybody. It mostly consist of number, but surely has some members that have some skill not going to name any players here. They hold a couple of Mvp cards ( 2x Tao Gunka Card, several maya purple cards and 1x GTB card I believe).This guild had a member that had GM gear and also GM movement speed. This player was oneshotting everything and never dying. Eventually this guy did get banned, by a report, but it took forever for the GMs to respond. At the time this player played in Guardians they still lost the WoE when we were 7-10 vs 15-20. The main reason they lost that specific WoE was because of golden thief bug card that I used combined with shadow chaser to get a last minute break. Why this is relevant I'll explain in the section why I got banned.

Special shoutout to elektro and UA guild for never holding a castle even with that much number.

Skill Fixes
Barely any. The only updates that happen are random rathena updates of which the GM's aren't even aware. No changelogs ofcourse. There are bugs that have been reported near the start of the server, that still have not been fixed yet. I guess this is why several guilds left this server. Every time you complain about a bug in the server the GMs send you to the forum. And if you post in the forum nothing happens. An example would be Foods +20 still getting removed by dispel. Clear proof has been posted on the forum of Kro vids, but nothing ever happened.

"Ghost" Players
The GMs use a tactic that when rebooting the server the vending merchants previously are memorized. When the server goes back up vending merchants get logged in autotrade. This means that there are merchants of players that are vending even though they quit several months ago. They use this tactic to make it seem that the population is "healthy". But when you actually count the amount it's 400+ merchants in autotrade.

GM Pizza and How I got Banned
I could write an essay alone on this guy, but I'll just try to keep it as short as possible. This is the guy that banned me.  This goes back to the disappearance of my golden thief bug card.

So basically my golden thief bug card disappeared in the period of 1 November to 5 November 2014.  I did share my account with 2 of my mates, but this are players that I have been playing for with years I doubt they had anything to do with it. I was asking this specific GM for the item log of the item in question for this period, but he didn't want to provide me with it. I wasn't even asking for the item back I just wanted to know what happened to that card. Note here when players would ask for a log this GM would provide them the log with no problem at all in the past. It's just 2 minute work and he still didn't want to provide me with it. Kind of shady isn't it? Considering that the card made that much of an impact the couple of WoE's before. It makes me think that he is trying to cover up for their mistakes.  So I harassed him in Prontera to get his attention, since otherwise he wouldn't respond ever to having a direct dialog with me. And he responded with a ban. Then I logged on my sura and said he could at least stop pretending to be AFK with his autoreply AFK message and that one got banned as well. Then he banned all my accounts and also IP ban.  I even send an e-mail to give them one last chance for transparency to clarify the matter, and explained why I harassed him, but no response.

It would be funny if they actually removed it, because the guild couldn't deal with it. I even suggested tons of times mvp cards disabled in WoE, but apparently a certain guild wants to have mvp cards active in WoE but not used by other guilds.

Anyway Pizzaguy is always logged in, but mostly pretends to be AFK with his AFK message to dodge confrontations with players, but he is actually there. He just seems very lazy and chooses the easy way out most of the times. Instead of discussing things with players on ways how to move the server forward he just doesn't care. They have barely ever implemented any suggestions and bugs are never being fixed. How hard is it to change the badge rate from battlegrounds to make it more active seriously? He lacks knowledge on the game. When you ask him something he will always talk around it, or send you to the forum or try to seem smart when he is actually not ever straight to the point and also not ever adding any value to the matter at hand. He is so focused on keeping their "image" up.

GM Apple
I haven't had any conflict with this GM at all. But her function to me is questionable. She doesn't know anything about the game and just interacts in #main with players. I guess she is kind of the mascot of the server to attract desperate boys to continue playing. Quite often she will give out warnings for no reason at all and threaten players that use foul language with bans. Or care bearing about PvP trash talk. Her decisions just never make any sense and she only gets away with it, because she is a girl. Apparently she is the admin.

