Moonlight RO

Started by Melchyor, Mar 30, 2011, 08:27 PM

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On it's very best day this server would never deserve a rating of 90. Persistent and annoying lag/freezing. Before I continue I will say I was banned and maybe I deserved to be banned but I also deserved the courtesy of knowing I was going to be banned so I could say good bye to a friend and I deserved to be told specifically why I was banned so I could appeal if I wished to. Now this is not unique to Moonlight, almost all the shrs r like this...any suggestion whether serious or made in jest would be viciously attacked by under-sexed teenagers. I very earnestly attempted to make suggestions and report problems, not for my benefit but for the server, and not once was shown any kind of appreciation (quite the opposite actually). The Admin has serious issues with staff...his gf is a GM and she can't even trade with players and he hires people with almost no RO experience. I am virtuous to a fault...when the fiasco with players that abused a bug to get obscene amounts of money occured I happened to find a good size amount and I reported it to the admin and staff but when I went to the forum and reported a bug I found with an event...they ridiculed me for not having any evidence. All the major stuff I put in the server review...all this stuff wouldn't fit. Teenagers it too much to ask for an experienced player in their twenties to be on as well. Beggars! Gross class imbalance. The Admin/staff and players have absolutely no respect for Ragnarok Online because they have no idea of how it was and is played...every shr i've been on is convinced that RO is just a PvP engine but this is not a new attitude. DRAMA!!! I deliberately stay clear of staff for this very annoying reason but it aint so easy to steer clear of staff legits and staff brown-nosers. I liked Eve (a GM) but was unable to say goodbye because I was banned w/o warning for 6 years(LOL!!! This server aint gonna last another year let alone 6) Z/Z


This isn't a review. Moving to Rant and Rave.


Sincerely, I do not know I what I am doing is out of spite but I can promise you I am being completely honest. I have been playing on private servers so long I couldn't even estimate how many times I have done every job quest and have seen many dozens of server fall for various reasons and I can tell you in complete honesty that NO server has been or will ever be created deserves a score of 100. The median population for Mro according to the reviews is 20, if this includes the NPCs then this is an accurate number otherwise it is a lie. The server Admin opted to use a hosting service that does not do regular back-ups...we found that out the hard way recently. I am only going to point out two of the reviews and how they are misrepresenting the server...I could do that for almost all of them and I will if this report is not adequate for sanctions against the server. The most recent review was written by a player that joined after me and claims the server "... has great events and contests..."...the current server has 2 automated events that hand out useless event tickets. Another review is written by (a girl I like very much) a "player" named Ch0c0late which gives the server a score of 100...this server has a GM (a girl I like very much) whose "legit" is named xchocolatex. The server has a vote for points system (as do many other servers) whereby if you place an obscene number of votes for the server you can get exclusive uber items... I never voted when I liked the server because I find such tactics ethically questionable. To my knowledge they do not reward you for "favourable" RMS reviews but the staff and global broadcasts do grill you to do it. As for the reviews that claim the friendliness is awesome I suggest you take a look at the posts on their forum placed by Nyght, Enkidu, Meez and Jace to name a few. I have been to servers with economies...the people who are writing reviews for this server obviously believe that buying (with cash) pvp items constitutes an economy. eg: I have seen player's pubbing pvp items for 500,000,000,000 zeny. If this does not suffice to cause examination of "player" reviews of Moonlight RO I will do a much more detailed analysis tomorrow. Thank you for your time and consideration.


This [Server Report] section isn't made for people to bash reviews.  If someone thinks automated events are good enough their score can reflect that.  Admins/Owners/Players all are entitled to make ONE review to any listing.

Merging this with your other rant topic.


I don't really understand how such old players rage too much on one server. If you don't like it, leave it. Let fake reviews alone, if players play and they see how suck the server is, they'll leave eventually and some might make a good review outta the server along with posting proofs (not raging with wall of texts and spamming topics for attention). It's not like that MoonlightRO is the only RO private server that is still alive anyway.

