RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

RateMyServer.Net => Server Discussion => Rant and Rave => Topic started by: -Ish on Nov 14, 2010, 04:11 AM

Title: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 14, 2010, 04:11 AM
Heroes RO in RMS (http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=detailedlistserver&serid=10710&itv=6&url_sname=Heroes%20of%20Ragnarok)

Server Rating: (33/100)

I. Overview

It is the 2nd worst server i have ever played on over my 7 years now of RO gaming life. The ADMIN/GM is corrupt. The ADMIN/GM is so not fair, so biased, and knows nothing about being an ADMIN/GM. Would ban someone for bug abuse and lifts up the ban just because he is afraid of losing all his players (or his friends should i say?). He would also ban someone without proof if the player is not one of his friends. And he wouldn't ban any of his friends even with enough proof.

II. The Server (15/25)

With a max of 45-50 players online, the server experiences lag problems once in a while. When lag spikes happen, it happens in atleast 5-15 secs duration before it goes back to normal. And yes, we all know that it could cause you win/lose situation.

The GM also customized mechanics of the game to give favor to his friends.. One of which was reducing body relocation range from 15? cells to 10 so we can't reloc-dodge anymore in PvP. Also, the server claims that MVPs and MINI MVPs are disabled (cards). Well, yes the drop was disabled but the items (i mean cards) do still work if you have them..

Someone just so happen to warp on the wrong town when two of his friends were talking about it. Thanks brink for the screenie.


III. The Players (10/25)

Some players are nice enough but most of them aren't friendly at all. Would trashtalk you like there's no tomorrow if you kill them in PvP.
And oh.. by the way, there's a lot of players that are actually gm friends (or pets).

IV. The Economy (7/25)

Basically, there's no economy. Zeny has value, but only to buy items in the Mall like normal items, elus, and oris. The rest of the items which are actually the ones you will need pvp-wise, can only be obtained by VOTING or DONATING. you can also obtain some by joining buggy events. That is if you're lucky to win with the bugs.

V. Admins and Staff (1/25)

All i can say is that, this is the very 1st server where i saw an admin allowing certain players use cheat programs like WPE and RPE. Please do note that he even actually advised the player to be careful so they wont get caught!


And oh.. how about a GM that trashtalks?



More details and screenshots will be added within the next 24 hours.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 14, 2010, 05:42 AM

In addition..

Jester: WipeOut guild always yelp.
They always yelp, but yet they don't even donate.

Jester: your the only one i want to ban..
because your the hitch in my server..


he(jester) hated us. because we did not donate on his server..
thats the bottom line..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 07:48 AM
Thank you for writing a Review on my server.

I cant understand Players like you  who have the guts to post a review when you guys are the one whom I ban in my SERVER because of  3RD PARTY PROGRAM which is WPE/RPE.

After playing and getting ban in my server, you're here in rms to make a stupid review and to let other people know what kind of GM and a server I have. SO LAME...

Okay, So I'm here to defend my position and to clear my server name in RMS for your GREAT Review.

First of all, learn to read a server rules before playing in a server.
2nd, any GM in any server will surely ban you guys because you're a WPE USER which is STRICTLY prohibited in ANY SERVER. HR,Mid Rate or LowRate server.
3rd, I reduced the Body Reloc for balance purposes because you guys are abusing BODY RELOC DODGE. Why would a GM Allow such abuse in his/her server? Also, is that body reloc dodge in RO Wiki or in RMS? Its not even a skill or a guide..Its a BUG!
4th, Did I ban you for no proof? I didn't, so don't tell to the whole world that I'm banning a player without any proof.
5th, I really hated you guys because from the beginning, you already answered me back and complains a lot. I didn't hate you because you didn't donate in my server. I followed some of your suggestions especially the removal of EDP,fire bottle and acid bottles in tool dealer because you've said that how about the new players? its kind of imbalance. I accepted your suggestion to help you but you didn't follow my RULES. I helped you and still, you guys got the guts to use WPE and now saying bad things about me and my server. It should be a GIVE AND TAKE situation.
6th, No one can stop WPE, even pRO [Philippine Ragnarok Server] can't stop it. With a gameguard, a hacker can still hack it. In one of your Reviews, I've said to that player that he can use WPE as long as he must be like a normal player, if someone reported him to me, ill be banning him in my server and I did that. 3 Indian players Got Banned in my server for using WPE. No one can stop wpe so why would I ban a player without giving him a chance.
7th, why does all your screenies goes to your side? where's the part that you flame me, the players, and the server? uploading screenies that only shows the bad side of the GM? why don't you upload your bad part?
Lastly, any GM with a server and a population of around 45-50 will try its best not to ban a player. Banning only those who really passes through the limits.

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 14, 2010, 09:02 AM
It is all in the screen shots.

The whole world can see. You allow your favorite players to use WPE/RPE and other 3rd party programs. And your the one who said that they can use it just don't let anyone caught your friends using it.

You said that we MUST donate in your server.
You started trashtalking, saying bad words to different people.

You banned one guild for cheating? How bout your friends who abuse programs to dominate the server? You just let it happen coz they donate too much in the server that's why you cant ban them?

Lastly, I am here to remind that you are a game master. You should learn how to respect your players as they respect you.
It is all in the screen shots. You have nothing to defend to.

For the other players who want to join this worst server ever, you are feel free to register.
To experience the world class professionalism of GM Jester.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: autumn07 on Nov 14, 2010, 09:03 AM
ill do some comments about you deadly...

first, we wrote our reviews here in RMS before you banned us... then you banned us, for the reason that we wrote ugly reviews about your server... and to clarify things, only 1 person used WPE so dont tell anybody else that we were using WPE/RPE...

second, you banned almost all of us without proof.... because you just hated us.. plain and simple... answering back to a GM isnt really disrespectful LOL.. and silencing players for the use of capital letters because of your self-proclaimed meaning that the use of all capital letters would mean SHOUTING... so lame..

abusing body reloc?? for gods sake, it isnt a bug... and body reloc isnt skill??? review yourself dude..

another thing, a GM should be professional, shouldnt trashtalk with players and shouldnt say rude or bad words to his players... sad to say, you always talked to us like that...

your having problems with our screenies, go post your screenies to prove that we were so disrespectful....

answers or replies would be appreciated..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 14, 2010, 09:32 AM

@deadly then post your Proof or screenies or whatever you call it.. showing OUR bad sides like your saying.. :)


1.Not everyone use WPE in our guild..
2.only 1 guy use it.. believe me or not.. (and he dont know how to use it.. he just tried it and we admit that)
3.You ban us all for the reason of we wrote TRUTH on the server reviews. you must understand not every review is positive..
4.we did not donate thats why you hate us.. just like what you said in the screenshot..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: hantzsiy3 on Nov 14, 2010, 09:35 AM
LOL GM.. i was just brb at the side with a PUB and u jail my char indefinitely.. what was that all about? was that because i wrote something a little bit negative about you? WTH man.. and now you're asking players of your server to defend you? and then what? they'll have advantages? don't pretend anymore, it's clear that you are biased and judgemental of players. you tell us we talk disrespectfully to players but then when they talk, you don't care. You tell us we're showing all the bad things about you, but not of us. THINK! you're a "GM".. or atleast that's what you are, not what you act like. you tell us to grow up, why not you yourself grow up? LOL the server's such a waste, it could've been one of the best if not for the GM acting stupidly
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Ariba on Nov 14, 2010, 09:57 AM
a Server with a GM that Lets his Players.. get Sprite Errors So that they'll quit the Server.. a GM that Doesnt Allow Players to use " CAPS " when talking... a GM that is simply BIASED.. a GM that makes players Use " Teamviewer Software" to fix Server to Client Problems  st*pid.. a GM that hates players coz their good @ game... a Corrupt Server With Bad Community in It.. got acccused using RPE WPE coz ur just good?? ask GM...
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: eyeshield on Nov 14, 2010, 10:48 AM
About the body reloc, GM did that to be fair to all the other players. That's all there was to that.
And you have to admit, you did abuse that power a little bit too much.
If you didn't, you just might, you just might have gotten away with it.
But you did abuse it, so a lot of people complained about your body reloc.
That's all there is to it.


A few things that you should know:
1.The GM doesn't tell anybody to donate.
2.Donating is not required,That's why there are alternatives like the different quests available.
3. GM investigates things thoroughly before banning. He doesn't just ban for fun, that would be insane.
4.And finally Disrespecting the GM = GM Disrespecting you.

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 10:53 AM
Quote from: crestballs on Nov 14, 2010, 09:02 AM
It is all in the screen shots.

The whole world can see. You allow your favorite players to use WPE/RPE and other 3rd party programs. And your the one who said that they can use it just don't let anyone caught your friends using it.

You said that we MUST donate in your server.
You started trashtalking, saying bad words to different people.

You banned one guild for cheating? How bout your friends who abuse programs to dominate the server? You just let it happen coz they donate too much in the server that's why you cant ban them?

Lastly, I am here to remind that you are a game master. You should learn how to respect your players as they respect you.
It is all in the screen shots. You have nothing to defend to.

For the other players who want to join this worst server ever, you are feel free to register.
To experience the world class professionalism of GM Jester.

COOL where the hell did i said that YOU MUST donate in my server? PROVE YOUR POINT!

Even in RMS, you cant use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS when posting a topic or replying in a post.
Again, Learn to read rules.

BRB? LOL? creating character names such as BOBOGM in english "STUPIDGM" and sitting in prontera. why wont I jail you.

All proof is all my players in HeroesRO except for the WIPEOUT guild which will obviously deny everything.

Use of capital letters is not my self proclaimed thing, if you're educated, I'm sure it is taught in elementary.

If you want proof. Here it is.
Look how you talk to a GM. READ RULES AGAIN! plus, defending a wpe act.

Some Database search for proof.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 14, 2010, 12:42 PM
@Deadly- You want us to prove everything? It is in the fckng screen shots. Learn how to fckng read fckng GM. s***. You dont need to explain coz the whole ragnarok world already knows that your corrupt/ biased.

You told one of my friends that it is taught in elementary school? Then when did you learn your basic english? Highschool?
Lol man, your the worst GM that has the worst fckng grammar. And you said you dont need to speak english? Whats your reason? s***, there are international players in your server!! Your co-gms speak english fluently, shame on you.

