Lunar RO3

Started by Winchester, Feb 10, 2009, 04:11 PM

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Aight Iv been playin for 3 weeks now, moving from official servers and tryin to make an objective review with some opinions.

RMS link :
by the way, screenshots posted there are not the LnRO3

Introduction :
I'm not quite sure, because i was invited by my friend. Lunar RO3 originally created by a player of Lunar RO2 nicked Coke (not the admin of Lunar RO2, totally different).  This server is a PVP-oriented server, so everything can be obtained 'quite' easily with efforts. With high rates people can quickly lvl in a custom dungeon using Ygg-leaves. Standard MVP Spawn-time with 10% chance of cards drop rate. In addition, there's a bunch custom gear quests for you to do. There's day-night system cycle in 30 mins implemented, of which Im a bit unused to this. Sadly, this server's not yet implementing the Satan of Morroc MVP, but the map's already available. Basemap : Prontera using sakura theme ;p quite beautiful.

Server Stability :
Server's stabile until now there's no sudden DC unless there's a problem with the server PC, mainteance held every Sunday for 1 hrs. There was a wipe when the server's monitor blasted, but the GM give a refund for important items player had. The server's location is in Switzerland, for a reason that Im in Indonesia, away from the server location, this might be the source of delay (lag), maybe just 0.3-1 sec max delay.
Stability : 9/10
Durability/Availability : 9/10

Community :
Players online approximately 5-10 players currently online ea. day with peak around 15, while the server is currently dominated by Indonesian and Philipines. Also there's a singaporean. You'll find Indo ppl a bit arrogant tough ;p, no idea for the Philipines player, cause they almost never interact O.O, There's a broadcaster which can broadcast your messages for 100k, a decent price, but unuseful during low ppl playing hahaha and quite often they dont have what u'r looking for. Most ppl here are grouping (talking, joking, etc) with their own hommies. Economy cant be reviewed since not many ppl like vending tough...
Nice : 7/10
Interactions : 7/10
Politeness : Depends every person ;p yea some are impolite rude and etc..

GM :
We can find all the GMs (currently 3) online almost daily, but the server's currently looking for an Event GM since the last one was in not proper manner of being a GM (emotionally and quite siding with ppl he liked), but was kicked after the incidence. Event was previously held 3-5 times a week, but currently without managing GM there's only 1-2 events a week. The GMs are dedicated in developing this server, of all i know that he himself several times mentioned that he'd been scripting for days (~.~). GMs are accepting suggestions and criticism openhanded and coldheaded.
Friendlines/Interactive : 10/10
Performance/Availability : 8/10
Reliability/Helpfulness : 9/10
Rules-Based : 9/10

Events :
Currently known event is something common like the guess the mob, king of the hill, roll dice, some MVP quest, guess the SP need skill, monster disguise party, many more. Well most importantly the price of each event is depent how hard the event. Sometimes you can get even bored too with the event haha...
Ideas : 6/10
Fun : Depends ~.~
Prize : 9/10 --> quite reasonable

Customs Rooms: There's a gold room which quite useful for farming golds, of which can be used for some quests. There's also a Mithril Room for mithril coint to quest and a basic MVP Room (sadly not a BloodyBranch room LoL). The PvP room location is guild_vs3, a large unobstacled, quite suitable for PvP. A custom leveling room is available, by using Yggleaves can get 255 and rebirth easily but with efforts of course. Yea there's a Mall (where you can find some basic needs for starters). Its quite interesting anyway but still efforts...

Custom NPC : Well bunch of them, Berries-Seeds (cant be used @ pvp room, prevent spamming it), Chemists Bottles, Ores, Poison Bottles, and EDP Scroll for 200k ea. are sold by the npc for a price. There's a ninja master which can be used to assassinate someone for fun or anything. God Item is customized to, increasing some materials which can be obtained by mithril coins, easy but need efforts. Overall, this features completes the need of a PvP oriented server. Almost forgot, there's a reset stat, healer, and old card granny which able to unsocket ur equips.

Custom Items : Like all servers +10 allstats headgears card is available, various wings with upgrades and forks in each types, some [2] slot armor with "EFFORTS" to do, IMO some balance of items are still required. Anyway the Admin loves FF7, so some quest will require the "MATERIA" which can be obtained from WoE treasure box. As usual, [3] slotted and [4] slotted top gears, also [1] midgears (as 11/02 only sunglasses and glasses). Well some items are not quite balanced yet.
Item Balance : 7/10
Item Concept : 9/10
Quest Difficulty : 3/10 --> this means easy ;p but still with Efforts

Cards Disabled : Maya Purples, Ifrit, Fallen Bishop Hillbrams, GTB (not disabled but reduced effect), Frus, Gloom, KieL, Thatansos and maybe there's other since I dont remember. I belive this is a good reason disabling it for a balance.

PvP : Like i said, Its in guild_vs3, no yggs, Maya Purp disabled so there's advantages in sinX, but still hav to bring proper eqs to beat the... ghostring party or other, no worries tough if you are skilled since this is a PvP server. For starters, maybe u'd be owned first, but in 1 week u can come up with them i believe. In addition, concern your cards use to rule!

WoE :
WoE still doesnt go well IMO, the truth is if more ppl participates, should be interesting. I dont know well bout WoE since I myself cant attend the schedule. Only 2 Castles of Prontera is available to be assaulted.
Guild Competition : Cant be predicted yet

Commands :
Decent commands like other servers. Disabled the @mobsearch command.

Donations :
No donations are opened yet, and currently unknown for futher availability for donations. I kind a like this ;p, but maybe in sometime this would be enabled.

In the end, This server's currently a growing sprout (around 2 months old), well lack of ppl playing sometimes can bore u, but no worries u can do quests since there's bunch of them or go PvP. IMO, if there're more ppl playin, this should b a very fun server (since I'm looking for fun, not other reason).

I guess thats all i can write and if you are looking for a pvp server, this might be good one of all available. In addition i wrote too many efforts ~.~


Custom Items : Like all servers +10 allstats headgears card is available, various wings with upgrades and forks in each types, some [2] slot armor with "EFFORTS" to do, IMO some balance of items are still required. Anyway the Admin loves FF7, so some quest will require the "MATERIA" which can be obtained from WoE treasure box. As usual, [3] slotted and [4] slotted top gears, also [1] midgears (as 11/02 only sunglasses and glasses). Well some items are not quite balanced yet.
Item Balance : 7/10
Item Concept : 9/10
Quest Difficulty : 3/10 --> this means easy ;p but still with Efforts

Cards Disabled : Maya Purples, Ifrit, Fallen Bishop Hillbrams, GTB (not disabled but reduced effect), Frus, Gloom, KieL, Thatansos and maybe there's other since I dont remember. I belive this is a good reason disabling it for a balance.

Game Over.