Forsaken Ragnarok Online (fRO)

Started by Damascus, Feb 18, 2008, 08:20 PM

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I was looking through the reviews and saw that this server is barely known/recognized so I decided to give you all a review on how the server is through my opinion, if anyone sais otherwise please do not start a flame war.

Community: This server has a very unique community, in here racism is not tolerated at all and allows the server to have everybody fuse as 1 in other words become family. I have been in this server since it's began and have noticed it's equal share of flaws but that are so tiny that you/I could barely point them out. There is alot of friendship and rivalry in part of the server but never really reaches extreme limits in other words flames break out and engulf innocent players. Game Masters are usually on if not it's because we are usually assigned some jobs/projects to do to help the server grow out more, whenever a GM is present in-game there is usually an event about to be held or they will personally appear in [Forsaken City] and help players out in such answering questions/directing them to the right locations and even help with leveling and card compounding.

Economy: The server's economical balance seems to be just well except that they lack Yggdrasil Berries/Poison Bottles which serve a great purpose in the server. Donations Items are easy to come to and so with normal items/cards. MvP cards are difficult to get though if you MvP but easy to buy off of other players, Coupons usually being the cost.

PvP: PvP in this server is exhilirating and seems to be extremely fast pased with powerful damage. Almost every class is balanced perfectly in this server to the point that a Gypsy has the ability to kill an Assassin Cross, Paladin or Champion which are the 3 most overpowered classes in the majority of servers. Yggdrasil Berry and Seeds are the most commonly used restorative items even if some people use Pilules (Acquired via. OBB/OPB). Donators and Non-Donators are in par when it comes to killing except that the Donator's only upper hand is that they are immune to freeze if wielding the entire Donation Set. Thatatos Card is enabled in this server but can easily be overcame with Skoll Cards (Custom Cards) that reduce base defense by -40% ea. and add +6% HP per card. Armor/Weaponry breaking is also enabled in this server that is easily overcame with Full Chemical Protection, RSX Card, Golem, Valkyrie Randrigs and Cornutus. The only possible way for you to be horrible in PvP is if you lack basic items for any PvP in general and have no skill/experience in Ragnarok Online.

MvP: MvPs in this server are incredibly unique and quite fun if done with friends. Every MvP monster has been customized to have additional stats and modified HP reaching the 200 Million HP area which would make you require more than 1 person to MvP. MvPing supports friendship/teamwork which is a major feature in life skills and RO skills and help improve your social/communication abilities. The MvP Card's Drop Rates are at 10%- to prevent cards from going everywhere.

Special Features: This server alike many others has a wide variety of special features each with unique purposes. Some special features in this server would be our Customized Cards which help us overcome some things that may be overpowered in other servers, as mentioned we have the Skoll Card that counters Thanatos, Dragoon Warlord Card that enables a 10% chance to automatically cast Level 1 Strip Shield which is a powerful asset to Professors/High Wizards and more cards. We have Custom Quests that at most give you a huge compensation. Apart from the quests being ridiculously long they will keep you occupied even after you finish hitting 255. There is an Elite Subclass feature in the server in which a player will hit 255/255 and be able to become a Forsaken Elite and wield Forsaken Elite Weapons/Equipments which are the best features for Non-Donators due to it requiring no donation at all to complete. Becoming a Forsaken Elite gifts you with +200 extra Stats at your disposal to add to any skill (No, not +200 Bonus in other words Str- 20+200, it's 200 usable stats). There are many more features that are incredibly enjoyable.

Summary: This server is incredible and most of the players that try it out usually tend to stay since it's easy to go around with this. I highly recommend any reader of this review to try this server out, I seriously enjoy and assure you that you will also enjoy it.

-Sincerely, Damascus; Forsaken Ragnarok Online.