Again, to all players. If you wanna join this s*** server, then come register. Try how administrators here run this crappy s*** thing ragnarok server.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: hantzsiy3 on Nov 14, 2010, 05:27 PM
WTH are you talking about deadly? you can ask anybody, I had a PUB entitled "brb finishing DL" at pront, i didn't even put ur name in it, now you're telling me I said stupid GM?? WTH? ask glenn, I was surprised to be jailed for no reason. why would I be surprised if i put "stupidGM" there? LOL
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 14, 2010, 08:17 PM

Issue #1

Source: http://z15.invisionfree.com/HeroesRagnarokOnline/index.php?showtopic=84

on this thread, the player was merely asking you why a guildmate was also banned for his actions.. then you cursed him? how un-ethical can you be?

Issue #2

You kept on claiming the whole guild was using WPE/RPE or whatever you wanna call it.. any proofs? please show if you have ANY.

Issue #3

In relation to Issue #2, I, -Ish, just got banned, for what reason exactly? i didn't participate on the commotion yesterday. You can even ask your GM Glenn coz i was talking to him. All i did was to write a review based on what i have witnessed and I didnt write this because i was banned, coz clearly, i wasn't banned yet as of the posting date and time. Now if it's against your server rules that writing a negative review would result into a ban, then please make sure your server has no negative issues to be seen.

Issue #4

Again, my question, what was that all about you on the screenshot allowing players to use third party programs? Oh wait, i think i got the answer on a screenshot.

please refer to the blue chat on 1st screenshot and yellow on the 2nd screenshot.


Issue #5

Let's just say you really allow all the players to use WPE/RPE but without being caught. Now does the fact that one of our guildmates was using it and got caught makes everyone in the guild a user too? How can you explain that when you actually didn't caught everyone else? Or should i say no one else caught the rest of the guild (that was if all of us we're actually using it)?

Issue #6

What was that about some of your players talking about MVP cards that they have? I thought those cards were disabled? Just as how your server claims.

Issue #7

About your links towards your server forum, i don't see any acts of defending a WPE-use.. Please enlighten us.

Issue #8

The body relocation-dodge isn't a bug. Maybe a glitch, just like how relics named it. In any case, you we're claiming that you did it to balance the server. Wait, how does that make it balanced? Before you reduced the range, everyone can actually use the technic. By everyone, i mean, all the players, including GMs. Are you sure you didn't change it just because you can't do it? Don't let me challenge you into that.. Coz i know you really can't even with a GM account.

Issue #9

Regarding donation issues, i think i captured some of it. Please refer to the screenshots below. I wont translate because i dont want any biased translations. I'd rather have someone from outside translate the screenshot logs for us.


Issue #10

By the way, all caps in writing doesn't actually mean shouting. You're just assuming the person is. If you actually know what "!" means in the end of a sentence, you would know the difference. Just so you would know, certain systems actually do not allow small letters to be used to avoid confusion with certain letters and numbers, some of which are small letter L "l" and big letter i "I" and throw in number one "1". Then you can let shift + \ "|" join the group. If you write them in a different font, you would see the what i mean.

Here's one in Arial Font:     l  I
1st one is a small letter of L and the 2nd one is a capital letter of i


1. added a screenshot of a thread in heroesRO forums (Issue #1)
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 14, 2010, 11:38 PM
Quote from: eyeshield on Nov 14, 2010, 10:48 AM
About the body reloc, GM did that to be fair to all the other players. That's all there was to that.
And you have to admit, you did abuse that power a little bit too much.
If you didn't, you just might, you just might have gotten away with it.
But you did abuse it, so a lot of people complained about your body reloc.
That's all there is to it.


A few things that you should know:
1.The GM doesn't tell anybody to donate.
2.Donating is not required,That's why there are alternatives like the different quests available.
3. GM investigates things thoroughly before banning. He doesn't just ban for fun, that would be insane.
4.And finally Disrespecting the GM = GM Disrespecting you.

pls see the screen shot i have a proof on number 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 .. ;)
Posted on: Nov 14, 2010, 03:11 pm

i cannot edit.. so ill just put another reply..
in addition..

1.GM on PVP .. there's a time that we caught a gm in pvp named "SuperBeBe2" and "SuperBebe".
that was jester's brother he admit it.. and it is not right to see a GM on pvp killing normal players like us.

2 Gm force us to use Team viewer.. we have proof that he ask us and force us to download teamviewer so
that he can view our files.. and then, i resist to download teamviewer coz of "Privacy" issues.. and he got mad because i
didnt follow his advice..

3.Everyone in wipeout guild got banned because we wrote negative reviews in that said server.. it is not right to ban us all
because of that.. not all review is POSITIVE.. and now he ban us on his forums so that we cant get info on his wrong doings..

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: eyeshield on Nov 14, 2010, 11:53 PM
To bad3p:
GM was clearly messing with you already, since you disrespected him and broke the rules. And oh yeah, "you're the only hitch in our server" right? I think this was what you or one of your guild mates said before that, "stupid GM, you don't even know how to run a server" or something similar.
In fact, even worse. I was there, I saw how many curses and rants you and your people said.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: mickiedeez on Nov 15, 2010, 12:48 AM
My experience with this server has revealed to me several things about both players and GM alike, which i now share with you:

Half the players are idiots getting upset (for good reasons, mind you) and trying to retaliate, then whining about how the GMs did something about it.

The other half are arrogant butt buddies of the GMs.

The GMs, in exchange for their butt buddies money, grant clemency to their cheating, rule breaking, jackass butt buddies. They also abuse the authority and power of being the runners of a server by making use of drastic punishment(i.e. bans, permamutes, etc.) In addition, they SEEM to help their non GM accounts and their friends as well.

That is what I got from my short experience on this server.

Now completely ignoring the above, this thread reveals both sides are immature retards who make poor decisions. Which to me, and hopefully to all of you as well, is grounds enough to avoid this server  :-\
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: blue_destiny on Nov 15, 2010, 01:35 AM
Yellow Line: There's no such thing as a server that doesn't close
- Ish: Add this instead >
Target: by the way, thanks Pilyo XD
PilyongBata: no prob
From CrestBalls: mark SS the last [message]
From CrestBalls: *Repeat
To CrestBalls: Yup
From Crestballs: He said there's no such thing as a server that doesn't close
*SS Link*

Yellow Line: You all complain about the wipe(out)
Yellow Line: but they are the ones who cheat! *They = probably pertaining to their guild? I'm not sure
Yellow Line: You keep complaining, but you don't donate!
qweqw: He said ALL
Yellow Line: Why don't you donate? Then you'd be worth something!
qweqe: He said ALL, but it's not everyone!
qweqe: hahahahaha
Yellow Line: You're the ones cheating, and still you're the ones who are complaining

I'm not THAT sure if I got the "essence" of the conversation correctly, but I think I did... ^_^

Anyways, what I am kinda surprised is that the admin has been using curse words... like "tanga" (s**pid), tangina mo (your mother's a wh**e in Tagalog). He can be angry all he wants, but come on... the lack of professionalism hurts my eyes..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 15, 2010, 01:44 AM
@eyeshield- We all have proofs on what we are saying. You always contest our statements. Now, I'm challenging you to upload all your proofs to defend your stupid game master.

The acts shown be the administrator of HeroesRO are beyond limits. This server should be delisted on all voting sites.
Posted on: Nov 14, 2010, 05:41 pm
GM Jester (HeroesRO) : I'll be implementing this ... bla bla bla..

Player: GM, why do you need to implement that?

GM Jester: If you don't want my decisions, feel free to leave my server.

A normal player asking for answers, being trashed by a stupid game master.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Ariba on Nov 15, 2010, 06:54 AM
Just Simply Ignore the Server.. go DL others instead..  ;D
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 07:09 AM
How many times do I need to repeat it?
Learn to READ RULES.
is it hard to understand? maybe i should explain it more so you guys can better understand what I'm trying to say.

My Server Rules:
1. Do not Spam
3. Be responsible for your own account
4. Do not beg for items
5. Do not CHEAT
6. Do not Bot
7. No advertising of other servers
8. Must register in our forums

Obviously, it is a SERVER RULES! So, any violation is considered as a disrespect to the admin, players and to the server. Follow RULES and GM will RESPECT you. Banning your friend doesn't mean the end of the "Wipeout" guild. Why do you need to protect a friend who's already caught using WPE?

Next will be READ AND FOLLOW the RULES of RMS. If you don't know it then, I'll be showing it to you again.

RMS Rules in Posting a Server Review.
Rule #1: http://www.ratemyserver.net/forum/server-reviews/guidelines-for-posting-reviews/0/
Rule #2: http://www.ratemyserver.net/forum/server-reviews/stricter-rules-for-server-reviews/0/

Rule #1: I'll be stating only those things that you violated for you to further understand HOW to UNDERSTAND rules.
QuoteFor those who wish to write a review, we're not going to limit your ranting abilities.  However, we would to impose a few guidelines to ensure that we have the cleanest and non-offensive topics.When writing reviews, please try to keep factors fair.  Do not involve personal feelings into your reviewsWe don't want read topics about the admin's dog being ugly..Flaming and Trolling are big no-no's.  Don't post in these topics if you have an urge to just annoy people.

Rule #2: I'll be stating only those things that you violated for you to further understand HOW to UNDERSTAND rules.
QuoteThe Guidelines for the Server Review section clearly point these out:
    * Try to keep debates off of review topics.  The only time a debate is allowed is to challenge a false FACT.  Facts being things that are provable to non-players.
    * Flaming and Trolling are big no-no's.  Don't post in these topics if you have an urge to just annoy people.

The criticism you post must be constructive if I ever notice you, on an average, like to derail threads and post flamebaiting messages (trolling, etc) you will be warned, or possibly muted depending on how severe the case. I don't like to be a babysitter, but ~30% of the threads tend to go to the Soap Opera simply because the thread was being derailed, or hijacked.

In my server you're not following the rules....Now, even in RMS you're still not following it! Then you have the guts to post a server review about the bad attitude of the GM towards you. Follow rules before playing, posting, chatting or anything you do look for the rules first! Not just look but UNDERSTAND it too.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 15, 2010, 07:33 AM
Even you, you dont follow your own rules.

You spam messages in-game.

You dont respect your players.

You allow cheat for your donators / friends.

You act as if you were a kid.

