Request: Animation modding

Started by Cadd, Apr 13, 2011, 09:32 AM

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I'm maining a stalker and I'm using RCX and effects off.
Can I make the full strip success animation show when I have effects off with /effect command?

Would also like to make sight / ruwach show when I have effects off, since RCX won't show these things.

Thanks in advantage.


If you have /effect off, you cant determine if you stripped someone succesfuly or not. These files are saved in data\texture\effect\... So its ignored when you turn your effects off.
And sight/ruwach are just like that.
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An alternative method would be putting effects on and changing all the effects that are annoying / lag you


So I cannot put some skills shown when I have /effects off ? Interesting.

Alot of modding ahead of me, then. :P The problem isn't lag, just too much visible animations that I can't see a damn thing. ( Modded away the wiz AoE effects ofc, but still too much stuff. )

If I cannot mod the RO to show the information I'd like to see, is there a way to make RCX show some animation everytime the strip is successfull ?


Copy and paste the cooking "Success" animation and rename it to the "Full Strip" animation.
That'll be a clear sign X3


You can see that with effects off? ;p

Or you mean to make RCX show it ?


Most animations you don't see with the effects. I think the only exception is warp portal... and maybe the icicles from SG