As for Moonlight, is it SHR? If yes, imba things are never been something rare on SHR. In fact, it's common. Uber items, dramas, brat-donkey players are everywhere. Got problem with player? Go PvP and settle things there, winner got their e-peen bigger. GMs? They're dramaing and waiting for your donation/vote, and giving uber items for free ain't never been a big deal for them. That's why a SHR server never peaks to high population, because it's a place where idiots try to improve their e-peen with $$.

If you really want to play RO, I'd recommend you to play low-rate. Community are way better there and I barely see uber items on low-rates. Don't just play every rate but then you QQ about something different about the server (well, duh, LR is obviously different than SHR).

Again, leave those reviews be because you yourself is lacking proof that the server really suck (wait, which SHR server isn't suck anyway?). If the server really sucks but got 100 ratings out there, I can say there's some conspiracy there (such as buying reviews for ingame items). If you want to know, go to the server, investigate, then post what you found here. That's MUCH better than just raging.


Honestly you people can't tell your RMS system is completely corrupt anymore because the entire design is set up to confuse you into thinking it works. Here is a brief explanation of what happened when I tried to write an honest unbiased review of my former server: I followed the review guidelines to the letter. I gave them an honest rating in all categories. Then I got to the comment portion of the review...this is the first barrier RMS places in your way because if you do not explain why you gave those ratings to "their" satisfaction they will delete your review but only if it's a negative review. Second hurdle...they severely limit the space you have to explain your review. At the end of the review there is a note that if you feel you need to elaborate further on your review then you should post on forums (now this is where they lure you in to insult and discredit you). You go to the forum, state the name of the server you are commenting on, and finish off your review (in theory). But if you comments contain an opinion of any kind (eg:I like pepsi) they throw what you thought was the completion of your review into the Rants (Trash) category and you gain the label of malcontent. Then you write a second review and try to be as diplomatic as humanly possible...thrown into rants again. Then your former admin flames you on your honest review. You ask if his inflammatory remarks can be removed from your review and cite a couple of RMS violations the server players and staff have committed while you are at it and this happens...a RMS admin complains about your persistence in trying to place an honest review of your previous server and deletes your review AND labels you as a troublemaker (This admin obviously wasn't around at the beginning cuz trust me a troublemaker was a much more malicious thing back then). So this is how RMS takes the rating of probably the only "person" on the planet with any sense of honour or integrity left and turns him into a pariah.

Seriously RMS people, just delete my forum account...having my email and ip associated with soulless meat puppets is disgusting and insulting to me!


Because abusing things on the internet is very easy, nuff said.


Nobody says that you're not entitled to your own opinion. Both of your "reviews" were too short; the "Server Reviews" section was made specifically for in-depth reviews to be posted.

Saying that only negative reviews are deleted is ignorant. The staff constantly checks newly posted reviews to delete spam and reviews that do not meet the requirements stated above the actual score/comment page.

QuoteSo this is how RMS takes the rating of probably the only "person" on the planet with any sense of honour or integrity left and turns him into a pariah.
Are you serious? I mean, for real? You, sir, have a serious issue. The world does not revolve around you.

PS: I just read "I reported all reviews above 90"... like I said at the very beginning of this post: everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The server might be perfect for some people. If you don't like it, that's okay. But you're not the one to judge which reviews are real and which ones are fake.


And so you killed yourself,
but you killed everyone else around you too.


I love the way this guy b**** around and thinking that people who doesn't side with him is as good as piece of sh*t


I tried... I swear I tried... more than once... I tried... but I couldn't, for the life of me, read more than 3 lines of any of his posts without my eyes going nuts and getting a headache.

Do you know what paragraphs are?
How to deal with an INTJ (excerpt):
- Don't expect them to respect you or your viewpoints just because you say so. INTJ respect must be earned.
- Do not be surprised at sarcasm.
- Do not expect INTJs to actually care about how you view them. They already know that they are arrogant bastards with a morbid sense of humor.
Warning: Please don't read my posts if you are: easily offended, someone who can't take critics, someone who can't take sarcasm, someone who can't take bluntness, if you're too sensitive in general, if you fail at reading and comprehending text.