Before we respect you be fair / dont be biased.
You dont have to defend yourself. Screenshots speaks for  itself.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
It's my server. I created it, I pay for it, I'm the one who added everything inside the private server and I can do whatever I want. No RULES apply for the admin. NEVER forget that.
It is like when your mom gave you a rules to follow, does that rule apply also to your mom? HAHAHA Don't compare the one who gave the rules and the one who is given.

Grow Up! Be mature. Don't think like a child

I don't allow cheat, that's why I banned you because you're a cheater.

I'm fair, you just can't see it because you hated me that much. :D
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: hobbieman on Nov 15, 2010, 08:35 AM
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
It's my server. I created it, I pay for it, I'm the one who added everything inside the private server and I can do whatever I want. No RULES apply for the admin. NEVER forget that.

Sorry if I'm butting in all of a sudden, but that just proved the point of everyone who hated the GM's of this server. No rules applied for the admin? Wow, that kinda sucks for the server, and it also kinda contradicted the rules that you just stated which was your entire justification of you banning them.

Admin assigns GM's, Admin gives them powers, Admin allows GM's to abuse the powers.

The screenshots were clear enough to me, especially the lack of maturity with the GMs.

GM's are supposed to be calm and collected and they should present no bias. Saying "tangina mo" in a forum post (which means  "your mom is a whore" in English) isn't what I would call calm and collected.

And can an RMS forum mod please move this to the server reports section? This sounds more like a server report than a review.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 15, 2010, 09:29 AM
Quote from: mickiedeez on Nov 15, 2010, 12:48 AM
My experience with this server has revealed to me several things about both players and GM alike, which i now share with you:

Half the players are idiots getting upset (for good reasons, mind you) and trying to retaliate, then whining about how the GMs did something about it.

The other half are arrogant butt buddies of the GMs.

The GMs, in exchange for their butt buddies money, grant clemency to their cheating, rule breaking, jackass butt buddies. They also abuse the authority and power of being the runners of a server by making use of drastic punishment(i.e. bans, permamutes, etc.) In addition, they SEEM to help their non GM accounts and their friends as well.

That is what I got from my short experience on this server.

Now completely ignoring the above, this thread reveals both sides are immature retards who make poor decisions. Which to me, and hopefully to all of you as well, is grounds enough to avoid this server  :-\

i agree with you on this one :D ..
this proves its not just us..
Posted on: Nov 15, 2010, 12:58 am

in addition.. if rms.. request more proof or screenshot we can publish more for you..
just to show this GM is immature and he is not fair to us and to donor people..

Posted on: Nov 15, 2010, 01:03 am
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
It's my server. I created it, I pay for it, I'm the one who added everything inside the private server and I can do whatever I want. No RULES apply for the admin. NEVER forget that.
It is like when your mom gave you a rules to follow, does that rule apply also to your mom? HAHAHA Don't compare the one who gave the rules and the one who is given.

Grow Up! Be mature. Don't think like a child

I don't allow cheat, that's why I banned you because you're a cheater.

I'm fair, you just can't see it because you hated me that much. :D

show me i cheated.. show us we cheated...
give a proof.. show a proof ! show everyone that your right and we are wrong..
just like you said we are ALL cheaters..

you ban me coz we wrote some bad reviews on your server.. just like the others.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 15, 2010, 10:25 AM
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
It's my server. I created it, I pay for it, I'm the one who added everything inside the private server and I can do whatever I want. No RULES apply for the admin. NEVER forget that.
It is like when your mom gave you a rules to follow, does that rule apply also to your mom? HAHAHA Don't compare the one who gave the rules and the one who is given.

Grow Up! Be mature. Don't think like a child

I don't allow cheat, that's why I banned you because you're a cheater.

I'm fair, you just can't see it because you hated me that much. :D

Wow, there are no rules applied for the GM's themselves? Insane.
As far as I can see, we are not the only one who are against you. Even this persons, who commented above, are matured enough to interpret the screen shots.

You said that you banned me because I'm a cheater?
I challenge you to prove it. Show us EVERYTHING that we cheated on your stupid server.
Show to us that this thread against your server is all not true.

If you can show us that we are wrong, we will leave this topic closed. BUT, until you can't show us proof that everyone will believe, then let's see what will happen to your hard earned business.

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 11:58 AM
Quote from: crestballs on Nov 15, 2010, 10:25 AM
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
It's my server. I created it, I pay for it, I'm the one who added everything inside the private server and I can do whatever I want. No RULES apply for the admin. NEVER forget that.
It is like when your mom gave you a rules to follow, does that rule apply also to your mom? HAHAHA Don't compare the one who gave the rules and the one who is given.

Grow Up! Be mature. Don't think like a child

I don't allow cheat, that's why I banned you because you're a cheater.

I'm fair, you just can't see it because you hated me that much. :D

Wow, there are no rules applied for the GM's themselves? Insane.
As far as I can see, we are not the only one who are against you. Even this persons, who commented above, are matured enough to interpret the screen shots.

You said that you banned me because I'm a cheater?
I challenge you to prove it. Show us EVERYTHING that we cheated on your stupid server.
Show to us that this thread against your server is all not true.

If you can show us that we are wrong, we will leave this topic closed. BUT, until you can't show us proof that everyone will believe, then let's see what will happen to your hard earned business.

yup obviously it will be against me because He didn't know everything, it is all based on your report :D He just came out of somewhere. No need to reply anymore. People playing in my server knows the truth :D and everyone in my server hated WIPEOUT :D

Just as this guy is saying

He wants me to IP ban you aka Wipeout guild. :D
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 15, 2010, 12:09 PM
lol ip ban us. who cares we dont even play on your server..
they hated us because WIPEOUT WIPE everyone in PVP..

it will be against you. bcoz were asking about the proof, as you said..
we are cheaters.. show the CHEAT we have done..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 15, 2010, 12:19 PM
You don't need to reply coz you can't prove we cheat right?

As I said the screen shots speaks for itself.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 15, 2010, 12:24 PM
we should ask the author to ask someone to move this to the report section..
i hope it will be granted.. coz the GM is insane and he needs to learn a lesson.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 15, 2010, 04:33 PM

how come you never answer the questions or issues im throwing at you? All you do is argue on things that aren't even true. you're just increasing the flames in this thread.

to make this more official, i, -Ish, the author of this review challenges the administration of the server HeroesRO to disprove my claims in my review by presenting valid facts with proof of evidence on the said issues found on the server.

If nothing can be presented by the admins or gms of this server within 48 hrs of this post, there is nothing more to debate with and i would want to forward this motion into te server reports section for further review and requests that the server be de-listed in RMS or be served with punishment in accordance to RMS rules.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Sarin on Nov 15, 2010, 05:53 PM
Quote from: -Ish on Nov 15, 2010, 04:33 PM
If nothing can be presented by the admins or gms of this server within 48 hrs of this post, there is nothing more to debate with and i would want to forward this motion into te server reports section for further review and requests that the server be de-listed in RMS or be served with punishment in accordance to RMS rules.

There's nothing in RMS ToS that regards punishment for in-server stuff. If there is enough proof, the server/GM might be included in Hall of Shame, but that's it. For delisting, there has to be some violation of rules regarding abuse of review system or such.

For HoS listing, you should open appropriate thread. And serve us more proof.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 15, 2010, 08:21 PM
@^ thank you for the quick response. we shall provide more proof as requested. Just a quick question, does an admin asking players to write reviews to cover the negative reviews a violation? If so, i have them captured too. We might present more screenshots and a video or two about the gm pets that we're talking about. Like a sin-x doing 2k+ damage on a prof wearing cranial and Poopoo hat-like headgear and having ecoat active. do note the sinx can spam 4k+ grimtooth and never misses a high flee character. and this all happend on a server that claims that mvp cards are disabled. a video will be posted in the next few hours. please give us some time to upload it. :)


added a screenshot. please refer to the chatbox yellow messages. ill add more as soon as my guildmates send them to me or ill ask them to post what they have gotten.

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 03:15 AM
So if you want to challenge me then ill do it. ALL ANSWERS ARE BASED FROM -ISH POSTS

from your first post
Would ban someone for bug abuse and lifts up the ban just because he is afraid of losing all his players (or his friends should i say?).
He would also ban someone without proof if the player is not one of his friends. And he wouldn't ban any of his friends even with enough proof.

Yup I'm afraid of losing my players. Why Would I ban all those who cheated when I can just wipe every ZENY for the sake of the server? I never ban a player without enough proof. FCKING-CHAMP is one of the players whom I caught abusing the BUG and I have many more so if I BAN them all, then my server will be like a new server with estimated 20 players max with Autotrade. Regarding the LAG how can I answer you about the lag if I don't even know why you're lagging? I Reset the server to be fresh and you're still lagging and I'm hosting in axwebsolution. So if you're lagging then it's your problem.

QuoteThe GM also customized mechanics of the game to give favor to his friends.. One of which was reducing body relocation range from 15? cells to 10 so we can't reloc-dodge anymore in PvP. Also, the server claims that MVPs and MINI MVPs are disabled (cards). Well, yes the drop was disabled but the items (i mean cards) do still work if you have them..

yup i customize my SERVER bec it is my server. I reduced the range of BODY RELOC from 15-12 so you guys can't ABUSE the bug. If you said a while ago that I am biased with my friends which you claim FCKING-CHAMP as my friend which is not true because i dont even know him at all and not banning him. Then why didn't I ban you for abusing the RELOC BUG? Didn't yourealize that?

QuoteBasically, there's no economy. Zeny has value, but only to buy items in the Mall like normal items, elus, and oris. The rest of the items which are actually the ones you will need pvp-wise, can only be obtained by VOTING or DONATING. you can also obtain some by joining buggy events. That is if you're lucky to win with the bugs.

How can you say that a server has no economy when zeny has a value? Then give me a screenshot that my event are bugs. Ur just lazy to join the event that's why you're complaining. And in the first place, it is written in my site http://www.heroesro.com/home.html that there's a mall in my server. From the start, you should always read the info of the server before playing.

QuoteAll i can say is that, this is the very 1st server where i saw an admin allowing certain players use cheat programs like WPE and RPE. Please do
note that he even actually advised the player to be careful so they wont get caught!

