Elaria Woon Reloaded

Started by Edekk, Sep 11, 2016, 05:44 PM

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Welcome! I would like to share my thoughts about Elaria Woon Reloaded.


My friends invited me to a server start and I accepted since they said it will be stable with very good administration(phew....)

How do I see this.

STABILITY (connection, performance) 9/10.

Good client with nice shield put on Hercules. Proxys for different world regions.

Gepard Shield, very nice stuff

Nothing to be happy about and nothing to be angry. Trolls like everywhere.


Prices of items cut to half in vendor. The rates are 50/50/25 so its not that bad but its not that easy to get zeny since there is no command help with taking or hiding items in inventory.



This is where the problem begins. It is impossible to play on the server. GMs are very unstable emotionally. Implementing things that doesnt work. They are racist and homophobic as you can see on the spoiler. Events are boring and glitched. People are unable to leave the map during it or @noks command working on the boss. Things that shouldnt even happen. Battlegrounds is a just a bunch of afks since there is no afk check or dual client check in it. I have been jailed and perma banned for single dual client on the battleground even though there was absolutely no word about it in the server rules.

PVP 1/10.

Empty pvp arena and bugged battlegrounds. Woe didnt start yet but looking at the server population and administraion it wont be competitive.


-> Stability of the server, security and proxys for different regions

-> Emotionally unstable administration overwhelming with their egos
-> Glitched Battleground and Events
-> Not ready to be played as it is




It has mid rate's but it's a low rate feature server, inhabited by plenty of new comers to RO as well as the small crowd of (tea party players) from Woon that will sit there until it dies. Around 200~ population but dual clients and @autotrade I'd say the population is 50-70~ which isn't exactly bad for a new MR server, however I doubt it will maintain. Many of the veteran players aren't satisfied with the features and customization they've implemented and are more than comfortable with not playing and waiting for another server.

First, there is an 'AZI' patch(anti zeny inflation) that cuts every sell-able item in half. Personally, I never saw this as 'effective' because money value is relative to how much zeny there already is, so what if here a card might 500k as opposed to 1m? It'll still take a (near) equal amount of time to accumulate the funds required to buy it. Instead it makes grinding take much longer, as well as more costly(in proportion to what you can farm) when using the enchanter/warper/slotter/decard/any NPC. FYI all those NPC's either require VIP membership to even use, or to unlock more from the NPC(like additional maps to warp to).

Second, many of the players don't have a favorable view of the staff. Mainly because they ignore results of their discussions/polls, which isn't wrong if the idea is something preposterous for the server they're developing. However it's things that don't exactly seem, to me, that terribly gamebreaking or non-conducive to the growth of the server.
but at the end of the day it's their server and they can pick what they'd like.

The 'VIP' system is zeny base yes, but you have to continuously pay into daily in order to maintain it's membership. This membership is also required at the stylist NPC, all of which was justified in their eye's to "maintain a purely cosmetic donation shop" so they have a third tier of clothing/palette options available only irl money donors.

I'm sure I'm missing some other issues, these just seem to catch my attention the most. I encourage anyone else to put in their review here, good or bad.


Yeah this review looks about right. MR acting as a LR for "longevity" and they use this excuse to deny suggestions even when the masses want it.

Tbh the only reason this server is big is because of its name and the admin's names.

I honestly don't see how serious MR WoE players/guilds can play here, they don't even have 3pps.

I hope people come to their senses soon.


For a server with so much hype, this is sad to hear.


I concur. Administration is cancerous. I have played on many servers during my 11 year journey in RO and never have I seen admins trash talking players in game. That is preposterous. If they have no respect for players then I'm afraid this server will be dead within a month. Pity, 'cause it looked cool at first glance.

...and this AZI is a joke. I can farm 1m in 10-15 minutes.


Not sure what everybody expected, the server literally even has Woon Reloaded in the title and Nihad in the Admins team


edit: dead server, don't join


Frankly, I don't see anything on the screenie that would be really out of the line. A player was trolling, admin shut him up. It was either with comeback like this or @mute, I'd do it the same way. Might seem little harsh, but it's really the only way to shut up some people. If you're so sensitive that you're hurt by this, you better not go out.

As it stands now...yes, ther are bugs. Nihad is working on fixing them, it's just not instant.

BTW, looking where the image is hosted...I've heard that a Polish guild was hit hard by banhammer after repeated multiclienting in BG in first day that BG went on. Any relation there?


