How do you get an initial population anyway?

Started by Skotlex, Jun 29, 2007, 04:00 AM

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huh o_O?!
i started with 0 players i got 40 counting both servers in 11days hope il get more :)


Quote from: Transcend on Jul 10, 2007, 07:50 PM
huh o_O?!
i started with 0 players i got 40 counting both servers in 11days hope il get more :)
You kinda forgot the point of the thread and tell us what you did.

Hopefully the answer is not "I just set it up and went to sleep. It was full by the time I woke up!"

(RMS reviews)

Abel Vox

got about 200 players in one day, I was overwhelmed by the ammount of players that came to paradise x__x

I was like ...

...(OH NOO DROWINING IN PLAYERS.....zz...glub)

Ok all spam aside XD we had about 200 players from many servers that shut down (we were lucky to put up paradise at just the right time)

and over time we grew to about 400 (600 during WoE)


Quote from: Skotlex on Jul 10, 2007, 08:52 PM
Quote from: Transcend on Jul 10, 2007, 07:50 PM
huh o_O?!
i started with 0 players i got 40 counting both servers in 11days hope il get more :)
You kinda forgot the point of the thread and tell us what you did.

Hopefully the answer is not "I just set it up and went to sleep. It was full by the time I woke up!"
huh no i have event quests :O !
check the news page on my website,wouldn t be too hard for you to make
a quest that will take the player more then 1 week if they are full time on IT
with some enigma's,a nice logic story


I noticed that MouRO is modified from its original RO gameplay.  People who've played for a long time arent going to succumb to any changes.  They're just too used to original gameplay.

A trend that I seem to notice is to open a complimentary High Rate server (LOL?) along with any other non-original server.  The High Rates seem to draw people in to the High Rates so it kinda gives life to the other non-popular servers.


Unless someone is taking donations I can't imagine why in the world they would make two different servers....that's just...crazy.


i wouldnt want to run a high rate because i hate them :D


Quote from: Riotblade on Aug 04, 2007, 12:46 PM
I noticed that MouRO is modified from its original RO gameplay.  People who've played for a long time arent going to succumb to any changes.  They're just too used to original gameplay.

A trend that I seem to notice is to open a complimentary High Rate server (LOL?) along with any other non-original server.  The High Rates seem to draw people in to the High Rates so it kinda gives life to the other non-popular servers.
Or, seeing it from a different point of view: old players may be tired of RO always being the same and want to try something else. Who's to say that isn't as likely as they not wanting things to change? If they are used to botting and power-leveling and know how to do their stuff, then Iguess they don't want the experience to change,  but if they are human beings they probably want to taste a change of environment. Or that's how I see it... it is true that people tend to resist change... but would that not be unless they were bored of the way it has always been?

(RMS reviews)


the problem is alot of people dont trust the changes to be balanced. most custom items i see i just 'better' than the rest of the ingame items so they replace all the equipment tactics with clone builds.


Fair enough.... that reminds me how I got someone who always states that I love nerfing things whenever I decide to tone down a given item because I feel it is becoming too popular.
Fancy thing is the custom items in my server are not stuff you can wear (except for the Sacrifice ring which gives you redemptio here), they are all things meant to make playing more enjoyable. Already existing equipment only gets modified so it is not so much better than everything else. But then again, is not like people can know that on first sight... there's not enough space in the server description field to fit ALL of that :P

(RMS reviews)


agreed with dookleeto players dont have a lot of imagination to make unique builds they always go for the clone guild which is a shame.
And skotlex yeh man people think you nef or change something to balance because you feel like it "(wake up) okay let's see what we nerf now yihaw!* xD


I don't think that's what Dookleeto said O_o
Actually, what he said matches what one of my friends believes... that in every game, there's always one or a few pieces of equipment that end up being the best, so everyone ends up wearing them.

I really refuse to accept that... it is true that because these are RPGs, there are "low level equips" and "high level equips", but there should NOT be any single 'ultimate' item to strive for... where's the variety then, when everyone strives for the same final equipment set? That is a good reason why I tend to nerf some item when it seems everyone wants to use it :< And it is painful to do that, too, it is not nice when you have to be seen as "the devil who just doesn't want people to be strong".

Thankfully there are not that many items that needed such a change (mostly the SQI items and several MVP cards).

(RMS reviews)


too many servers than players... hehehe...

or maybe donation items, gives bad advertising...
pack that sheet!


Forgive me if i post something someone has already mentioned. I didnt bother to read through the topic.

As a player and an avid server surfer i can tell you what appeals to me when i try a server out. I think i've got a pretty good perspective since im the player and most of you guys are the server admins.

Here they are in order of importance:
1. Getting yourself known. Alot of people visit RMS and other ragnarok info sites. Be sure to post very frequently on the boards of these website and make yourself into a known figure. One who is respected and does not act like a dumb s*** also create a very, very nice signature that advertises your server. (Your current is not bad, but it could be better...much better). This can be helped by getting your GM's and current players to do the same thing, though there is risk in this because they might do something that will not reflect good things about your server.

2. Very sweet website. Websites are the first thing people see when they even consider your server. This is pretty obvious, but still i cannot stress its importance enough. I remember visiting a few server site (that shall remain unnamed) that had the perfect rates and everything for me, yet i decided not to download merely because the site was freakin' ugly. Now you could make the argument that i put too much emphasis on aesthetics, but this me.

a. Screenshots
b. Server info (be VERY specific, rates, max aspd, required dex for insta-cast, mvp modifications)
c. A nice little disclaimer something that reflects you and your server
d. Post your credentials, dont be afraid to flaunt your stuff.
e. If you have something that seperates you from other servers, exaggerate it, (put it in flaming font o.o)
f. how many people are online
g. online status of server(s)

3. Good and active forums

4. Customs (if you've got'em) and a link that shows exactly which. Post pictures and stats along with a description. Be sure to mention if they are questable.

5. same with donation shop

Warning-DO NOT
1. Have voting pop-ups or entire pages screaming at you to vote (put the little buttons on the front page, that is enough)
2. Put god items up for donate (this seriously pisses me and others off)
3. Have unbalanced donates (think it through)
4. Have drama, (if someone is being annoying warn them, then ip ban them and post the reason on the forums) Dont deal with garbage, regardless of how much you want players. Follow (and create?) a protocol
5. Have s*** GM's. DO NOT create an application process. Choose one from amongst players you know personally and know are trustworthy.

A good example site is EssenceRO and LegacyRO...simple clean sites that show off everything but arent blazingly annoying. BTW, when i click your doesnt load. Hope this helps.

EDIT: This modification thing you've pulled off on your server draws people away, i think. No one wants to relearn game mechanics (or at least not me)


i agree with number 1 a thousand percent ^^
i also agree with numbers 2 and 3
the others i don't really agree, or disagree with

lol and i 100% agree with all your do not's

either way awesome post lore ^^ its very helpful =3