I never saw them and caught them using WPE, there's just a players who said that they [indians] used WPE in my server so thats what I told them. Plus, I banned 3 of them and SSJ4 created an account again to play in my server bec he said that he cant find a better server than my server. you can ask him for that. He founded ZidRO then came back apologizing to me

Regarding the GM Trashtalk, Why would i RESPECT you if you keep on saying things like BOBOGM[STUPIDGM] and many flaming words? I dont need proofs in RMS to prove it. I'm an admin and why would an admin print screen to have a proof? If an admin banned a player in his/her server, does the admin needs to upload its screenshot to be able to ban that player? hell no! admins dont need screenshot. you directly said bad words infront of me and that is enough for me to ban you and your friends. Also, one of your friends CHALLENGED me 1 on 1. I said, "Sure, then i gave my home address." Such act must be given a proper sanction.
If I'm a stupid GM and can't handle a SERVER, then why is my server alive and going good? why does my player keeps on donating to the server? why does my player keeps on supporting me? my players...NOT including you and your friends.
And if what you're saying is true, why didnt they help you in this topic when you spam this link in my server? all those who reply in this topic are those in your guild
and friend of yours.

Post #2 from -ish
on this thread, the player was merely asking you why a guildmate was also banned for his actions.. then you cursed him? how un-ethical can you be?

First, He disrespecetd me when I banned him for USING WPE when dropping mass items in prontera map. Dropping 10 flowers at the same time with 1 piece each
and created a CHRACTER NAMES in the screenshot below. LOOK at the IP's which makes it his Account too.

Regarding why I ban Iautum,bad3p,-Ish,crestball, disenchant, Tekaban and Yuma and many more is because you're all like a family that helps and defends
one another when 1 GOT BANNED. Addition to that, you and your friends surely will complain again and will trashtalk me for doing what I did in Tekaban and
Yuma's account. Friends WILL ALWAYS DEFEND its friend even in bad situations.

About the WPE, I answered that in my older post and if you want to read it, just look for it.

MVP CARDS + MP,GR,AR and DEVILING CARDS ARE ALL DISABLED. NO SCRIPT AND I CAN GIVE IT TO YOU AS PROOF. I dont care if they got mvp cards before I announced
that i'll be removing it because I'm 100% sure that I disabled all MVP + those 4 miniboss cards in my server. So, even if they have one, it wont work.

As you said it's a GLITCH. Based from the dictionary, it is stated that
[glich]  Show IPA
Slang .
a defect or malfunction in a machine or plan.
Computers . any error, malfunction, or problem. Compare bug1 ( def. 5 ) .
a brief or sudden interruption or surge in voltage in an electric circuit.

Why would I allow SUCH ERRORS or DEFECT in my server when I can fix it through reducing the body reloc range? with a range of 12, it is not that bad and can

YUP, Not all caps in writing means shouting. But from the way you talk to me, other people also told you to "speak nicely on the GM. HE IS A GM NOT A PLAYER."
From that word comming from the other players who is playing in my server also felt that way. so i think i dont need to elaborate that.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 04:30 AM
lol epic answers...

ill just react on those few other comments you said..

*lol be nice on the gm? if you look up my screenshot im asking nicely.
"why is it your wipping all the zeny" and you answered back "if you dont like it here, you may leave"
so tell me is that a respectful answer? LOL. your kidding.. your a joke..

*about the relocation thing... if thats a bug,glitch or whatever you wanna call it, why dont Ragnarok devs[developers] team remove it or fix it. dont you think?

*about the WPE issue.. you never saw them.. right.. how bout us whom you ban did you saw us use WPE? :)

*and by the way, about that SuperBebe issue.. how come a GM plays and kills people in PVP?

* about those people who got ban from WipeOut guild.. not everyone trashtalk you.. infact the author himself didnt trashtalk you... you ban him because we wrote a review bout your server..

Posted on: Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 pm
this is the conversation, GM is being so nice to me.. someone pls translate it :)

(http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2664/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg) (http://img101.imageshack.us/i/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg/)

gm said he is happy for banning us.. i wonder why.. :D
(http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2664/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg) (http://img638.imageshack.us/i/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg/)

He ban everyone in the guild. just like what he said..
(http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/2664/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg) (http://img530.imageshack.us/i/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg/)

saying that we are useless, insipid, and stupid because we didnt donate :D
(http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/2664/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg) (http://img821.imageshack.us/i/screenheroesofragnarok1.jpg/)

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 05:31 AM
Just to answer your reply even though you're not the one I'm talking with.

why do you keep on posting a screenshot that only shows the bad side of the GM? why don't you upload the WHOLE conversation until it reaches that point? upload it so people can review it. Screenshots that only shows the point where the GM said this and that is not a valid proof. SHOW THE WHOLE CONVERSATION!

Look at your screenshots....You keep on scrolling only to the point where it shows the bad side of the GM. what kind of proof is that?

NOTE: Please check all your screenshots before posting.

Lastly, if you want I[GM JESTER] or my SERVER[HeroesRO] to be part of the Hall of Shame in RMS, I DARE YOU Crestballs, autumn07, Bad3p, hantzsiy3, Ariba, and -ISH OR ANY PLAYER in the guild "WIPEOUT" to post a COMPLETE SCREENSHOT of ALL CONVERSATIONS FROM BEGINNING UNTIL THE END OF ALL THOSE SCREENSHOTS YOU'VE POSTED. If you can do that, then that's the only time an admin of RMS can review or judge if what you're saying it true or not. I think I've said enough.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 06:35 AM

1. i scroll it. for the reason people spams..

2. thats the bottom line of the conversation . were just summarizing it..

3. why dont you post your own screen shots[and show your goodside just like your saying]
.. the proofs of cheating.. etc.. and all the accusation your throwing to us..

4. lastly, you didnt answer a single question i asked ;)
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: eyeshield on Nov 16, 2010, 06:44 AM
Who were the people who were spamming?
Oh yeah, you and your friends.

And how do we know if you summarized correctly?

Let's say you're in class, and you were caught cheating. A few minutes pass by and the teacher said a few bad things about you, and you happened to record what she said. You could make up a whole new story and say the bottom line is that the teacher hated you.

So please show the complete conversation.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 06:47 AM
who the heck are you now? lol.. if you have the complete conversation like your saying..
why not post it instead of saying useless sentence here.. lmfao

anyway.. what did jester gave to you? oh well that deserve a brinhild.. lOOOOOOOl
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 06:51 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 06:35 AM

1. i scroll it. for the reason people spams..

2. thats the bottom line of the conversation . were just summarizing it..

3. why dont you post your own screen shots[and show your goodside just like your saying]
.. the proofs of cheating.. etc.. and all the accusation your throwing to us..

4. lastly, you didnt answer a single question i asked ;)

1st, if you're telling the people and want them to know the truth. Show all your proofs with all the conversation.
2nd, as I said a while ago, Admins don't need a screenshot to prove something especially when banning a player because you did those VIOLATIONS in front of me, Not at the back. If what you did is from the back, then that's the time i need a screenshot to prove.
3rd, I don't need to put my goodside screenies. You're guild is the one who created this thread. So PROVE your thread by showing all COMPLETE CONVERSATION of those screenshots that you've posted.

CAN'T POST IT? THEN WHAT'S THE USE OF THIS THREAD? Just to annoy me? hahaha shame on you especially to the one who DARE and CREATED this thread.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:00 AM
Point of view..

- we are not haters.. actually we love the server.. thats why we played there for almost a month.
we just dont like how the gm handle things.. it is incorrect, unprofessional,  immature and the way
he talk is offensive.. as you can see in those screenshots.

- why not post your "Whole story" or "COMPLETE conversation" your saying.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL..
show us proof ... and show people we are wrong.. and you are right..

- if you will read the whole thread. you can see some few people who hated the management of this server..
that means, its not just us..

- thanks to rms.. for moving this thread to the server discussion..
Posted on: Nov 15, 2010, 10:56 pm
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 06:51 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 06:35 AM

1. i scroll it. for the reason people spams..

2. thats the bottom line of the conversation . were just summarizing it..

3. why dont you post your own screen shots[and show your goodside just like your saying]
.. the proofs of cheating.. etc.. and all the accusation your throwing to us..

4. lastly, you didnt answer a single question i asked ;)

1st, if you're telling the people and want them to know the truth. Show all your proofs with all the conversation.
2nd, as I said a while ago, Admins don't need a screenshot to prove something especially when banning a player because you did those VIOLATIONS in front of me, Not at the back. If what you did is from the back, then that's the time i need a screenshot to prove.
3rd, I don't need to put my goodside screenies. You're guild is the one who created this thread. So PROVE your thread by showing all COMPLETE CONVERSATION of those screenshots that you've posted.

CAN'T POST IT? THEN WHAT'S THE USE OF THIS THREAD? Just to annoy me? hahaha shame on you especially to the one who DARE and CREATED this thread.

whats the point of annoying.. and why would we care for you? LOL.. who the heck are you.. lmao.
thats not our intention . LOL..

why not think.. why would we post the WHOLE STORY as you said.. if we already did post the WHOLE STORY..
its been shown on the screenshot.. thats the WHOLE STORY.. and the WHOLE TRUTH :D ..
proofs dont lie..

Now, if you have another story.. why not share to us.. ;)
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: eyeshield on Nov 16, 2010, 07:03 AM
GM gave me nothing.
I'm just a player from the HeroesRO server.
And I like playing on it.

If I had screenshots I would've already posted them by now. But I don't.
But it still doesn't change the fact the you are summarizing a false account.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Sarin on Nov 16, 2010, 07:08 AM
Okay guys, stop. Now you're just throwing sh*t at each other without anything constructive. First, I'd like to ask someone who speaks tagalog or whatever that language is to translate for majority, so we can actually decide.

I've become a bit morbidly interested in this thread, something like watching a terrible traffic accident in news.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 16, 2010, 07:09 AM
Look, he is so pissed off, he used all caps fonts. Now he's the one who are not following RMS rules. Ignorant.

The ones you stated above are not proofs that will convince the whole world of RO Gaming.
This are just fraud statements to defend your side.

It also came out from your mouth.. "all your screen shots are bad side of the gm" agreed.

You suggested to remove this thread from the RMS moderators, they are not dumb like you to give you a favor.
You banned us for posting a negative review. And you and your friends in-game hate us. Coz we roll them in pvp 24/7.
Even one of your co-gm's transferred to our guild, and now he is joining us from our new server. Shame on you.

Lastly , I agree to the author of this thread. Upload all your proofs that will put this topic into trash.
Sadly you don't have any.

