ebRO, Earthbound-RO, personal ratting

Started by PeaceMaker, Jun 01, 2008, 07:20 PM

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Quote from: Ansuz Isaz on Jul 09, 2008, 12:23 PM
As for it being "impossible," it really isn't. =P It's just time consuming, depending on how many hands it changed. Their statements were all about laziness, though I generally understand and approve of the "no item is returned if you were scammed" thing, simply because you should have been smart enough to out-think a simple trick. As long as the scammer themselves are punished, it doesn't bother me.

The main admin there posted an announcement a few months back that it was impossible for him to restore scammed items.
Then again, I can't really say I'm impressed by the level of intelligence shown by the current ebRO community.

That ^^^^ post shows again how their staff is handling serious issues.
Duping gets just about every server down if done for a long period, messing up the economy completely.
Maybe the lack of an actual economy on ebRO makes these dupers fail to bring it down though.


Ive been playing EB for 1.5 months and nothings wrong with it. Donations are balanced because players in game eventually purchase customs by the time they reach 255. Basically the people who donate and get them end up selling them and they become part of the economy. The server is fine from my point of view, the only thing I have seen that is bad is that some of the players are quite cocky and mean. I hate when people are like that, it takes 10 minutes to get buffs from someone O_o. But I have to say its one of the most solid all English servers out there. Oh and if anyone quits I can use some extra accounts on there, I need some good leeching characters.
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Quote from: PeaceMaker on Jul 13, 2008, 02:43 AM
Quote from: P0tat0 on Jul 07, 2008, 06:02 PM
Seems you are not being completely honest either retard haha. Question is why were u on the earthbound ventrilo to begin with haha if you had already given up unless you came on ventrilo begging to come back, same as when you begged relms to let you back on, you are what i would call a switch b*tch lol all u do is switch back and forth and never stand firm on what you believe in only for the interest of your own personal goals haha. Thats what you are sir, and the fact of the matter is the way you and your wife act are a reflection of how your own life is just a sad POS existence. Again no more drama since you left the server, its been a month. Also when you say this was a complete waste of time, maybe it is because you didn't even learn anything from this experience not even to stop being such a b*tch and bastard towards your friends and the people around you. You and your family have no regards for anyone but yourselves, this whole rant was a personal selfish way of getting back at the people u hate most. I guess really you can't teach an old dog new tricks right? I feel sorry for how your children are gonna be raised, they won't learn any respect for the people around them and its kinda sad. Yes this is a personal attack since you don't seem to understand what letting go is. Lifes full of choices and you are full of bad ones haha, btw i find it kinda sad that a middle aged man plays a kids game, not that its my business but if you got no interests and hobbies other then this game then it really is kinda sad. Thanks =)

Two things I have to say is this...

1.) My proof in the past post is true in what this GM of ebRO just said. Potato is a GM of ebRO and guaranteed that nothing will happen to this little kid, and not wasting my time with a childish come back like he did...

2.) I am not the only one that is saying the same thing I am saying. Just read the reviews... Click the following link to read the bad reviews yourself. Dont take my word.http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=serverstat&serid=1782&itv=6&url_sname=EarthBound-RO&page_num=1

lmao im just stating ur exact actions and i guess if thats childish I guess it is haha, like I said if you don't like the server, then don't play on it, i might as well mention its free to play haha. Fact of the matter is, after being banned for so long you still act more like a child then i do, changing your posts etc. can't make up ur mind dumb b****? Im not gonna candy coat the truth haha, servers not perfect but i bet you can't tell me one that is absolutely perfect haha. As for me being a gm that has nothing to do with anything all I do is welcome new players and make them feel welcome, if you have a problem with that, then i suggest you go to the hospital and get a check on ur mentality since it seems to be of a 5 year old haha.

