Pumpkin RO

Started by tomosuke, Nov 08, 2010, 07:00 PM

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The thread was actually removed due to players trolling the resigned GM team. Any other reason you suggest is untrue and therefor not worth repeating.

As for GM corruption, there has been no evidence or play that has suggested such behavior. Why do you think the GM team is corrupt? Because a player has something that you do not? When players began obtaining MvP cards a few weeks ago, the admins graciously provided the data you requested to verify that they were in fact obtained legit on maps by the MvP drops.

If you don't like a player, or a server, I believe that to be your right as a person. However, I find it rather distasteful that you would slander our good name simply because you can. The previous GM team never cited corruption as a resignation issue. They resigned due to the politics of GMing. This had more to do with responsibilities within the staff ranks than any one member being against the server or its agenda.

The player you mention being a donor is irrelevant. All of his gear was obtained in a legit fashion as far as the GM team can tell you. Are you even sure that he alone possesses the cards you suggest? I think you should have brought this issue up on the server forum before spouting the nonsense to players and people unaffiliated with the server and know nothing of its staff. If you would like to speak to me in game about this issue, please do so. Until then, please refrain from being so openly belligerent for no reason other than jealousy.


He actually said so himself he has all of those previously mentioned. And For SinX mvp card, he indeed has it since I saw him cloak with his WS and moving freely around (no walls was near the area). But the point is, it's extremely highly unlikely (you could say impossible) that one person would find 7 0.01% mvp/mini boss cards in less than 3 month of the server's opening, especially when no one barely saw him killing them. And it's all cards that aids him, not a crappier card, like RSX for example. If he had 1 or maybe even 2 then maybe it could be possible, but now it just doesn't seem right.

I could go talk to a GM/admin about it, but I personally doubt anything will change, so I didn't bother to do so. Maybe I should.


What a player says they have, and what they actually do, are often two very different things. If you think theres a corruption issue, report it. If you think theres an exploit issue, report it. Simply walking away from the problem isn't going to help you, your friends, or the server. We are willing to investigate any claims that are of merit, but only if players can present rational explanations for their concerns.


Quote from: Atreides on Dec 20, 2010, 12:15 AM
The thread was actually removed due to players trolling the resigned GM team. Any other reason you suggest is untrue and therefor not worth repeating.

Could've locked it.

As for GM corruption, there has been no evidence or play that has suggested such behavior. Why do you think the GM team is corrupt? Because a player has something that you do not? When players began obtaining MvP cards a few weeks ago, the admins graciously provided the data you requested to verify that they were in fact obtained legit on maps by the MvP drops.

Like you said, that was weeks ago, only 2 mvp cards were out then (posted in the script at least). Could care less if they had SinX card or not, if it was actually obtained legitimately. Having checked bio mvps regularly with other people, it's clear that said person who owns the card has not been camping Bio3 mvps.

If you don't like a player, or a server, I believe that to be your right as a person. However, I find it rather distasteful that you would slander our good name simply because you can. The previous GM team never cited corruption as a resignation issue. They resigned due to the politics of GMing. This had more to do with responsibilities within the staff ranks than any one member being against the server or its agenda.

It's not slander if there's some basis to all of this. No one sees him going for SinX mvp, yet somehow he has all these mvp cards. How else would he get them, hacking a gm account?

Yeah, that's what you say. The post said, that they didn't like certain decisions or whatnot that the other GMs were making. Of course that's not word for word and I can't bring that post back either.

The player you mention being a donor is irrelevant. All of his gear was obtained in a legit fashion as far as the GM team can tell you. Are you even sure that he alone possesses the cards you suggest? I think you should have brought this issue up on the server forum before spouting the nonsense to players and people unaffiliated with the server and know nothing of its staff. If you would like to speak to me in game about this issue, please do so. Until then, please refrain from being so openly belligerent for no reason other than jealousy.