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Sarin on Nov 16, 2010, 07:11 AM
Now, I find it interesting that there are already two accounts that were apparently created just to stand at deadly2003's side in this thread.

Just stating the facts.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 07:12 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:00 AM
Point of view..

- we are not haters.. actually we love the server.. thats why we played there for almost a month.
we just dont like how the gm handle things.. it is incorrect, unprofessional,  immature and the way
he talk is offensive.. as you can see in those screenshots.

- why not post your "Whole story" or "COMPLETE conversation" your saying.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL..
show us proof ... and show people we are wrong.. and you are right..

- if you will read the whole thread. you can see some few people who hated the management of this server..
that means, its not just us..

- thanks to rms.. for moving this thread to the server discussion..
Posted on: Nov 15, 2010, 10:56 pm
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 06:51 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 06:35 AM

1. i scroll it. for the reason people spams..

2. thats the bottom line of the conversation . were just summarizing it..

3. why dont you post your own screen shots[and show your goodside just like your saying]
.. the proofs of cheating.. etc.. and all the accusation your throwing to us..

4. lastly, you didnt answer a single question i asked ;)

1st, if you're telling the people and want them to know the truth. Show all your proofs with all the conversation.
2nd, as I said a while ago, Admins don't need a screenshot to prove something especially when banning a player because you did those VIOLATIONS in front of me, Not at the back. If what you did is from the back, then that's the time i need a screenshot to prove.
3rd, I don't need to put my goodside screenies. You're guild is the one who created this thread. So PROVE your thread by showing all COMPLETE CONVERSATION of those screenshots that you've posted.

CAN'T POST IT? THEN WHAT'S THE USE OF THIS THREAD? Just to annoy me? hahaha shame on you especially to the one who DARE and CREATED this thread.

whats the point of annoying.. and why would we care for you? LOL.. who the heck are you.. lmao.
thats not our intention . LOL..

why not think.. why would we post the WHOLE STORY as you said.. if we already did post the WHOLE STORY..
its been shown on the screenshot.. thats the WHOLE STORY.. and the WHOLE TRUTH :D ..
proofs dont lie..

Now, if you have another story.. why not share to us.. ;)
WAHAHAHAHA  so now your angry with eyeshield because he defended me? oh come on baby!! please don't act like a child.

from your reply you said that
Quotewe are not haters.. actually we love the server.. thats why we played there for almost a month.

then check this out baby. I'll just REPEAT what you've said.
Quotewe are not haters.. actually we love the server.. thats why we played there for almost a month.

QuoteIt is the 2nd worst server i have ever played on over my 7 years now of RO gaming life. The ADMIN/GM is corrupt. The ADMIN/GM is not fair, biased, and knows nothing about being a true ADMIN/GM. Would ban someone for bug abuse and lifts up the ban just because he is afraid of losing all his players (or his friends should i say?). He would also ban someone without proof if the player is not one of his friends. Follow full review on --> http://www.ratemyserver.net/forum/index.php/topic,17182.0.html

now, how can you say that you GUYS loved my server when your FRIENDS review contradicts what you've said?

poor little boy...you're loosing your point....
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:18 AM

as i said.. i didnt like the management. but, the server itself i love it..
this means i love the server creation..  such as no mvp card etc, no instant respawn etc...
but that doesnt mean we like the owner and the people behind the server
who is managing it..  now do you get what i mean?  :))

and im not angry with eyeshield.. its just funny. he just came out of somewhere
who doesnt even know anything HAHAHAHAHHA..

Posted on: Nov 15, 2010, 11:16 pm
Quote from: Sarin on Nov 16, 2010, 07:08 AM
Okay guys, stop. Now you're just throwing sh*t at each other without anything constructive. First, I'd like to ask someone who speaks tagalog or whatever that language is to translate for majority, so we can actually decide.

I've become a bit morbidly interested in this thread, something like watching a terrible traffic accident in news.

you can use google translator for bias translation :)

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 16, 2010, 07:19 AM

-Yellow font - "Dumb, you are useless, all your moms are whore, guild WIPEOUT"


-Yellow font- "Just cry now guild WipeOut, bye to all your members, is the whole guild leaving? Coz I'll ban you all, just tell who will not leave"


-Yellow font - "you are all dumb, just be happy, have fun trashtalking me, I'm so happy banning you all.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Sarin on Nov 16, 2010, 07:23 AM
you can use google translator for bias translation :)


Using google translator is totally useless. It can translate individual words, but knows nothing about grammar etc...

Now, at general:

What I see here...no real proof of anyone cheating, BUT: damn bad GM management. Possible hints of bias/corruption.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: eyeshield on Nov 16, 2010, 07:24 AM
Believe me, people from the server know about you and the acts for your guild.
Ask around in the server and you'll find that everyone knows about the "WipeOut" guild and their "deeds".
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Sarin on Nov 16, 2010, 07:25 AM
Quote from: eyeshield on Nov 16, 2010, 07:24 AM
Believe me,

That word means nothing on Internet. Stick to the "Proof or it didn't happen" here, please.

Edit: Sigh, I've gone to mini-modding here. yC, can I get mod rights for this thread? Please? :D
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 07:36 AM
Eyeshield is "Dragon" a player from my server. So he has the right to defend me.

To make it short again. This is -Ish's thread or i can also say it your guilds thread. So if you want to prove something to RMS, a screenshot is not enough if you will just post those bad parts. POST everything to make it clear.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:42 AM
we have post everything.. so i dont kno whats "everything" for you..
so as i said.. if were missing something.. post the missing part..

oh dragon. a donator on your server. :)) hehe..
i dont need to say anything about this one.. LOL.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: eyeshield on Nov 16, 2010, 07:47 AM
Everything means the whole conversation...

What you posted is like this:
Me: Hey how do you do?
Me: Haha really?
Me: No Way!

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:49 AM
thats a kiddie conversation for me..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 08:00 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:42 AM
we have post everything.. so i dont kno whats "everything" for you..
so as i said.. if were missing something.. post the missing part..

oh dragon. a donator on your server. :)) hehe..
i dont need to say anything about this one.. LOL.

Why do i need to complete it if its your thread? complete it yourself. If you cant complete it, then all your post is useless. INCOMPLETE SCREENSHOTS OF THE CONVERSATION. A hanging Screenshot.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: eyeshield on Nov 16, 2010, 08:04 AM
It's just an example....

The meaning behind that example is that the whole story of the conversation isn't seen.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 08:10 AM
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 08:00 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:42 AM
we have post everything.. so i dont kno whats "everything" for you..
so as i said.. if were missing something.. post the missing part..

oh dragon. a donator on your server. :)) hehe..
i dont need to say anything about this one.. LOL.

Why do i need to complete it if its your thread? complete it yourself. If you cant complete it, then all your post is useless. INCOMPLETE SCREENSHOTS OF THE CONVERSATION. A hanging Screenshot.

its complete.. as you can see.. we have shown the evidence.. we will add more if the rms will request more.. other than that..
we will do nothing.. ;D

about the whole conversation.. that is the whole conversation.. that is complete..
if you have a missing page like your saying.. post it.. and show us this screenshots
are incomplete..   ::)  ;D  ::)
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 16, 2010, 08:11 AM
The post are useless?

The moderator will not pay attention if he find those screenies useless. It means allot, and it defines everything.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 08:14 AM
No need to reply to bad3p's reply. Can't even defend himself.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 06:51 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 06:35 AM

1. i scroll it. for the reason people spams..

2. thats the bottom line of the conversation . were just summarizing it..

3. why dont you post your own screen shots[and show your goodside just like your saying]
.. the proofs of cheating.. etc.. and all the accusation your throwing to us..

4. lastly, you didnt answer a single question i asked ;)

1st, if you're telling the people and want them to know the truth. Show all your proofs with all the conversation.
2nd, as I said a while ago, Admins don't need a screenshot to prove something especially when banning a player because you did those VIOLATIONS in front of me, Not at the back. If what you did is from the back, then that's the time i need a screenshot to prove.
3rd, I don't need to put my goodside screenies. You're guild is the one who created this thread. So PROVE your thread by showing all COMPLETE CONVERSATION of those screenshots that you've posted.

CAN'T POST IT? THEN WHAT'S THE USE OF THIS THREAD? Just to annoy me? hahaha shame on you especially to the one who DARE and CREATED this thread.

can't see a good answer to this.


Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 07:12 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 07:00 AM
Point of view..

- we are not haters.. actually we love the server.. thats why we played there for almost a month.
we just dont like how the gm handle things.. it is incorrect, unprofessional,  immature and the way
he talk is offensive.. as you can see in those screenshots.

- why not post your "Whole story" or "COMPLETE conversation" your saying.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL..
show us proof ... and show people we are wrong.. and you are right..

- if you will read the whole thread. you can see some few people who hated the management of this server..
that means, its not just us..

- thanks to rms.. for moving this thread to the server discussion..
Posted on: Nov 15, 2010, 10:56 pm
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 06:51 AM
Quote from: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 06:35 AM

1. i scroll it. for the reason people spams..

2. thats the bottom line of the conversation . were just summarizing it..

3. why dont you post your own screen shots[and show your goodside just like your saying]
.. the proofs of cheating.. etc.. and all the accusation your throwing to us..

4. lastly, you didnt answer a single question i asked ;)

1st, if you're telling the people and want them to know the truth. Show all your proofs with all the conversation.
2nd, as I said a while ago, Admins don't need a screenshot to prove something especially when banning a player because you did those VIOLATIONS in front of me, Not at the back. If what you did is from the back, then that's the time i need a screenshot to prove.
3rd, I don't need to put my goodside screenies. You're guild is the one who created this thread. So PROVE your thread by showing all COMPLETE CONVERSATION of those screenshots that you've posted.

CAN'T POST IT? THEN WHAT'S THE USE OF THIS THREAD? Just to annoy me? hahaha shame on you especially to the one who DARE and CREATED this thread.

whats the point of annoying.. and why would we care for you? LOL.. who the heck are you.. lmao.
thats not our intention . LOL..

why not think.. why would we post the WHOLE STORY as you said.. if we already did post the WHOLE STORY..
its been shown on the screenshot.. thats the WHOLE STORY.. and the WHOLE TRUTH :D ..
proofs dont lie..