GM Harvest Basically one of the few GMs that did something for the community. He was organising events quite often during his time. Also he had some knowledge of the game. Too bad he disappeared.

GM Lutfisk
Did some good bot catching I believe and punished afking. He surely tried making a difference. Sadly he disappeared as well and the amount of bot/afk farming increased a lot.

GM Useless
Basically all the new GMs like [GM] Strawberry, [GM] Beer etc. They add nothing useful to the server at all, just completely useless incompetent trashcans.

The community is great it deserves so much better than what the current GM team is giving them. They have been loyal for such a long time and putting up with no updates no skill fixes and no proper pvp/bg. This means mostly PvM players left in this server and just some players that login for WoE on weekends.

A lot of what happened comes down to how slow the GMs are in responding to the developments in the server. This means that bugs got abused completely and did their damage to the economy. This means they didn't make the right decisions at the right time in keeping a long term population. They were too focused on "image" instead of just running a server with good quality. Luck can only take you so far. I guess their incompetence finally showed. Overall this server could have been so much better and more populated if the GMs were more actively involved with the community and actually did something instead of just counting the money they are getting from the cash shop and providing zero service. Somewhere along the line they became too cocky and overconfident thinking they "made it" already and could do anything they want to. This is also their downfall. They just couldn't achieve the potential this server had when it blew up in July to 700 players. Sadly now they are only left with a "ghost" server and are trying to milk out what cash is left before it completely sinks. Like someone already mentioned people were only playing this server, because there were "no good" renewal servers out there.

Excuse me for typos and grammar English isn't my main language.

tdlr: Server is dying, don't waste your time & money; wait for the next big server

Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: NovaRagnarok on Nov 27, 2014, 02:14 PM
Before I decided to make my server I played here for just a little while and was disappointed at the GM team's attitude towards running a server. There was an instance on the forums where somebody listed a number of bugs that had been there since the start of the server, when he asked for something to be done about them one of the GMs replied by telling the player to go check the source code on rAthena and go fix it themselves. Extremely unprofessional behavior.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: pizzaguy on Nov 27, 2014, 05:54 PM
Hello everyone, Pizzaguy here!  /no1

Thank you, Hammer, for your review and opinion. I just want to touch on a few topic here (I'll leave out anything that is subjective, as that is for players and RMS visitors to judge):

TrueRO started January 4th of 2014 (how the time went by!). We are proud of our organic growth and it is a pleasure to be able to service the RO community by providing a Renewal server for players to explore and socialize with players from all around the world (I learned we have a player from Siberia just yesterday).

Regarding botters: permanent bans per our rules.

Regarding fixes: Our fixes consist of rAthena fixes and custom fixes that may not apply to the general rAthena userbase. However, we do not just blindly do updates. We weigh the benefits of new revision changes vs. open crash issues and high impact changes that can negatively affect players' gaming experience. We do retroactively apply certain fixes that makes sense for the current revision we are running.

We do NOT apply a lot of custom fixes, because that makes our source unmanageable. Currently, we already have about 30 pages of custom code and fixes that we apply to stock rAthena source every time we update.

We DO love rAthena and are well aware of the going-ons and updates of the project. As a matter of fact, Apple and I have contributed not just financially to the project, but we also contribute a test AEGIS server, generic game clients, and an open access test server to rAthena staff. (Hello rAthena staff!!). And yes, bugs have been fixed through our collaboration (though I wish I had time to do more).

Regarding player with "GM equipment": Good ol' packet editing, plus an undiscovered skill bug in rAthena. Fixed.

Regarding Staff: Apple has always been community manager, and that's how it's always been in all our years as admins. She's not the technical one - that would be me. As for other GMs - they have lives. We understand; we do too. They do not have any time obligations with us. Sometimes they test stuff with us on our test servers, sometimes they work on and contribute client files. They contribute what they can, and we are immensely appreciative of that!