Also sway aka alice from all that ive heard from eric and serana and a few others you say this s*** only cause u did s*** that was corrupt to begin with haha, trying out fb card on ur legit when the card didn't even exist? Seriously haha but maybe i am a hypocrite I don't let things go easy either, like for the toyer incident whom btw peacemaker supported and was corrupt as s*** haha, and i only fight for these things only because i didn't want the server to become like my previous 3x server haha. As for the duping incident im the one who figured most of it out from friends or just seeing it myself and cleared out everything nothings been wiped nothings been rolled back, in fact if u wanna give so little credit to relms and washi thats fine but im letting everyone know that they could've taken the easy way out by rolling back the dropped duped donates but they took the time and traced the items so that other people wouldn't have wasted their lvling time or w.e. Again no one is perfect no server is perfect including u two dumbasses and if u wanna look like fools then keep talking with that cock of an attitude, im sure it'll get u somewhere in life hahaha.


Yet another wasted moment of defending a lost cause. Relms what female have you made gm this week? Is not Potato good enough to be your b****?

Potato, only advice I can give you kid, is that you are really making yourself and ebRO look really bad, please keep going.........Thank you.


Quote from: PeaceMaker on Jul 14, 2008, 05:51 AM
Yet another wasted moment of defending a lost cause. Relms what female have you made gm this week? Is not Potato good enough to be your b****?

Potato, only advice I can give you kid, is that you are really making yourself and ebRO look really bad, please keep going.........Thank you.

lmao you just keep saying the same thing over and over again with no solid evidence haha, like a whiny little kid. You keep calling me kid and relms b**** hahaha, but its cool at least i don't cry myself to sleep at night over a game like you and get put into a hospital btw that was the funniest s*** ever that ur wife and brother blamed me for u being in the hospital over that toyer incident. You are such a retard haha, and also about making ebro look bad, I'm not cause fact is all im doing is refuting your argument to prove that you're an idiot. So far you've proven my point in this whole thread haha, and your credibility unfortunately is in the s*** haha. Fact of the matter is you still come check the forums cause u care so much haha and its so sad, unlike you i only come on cause i enjoy stomping on your cock of an attitude haha. Keep looking down on people im sure its gotten u really far in life haha, can't help but wonder y a 40-50 year old guy is playing a game and then crying about it after he gets banned, little immature id say haha.


I am done with this. What ever you want to say potato, say it. I really dont care anymore. If it makes you feel better that you get the last word in, go ahead. I have better things to do...Hope you enjoy making Relms happy in more ways than one.

Good bye everybody....Tired of wasting RMS bandwith on a server that sucks just as much as Potato does.



Quote from: PeaceMaker on Jul 15, 2008, 11:31 PM
I am done with this. What ever you want to say potato, say it. I really dont care anymore. If it makes you feel better that you get the last word in, go ahead. I have better things to do...Hope you enjoy making Relms happy in more ways than one.

Good bye everybody....Tired of wasting RMS bandwith on a server that sucks just as much as Potato does.
lol Why so serious =D?


He probably thinks it's bothersome to argue with a little kid.


First off, the stability of the GM program proves the worth of the server. The only GM who stays active is Relms. The reason for this is Relm feels it necessary to remove anyone that threatens to be good at their "job". I'd be surprised if players are naive enough to believe that every GM Relms removes from the team is actually corrupt.

I for one don't care what players think of me and my reign as a GM. I did my job and I did it great. Relms decided to trash my name by telling everyone I was corrupt even though Washi proved that I wasn't. I love how the GMs get removed with one reason, and the community gets another reason. For instance, I was told that it was "because the players didn't know me, and that I said when Starcraft 2 came out, I would be playing that and letting me go was best for the future of the server". Then I hear from the players that they are told that I was corrupt and that I was removed to keep the server stable.

I don't care what happens to this server, however if Relms is in control, the players will never find a stable place to play. I remember before I was a GM and during, I would go on vent and players would be there enjoying the game and the community. Now I go there, no one is on vent, and the only reason players vote for the server is to get coins to but customs. The only reason why the server is populated is due to all the @autotrade and the bots on the server.