Now, if you have another story.. why not share to us.. ;)
WAHAHAHAHA  so now your angry with eyeshield because he defended me? oh come on baby!! please don't act like a child.

from your reply you said that
Quotewe are not haters.. actually we love the server.. thats why we played there for almost a month.

then check this out baby. I'll just REPEAT what you've said.
Quotewe are not haters.. actually we love the server.. thats why we played there for almost a month.

QuoteIt is the 2nd worst server i have ever played on over my 7 years now of RO gaming life. The ADMIN/GM is corrupt. The ADMIN/GM is not fair, biased, and knows nothing about being a true ADMIN/GM. Would ban someone for bug abuse and lifts up the ban just because he is afraid of losing all his players (or his friends should i say?). He would also ban someone without proof if the player is not one of his friends. Follow full review on --> http://www.ratemyserver.net/forum/index.php/topic,17182.0.html

now, how can you say that you GUYS loved my server when your FRIENDS review contradicts what you've said?

poor little boy...you're loosing your point....

cant prove the way he loved my server and hated it at the same time.

Just let -ISH answer my dare since he is the one who created this thread and the one who dare me to answer his accusasions.

I'll just reply if I -ish replied.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 16, 2010, 08:43 AM
lol. liking the server doesnt mean you like the gm..its a simple arithmetic why cant you get it.
Lmfaoooooo.. we love the server details. coz its like ZNRO.... other than that.. theres nothing else more..

i guess your trying to convince yourself that we like you.. LMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO,.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 16, 2010, 03:51 PM
too many posts added, still a lot of my questions not answered..

1. why was i banned for exactly? please show proof if i did anything wrong.
- i dont recall myself saying anything to trashtalk you.
- i didnt partiipate on what happened that day.
- my younger brother created a novice named "CorruptStaff" on his account but i told him not to participate, so the char was never even seen by anyone at all. And the character was actually made even before the commotion happend. You can check your logs when the char was made and when it last logged in. :)
- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.
- i didnt participate in the arguements either in your forums.

* again, why was i banned? for my negative review?

2. my claim saying your server is the 2nd worst server ive played doesnt speak for everyone in the guild. it's my statement, not theirs. they may like something that i dont or vice versa. like the reloc range, i liked it in a way, they didnt. LoL!

3. you were saying that bad3p didnt answer your statements directly or in a sensible way? you havent answered mine either.. again, back to my issues, please show proof.

* ill post back in a while. im just using my phone right now so please forgive me for skipping some things. ill answer then later.


regarding the "disrespecting the gm"
you were the one who disrespected the players 1st as seen in the forum screenshot. after you said "TANGINAMO" on him, the flaming and trashtalking began.

We were actually thinking about staying and just help our member get equips back in a new account. That was our decision before you acted so un-ethical. But mind you, not everyone in the guild really participated. You actually banned autumn for giving away his items so he wont be able to give more. Why was that? coz people who wud get those items need not to donate or vote anymore?

EDIT #2:

QuoteBasically, there's no economy. Zeny has value, but only to buy items in the Mall like normal items, elus, and oris. The rest of the items which are actually the ones you will need pvp-wise, can only be obtained by VOTING or DONATING. you can also obtain some by joining buggy events. That is if you're lucky to win with the bugs.

How can you say that a server has no economy when zeny has a value? Then give me a screenshot that my event are bugs. Ur just lazy to join the event that's why you're complaining. And in the first place, it is written in my site http://www.heroesro.com/home.html that there's a mall in my server. From the start, you should always read the info of the server before playing.

- A mall doesn't mean that the server has economy. What im referring to is that zeny has almost no value for you cant use it for anything else. Only to buy pots for pvp, and pay the npc for upgrading your gears. Who would sell those donation items or event-only achievable items for zeny that you can get by spending a couple of hours in the petite maps?

QuoteAll i can say is that, this is the very 1st server where i saw an admin allowing certain players use cheat programs like WPE and RPE. Please do note that he even actually advised the player to be careful so they wont get caught!

I never saw them and caught them using WPE, there's just a players who said that they [indians] used WPE in my server so thats what I told them. Plus, I banned 3 of them and SSJ4 created an account again to play in my server bec he said that he cant find a better server than my server. you can ask him for that. He founded ZidRO then came back apologizing to me

- any proof? please show if any. else, it didnt happen.

Regarding the GM Trashtalk, Why would i RESPECT you if you keep on saying things like BOBOGM[STUPIDGM] and many flaming words? I dont need proofs in RMS to prove it. I'm an admin and why would an admin print screen to have a proof? If an admin banned a player in his/her server, does the admin needs to upload its screenshot to be able to ban that player? hell no! admins dont need screenshot. you directly said bad words infront of me and that is enough for me to ban you and your friends. Also, one of your friends CHALLENGED me 1 on 1. I said, "Sure, then i gave my home address." Such act must be given a proper sanction.
If I'm a stupid GM and can't handle a SERVER, then why is my server alive and going good? why does my player keeps on donating to the server? why does my player keeps on supporting me? my players...NOT including you and your friends.
And if what you're saying is true, why didnt they help you in this topic when you spam this link in my server? all those who reply in this topic are those in your guild
and friend of yours.

- On the italicized sentence, i suppose that i am the one you were referring as "you". Please show proof  that i did flame you or disrespected you on that commotion.

on this thread, the player was merely asking you why a guildmate was also banned for his actions.. then you cursed him? how un-ethical can you be?

First, He disrespecetd me when I banned him for USING WPE when dropping mass items in prontera map. Dropping 10 flowers at the same time with 1 piece each and created a CHRACTER NAMES in the screenshot below. LOOK at the IP's which makes it his Account too. http://www.heroesro.com/images/tekaban.png

- Again, you were the one who disrespected the players 1st. And that's what i see as the reason why they disrespected you.

Regarding why I ban Iautum,bad3p,-Ish,crestball, disenchant, Tekaban and Yuma and many more is because you're all like a family that helps and defends one another when 1 GOT BANNED. Addition to that, you and your friends surely will complain again and will trashtalk me for doing what I did in Tekaban and Yuma's account. Friends WILL ALWAYS DEFEND its friend even in bad situations.

- Not entirely true. We would defend a friend, yes. But i dont recall that EVERYONE complained and trashtalked you. I myself didnt complain and trashtalked. And oh, again, the trashtalking began when you disrespected the player 1st (as seen on the forum screenshot)

About the WPE, I answered that in my older post and if you want to read it, just look for it.

- Where exactly? I dont see any proof that EVERYONE in our guild was using WPE. Just so you would know, only one used it in our guild and not to have advantage against other players. He just played around with it by dropping flowers in town. Regardless, 3rd party program use is not allowed so he deserved a ban but NOT disrespect specially from the admin.

MVP CARDS + MP,GR,AR and DEVILING CARDS ARE ALL DISABLED. NO SCRIPT AND I CAN GIVE IT TO YOU AS PROOF. I dont care if they got mvp cards before I announced that i'll be removing it because I'm 100% sure that I disabled all MVP + those 4 miniboss cards in my server. So, even if they have one, it wont work.

- Where's the proof? How would people know that those cards aren't working when they cant test the cards themselves? An admin could always say "Incantation Samurai Card is disabled" and just disable drops from the monsters, but can give it to a player for use. Now, no normal player (without the correct knowledge) would ever know how his prof with good equips, wearing atleast a cranial and poo poo hat, and e-coat activated with full sp, got SB'ed by a sinx with 2.2k+ damage.

As you said it's a GLITCH. Based from the dictionary, it is stated that
[glich]  Show IPA
Slang .
a defect or malfunction in a machine or plan.
Computers . any error, malfunction, or problem. Compare bug1 ( def. 5 ) .
a brief or sudden interruption or surge in voltage in an electric circuit.

Why would I allow SUCH ERRORS or DEFECT in my server when I can fix it through reducing the body reloc range? with a range of 12, it is not that bad and can

- The funny part here is that, gravity and the devs of RO themselves didn't "fix" this. I wonder why? Ever thought about this being part of the game's mechanics? Just like how hide work to dodge?, or stunning/freezing a champ who casted asura on you?

YUP, Not all caps in writing means shouting. But from the way you talk to me, other people also told you to "speak nicely on the GM. HE IS A GM NOT A PLAYER." From that word comming from the other players who is playing in my server also felt that way. so i think i dont need to elaborate that.

- Again, with the word "you". Am I the one you're really referring to? O.O

EDIT # 3:

I dont know what kind of client you have but, with the client I'm using, when someone says something in chat, the previous messages goes UP. And normally, to see those messages again. You would need to scroll-UP. And that's why you see most of the screenshots for the chatlogs being scrolled UP.

Now If you think im missing something on those screenshots, please feel free to post the missing parts (with proof ofcourse). It is not my problem now to post those, It is yours to defend your side. ^_^

* oh god.. such a long wall of text.. sorry guys.. cant stop myself..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Quote1. why was i banned for exactly? please show proof if i did anything wrong.
- i dont recall myself saying anything to trashtalk you.
- i didnt partiipate on what happened that day.
- my younger brother created a novice named "CorruptStaff" on his account but i told him not to participate, so the char was never even seen by anyone at all. And the character was actually made even before the commotion happend. You can check your logs when the char was made and when it last logged in.
- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.
- i didnt participate in the arguements either in your forums.

* again, why was i banned? for my negative review?

2. my claim saying your server is the 2nd worst server ive played doesnt speak for everyone in the guild. it's my statement, not theirs. they may like something that i dont or vice versa. like the reloc range, i liked it in a way, they didnt. LoL!

If you want a clearer answer then don't let your pets[Bad3p,autumn,crestball and others] reply with my reply because you guys reported it and and some of your answers contradicts with one another. If you reported my server and I, then basically you guys have the same thinking about me and the server. Why would you or they agreed to something if what you or they think isn't the same? Don't you get it?

From your statement itself. I don't need to prove it.
Quote- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.

No one caught me means you're using it and you're just lucky that no one complained about you. But the point is, you're still using it. Everything is there. no need for explanation. You yourself said it.

Proofs? do i need to repeat it again? Please read so I don't need to repeat it everytime.
Quote2nd, as I said a while ago, Admins don't need a screenshot to prove something especially when banning a player because you did those VIOLATIONS in front of me, Not at the back. If what you did is from the back, then that's the time i need a screenshot to prove.