Quote from: Sarin on Sep 12, 2016, 04:36 PM
BTW, looking where the image is hosted...I've heard that a Polish guild was hit hard by banhammer after repeated multiclienting in BG in first day that BG went on. Any relation there?

The way I see it, the screenshot may be negligible but, you have a bunch of people saying the same things so, I don't think it is really all that relevant if he did happen to be part of that guild.


Quote from: Sarin on Sep 12, 2016, 04:36 PM
Frankly, I don't see anything on the screenie that would be really out of the line. A player was trolling, admin shut him up. It was either with comeback like this or @mute, I'd do it the same way. Might seem little harsh, but it's really the only way to shut up some people. If you're so sensitive that you're hurt by this, you better not go out.

As it stands now...yes, ther are bugs. Nihad is working on fixing them, it's just not instant.

BTW, looking where the image is hosted...I've heard that a Polish guild was hit hard by banhammer after repeated multiclienting in BG in first day that BG went on. Any relation there?

Thats just one of many things he was writing. He was calling my father a nig ger and insulting many other players.
IF you really think it is not out of line, lets check how will any actual jew react to this.

So you are apparently saying, its ok to be homophobic and racist in order to shut somebodys up?

You heard from whom? "Repeated multiclienting" thats funny. So you are saying its ok to ban somebody for something that isnt even in the server rules without previous warning and its ok to brake own server rules without any consequence?

This logic is prepostrous.

Nihad is nothing but coward since he was afraid of confrontation in forum with the rest staff of the server.


edit: falsely defending the GMs


Quote from: Edekk on Sep 11, 2016, 05:44 PM
I have been jailed and perma banned for single dual client on the battleground even though there was absolutely no word about it in the server rules.

Looks like reading is too difficult for some people.

You are funny, I already achieved my goal. Discrediting him is already done, i got some pms here from people that also know how he is acting.

I dont want server to shutdown i just want the community to know. Simply


This sv is just bad GM will ban anyone they dislike, economy is awful ppl are selling stuff for random price. Community is so trash u cannot ask anyone on #main, u will end up get trolled or swearing at.
ez lvl and macroing for gears with @AUTOLOOT.

This sv wont last long i tell ya.


 /ho  Apparently the yellow auto messages announced to the server do not count as warning all players about Dual Clienting in BG and GM events? Those have been going on since before BG was even released on the server. Don't be salty because you got caught. I've not seen a server allow/legalizing leeching BG to that degree anyway? That's why @reportafk and commands like that have been put into most BGs --- to stop that behavior and allow players to take control. @reportafk has been fixed and there has been a script added to combat dual clienting in BG.  /kis

To see your thin skin pertaining to Nihad's comments? I can see you have not dealt with trolls or think that simply @mute-ing trolls will end an issue. Usually that makes things worse. I can tell you that as someone who is both a teacher and former disciplinarian for teenagers. Simply telling them to stop is effective maybe 10% of the time.

This particular comment that you selected really is not that bad, either. I'm sure you could have found more shocking statements if you think Nihad is really that consistently unhinged. Dissect what was actually said in that comment and the meaning behind the words. Of course, the meaning may have been lost in translation if you were part of that Polish guild (who was abusing bg). Look past the shock value and analyze that comment. If you're looking for a reason to be upset, then of course you can raise hell as you desire. I simply call this motivation and payback. Was that your only interaction with the GMs?

Other complaints, such as the server being more low rate than mid rate --- I can understand those comments. Elaria is a baby of a mid rate and low rate admins. Seeing features that appeal to both sides is only natural in that sense.


^write with normal colour. Making your messages colourful is an obvious attempt of manipulation (drawing people's attention towards your post instead of others). Also it makes you look like an attention whore.

That being said:

QuoteApparently the yellow auto messages announced to the server do not count as warning all players about Dual Clienting in BG and GM events?

These "yellow auto messages" are usually ignored by players tbh. At least I did ignore them and this is precisely why rules should be written in the Rules Section of server's official site. Failing to do so creates all sorts of misunderstandings, and the silly thing to do is banning a person on the basis of a rule that does not exist. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't "abusing" battlegrounds, 'cause I have never read the rules (:)) and I have made an assumption that there has to be a written rule that forbids such actions. There wasn't though, therefore we can't speak of any abuse of rules. Period.

And if there is a single person out there who claims Nihad isn't toxic - well, you probably don't follow #main, right? This server had a huge chance to achieve something stable, but emotionally underdeveloped admin ruined it. It will be all over around November, so don't even bother playing.