You notice the only 2 really sticking up for the server are Relms, who by the way he talks you can tell he is always high and doesn't have any type of education, and Potato who might not be high, but he might as well be.

Just keep in mind when you are reading this, that the person running the potential server you are going to play on doesn't care about what you think or who you are. You can tell this by reading all of his post. He and his apprentice are nothing but children who find even this post as a game. They laugh at you behind your back and make you think they are cool. They don't have lives outside of running this server and getting high, and think that their "getto" behavior is cool. Maybe one day they will grow up and realize there is more to life than trying to make themselves feel superior to everyone else.


i really dont see why they bother sticking up for this server.  its a piece crap.  thats not flaming, that facticizing for realz
Quote from: Temjin on Feb 16, 2010, 12:07 PM
You are a f*** idiot. Why you even bother to post here, I will never know. It is BEYOND ME.


Well it's official! EarthBound-RO sucks wang. I played that server for 3 months only for it to wipe with no warning at all. Even after they wiped they din't tell anybody until the forums got spammed with over 100 posts of where peoples account went. And you know what the GM did? He deleted all the posts and finally after if kept filling up, He posted a small apology about who is loyal to ebRO(Which means, who wants to spend money to feed my pockets again). I sed to like this server until I found out how gay they were..

If you don't like what I said about EB or you don't like the fact I am telling the truth about what happened and you try to say it didn't, SCREW YOU!

All of you people could have looked for your selves but the GM is a freakin idiot.
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Nightmare dit :

Nightmare dit :
So I'd like to know what people said exactly. I haven't done anything
wrong. I don't think I broke any of the rules.

Nightmare dit :
And is it really worth a perma ban?

Nightmare dit :
Lullaby : cause ur guild has no leader anymore
L o l i t a : yes it does
Creationist : o.o if he hasn't...how does ur guild no longer have a leader
Creationist : owh
Creationist : @_@
Lullaby : relms has announced it XD

To me, it really sounds like you wanted us to disband.

Nightmare dit :
If that is the reason, just tell me

Relms dit :
i disbanded your Guild to save confusion of Guildies.

Relms dit :
what goods a Guild without a leader?

Nightmare dit :
Because really I can't think of anything I did wrong.

Nightmare dit :
You don't know CK for sure.

Relms dit :
i suggest you tell you friends not to involve themsleves also.

Nightmare dit :
Yet again you do not answer my question. What did I do ?

Relms dit :
mass upset.

Nightmare dit :
Against me?

Nightmare dit :
Or against the guild?

Relms dit :
if you did nothing i wouldnt get reports.

Relms dit :
also you was close to Peace Maker.

Relms dit :
im dealing with him right now.

Nightmare dit :
What did HE do?

Relms dit :
banning too many people without reason.

Nightmare dit :
And what does it change that I was close to Peace Maker? Is that a crime?

Nightmare dit :
Beside that, I was only as close with him as I was with any guild member.

Relms dit :
no , but few of the reports look suspicious of you having certain control.

Nightmare dit :

Nightmare dit :
How would I control Peace Maker?!

Nightmare dit :
And to what end?!

Relms dit :
you tell me.

Nightmare dit :
Any screenshots or something? Because I didn't. I swear on my life.

Nightmare dit :
Maybe people hate us

Nightmare dit :
But we, especially I, are men of honor.

Relms dit :
people get hated for reasons,

Nightmare dit :
Yes. It's called POWER, from what I see.

Nightmare dit :
And pride.

Relms dit :
men of honor?

Relms dit :
well why did you cry at every guildie who left?

Nightmare dit :
Oh, so it HAS a link with Pyriel, now.

Relms dit :
not a link

Relms dit :
pointing out your honor

Relms dit :

Relms dit :
it doesnt exsist

Nightmare dit :
Don't give me insults, Relms. First, I didn't *cry*, I was simply pissed off.

Nightmare dit :
It was also 2 AM, so emotions are more likely to be stronger than they should be in the night.