Now, regarding your case: I made it very, very clear that we will not spend any more time than we already have on your case because the item in question was lost in a span of days when you shared your account with multiple people for the purpose of selling your in-game items for real world currency (which is against our rules). It became very apparent that you have no respect for our rules or our time. I'll spare the RMS community the details of your behavior and insults (some of which can be seen in your post).

Personally, I receive anywhere from 50-150 chat/@requests per day. Apple as well. We value our time. We both work (I definitely work longer hours than her, but she has family to care for too), yet we are both online every day. We set limits on how we use our time, as we should.

Lastly - Get your free Turkey Hat on TrueRO this weekend! Also... Send a Turkeygram to your friends!  /heh

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

(Nova - it is good to see you again. Best of luck on your server!)
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Rekt on Nov 27, 2014, 06:46 PM
It seems like Hammer has mentioned almost everything that needs to be mentioned about how trashy the server is but check out his response, deviated and irrelevant from the original context (as usual). This guy just cant provide a valid and acceptable response and is busy setting up his automated afk messages, pretending to be afk.

Fixes, What fixes are you talking about? Theres hardly any at all. We used to tell you the skill bugs on a daily basis to help improve the server but you'd just reply with what seems like an automated response as well: "check rathena for fixes and send them to me" or "ill check it out and get back to you"(which never happens) or "its working as intended"(a typical response of someone who's not able to fix the actual bug cause he doesnt know how or just too lazy). Do you want us to post the countless bugs here on this thread? that we've actually posted on TrueRO forum which you seem to be eternally ignoring? Quality DEV. You cant even respond to what Hammer mentioned, Battleground updates and not having changelogs.

Lets not forget  on how he banned me for literally just saying "here comes guardian's savior" then unbanned me an hour after for realizing he was at fault and was aimlessly just casting ban hammer as a result of hormonal imbalance caused by his monthly menstruation.

Btw, its a high probability that Apple and PizzaGuy are one person.

I therefore conclude that whoever joins this server will be f*** up the anus.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Coochy coochy coo on Nov 27, 2014, 07:44 PM
The server is good, i like the events and such. And i've been playing for like 3rd week of the server ?I've seen all the guilds that dominated and quitted. Kinda sad that the promised bg/pvp update havent implemented yet. Specially cursor bug in woe. but yeah kinda a dead server due to the number of vendors than to active players. /sob
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Lexii on Nov 28, 2014, 03:00 AM
How is it going to be clear when u not going give the logs? Are u hiding something?
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: lilaxdelle on Nov 28, 2014, 03:30 AM
Quote from: Coochy coochy coo on Nov 27, 2014, 07:44 PM
The server is good, i like the events and such. And i've been playing for like 3rd week of the server ?I've seen all the guilds that dominated and quitted. Kinda sad that the promised bg/pvp update havent implemented yet. Specially cursor bug in woe. but yeah kinda a dead server due to the number of vendors than to active players. /sob

e-event....event? EVENT??? omg son u are one super lucky guy to ever have encountered event on this server (mind u there's no automated one)..must be some hide/seek or poring bomb..or or or u're talking about the special halloween event - gm vs players woe where i saw gms mindlessly spamming 1-2 skills with their gm status and gm gears and laugh when they won..a WOE event where only the emp breaker n MVP got the prize? mmkay very good playstyle i must say  /no1

about this svr, basically everything "hammertimeblackfreshproalteena" and "rekt" mentioned..and "nova" as well..
appleguy, its nice to know that is how u work "intimately" with rAthena...but wonder why some fixed that rathena already solved are still unavailable in True server. if u said u're not gonna blindly update it, then doesnt it mean that u're not giving trust to rAthena dev then? huh so called friendly neighborhood dev? how are u suppose to test things when u dont even know how its suppose to work..