Donor with 7 (.01% drop) mvp cards is irrelevant? Yeah... just cause the GM tells us that it's all legit doesn't mean it is. As Remia said, he said he had all those cards himself (pretty much everybody on the server knows of his OH and MP and FBH cards at least), and openly used the cloaking card. Bringing this up on server forum would just result in a lock/delete. I would have liked to speak to you about this, but you keep implying that I'm jealous of the cards, of which I wouldn't even really have use for on my characters. Not to mention, speaking to you doesn't solve anything, because your current stance is that it's all legit. I haven't spouted anything to your players, I'm merely giving other people information.

What a player says they have, and what they actually do, are often two very different things. If you think theres a corruption issue, report it. If you think theres an exploit issue, report it. Simply walking away from the problem isn't going to help you, your friends, or the server. We are willing to investigate any claims that are of merit, but only if players can present rational explanations for their concerns.

It doesn't seem like anybody needs to report when you're here. Yeah... I'll walk right up to Fidel Castro and tell him there's corruption in his country.


Could've locked it.

Could of. Not my call. Irrelevant.

Like you said, that was weeks ago, only 2 mvp cards were out then (posted in the script at least). Could care less if they had SinX card or not, if it was actually obtained legitimately. Having checked bio mvps regularly with other people, it's clear that said person who owns the card has not been camping Bio3 mvps.

Its clear, because you know, you check those MvPs 24/7 every single day and know EXACTLY who went there, when, and what dropped. You don't know anything, and nothing is "clear", other than you're complaints about someone having something you do not.

It's not slander if there's some basis to all of this. No one sees him going for SinX mvp, yet somehow he has all these mvp cards. How else would he get them, hacking a gm account?

No one saw him going to the MvP? Really? Who are these people you interviewed? When did they play? Do they have records of staking out one MVP the entire time? No. All you have is a bunch of people sitting in town, complaining that someone who MvPs regularly has MVP items. What basis do you have for corruption? Name one thing. All you have is a complaint that someone has MvP card(s). I think you need to find a server with all MvP cards disabled if you cant deal with them. As for "hacking" a GM account, only one member of the GM staff posses item commands, and there is no corruption issues with that player.

Yeah, that's what you say. The post said, that they didn't like certain decisions or whatnot that the other GMs were making. Of course that's not word for word and I can't bring that post back either.

Yes, the previous staff did not get along with the Admin's decisions to reallocate responsibilities and positions within the GM team. They didn't like the changes, they resigned. It doesn't concern you, stop acting like its the missing code to your theory of mass corruption.

Donor with 7 (.01% drop) mvp cards is irrelevant? Yeah... just cause the GM tells us that it's all legit doesn't mean it is. As Remia said, he said he had all those cards himself (pretty much everybody on the server knows of his OH and MP and FBH cards at least), and openly used the cloaking card. Bringing this up on server forum would just result in a lock/delete. I would have liked to speak to you about this, but you keep implying that I'm jealous of the cards, of which I wouldn't even really have use for on my characters. Not to mention, speaking to you doesn't solve anything, because your current stance is that it's all legit. I haven't spouted anything to your players, I'm merely giving other people information.

Im more than willing to talk to you about this. Go ahead and make the thread on the forums. If you think theres a serious problem then do something to fix it. Why do you think its going to be locked or deleted? What the player says he has and what he does are very different things. Please don't just get all angry because someone told you have every MVP card in the game. Until you see his EQ or witness the card usage first hand, ignore him.

As for MvPs, its also possible that he obtained a card at an invasion event. Just because something is a low drop doesn't mean it takes forever to drop, its all about odds. if you want the case reviewed, post a thread on the forums asking for clarification.


I don't report it because of certain reasons. I also tend to just ignore it and try to have fun anyways.


I will speak with you in game about this issue.


Its clear, because you know, you check those MvPs 24/7 every single day and know EXACTLY who went there, when, and what dropped. You don't know anything, and nothing is "clear", other than you're complaints about someone having something you do not.