Basically, there's no economy. Zeny has value, but only to buy items in the Mall like normal items, elus, and oris. The rest of the items which are actually the ones you will need pvp-wise, can only be obtained by VOTING or DONATING. you can also obtain some by joining buggy events. That is if you're lucky to win with the bugs.

How can you say that a server has no economy when zeny has a value? Then give me a screenshot that my event are bugs. Ur just lazy to join the event that's why you're complaining. And in the first place, it is written in my site http://www.heroesro.com/home.html that there's a mall in my server. From the start, you should always read the info of the server before playing.

- A mall doesn't mean that the server has economy. What im referring to is that zeny has almost no value for you cant use it for anything else. Only to buy pots for pvp, and pay the npc for upgrading your gears. Who would sell those donation items or event-only achievable items for zeny that you can get by spending a couple of hours in the petite maps?

well, i didn't say that if my server has a mall, my server has economy.I'm just saying that my server has a mall because you're talking about the mall. Furthermore, NOT all pvp gears can be obtain in VOTING or DONATING. Obviously, Donation items will be much more stronger than quest items but you can still dominate with quest items. So stop complaining about pvp gears only in voting and donating.

Why would they sell their donations for zeny? Even I wont do that. If zeny is really hard in my server, then thats the only time i think i'll sell my donation items if I'm a player/donator.

No one ever complained about my automated events. It's just you who is NOW complaining after leaving my server. Why don't you complain it to me when you're still playing? waiting for you to get banned then saying such buggy events? So, what's the point of this? just to annoy again? HAHAHA

Lastly about this economy thing, How can you say that the server has no economy but zeny has a value. That's purely a stupid answer. if you say that server has no economy, then that follows with zeny has no value.

All i can say is that, this is the very 1st server where i saw an admin allowing certain players use cheat programs like WPE and RPE. Please do note that he even actually advised the player to be careful so they wont get caught!

I never saw them and caught them using WPE, there's just a players who said that they [indians] used WPE in my server so thats what I told them. Plus, I banned 3 of them and SSJ4 created an account again to play in my server bec he said that he cant find a better server than my server. you can ask him for that. He founded ZidRO then came back apologizing to me

- any proof? please show if any. else, it didnt happen.

Regarding the GM Trashtalk, Why would i RESPECT you if you keep on saying things like BOBOGM[STUPIDGM] and many flaming words? I dont need proofs in RMS to prove it. I'm an admin and why would an admin print screen to have a proof? If an admin banned a player in his/her server, does the admin needs to upload its screenshot to be able to ban that player? hell no! admins dont need screenshot. you directly said bad words infront of me and that is enough for me to ban you and your friends. Also, one of your friends CHALLENGED me 1 on 1. I said, "Sure, then i gave my home address." Such act must be given a proper sanction.
If I'm a stupid GM and can't handle a SERVER, then why is my server alive and going good? why does my player keeps on donating to the server? why does my player keeps on supporting me? my players...NOT including you and your friends.
And if what you're saying is true, why didnt they help you in this topic when you spam this link in my server? all those who reply in this topic are those in your guild
and friend of yours.

- On the italicized sentence, i suppose that i am the one you were referring as "you". Please show proof  that i did flame you or disrespected you on that commotion.

Then if not for you for the others. especially for iautum.bad3p and other friends Happy? Dont ask an admin to post a proof coz admin dont need a screenshot to prove.

on this thread, the player was merely asking you why a guildmate was also banned for his actions.. then you cursed him? how un-ethical can you be?

First, He disrespecetd me when I banned him for USING WPE when dropping mass items in prontera map. Dropping 10 flowers at the same time with 1 piece each and created a CHRACTER NAMES in the screenshot below. LOOK at the IP's which makes it his Account too. http://www.heroesro.com/images/tekaban.png

- Again, you were the one who disrespected the players 1st. And that's what i see as the reason why they disrespected you.

Regarding why I ban Iautum,bad3p,-Ish,crestball, disenchant, Tekaban and Yuma and many more is because you're all like a family that helps and defends one another when 1 GOT BANNED. Addition to that, you and your friends surely will complain again and will trashtalk me for doing what I did in Tekaban and Yuma's account. Friends WILL ALWAYS DEFEND its friend even in bad situations.

- Not entirely true. We would defend a friend, yes. But i dont recall that EVERYONE complained and trashtalked you. I myself didnt complain and trashtalked. And oh, again, the trashtalking began when you disrespected the player 1st (as seen on the forum screenshot)

Don't make me laugh, from the moment he uses the MASS DROP wpe in front of me using a character with the name "corruptserver"  means he is disrespecting me in front of everyone. SHOWING to the whole players or i can to the whole players in PRONTERA map that he is using WPE in front of me.

Again from what you've said to your last post. Ill copy it again for you.
Quote- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.

For MVP CARDS go into my server and ILL show it. No need for me to post a screenshot wearing MVP cards with no effect. You can try it yourself.

please check all the weapons of sinx before complaining. Please check this out.  BLOODY ROAR. USE RMS database to search for it.

Regarding the RELOC GLITCH. from the word itself.
As you said it's a GLITCH. Based from the dictionary, it is stated that
[glich]  Show IPA
Slang .
a defect or malfunction in a machine or plan.
Computers . any error, malfunction, or problem. Compare bug1 ( def. 5 ) .
a brief or sudden interruption or surge in voltage in an electric circuit.

In all my years playing RO including the first Chaos server in pRO until today, this is the only time i saw a RELOC DODGE BUG which is being abused by wipeout guild and now reporting it and defending it where they said it is already a GLITCH. I dont see any point on why you guys keep on defending this when you're 0% chance of winning. Every is being fixed by the Gravity. But the question is, Does EVERY server updates with gravity? NO! from the moment a server goes up, maybe some update their server. But 85% dont update. Updating in maps yes but for bugs which can be fixed inside the game. stupid update.

QuoteI dont know what kind of client you have but, with the client I'm using, when someone says something in chat, the previous messages goes UP. And normally, to see those messages again. You would need to scroll-UP. And that's why you see most of the screenshots for the chatlogs being scrolled UP.

Obviously, you wont be using the latest client. because if you use the latest client. you wont be able to use your WPE program.

Quote- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.

I disabled WPE in my latest client. maybe some can bypass it. but im 100% sure you dont know how to bypass it. That's why your using a different or maybe my old client that doesnt have the code to disable wpe. :D

maybe you don't see my post or you just ignored it. well, ill be posting it again for you to see.

QuoteLastly, if you want I[GM JESTER] or my SERVER[HeroesRO] to be part of the Hall of Shame in RMS, I DARE YOU Crestballs, autumn07, Bad3p, hantzsiy3, Ariba, and -ISH OR ANY PLAYER in the guild "WIPEOUT" to post a COMPLETE SCREENSHOT of ALL CONVERSATIONS FROM BEGINNING UNTIL THE END OF ALL THOSE SCREENSHOTS YOU'VE POSTED. If you can do that, then that's the only time an admin of RMS can review or judge if what you're saying it true or not. I think I've said enough.

I'm done doing your dare, its your time doing mine :D
Everything can be proven TRUE of FALSE if you can give your COMPLETE CONVERSATION OF ALL SCREENSHOTS YOU'VE POSTED.

Further replies that doesn't answer my dare is useless and i will just keep on repeating it until you can understand it.

No one can judge a person by just giving CUT out or SUMMARIZED screenshots or statements. Remember that!

Late Reply because I forgot to answer THIS PART
Ohh sorry. I forgot to answer this from your first POST
QuoteSomeone just so happen to warp on the wrong town when two of his friends were talking about it.
1. Don't assume all players are my friends and you or your guild as my haters.
2. Dont assume that the word Vesper = Vesper Card. Theres a lot of vesper in the game. Vesper01,Vesper02,Vesper03,Vesper04

Did he say "may Vesper Card ka nmn dba?" which means "you have a vesper card right?" NO! so, don't assume it's MVP CARD.

And PLEASE. Don't call yourself "SOMEONE" and DON'T try to fool people who is viewing this thread. They might not believed in what you're saying :D
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 16, 2010, 11:27 PM
We have the right to talk, coz this is a server review. Worst server, worst admin.

Okay, lets say the screen shots are not that complete. Even tho, it started like that, why do you need to be so un-ethical?
You are a GM for god sake. You must have warned us before banning. And for banning us without proof is damn so childish act by a GM.

You told us to grow up? Face the mirror and say it again.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 17, 2010, 12:13 AM
yup i know that you have the right to talk. but what you're saying is nonsense.
Quote from: crestballs on Nov 16, 2010, 11:27 PM
We have the right to talk, coz this is a server review. Worst server, worst admin.

Okay, lets say the screen shots are not that complete. Even tho, it started like that, why do you need to be so un-ethical?
You are a GM for god sake. You must have warned us before banning. And for banning us without proof is damn so childish act by a GM.

You told us to grow up? Face the mirror and say it again.
see what i mean? haha nonsense. I already gave your whole guild a 2nd chance. I already warned yuma and talk about the WPE and he said no. He is not USING but when tekaban showed it and it is also the same IP with YUMA. well, thats great! Same IP + Friends and tekaban is only the one using it. HAHAHA do you think people will believed that? Furthermore, Yuma+Tekaban+Bad3p+Autum+Target or Disenchant + bloodseeker + Ish if im not mistaken are all FRIENDS because I dont see you guys going in pvp when you're alone. waiting and calling for one another before going inside the pvp which gives me the thought of you're all friends and calling or maybe chatting one another in ym and helping/giving out programs that will make you dominate in pvp. If bloodseeker,autumn,bad3p,tekaban,ish,yuma and target came from the same server, im 100% sure that you're all using WPE. NOT JUST yuma,tekaban and ISH [who already said
- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 17, 2010, 01:51 AM
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
If you want a clearer answer then don't let your pets[Bad3p,autumn,crestball and others] reply with my reply because you guys reported it and and some of your answers contradicts with one another. If you reported my server and I, then basically you guys have the same thinking about me and the server. Why would you or they agreed to something if what you or they think isn't the same? Don't you get it?

They have their own freedom of speech. Neither you nor the president can take that away. Anyway, "agreed to SOMETHING" doesn't mean "agreed to EVERYTHING". They have their own point of views and i do have mine. Just like i said, i liked the reloc range modification (in a way), but they didn't (specially autumn LOL! peace mate!).