about gms..yeah i agree they do hv life..but what do u mean they do not hv obligation towards us (as in the server)...once they carry the title, it is one of their responsibilities and if they are not ready to sacrifice for it then mind enlighten me why u hired such gms again?
beside u and apple that on9 everyday (altho afk 23.99/7) barely see any GMs that actually "doing something"...like..nevahh??

and when people give honest review of ur svr in RMS, u always responded with "misaligned with other reviews or RMS marks"..is that really how u gonna answer it all the time? because honestly i enjoyed reading ur svr's review..especially about
- no bugs can be found on this svr (wait tell me ONE(1) job that have no bugs watsoever in their skills tree..hmm this reviewer must be novice coz i think novice is fine, unless trickdead is buggy as well =P)
- gms always on and active (u mean always on9 and afk? right?..wow why u licking donkey,that's sad )
- woe is very active and competitive, altho i never join any yet (w-wait wait.....WHOA! u giving review about woe when u never attended any??...geez lord i hate these type of players that trying to talk about woe/woeplayers/woeguilds when they never even attend any...get ur donkey out of here son)

lastly, i'll spare the RMS community about how useless and lazy the gms team are some of which can be seen in ur own svr's forum
altho its pretty much spilled bean already....
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Coochy coochy coo on Nov 28, 2014, 11:52 AM
Well i like the events that gives free hg? Ehueheuha
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: aguile on Nov 28, 2014, 01:56 PM
Well, i really liked the GM vs. Player event, as a PVM focused server you could see them as the new mvp's to be beaten at the time.

The donation isnt really an issue since their system don't let the server flood with OP hats, Apple and Pizza enforce their policy on the donations being only to help to maintain the server, and not to obtain any game advantage. The lack of custom stuff is a plus for me since every server I played that had "custom" equipments, only had OP items to sell for money, if you didnt get them you were f*** by the donators.

I dont know about the BG. No server i knew had the population to maintain all the official events (WOE, WOE2, WOE3, BG...) so it happened that 1 or 2 guild held the monopoly of the the side events (especially the Battlegrounds) since only they could fill the required slots and had the organization to crush the random players side. I would like if they implement the obb for kvm points npc into the eden group just to have the acceess to those equipments.

The economy is pretty stable. Since this is a PVM server, with focus on party and hunting, you can find almost every good, high-tier equipment being sold, and they are not expensive, since everyone is hunting them. Making zeny isnt difficult here for buying them too if you know what you are doing. The end-game equipment are still espensive as hell, as any other server, since everyone is hunting, you will have a fierce competition for them.

The server has a good community, being a good guy here is more than a matter of personality, is a necessity as the bigger you party, better are your rewards. The server has an increased spawn rate, so its hard to survive alone, and an increased exp bonus per party member(25% per member I believe).

About the bugs, yes they exists, they are following the rAthena updates so the patching is slow. Its not a bad policy, since when you start to do custom fixes, messing with the code can result into some conflict on future updates. The best course of action is to go on rAthena forums and see if they already have a fix for your problem. If they have, just tell Pizza or Apple and they will fix it. I did this 2 times and they solved the problem on 2 or 3 days. (thaks for fixing my madomech)

Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Innomite on Nov 28, 2014, 05:13 PM
Have you seen the demihuman hats in cash shop? Dragon Arhat Mask is quite crazy.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Ucieczka on Nov 28, 2014, 05:44 PM
Wow. responding to hammers review on RMS without responding to my query which is about 1 week old and is on the actual truero forums. Such activity. Much professionalism.

I can pretty much re-iterate everything in the review. It was fun for me while my friends were there, but WoE will be completely dead soon due to bugs and cursor/position lag issues
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: padkoto on Nov 28, 2014, 06:21 PM
This server had a good population and a lot of potential when I first joined about 8 months ago, but incompetent and biased gms, a complete lack of any dev and rampant bugs lead to the server being 95% vends now. Quite a few classes are so bugged they're unplayable. The only reason people joined in the first place is the reasons HammertimeBlackFreshpro listed and because a few big renewal servers all closed at about the same time and there weren't many options. There are now, so there's no reason to play here
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Rekt on Nov 28, 2014, 08:05 PM
Quote from: aguile on Nov 28, 2014, 01:56 PM
Well, i really liked the GM vs. Player event, as a PVM focused server you could see them as the new mvp's to be beaten at the time.

