RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

RateMyServer.Net => Server Reviews => Topic started by: Aleksandr on Oct 20, 2009, 01:59 AM

Title: Oracle RO Midrate
Post by: Aleksandr on Oct 20, 2009, 01:59 AM
Score: 9
All in all, I can say the servers stability is great, Very very little lag spikes. On occaisons you may have one but int he end it could be your connection or something..

Score: 10
So far from the short time I have been on the server, Not once has it gone down..Unless during the times Im not at the computer..


Score: 8
Ehh...I cant say much on this as 90% of the Community is German and wont even speak to you either A. They cant understand English or B. They just don't care.. Don't get me wrong there are definitely good people on there..If few and far far between due to the tiny community.

Well..I cant say to much on here except that by the time I get on that any event going on has ended..THough I am sure they are quiet few when and if the GMs are on.

Score: 10
When I have reached a GM, He/She has been very helpful to me, albeit I dont think they/some are good with the nuances of English so understanding them gets quiet diffcult at times.

Total: 26

Well the Economy is ...Well...Dead., So few people int he community goods havent started flowing well, and a economy cant be established to well. Albeit the few AT Vendors I have seen up do keep their items relatively priced at a decent level..

-Guild Competition-
Score: 5
What guild Competition..WIth such a Small Community and Mostly German Guilds each with maybe on 6 members..and Maybe only one English Speaking guild..WoE doesn't take place I don't think, Nor do I really care, since the times take place when I'm at work or school. So I may really never know the truth about guild competition.

-Class Balance-
Score: 9
What can I say about Class Balance...Well they are all relatively balanced out to each other. Pne class cant truly dominate the other..

Total: 22

Miscellaneous (No Scoring)
On the Oracle RO CP(Flux) they give you the option to donate via Pay Pal to the server which gives you donation points..The donation points can then be spent on Items, which are similar to Official rewards. No custom gear and crap, Just Items such as EXP Manual bubblegum, Refined Accessories (Ring , Earring, Etc)). The headgears and acessroies add no unbalance tot he game at least.

There are five sites that you can go to and vote for Oracle RO, Each Server vote gives you one point. These points you earn can be used to purchase headgear's or such from a NPC in game. As I don't feel to comfortable voting just yet, until more knowledge of the server is gained.

Total Score

Note this is just my opinion based on my short time on the server. As it is still quiet a small community, Some data isnt readily avaliable to me to get a fully accurate review.

Would I recommend this. Yes I would, it has to potential to be a excellent server..