Doesn't have to be only me going 24/7. It's called using logic. When you check for bio mvps regularly and see only hwiz up every time, or check mvps after a reboot and it's always the same damn mvp and then some guy comes in with a SinX mvp card who happens to have 7 other mvp cards, something is not adding up right. It's even clearer that you still don't understand what I'm against still. His having FBH, OH, MP, GR w/e other cards is irrelevant if it was obtained legitimately. But when all this s*** adds up and some parts don't add up there's something wrong. It's not as if I just learned about all the cards now. If I did have this card jealousy that you keep bringing up I would've posted a long time ago.

No one saw him going to the MvP? Really? Who are these people you interviewed? When did they play? Do they have records of staking out one MVP the entire time? No. All you have is a bunch of people sitting in town, complaining that someone who MvPs regularly has MVP items. What basis do you have for corruption? Name one thing. All you have is a complaint that someone has MvP card(s). I think you need to find a server with all MvP cards disabled if you cant deal with them. As for "hacking" a GM account, only one member of the GM staff posses item commands, and there is no corruption issues with that player.

Oh, I'm sorry we don't have fraps/screenie/logs/msn convos/skype recordings of every single time we went to check bio3s or any other mvp out. And I guess you were just joined at the hip with him every time he went mvping? Yeah, all we do is sit in town, which is why we go check out  mvps and noticed inconsistencies. Again, things do not add up. It's not impossible for him to have those cards yes, it's improbable.

Yes, the previous staff did not get along with the Admin's decisions to reallocate responsibilities and positions within the GM team. They didn't like the changes, they resigned. It doesn't concern you, stop acting like its the missing code to your theory of mass corruption.

Never made it the "missing code to my theory of mass corruption". It was only something I remembered

Im more than willing to talk to you about this. Go ahead and make the thread on the forums. If you think theres a serious problem then do something to fix it. Why do you think its going to be locked or deleted? What the player says he has and what he does are very different things. Please don't just get all angry because someone told you have every MVP card in the game. Until you see his EQ or witness the card usage first hand, ignore him.

And exactly what can I do to fix it, other than post on forums? Notify GMs about it? Question all the gms who could easily lie to me? Have them do a search in logs that could easily be manipulated? You've seemed to have found this topic easily.

Yeah, topic on gm corruption wouldn't get locked eventually huh? Already saw him using lvl 3 cloak in pvp event, doesn't stun in WOE, has MP card, FBh was confirmed a long time ago. Sorry, I didn't fraps all my encounters with him.

As for MvPs, its also possible that he obtained a card at an invasion event. Just because something is a low drop doesn't mean it takes forever to drop, its all about odds. if you want the case reviewed, post a thread on the forums asking for clarification.

Yeah, cause there has been like 4 invasion events. Odds my asss, you're telling me he got lucky 7 times at 1/10000 odds for 1 card. Again, Fidel Castro.


At the end of the day you have nothing that suggests or supports an accusation of corruption. Don't want GM help because they will "lie" to you. Don't want it investigated because it can all be "manipulated". If thats how you want to act, so be it. Just know that we did reach out to help you, and you with purpose slapped the hand away. Sorry you don't enjoy the server, but my original and most important point remains: don't slander the server when you have absolutely no evidence to support such accusations. "Doesn't add up" is not a convicting stance. Please stop believing it is.


Quote from: Atreides on Dec 20, 2010, 02:28 AM
At the end of the day you have nothing that suggests or supports an accusation of corruption. Don't want GM help because they will "lie" to you. Don't want it investigated because it can all be "manipulated". If thats how you want to act, so be it. Just know that we did reach out to help you, and you with purpose slapped the hand away. Sorry you don't enjoy the server, but my original and most important point remains: don't slander the server when you have absolutely no evidence to support such accusations. "Doesn't add up" is not a convicting stance. Please stop believing it is.