The donation isnt really an issue since their system don't let the server flood with OP hats, Apple and Pizza enforce their policy on the donations being only to help to maintain the server, and not to obtain any game advantage. The lack of custom stuff is a plus for me since every server I played that had "custom" equipments, only had OP items to sell for money, if you didnt get them you were f*** by the donators.

I dont know about the BG. No server i knew had the population to maintain all the official events (WOE, WOE2, WOE3, BG...) so it happened that 1 or 2 guild held the monopoly of the the side events (especially the Battlegrounds) since only they could fill the required slots and had the organization to crush the random players side. I would like if they implement the obb for kvm points npc into the eden group just to have the acceess to those equipments.

The economy is pretty stable. Since this is a PVM server, with focus on party and hunting, you can find almost every good, high-tier equipment being sold, and they are not expensive, since everyone is hunting them. Making zeny isnt difficult here for buying them too if you know what you are doing. The end-game equipment are still espensive as hell, as any other server, since everyone is hunting, you will have a fierce competition for them.

The server has a good community, being a good guy here is more than a matter of personality, is a necessity as the bigger you party, better are your rewards. The server has an increased spawn rate, so its hard to survive alone, and an increased exp bonus per party member(25% per member I believe).

About the bugs, yes they exists, they are following the rAthena updates so the patching is slow. Its not a bad policy, since when you start to do custom fixes, messing with the code can result into some conflict on future updates. The best course of action is to go on rAthena forums and see if they already have a fix for your problem. If they have, just tell Pizza or Apple and they will fix it. I did this 2 times and they solved the problem on 2 or 3 days. (thaks for fixing my madomech)
Either you are delusional or Pizza paid you to post this.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: ggwp on Nov 28, 2014, 10:41 PM
QuoteWell, i really liked the GM vs. Player event, as a PVM focused server you could see them as the new mvp's to be beaten at the time.

The only way to beat renewal GM in their GM status and GM gears are Shadow Form. That if you can live and cast it to them before they kill you 1st (Which is never if I play as the GM).

Quotenot to obtain any game advantage

Bound hats with great effect are not donator advantage right ?  /...

QuoteThe server has an increased spawn rate, so its hard to survive alone

Is this classic / trans server ?  /omg

Quotethey are following the rAthena updates so the patching is slow

See rAthena updates in 9 months then see TrueRO update in 9 months.

QuoteThe best course of action is to go on rAthena forums and see if they already have a fix for your problem.

Hire a fking competent Developer just like majority player said in the TrueRO forum.

QuoteA special shoutout to the underdog guild Garuda that has been playing with barely any player and still making impact every WoE

If guild from my country can make impact in WoE , I can imagine how easy the competition in there for me. This come from player who server hopping several local renewal server , joining random guild and make that random guild dominating so hard so the server died in less than 3 month.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: HammertimeBlackFreshpro on Nov 29, 2014, 08:19 AM
Quote from: ggwp on Nov 28, 2014, 10:41 PM

Is this classic / trans server ?  /omg

If guild from my country can make impact in WoE , I can imagine how easy the competition in there for me. This come from player who server hopping several local renewal server , joining random guild and make that random guild dominating so hard so the server died in less than 3 month.

It's Renewal like I already mentioned at the start. Don't derail the thread. This thread isn't about you.

@pizza Instead of adressing the flaws of your server that I made, you point the finger at me and advertise your s*** thanksgiving event. Again trying to keep your image up. Guess what no1 is going to buy that. I suggest the players that are still interested in this to do their own little research on the server. They will surely come to the same conclusion as I did. Just count the vending merchants in izlude or check the bug section on the forum. Why can't you just give that item log on gtb card from 1 november to 5 november. I don't see a reason why to not give it unless you are hiding something? Did some donator ask for the removal of my gtb or something?

Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: kurosawa on Nov 30, 2014, 12:27 AM

"Regarding player with "GM equipment": Good ol' packet editing, plus an undiscovered skill bug in rAthena. Fixed."
fixed you say?

guess what, they are back. doing 999k charge attack on pvp.

someone TRIED to report it, instead of doing the right action, you fckin IP banned him instead of fixing the problem.
now temme, what is FIXED?

just try look at the forums and check bug thread. its closed since may or march iirc?
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: exii on Nov 30, 2014, 01:01 AM
I start liking dis fred
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Innomite on Nov 30, 2014, 03:35 AM
At least Elias Bakkali used to give us direct answers to try to make things "clear". Pizza doesn't even stand up to that.

You say you won't waste your time with someone who "sold his GTB for real money". Well isn't your job to clear your players' doubts? Because at that time, Hammer was still a player in your server. And, as a matter of fact, you, as a Co-administrator, should have answered all his questions.

This whole s*** of a thread could've been avoided if you just gave him the itemlogs, which ohmygod was the only thing he ever asked you in the first place. And even so without the GTB, our guild has managed to dominate WoE. Because the only thing we wanted was transparency, which you guys lack a lot of.

I joined TrueRO the very first day, when server had only 12 people online and Prontera was filled with Porings. I know how bugged everything was (and still is) since then. I quit 2 weeks later. Then came back on May to join Hammer for WoE.

A friend  told me that his guild quit because oheysurprise bugs. Bugs that are still present in the server. Bugs that have been never fixed. Bugs that are breaking the already broken gameplay. But we didn't complain during the first months because we were aware of how helluva job fixing stuffs in a bugged server is. But you guys took so long, and by then, when you had everything "ready" for the ultragreat update (oh wait I forgot that style update that was scheduled for JULY OH HELLO WHEN STYLE UPDATE OMG) you got DDoS'd. Server got down for 4 whole days. Numbers decreased, the peak hasn't gotten any higher than 732 ever since that incident happened and it's been 3 months already. You still say this is the #1 Renewal server. Well, RMS may say that, but someone smart enough can tell by the design of your mainpage and your forums' format that it's just bs. I personally find NovaRO better, and I just played there for 15 minutes, then I quit.

Relying on rAthena is taking you guys a lot of our time. Scias (Uciezcka) made lots of threads in your forums for that matter, I stood up in the name of all Sorcerers to give you a full list of bugged skills, 2 developers offered their services to help you with fixing bugs. And what did you do? Nothing. You ignored us, you rejected those developers saying "k no ty we're fine" or some other s*** like "we don't trust people".

Sorry if I sound redundant, but Sorcerer is so limited. Musicians only work as song slaves, they don't serve for any other purpose because their skills got utterly raped by the base/job level cap increase that happened like a year ago and it hasn't been fixed yet. DEF, MDEF and ASPD are so f*** up. It's so hard to get more than 180 aspd if you're not a Ranger, GX, RG, RK or Shadow Chaser. Ranger is so overpowered in PvM, it completely outplays Sura, which used to be the main MVP killer thanks to ohhelloAsurastrike, and let me tell you that Asura is bugged as well, its formula is wrong and it's dealing about 40% less damage than it should. But let's not give a f*** because it's not Style-related.

Where's your costume NPC that you promised 2 months ago? Besides the Eclage one, which by the way is also bugged.
Do I have to remind you guys that you fixed Cart Tornado because it was so "Overpowered" and you took less than a day to fix it? I remember someone told me that if we don't complain enough, you won't fix s***. And I do remember that people complained a lot about Cart Tornado.

All I can see is a bunch of lame excuses and big "intelectual" talk which you use to try to convince people that you do actual s***.

