BlackoutRO Spam Adveritsing

Started by asdfqwerty123, Aug 14, 2007, 12:32 PM

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Someone from BlackoutRO was spam advertising their server and website in the main chat, spamming 50 messages a second, logging out, logging into another ilili-like name and doing it again, then advertising botting software.  This all happened this morning, I logged in and the main chat was being flooding with server advertisements for BlackoutRO.  The same person spam advertised on our forums about 20 messages advertising with hyperlinks.  I IP banned the person, but I don't think BlackoutRO should get away with this.  I can send the IP address, e-mail, and other information if you need it.  Or you could ask the 100+ people who were on this morning and saw the mass spam.  They have screenshots, but I was a little busy trying to take care of the problem.


hmm which main chat and forum are you talking about *confused*.  I think you mean your server's. 

As always, not sure what can I do with these kind of thing.  It's usually not the owner that does it but players that love the server or decide to badname the server that does.  At least that is what I believe ... 

You can pm me the IP of the person if you want.  I can transfer it to the owner of Blackout RO (Taikumi).

I am asking Taikumi to take a look at this. 


I'm the owner of Blackout RO. I can tell you personally that it was not our intention nor do we accept rude and disruptive behaviors from players. If you will, please leave all the related information about that user here, so that proper actions can be taken against them. Again, I'm truly sorry for the trouble he/she may have caused you.

Tom N.
Administrator of Blackout RO.


The information has been sent to you, check your inbox and confirm it please.

Thank you very much.

(Yes, the @main command was what I was talking about)