Your words are as easily dismissible as mine are. You don't have the means either to say that your GM team is not corrupted. It's not like this stuff is easily photographed, seeing as how I have no means to access any of your server's databases. If I had been so jealous or suspected about the multiple cards beforehand, I would've brought this topic up long before and documented everything.  It's not like I'm stopping you from doing an investigation. You are allowed to investigate all you want, I have no power over whether or not you decide to investigate. I have no power over you bringing this matter to your superiors either for them to investigate. You're aware of the topic already, it's your choice what to do with it.


This server was a colossal waste of my time tbh
hailed during opening as WOE ORIENTATED RAGNAROK ONLINE
GM team caters to donators [Where is Malice]
examples are the garbage quests item req's for Sunglasses or that Valk Soul
or you could easily donate $7 for them "most are going to donate" and line their pockets for this poor service
They DO NOT KNOW what they are doing to improve a "WOE ORIENTATED RAGNAROK ONLINE" server often ignoring the player base doing the opposite of what a WOE SERVER needs in order to survive

Even if im uberbashing them I still made points
This server could have been great
I kept giving them chances to fix things
Best just to let the population drop and for them to learn the hard way of how to manage a server properly



Quote from: LaughingAussie on Dec 20, 2010, 04:48 PM
Is Zenais jorb?

No. If I want to talk smack about this server I won't hide behind a fake name.

Still, if someone comes out of nowhere within 2 months getting 3 MvP cards that are completely beneficial to his class before anyone else even gets ONE that just looks like corrupt s***... Doesn't matter if he's legit or not he's just going to make the server look bad.

Also, about what Zenais said I check Bio 3 once in a while too and it's the same MvP (High Wizard) Nobody even bothers to kill it anymore, and then he just pops out with an Assassin Cross Card when I've never seen him or his guild even camp those mvps, and your invasion event never had a SinX I believe... That just looks illegitimate :/

If you want to know about what the players think and feel pretty much everyone who's been playing here has the assumption that magix is getting spoonfed gears and that this server is corrupt. The fact that he strolls around with like 6-8 miniboss/mvp cards when theres like only 1 outside of his guild only reinforces that idea. How are we supposed to complain or go to you guys when it's assumed that he's donating for them and that the staff are selling cards? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Atreides, and what... we go to you who has almost 0 power and can do what exactly? You don't even have access to the database, you can't do s*** so stop talking like you can actually do something here. It doesn't help that you guys have built up an image that "Whoever goes against what we say gets banned" on the forums too. All that's left is to fight against an overpowered guild with tons of mvp/miniboss cards or just quit and find a new server. Just saying.


First impression and first time playing on this server, i was amazed by its theme and lots of players in opening, and i think this is really a WOE oriented server, Even A GM Resigned because of this FALSE info

but after months playing i only saw donators getting rich or sum ubber donator cough* *magix* has MvP Cards in 0.1 chance in less then 3 months?1 MvP Card in less than 3 months maybe a luck BUT SEVERAL

Another Lameness, Sunnglases[1] was not even implemented around less than 1 month of the server,
GUESS WHAT!! one player has it cough* again...

And How do we complain WHEN THEY ALWAYS DELETE OUR REPORT THREADS... so how can we?? i mean
how do other players know whats happening under the table?? They Didn't even Care if your Scammed , Hacked, They Dont care unless you donate,

now the population from 350+ to less than 150 how cool is that? now they are trying hard to bait us in their stupid headgear and some updates but that doesn't cure their negligence , it sums up that its Just another server that WOE/PVP/BG oriented PumpkinRO is a Fake.


Wow, this s*** finally comes to RMS. GG Pumpkin.

But hey, on the brightside.

"It's being investigated"

Orc Hero in 15 days.
FBH in 30.
And Now SinX.

Did anyone mention +9 Diligent Ice Pick?

They claimed the Orc Hero and FBH was legit. Everyone knew the truth. And now he has a SinX card. How the fck can you sit there and say its being investigated unless the GM team is corrupt. You dont get a SinX card at .01 rates. LET ALONE WHEN BIO 3 ISNT BEING DONE.
WTF has to be investigated!?!