Nightmare dit :
And because there is also another reason

Nightmare dit :
Every member is important. We all are brothers, in CK. So yes, it angers me when someone leaves. Especially for FR, who has been trying to corrupt my members forever,

Nightmare dit :
And if you wanna play out that way, I can say plenty of things about yourself, but that's not the point.

Nightmare dit :
Did I insult you or anything?

Nightmare dit :
I don't think so

Relms dit :
say stuff about me thats fine.

Relms dit :
it really doesnt get to me.

Nightmare dit :
What would I gain of that

Relms dit :
i have a great life with more business on the internet everyday.

Relms dit :
you suggested it not me

Nightmare dit :
Relms, dammit... People didn't like us because of our pride

Nightmare dit :
they didn't like the GUILD

Nightmare dit :
And you know what they say... cut the head and the rest will fall.

Nightmare dit :
Was my ban really necessary? You never told me if I broke a rule.

Relms dit :
i have low tolerance at the moment with all the idiots playing my server.

Relms dit :
i am far to busy with developing new websites for businesses.

Nightmare dit :
Answer me, please. Did I break a rule?

Relms dit :
causing mass upset as far as im aware.

Relms dit :
and there is the Peace Maker issue to deal with.

Nightmare dit :
If I really abused his powers, I would have banned people from FR or Philippinnes. Neither I or him would do that kind of thing. Beside, I don't even know who was banned - except me.

Nightmare dit :
And I also don't have anything against anyone but my ennemies.

Nightmare dit :
And I told you times and times... -I- did nothing.

Nightmare dit :
I was probably the more peaceful of CK

Nightmare dit :
What did they say? That they didn't like me?

Nightmare dit :
What did told you? Omg lol lol you should ban that guy they are arrogants?

Relms dit :
i'll hack your IP in a mo

Relms dit :
no f*** off!!~

Relms dit :
well your here get off vent!!

Nightmare dit :
What's wrong?

Nightmare dit :
Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?

Relms dit :
i have broke peoples comps in the past i will do it to yours.

Relms dit :
you wont stop fcking bugging me..

Nightmare dit :

Nightmare dit :

Relms dit :
all i see is your windows flashing

Nightmare dit :
I loved your server

Nightmare dit :
And I get injustice now

Nightmare dit :
If you really don,t wanna talk to me, you could have either told me or click the "block" button.

Relms dit :
if you don't get off vent i'll load my progams

End of the most important part of the first conversation He unbanned me later, but then :

I didn't record my conversation with Relms, but I sent this on ebRO forums. 'course, it was deleted a few hours later.

Alright since some people say I always change my story, I'll just post it here. So I can't change it anymore.

First of all, Pyriel came in Prontera, giving out her stuff. She wanted to talk with people, but she was wondering how she could get everyone's attention. So I went and broadcasted that she was in Prontera for one last time, saying her last words.

I was already talking in public chat with my allies and my guildmates that should ebRO die, which was looking like it, we'd stay in touch so we could all move together and maybe make some kind of guild with former ebRO players. They say I have been advertising a new server, which I didn't.

They say "Why didn't you broadcast that you wanted to stay in touch with everyone". My reply, well first I didn't think about it. Do you think about every option available? Then again, I'd have to tell everything in public chat. I was already talking about it to my guildmates and allies and friends when people came.

They say "Why didn't you PM them". Well, get real. Holy, I know more than 50 people on this server.

They say "Why didn't you tell them on MSN". Same thing. Would have been a pain getting everyone's MSN, and it would have been the same as PMing everyone.

Then, Pyriel started to talk about her server. Maybe we'll move there. Maybe we'll move to another server, SHOULD ebRO die. And ask all of my friends, that's what I've been telling them. No server has been decided yet, we weren't even talking about it. We were still at the point to know who was going to follow us if ebRO died.
But -I- didn't talk about the server. What I only did was defending Pyriel when Potato was b**** her about her baby and all, which I couldn't stand.

