
Started by Annihilate, Feb 11, 2012, 10:44 AM

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Availability/Stability: 10/10

Well, it was never down when I was there, so I guess it's a 10.



The community is really small (less than 10 online at any time) so I can't really rate this one at this point.


Game Master Rating: 1/10

The GMs lack professionalism because they bicker among each other in front of regular players. Moreover, the server developer himself loves to heckle alleged offenders. It's kind of sad because a server developer should do his best to build/maintain a positive reputation so people will flock to the server, which isn't the case.


Gameplay Rating: 2/10

a. Nothing to do
The GMs level you up to 255/120 right after you login. They also give new players 3billion zeny, 1000 poring coins, an OP custom valk set [+10 stats per equip, etc], among other stuff. So it pretty much leaves you with nothing else to do.

b. Imba donates
The donates are also overpowered. Imagine having a priest with all types of bolts and heaven's drive to boot, and god knows what else he can do. When I asked a GM why the priest was able to do such stuff, the GM said that he was a donator.

c. zero delay
There's no after-cast delay and considering that GM's allow the use of 3rd party programs, one can easily create a Tarot gypsy and pawn anyyone [even those with tons of Yggs] with non-stop casts.


General Observation:

I think the developer/GM team lacks both professionalism and the requisite knowledge to run an RO server. The gameplay is too unpredictable, the casters too imba, and the donation stuff too out-of-this-world.

So yeah, IMHO, this server sucks.