Do you know why we complain? Because all of the servers we've been into (including OriginalRO) were more efficient. They have/had something I doubt you guys won't: fixed bugs.

PS: You f*** suck at making videos. That Halloween video is so lame. You should have at least put another song to make it exciting. You even suck at that, geez.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Innomite on Dec 01, 2014, 11:18 PM
Bumping for the greater good.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Rekt on Dec 02, 2014, 03:41 AM
Quote from: Innomite on Dec 01, 2014, 11:18 PM
Bumping for the greater good.
You expect Pizza to come up with a decent and relevant response? There's no more hope for that server anyway lol.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: bombay100 on Dec 02, 2014, 09:03 AM
@Pizzaguy .

Stop Being Neutral you really need to speak up for the sake of your own server . I don't see the problem giving out the logs .It hardly takes a s*** amount of time .
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Coochy coochy coo on Dec 02, 2014, 07:19 PM
Player gettin banned by reporting a player that deals 999k, sounds fishy enough.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Lexii on Dec 02, 2014, 10:15 PM
So i just heard, that guy who did 999k got banned for 40mins ROFL.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: bombay100 on Dec 02, 2014, 10:40 PM
Let's not speak about Tro woe . It was always been retarded at the first place with the broken skills , Few bug abusers that could 1 Shot Any Class with max reducs . And yet the admin claims about his server being balanced and way better than any other renewal servers.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Addison on Dec 03, 2014, 02:39 AM
I don't understand why people still play on this server lol. /wah
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Playtester on Dec 03, 2014, 03:52 AM
If there's an exploit on rA that allows you to deal 999k damage which is still present, it would be nice if someone could drop me a PM on how to reproduce so I can fix it. :-)
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Coochy coochy coo on Dec 04, 2014, 11:28 AM
Quote from: Playtester on Dec 03, 2014, 03:52 AM
If there's an exploit on rA that allows you to deal 999k damage which is still present, it would be nice if someone could drop me a PM on how to reproduce so I can fix it. :-)
Its either a bug or a playing gm.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: HammertimeBlackFreshpro on Dec 08, 2014, 04:13 PM
Mystery solved finally. Just to provide you guys with some more entertainment. I got some information from a source I will not mention unless he decides to post here. Apparantly my gtb was removed by that player that was using hacks: Lynda. He did this to get back at me I think, because I reported his woe char by writing a huge essay on all the impossible things he was doing in woe and that char of his got banned. I applaud your skill sir and thank you even for speeding up my leave from this server.

As for the reason why [GM] pizzaguy doesn't want to share the log it's simple. He didn't understand how the card could just dissapear in thin air and did not want to look stupid. Keeping his image up good job.

Good to know my 2 mates didn't f*** me over. You can close this thread now.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Ucieczka on Dec 12, 2014, 12:33 PM
Quote from: bombay100 on Dec 02, 2014, 10:40 PMAnd yet the admin claims about his server being balanced and way better than any other renewal servers.

Lol, it would help if you could actually click the ground and move there.

And this is reasonably hilarious: http://truero.com/f/index.php?topic=1754.0 (http://truero.com/f/index.php?topic=1754.0)

Edit: As long as this thread is where we'll be honest about what goes on in that server, may as well leave this here. Pizzaguy telling lulu that claiming the server corrupts vend prices is absurd, then my evidence showing that it does happen. http://i.imgur.com/orO7d7v.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/orO7d7v.jpg)

I've been waiting for any form of response for like, weeks now, maybe months. Who knows.
Title: Re: Truero Review - The Final Blow
Post by: Tech N9ne on Jan 01, 2015, 07:05 PM
This is the absolute Truth(ha) about TrueRO. I came here to write my own review for the server only to see this and realize everything said here is the same that i would say(minus being banned and etc).

The AFK Merchant power is REAL, the economy is dominatted by accounts that havent been active in months. The total amount of players is sadly closer to 20-40(thats being generous).