I hope some people have enough judgement to unban me.

Okay, last conversation with Relms. Some kind planned on making a new server, which I decided to help :

Relms dit :
what about 10 free manuals?
Nightmare dit :
What's your problem
Relms dit :
i dont have a problem..
Relms dit :
any GM spots?
Nightmare dit :
Why would you care?
Relms dit :
so i can join?!?
Nightmare dit :
You're kidding right?
Relms dit :
are you like this to everyone who wants to join?
Relms dit :
course im joking..
Relms dit :
pass a message to the owners..
Relms dit :
a storm is coming!!~
Nightmare dit :
No. I'm not your errand boy.
Nightmare dit :
You can tell them by yourself.
Relms dit :
if i lived in the same country id make you my b****
Nightmare dit :
Relms dit :
have fun with Kiri as much as you can
Nightmare dit :
Didn't know you had that sexual orientation
Relms dit :
i will be there very soon
Relms dit :
b**** as in slave you hoe!!~
Relms dit :
like a prison b****
Nightmare dit :
Really. I wonder if you could really do that.
Relms dit :
blah blah blah blah blah
Relms dit :
aint you a Pinoy anyway?
Nightmare dit :
Well don't blah blah me, you're the one who came to talk with me.
Nightmare dit :
No, I am not.
Relms dit :
your from some messed up country
Nightmare dit :
Am I?
Nightmare dit :
Where are you from?
Relms dit :
you are!
Relms dit :
Relms dit :
be carful , i mean every country wants to speak same language as us so we cant be that bad after all
Nightmare dit :
What's your point Relms? I do prefer english more than I like french, but that doesn't mean YOU are a good person.
Relms dit :
no but it means my country is better
Nightmare dit :
Of course, of course.
Nightmare dit :
Keep talking.
Relms dit :
im not really talking
Relms dit :
im typing
Relms dit :
Kiri got a vent server?
Nightmare dit :
Sorry. I forgot I had to be very precise on my words with you. Keep typing then.
Nightmare dit :
I don't know. Why don't you try to find out by yourself?
Relms dit :
only asking , god damn
Relms dit :
if you guys are a****** to everyone
Relms dit :
will never get any players
Nightmare dit :
Well how do you expect me to answer? You are being the b**** here.
Relms dit :
Relms dit :
answer with some respect
Relms dit :
after all your new server
Nightmare dit :
It is not MY server.
Relms dit :
they must of got alot of idea's from mine
Relms dit :
i wouldnt be suprised if it had simular layout
Nightmare dit :
Not really, they made a whole new server not based on ebRO... not much is similar. In fact I can't really think of anything
Relms dit :
okay but one thing that is funny on the CP
Nightmare dit :
Relms dit :
is it does say at the bottom
Relms dit :
powered by COCK
Nightmare dit :
Just come and see by yourself.
Nightmare dit :
You'll see if they stole your ideas.
Relms dit :
check the bottom of the CP
Relms dit :

