What makes a good server gone bad?

Started by Alexina, Apr 28, 2009, 02:20 PM

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Quote from: SilverStream~ on Jun 05, 2009, 05:01 PM
Imagine how it would be if everyone played the same server.

It'd be total chaos, of course. I'm not opting for that, but a little give-and-take from each side would be quite nice.

I've played rates as low as 4/4/1 and as high as 3K/3K/100. Each time, the experience is the same, and LR players, take note...

...at certain rates, it takes that "HR nub" the same amount of time to make a 255 character as it would take an LR player to make a 99.


While HR discussions pertaining to droprates can be fine somewhat at least, max level discussions will certainly end in ruin so let's not go there.

I do agree that segregation is hurting the private server community, that's actually a topic worth discussing.


Descent.. you never played on the official servers?



You get a completely different experience then private servers.


Quote from: SilverStream~ on Jun 05, 2009, 06:18 PM
You get a completely different experience then private servers.

I guess I never felt it necessary to pay a monthly fee for a game I could play for free.

That and I've heard the horror stories about officials.


The only thing that was really different between official and private, to me, was the community. The few people I ran across were very VERY friendly, and extremely helpful. Didn't find a single bad egg.

Still not worth the fee and the grind.


I've never played official either. Like others Fee and Grind is something I like to stray away from. However, I did play a game I had to pay monthly for. FFXI, Long story short, I played for a week and was so addicted that I only got 15 hours of sleep that whole week. I decided I wasn't going to be that person and just quit.
"Humans will forever make mistakes, what makes us intelligent is knowing which ones to keep"


I have three or four box sets of FFXI.  One the first one, with one month free play, then another one with the first expansion and one month free play, then another with two expansions and another month free play and one with three expansions(?) and one month of free play.

I have a huge book on the game too somewhere around here I think.  But I've only played it for two days xD


Quote from: Hutchy on Jun 05, 2009, 06:59 PM
The only thing that was really different between official and private, to me, was the community. The few people I ran across were very VERY friendly, and extremely helpful. Didn't find a single bad egg.

Still not worth the fee and the grind.

You'll find bad eggs, even on officials. Hell, I had a lot of trouble trying to find a guild who'd lend a helping hand just because I took the bad choice of going spirit monk; the average guild master's reply? "Full asura or GTFO." Even still, you're right, most of the community on official are quite the nicest peeps I've ever met on RO.

But, like you said, still not worth the fee and grind.


I have also played officials and some HRs, I can tell most of the e-peens and idiots come from HRs, but I also think not all of them are morons, but isn't this getting a little... off topic? It went to "What makes a server fall from grace" to "HR vs LR discussion" to "LR has elitists and HR has morons" to "Have you played an official server?"

@horo, I do agree such segregation is killing the servers, nowadays, for every server that dies, two or three spring up, this is making a gigantic player gap.

@On-topic: Usually, admins being off for a long time can cause this too


Admins who make promises and can't keep up with them don't really cut it, either. That's the problem my Guild and I are having on our current RO server.


Inactive staff/administrator. How most servers die, actually.


Admins releasing bad content or content that the players think is boring, could make a server die over time.


Quote from: SilverStream~ on Jun 06, 2009, 09:21 PM
Admins releasing bad content or content that the players think is boring, could make a server die over time.

Overnerfing can cause something of this, a the admin of a server i've played allowed asura to be reduced be DEF, and he made Thanatos not affect it later on, after this many champs left