whatever happened to Niktoutro?

Started by MarluxiaXI, Sep 18, 2007, 04:32 AM

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what is wrong with niktoutro? cant log in, server offline....are they still updating the server?
Sympathy is for the weak minded.....


Thats what it seems like. Last time i saw they predicted that the server update was supposed to be done on wednesday as of 2 weeks ago but they posted news that there was a problem and moved up the date it was supposed to  re-open (forgot the date). I dont know whats going on anymore cause i cant even seem to access the main website anymore. Thats about all i know. You should check the forums if you can get to it.


When I was reporting other dead servers, I happened to check Niktout and noticed the link was dead.

That was on September 13th, 2007.

It has now been a week, and there may be a possibility it might not come back.

The only information I heard a week ago was:
I believe I read something about a hardware upgrade.


Quote from: Riotblade on Sep 21, 2007, 12:47 AM
Server's already being setup.  The DC screwed up and their hardware failed.  Still waiting on repairs for the NIC card.

Just have patience.


this must be hurting them so much.  They have a lot of players and going down for weeks is ... maybe they should buy a temp server (probably with a lot of lag anyway since what they have 1k ppl?) in the meanwhile to keep the players happy but it's too late now ...


With big servers who receive a lot of donation money, there's no way to be sure it wasn't staged.

I find it hard to believe they're having these technical issues for this long, but that's just my opinion.


Jayne Cobb

Alot of people must be pissed. They should have left the forum open at least so everyone could exchange e-mails with each other. What **** they are.


Somehow I feel an "I told you so" is in order.

Like I said, staged.


it's comfirmed...closed....angel wings...gone....ice picks...gone....favourite sinX....gone....friends.....gone....mvp items...gone....What The F***, all those time lvling up wasted OH GODDAMN YOU NIKTOUT...HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS.. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Sympathy is for the weak minded.....


Meh it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Check out randgrisRo which is pretty much a clone of niktoutRo.

Which seems rather fishy to me.. I have a feeling niktout has something to do with this server and just closed niktout to
cover himself, he didnt exactly make a good name for himself.

Niktout probably just has enough to give up being admin now, but i'm sure he has something to do with radgris.. No doubt its the
same server just renamed and with a new Admin(maybe).


Niktout is out, he gave me his files and i optimized them so he has nothing to do with randgris   :)


Dunno I just doubt he'd give his server files and nro's box to a random person, "someone unknown" directly quoting niktout from irc a few months back. Randgris just keeps nagging me in back of head, now that the server is failing, niktout seems to want to bring back nRO. Again I think it has to do with his rms ratings. They were s***, he kept getting banned from voting sites and it was like he wasnt gaining new players fast enough so answer? Why not just start from fresh, "new admin", a wipe, new server name. Just all so fishy imo =_=


Congrats, you've learned how to necro. ^^;


necro? o_o; sounds sexy

EDIT: Oh I take it you mean ressing dead topic, sorry I rarely look at post dates :x