Is this true?

Started by Avid, Jan 22, 2014, 05:15 AM

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First of all i want to apologize to Talon-RO and their staff for this post if it isn't true.

Okay so i recently opened a server and within days its growing amazingly.

After about 15 days of launch we started getting DDoS Attacks, huge ones taking our website / server offline.

I tried a couple of things and it did not work so it forced us to move host with integrated Firewall & DDoS Attack protection.

here is a graph of the attacks, this is from today, my protection migrated the attack and nothing went down.

Before i got the protection there was posts left on our facebook wall saying "THIS SERVER IS DOOMED, PLAY TALON-RO"

I should of got a screenshot really, instead i just removed the post and banned the user accessing our FB page.

After talking to some players in-game they was telling me that a while back there was debates, rants etc here on RMS forums about Talon-RO attacking other servers that maybe be rising causing any kind of community threat to them? i don't know if this is true if it isn't then i do apologize.

My server is still getting attacked about 5/6 times daily however the attacks are being migrated and no harm is done to the gameplay or website.

So my question is;

Does Talon-RO really DDoS Attack servers that are rising or doing well?


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I want to note that we our server had the same problem at some point. Tons of DDOS attacks and we had to move to a new host with proper and better DDOS protection. seems like a common thingthese days..


Erm, no, TalonRO is not involved in this. We get DDoS attacked ourselves plenty of times. We also have been forced to move to an expensive DDoS-protected host after a lot of struggles. Our server's GM team consists of adults that do not have any intention to do something childish such as a DDoS attack when we know ourselves how annoying those can be.

Not to mention:
- Your server is no competition. AvidRO seems to be a mid-rate server, which is something completely different. Frankly, I haven't even visited your site before, nor have I really heard from it before. There have been plenty of other servers that were actual competition and they did fine, as did we.
- TalonRO is running fine by itself. Our population still keeps rising. There is no need to attack other servers.
- I haven't ever heard of RMS topics about us DDoSing. I'd like to see those topics.
- Posting a comment on your FB page like that would only give us a bad image. Frankly, this could be hurting us as well. On top of that, no one writes "TALON-RO". It's "TalonRO".
- Don't see this in an offensive way, but servers such as yours come and go. There have been dozens of servers like avidRO and TalonRO has been doing fine for 7 years. I am at all not worried by your server.


Okay thanks DeePee.

Sorry about the post, just wanted answers.

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sounds more like someone is using Talon as a scapegoat. apparently it could be one of those middish servers  /hmm


Yea true, just very irritating when it happens.

Crazy how one thing can take your server down.

Its quite costly for the DDoS protection, small servers with not much funding would never last.

Its a shame really.

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Yep, it's that "easy" to do it nowadays.