Changning Beelzebub Sprite

Started by chickenwing, Mar 05, 2012, 04:45 PM

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cant seem to change mvp sprite

Beelzebub   (BEELZEBUB)   Mob-ID#1873

beelzebubs fly form to something else.
tried placing new sprites in data sprite folder under numerous names, including BEELZEBUB.spr and to no avail. can anyone help? thanks


I think that the fly form uses a different file instead of that because that's the 2nd stage of Berzebub.

I think it's the steel chonchon sprite that is used on the 1st form, not sure.


oh yes, forgot to mention. i have changed the steel chon chon look to something else but it had no affect on beelzebub.
ps this i realize that this post is probably in the wrong section. sorry.


Saw this somewhere - "beelzebub uses the sprite of dragon fly on first form"

Tried changing that sprite?


Are you sure your client is reading the data folder?

1873 looks like the correct one for the first form.


thank you triper!
atleast for me, beelze fly form uses dragon_fly.spr, then beelzebub_.spr for his regular form. thank you.
(hell fly uses hunter_fly.spr, steel chon chon uses steel_chocho.spr, and chonchon uses chocho.spr)