Nightmare dit :
Yes I did see.
Relms dit :
i mean NPC layout in Prontera will be the same
Nightmare dit :
No, not really.
Relms dit :
i will be on there to play with their heads soon anyway
Relms dit :
i wanna make Amber cry , well me and both Tato wanna make her cry
Nightmare dit :
Seriously Relms, I don't understand what you're trying to do. No matter what you say I'm not going to leave KiriRO, nor come back to ebRO.
Relms dit :
im not makin you come back to ebRO
Relms dit :
you will leave Kiri RO when i break it
Nightmare dit :
Nightmare dit :
By the way
Relms dit :
they wont be able to afford the server
Nightmare dit :
It's not Amber's server.
Relms dit :
they wont be able to add customs therfor not be able to add anything for donation
Relms dit :
Nightmare dit :
So what is the link between KiriRO and Amber?
Nightmare dit :
Relms dit :
well its supposed to be theirs so ima break it
Nightmare dit :
Nice reasonning.
Relms dit :
i dont care who's server it is anymore
Relms dit :
Amber and Rupture said its theirs
Relms dit :
so therfor it must be tampered with
Nightmare dit :
Join KiriRO, and see Amber title : Head GM, and Rupture : Co-Owner.
Relms dit :
i think they did that cos they cant afford it
Nightmare dit :
Or because someone else wanted to do it.
Relms dit :
s*** website though you gotta admit
Relms dit :
we could make a much better website in minutes
Nightmare dit :
Do you really want my opinion?
Nightmare dit :
Or do you just want to b**** KiriRO?
Relms dit :
opinion , for you it could be a good site
Relms dit :
but they didnt even do a real job of the CP
Nightmare dit :
I think they did good for the time they put in it.
Relms dit :
i think they must of spent 10 mins on the site
Nightmare dit :
And I prefer KiriRO website more than ebRO, to be honest.
Relms dit :
now that is worth a laugh
Nightmare dit :
I don't know. I don't keep track of all of the GMs effort.
Relms dit :
our site is 100x more professional
Relms dit :
our CP has been rendered in to the page
Relms dit :
our forums are simular color and open in seperate page
Relms dit :
we have lots more features than them
Nightmare dit :
How old is ebRO?
Relms dit :
bout year
Relms dit :
throughout that though had one wipe cos it was txt
Nightmare dit :
How old is KiriRO?
Relms dit :
now it is SQL no need
Relms dit :
we had the website from day one
Relms dit :
pretty much the way it is now
Nightmare dit :
I can't say, I wasn't there.
Relms dit :
what you gotta ask yourself is which server got the most experience
Nightmare dit :
Nightmare dit :
What's your point?
Relms dit :
and me and Ryan pwn computers so we will always have that advantage
Relms dit :
we have the edge
Nightmare dit :
Are you trying to convince me that ebRO is better?
Nightmare dit :
Better than KiriRO?
Relms dit :
no im convincing you our skills at ebRO are way more advanced than theirs
Nightmare dit :
And why are you telling -me- all this?
Nightmare dit :
I'm not even a GM.
Relms dit :
just some info
Relms dit :
but dont waste too much time there also
Nightmare dit :
Why should I care about you or ebRO?
Relms dit :
cos if i do break it then you have wasted time
Nightmare dit :
I will spend my time as I see fit.
Relms dit :
lets not end the convo on a bad note aye?
Nightmare dit :
I'm old enough to know what I have to do.
Relms dit :
im a reasnable guy
Nightmare dit :
Really. I'm glad you told me.
Relms dit :
gonna watch a movie but good morning / afternoon / evening or goodnight
Relms dit :
after all im only a stoner dude
Nightmare dit :
Have a nice whatevertimeitiswhereyoulive.
Relms dit :
Relms dit :

