Wrong Review

Started by Munch, May 26, 2009, 05:13 PM

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Hey there,
Well Here's the link,


The reviewer SearingArrow was on our server for 1 Day,
He says that Munch (Me)
first, Give lvl to 70. I don't do it, that's first,
second, I banned her IP. cuz' he insults GMs.
Here's some proof.

Here i said : LAWL LOVE IT, Sure i'm terrible owner, Why ?

Sorry if the screenies don't look well it's because of the old client thought, or Idk, sometimes it works fine sometimes no ^^

When I told her she can get banned from RMS, Look what she said.
Proof :

And Finally,
She puts
Economy: 3
Guild Competition: 1
Class Balance: 1

She didn't play for a long time on the serv and she says that ?
That's just 'awful' , just take a look to all the other reviews, and you will see ^^

Thanks a lot for takin' the time to read my message.



I think it was deleted, I don't see it.


it's the latest review.


Thanks for answering me fast ^^
It's the latest review.



Sorry, I must have overlooked it.


i can only read the white lines in the ss ... why is it in ... diagonal?

anyway, if you are going to claim that it is a false review .. at least pm me the IP of the person you think he is or the proof means nothing.  thank you.


Yep the lines are in diagonal i still don't know why,
It cames with the last sakexe, but i think i fixed it yesterday.

I'm going to send you the IP And informations.

EDIT : It was not from sakexe, but from Fullscreen, when i use it, screenshots works fine, without it, it shows like the Screenies i put on my first post.


It's your graphic card.


I don't think so.
Because i have some screenies who are fine,
But i probably find why,
When i use fullscreen it works thought, but when i don't enable fullscreen it doesn't work, i mean, it shows the screen like what the ones I added on my first post.
But fullscreen lags so I don't use it anymore.

By the way, I sent you the message with what you asked me for yC ^^


alrighty first of all Munch knowing your agreement to the terms of people playing of your server you cant give out my ip or email address becasue as an admin your supposed to be trusted and i dont really wanna take legal action over a stupid server i made my review and moved on. Your screenies dont prove anything it says that im going to write a review and thats what i did you leveled me and Israel Camp to level 68 in a party you kill ifrit with Storm Gust and you do plevel people because its totally impossible for 2 of my characters to be level 68+ in a day 1 day impossible show the logs when i made the account that proves it my time logged onto the server. And further more GM taliban said that you party leveled his "legit" character and well thats not right so i left and left my review. and theres no economy because the server is brand new comes with the nature of the server .... classes arent balanced because theres 10 people on the server so obvoiusly not balanced. Theres 1 guild so guild competition is garbage as well since there is none the server is great the people are fine its just bad administration choices now i no it doesnt matter what i say because i didnt take blurry screen shots but i no what i seen and the servers i played were fine just your leading the poor server into corruption and well it has alot of things going for it but to level people to 70 is garbage and ratemyserver admins munch knows my username and password so log on and see my stuff no zeny no items for level 70 characters hmmm something wrong with that>? thats all i gotta say i have a full time job and a wife so i cant be bothered playing Munch's childish games grow up and get over it you messed up take ownership for it


Quote from: Searing on May 26, 2009, 09:19 PM
alrighty first of all Munch knowing your agreement to the terms of people playing of your server you cant give out my ip or email address becasue as an admin your supposed to be trusted and i dont really wanna take legal action over a stupid server i made my review and moved on. Your screenies dont prove anything it says that im going to write a review and thats what i did you leveled me and Israel Camp to level 68 in a party you kill ifrit with Storm Gust and you do plevel people because its totally impossible for 2 of my characters to be level 68+ in a day 1 day impossible show the logs when i made the account that proves it my time logged onto the server. And further more GM taliban said that you party leveled his "legit" character and well thats not right so i left and left my review. and theres no economy because the server is brand new comes with the nature of the server .... classes arent balanced because theres 10 people on the server so obvoiusly not balanced. Theres 1 guild so guild competition is garbage as well since there is none the server is great the people are fine its just bad administration choices now i no it doesnt matter what i say because i didnt take blurry screen shots but i no what i seen and the servers i played were fine just your leading the poor server into corruption and well it has alot of things going for it but to level people to 70 is garbage and ratemyserver admins munch knows my username and password so log on and see my stuff no zeny no items for level 70 characters hmmm something wrong with that>? thats all i gotta say i have a full time job and a wife so i cant be bothered playing Munch's childish games grow up and get over it you messed up take ownership for it

You cannot be charged with anything for distributing another persons IP address.  The FBI's Cyber Crime Division would not give a flying f*ck anyhow.

If you have no proof, then why should we believe you?

RMS administration does not have access to private server DB info, this includes zero access to your account info.

All you have to do is give away your zeny, and drop all your items to be a level 70 with no items or zeny.

Last but certainly not least, learn to use proper punctu-f*cking-ation so people like me who wish to sh*t all over your claims, can do so without struggling to read one entire run on sentence.

  kthnx, aaaaand bai
Quote from: Temjin on Feb 16, 2010, 12:07 PM
You are a f*** idiot. Why you even bother to post here, I will never know. It is BEYOND ME.


I pleveld you on Ifrit oO ?
Just look at all the other Reviews ;)
I didn't plvl anyone.
But I help, I give buffs etc.
It was only one guild , and you know already Why ;) . The server opened just on 19th may, and you came about 2 day after .
The drop rate of Emp is 0.05%
Then, I don't have to answer you to all the other stuffs you say ^^' Because it doesn't mean anything to me. Why ? Because you say just false things.
It's not my problem if you are jealous, but all players on aRO have fun.
And anyone of them told something wrong we do.
And again, just read all the reviews and you will see yourself ;)


now that's a different story since the reviewer provided more details coming from in-game experience.  Your screenshot only tells what the review is going to do and he did that.  It just became another he say she say case with no real proof of who plevel or who doesn't...

Banned player is still allowed to write a review btw. 

In the ss he said he screenie "it" ... wonder what is "it" ..


Anyway, i'm not here to make him Banned.
But to delete his review because it's not real, that's all.
I provided all proofs i have,
If i pleveld people , Proof it.

Me, at least, i give all my proofs, and what i sent to you yC.
So, just delete this review, that's it.
There is another proof, just read all the other reviews, if there is someone who says i plevel.
From 23 Other reviews, or it's only you ?
My server is kinda new, I want it to be, clean & strict.
That's all what I have to say.
Last word to you , yC.


The review isn't even that bad. He gave you 10's and it's high enough that the write a note about it button didn't even pop up.