Nightmare dit :
Relms dit :
Relms dit :
only used you to channel that i suppose
Relms dit :
cos i know you speak to Admin of Kiri
Nightmare dit :
Relms dit :
maybe yes!!~
Nightmare dit :
I assume you said what you had to say. Let me tell you this then, remember that Karma hurts.
Relms dit :
Karma doesnt exist in my world
Nightmare dit :
I'm sure it does.
Relms dit :
could be the reason god is being mean with the ***** these days
Nightmare dit :
Who do you refer as "*****"?
Relms dit :
girls man
Nightmare dit :
*shrugs* You know yourself better than I do.
Relms dit :
if Karma was real though Amber would of already choked
Nightmare dit :
Really? What did she do to have such a Karma?
Relms dit :
she plays head games with you all
Relms dit :
everyone she says to you probably isnt true
Relms dit :
she makes up lil stories to get attention from people
Nightmare dit :
What do you mean, "head games"?
Relms dit :
glad i can touch type!!
Relms dit :
watch movie and type at the same time!!
Relms dit :
she plays with you all
Relms dit :
she is a compulsive liar
Nightmare dit :
To what end?
Relms dit :
about her life with her husband
Relms dit :
all that is s***
Nightmare dit :
I don't know. Maybe it isn't, maybe it is. Even if it is not, she is calling for help, wanting to be listened to. It's not like it will affect my life anyway. It's only black text on a white screen.
Relms dit :
what if she changes the color of her text?
Relms dit :
like me i am red text on a white screen
Nightmare dit :
No big harm to me, I only have to read... Like a novel. And by doing this, I can help someone in the world. Great.
Nightmare dit :
That's not the point you know what I mean
Relms dit :
yup i was joking
Relms dit :
just saying that b**** aint no Angel
Nightmare dit :
Never said she was.
Nightmare dit :
What is your goal with me really? Trying to gain some allies against her?
Relms dit :
just conversation
Relms dit :
you can believe what you want
Nightmare dit :
I don't believe nothing really. I'm trying to understand your motives right now.
Relms dit :
stoners never have a motive
Nightmare dit :
What would push you as far as destroying someone you don't even know's server?
Nightmare dit :
What's a stoner?
Relms dit :
i smoke weed
Nightmare dit :
Nah I know. What I meant, how does it makes you different from people?
Relms dit :
ever been high?
Nightmare dit :
Where I live, mostly everyone already has been at least once.
Relms dit :
so thats a yes
Relms dit :
well being high makes me different
Relms dit :
but im just really wanna crush the RO experience for Amber and Rupture
Nightmare dit :
They're mostly inactive. That's not the best way to harm them really.
Relms dit :
one way to hurt them
Relms dit :
server belongs to Chris?
Nightmare dit :
And lots of people on the way
Nightmare dit :
Chris? You mean Sesshomaru? Nah.
Relms dit :
Konbonwa or w/e Chris
Nightmare dit :
Keep guessing.
Relms dit :
what Voke said
Relms dit :
his tag is Owner
Relms dit :
Rupture = Co Owner
Relms dit :
Amber = Head GM
Nightmare dit :
Rutpure is Co-Owner and Amber is Head GM, yes.
Relms dit :
one serious question though
Relms dit :
Kiri RO has nothing on my server so far
Nightmare dit :
Relms dit :
in Kiri's early days it does not compete with us
Relms dit :
oh and the rates and max levels are abit messed up
Relms dit :
easy to get to level 200
Nightmare dit :
Maybe that's what the admins wanted.
Relms dit :
a no challenge server wont last long
Relms dit :
i have been running servers for 4 years
Relms dit :
and seen some really impressive people fail at running them
Relms dit :
i know Kiri RO wouldnt last long even if i left it alone
Nightmare dit :
Well, thanks for your advice, we will take this in consideration.
Relms dit :
maybe it will struggle for a while and manage to stay open
Relms dit :
im not asking for you to consider it
Relms dit :
im just giving an opinion and do not expect you to change yours
Relms dit :
i know people at eAtehna myself
Relms dit :
Nightmare dit :
Great. And?
Relms dit :
just saying
Relms dit :
im opening my own server again in a month
Nightmare dit :
Nice. Good luck.
Relms dit :
Relms dit :
i will even be competing with ebRO
Nightmare dit :
Funny, a server you're admin on competing with your own server.
Relms dit :
well i gave my half of ebRO to Washi
Relms dit :
i wanna do my own thing again
Nightmare dit :
Aren't you still admin?
Relms dit :
nope , i left although i still have access and stuff
Relms dit :
i still want ebRO to do well
Relms dit :
i did alot to make that server work but i know i can do much better by myself
Nightmare dit :
Well good luck.

Okay well final word : Now you know Relms. I know there are useless things in this conversation but I don't feel like editing anything of him.


Quote from: NightmareKage on Aug 10, 2008, 08:12 PMovernine thousand words
oh hi, could you please put that on spoiler stuff, its a bit annoyng to scoll all the way down to see if there are any other post.