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
From your statement itself. I don't need to prove it.
Quote- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.
- No one caught me means you're using it and you're just lucky that no one complained about you. But the point is, you're still using it. Everything is there. no need for explanation. You yourself said it.

Oh really? Or it could also mean that "no one caught me together with no one complained" as "because i never used it". Think again. Regardless, you still banned me way before that statement. Uhh... Why?

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Proofs? do i need to repeat it again? Please read so I don't need to repeat it everytime.

... as I said a while ago, Admins don't need a screenshot to prove something especially when banning a player because you did those VIOLATIONS in front of me, Not at the back. If what you did is from the back, then that's the time i need a screenshot to prove.

Being an admin doesn't make you immune to these problems. With your logic, any admin can ban a player with or without a case, and without any fear of complaints. They could just say "I don't need anything to prove." And just like what you did to almost all of us in the guild. You banned me without any logical reason at all.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
well, i didn't say that if my server has a mall, my server has economy.I'm just saying that my server has a mall because you're talking about the mall. Furthermore, NOT all pvp gears can be obtain in VOTING or DONATING. Obviously, Donation items will be much more stronger than quest items but you can still dominate with quest items. So stop complaining about pvp gears only in voting and donating.

Wait, which ones can you actually get from questing that are pvp-worth equips? I can't recall any. Regardless, we still rolled your friends in PvP with npc and dropped equips from monsters :D

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Why would they sell their donations for zeny? Even I wont do that. If zeny is really hard in my server, then thats the only time i think i'll sell my donation items if I'm a player/donator.

Exactly my point. So what was zeny worth for? Buy pots? LOL Oh by the way, Zeny = Currency, not economy. What i meant by "There's no economy, I meant that there's nothing to use for trades. Being rich with Zeny doesnt mean anything, nor having a lot of those other currencies you have in your server. Why? Because they're not interchangeable. No specific or even an estimated value. That's why your Vending Area is almost empty.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
No one ever complained about my automated events. It's just you who is NOW complaining after leaving my server. Why don't you complain it to me when you're still playing? waiting for you to get banned then saying such buggy events? So, what's the point of this? just to annoy again? HAHAHA

Either you still dont know what's the bug or you're just playing dumb. Didn't you know that some players get disconnected with your Poring Invasion once the poring pops out? Didn't you know that your Poring Punch event wont change the winner if the previous winner didn't claim the prize from the previous event? And lastly, Didn't you know that some people can make their trans class enter the Novice Long Run event?

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Quote- On the italicized sentence, i suppose that i am the one you were referring as "you". Please show proof  that i did flame you or disrespected you on that commotion.

Then if not for you for the others. especially for iautum.bad3p and other friends Happy? Dont ask an admin to post a proof coz admin dont need a screenshot to prove.

Then again, you kept on referring to me LOL! Can't you use "they" instead? Were you in school when your teacher taught this?

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Don't make me laugh, from the moment he uses the MASS DROP wpe in front of me using a character with the name "corruptserver"  means he is disrespecting me in front of everyone. SHOWING to the whole players or i can to the whole players in PRONTERA map that he is using WPE in front of me.

Do you have any idea why did he even used such a character name? No one would actually make such character name without any reason at all. *Hint Hint!*

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Again from what you've said to your last post. Ill copy it again for you.
Quote- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.

Scroll up buddy. One more and I'll recommend that you go back to school.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
For MVP CARDS go into my server and ILL show it. No need for me to post a screenshot wearing MVP cards with no effect. You can try it yourself.

Why need to go back? Just post your proof of evidence. No one needs to go to your server to check. You need to bring your proofs here.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Please check all the weapons of sinx before complaining. Please check this out.  BLOODY ROAR. USE RMS database to search for it.

I actually LOLed on the bloody roar. :D Please, someone demonstrate this on video. Just make sure the target is wearing cranial and poo poo hat with E-coat active (Prof or Hwiz). I dont care if the rest is unequipped. By the way, please remember this is a no-mvp server.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Regarding the RELOC GLITCH. from the word itself.
As you said it's a GLITCH. Based from the dictionary, it is stated that
[glich]  Show IPA
Slang .
a defect or malfunction in a machine or plan.
Computers . any error, malfunction, or problem. Compare bug1 ( def. 5 ) .
a brief or sudden interruption or surge in voltage in an electric circuit.

In all my years playing RO including the first Chaos server in pRO until today, this is the only time i saw a RELOC DODGE BUG which is being abused by wipeout guild and now reporting it and defending it where they said it is already a GLITCH. I dont see any point on why you guys keep on defending this when you're 0% chance of winning. Every is being fixed by the Gravity. But the question is, Does EVERY server updates with gravity? NO! from the moment a server goes up, maybe some update their server. But 85% dont update. Updating in maps yes but for bugs which can be fixed inside the game. stupid update.

The "Glitch" word was from the title of the video that Relics have posted in youtube, which was the same video that you showed us as the reason for the modification. Do note that Relics isn't part of the RO Dev Team. It is his own description of it. I'm not questioning Relics' judgment or anything but with the same logic you're trying to say, anyone can make a video, name it with "blah blah GLITCH", and you'll consider it a glitch.

Again, have you ever thought about it being really a part of the game mechanics?

QuoteI dont know what kind of client you have but, with the client I'm using, when someone says something in chat, the previous messages goes UP. And normally, to see those messages again. You would need to scroll-UP. And that's why you see most of the screenshots for the chatlogs being scrolled UP.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Obviously, you wont be using the latest client. because if you use the latest client. you wont be able to use your WPE program.

Wow I really do recommend that you go back to school. What you've answered is in no way related to what I have stated.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
- no one caught me abusing the reloc bug, simply because i hide-dodge most of the time. your gm saw me in action in pvp on that.
- no one caught me using wpe or rpe or whatever. no one even complained.

I disabled WPE in my latest client. maybe some can bypass it. but im 100% sure you dont know how to bypass it. That's why your using a different or maybe my old client that doesnt have the code to disable wpe. :D

Duddddeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Scroll up.. By the way, how can you be so sure I'm using a different client? I don't see any difference from the screenshots of my client compared to others. How does yours look? Does your chat scroll down when you type? LOL

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
maybe you don't see my post or you just ignored it. well, ill be posting it again for you to see.

QuoteLastly, if you want I[GM JESTER] or my SERVER[HeroesRO] to be part of the Hall of Shame in RMS, I DARE YOU Crestballs, autumn07, Bad3p, hantzsiy3, Ariba, and -ISH OR ANY PLAYER in the guild "WIPEOUT" to post a COMPLETE SCREENSHOT of ALL CONVERSATIONS FROM BEGINNING UNTIL THE END OF ALL THOSE SCREENSHOTS YOU'VE POSTED. If you can do that, then that's the only time an admin of RMS can review or judge if what you're saying it true or not. I think I've said enough.

How about you fill those "missing" conversations that you're claiming? For that's not my problem anymore. It's yours, to defend your server.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
I'm done doing your dare, its your time doing mine :D
Everything can be proven TRUE of FALSE if you can give your COMPLETE CONVERSATION OF ALL SCREENSHOTS YOU'VE POSTED.

Further replies that doesn't answer my dare is useless and i will just keep on repeating it until you can understand it.

No one can judge a person by just giving CUT out or SUMMARIZED screenshots or statements. Remember that!

Guess what, none of all your posts makes real sense. You can't even present a good arguable proof.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
Someone just so happen to warp on the wrong town when two of his friends were talking about it.
1. Don't assume all players are my friend and you or your guild as my haters.
2. Dont assume that the word Vesper = Vesper Card. Theres a lot of vesper in the game. Vesper01,Vesper02,Vesper03,Vesper04

Did he say "may Vesper Card ka nmn dba?" which means "you have a vesper card right?" NO! so, don't assume it's MVP CARD.

Oh yeah sorry I actually forgot, there are Vesper Cores. Oh wait! A prof wearing a Vesper Core? WTH???

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 16, 2010, 11:20 PM
And PLEASE. Don't call yourself "SOMEONE" and DON'T try to fool people who is viewing this thread. They might not believed in what you're saying :D


Funny thing is that, I have already mentioned that in my previous post. That brink that i called someone was my younger brother. That's why we have the same IP address. And that's why he showed me the screenshot. Same reason why he made the "CorruptStaff" novice, which again didn't even participated. Ever wondered why his character was just a blacksmith? Because he knew already that there's corruption in the server and that's why he didn't play anymore.

If you would look closely on the account ID numbers. the 1st one was mine, and a few numbers later, my brother joined. Making the 2nd account. And oh wait, the 3rd account, look! Wasn't it way after (like 300 accounts after)? Have you checked their creation time and date? Im very sure the last account was made before the commotion because im sitting next to my brother when he made those and he was attempting to make a pub in prontera but i just told him he's just wasting time. And that's why you never saw that novice. I bet you didn't even know about that before until you banned me LOL!
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Kaleano on Nov 17, 2010, 02:08 AM
So..I've read this whole five pages of rambling and repeating each other and whatnot.

It all boils down to this.

You guys were banned.  For whatever reason, doesn't matter who is right or wrong.  You're banned.  Just go find a new server that has a better GM team who knows what they're doing and how to handle certain situations.  I understand you're trying to Justify yourself, all of you, for whatever reasons.  But I mean honestly, is all this worth it?  Just sitting here, bickering back and fourth, wasting time?  Most of us see that he is an unreliable GM, he Gripes at his players for no reason it seems.  And before I have the GM gripe at me, you must realize as a GM you need to learn how to hold your tongue and deal with Criticism.  If you can't do those things, you'll make it no where in GMing.  No one likes a hot headed GM.

And I still don't see where you had any right as a GM to ban people without EVIDENCE.  Just because their friend use WPE or whatever it is, doesn't really give a reason for you to ban everyone in the guild, that is if thats your reason.  I kinda lost track of all that happened, cause well thats a lot of text to read. 

Point is, stuff happened.  Time to move on, all of you.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 17, 2010, 02:13 AM

Actually we already moved. Now enjoying the new server and started pvping again. This thread's main purpose is to warn our fellow RO players seeking a new server to play with to stay clear from this server.

And to entertain some people here in RMS too ofcourse. Where are all the critics here by the way? Now i miss them LOL! :D
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 17, 2010, 02:28 AM
he ban us because of this..

1.we obtain items from donate shop without donating...
2.we have lots of GOOD items. from mvp's such as valkyrie, satan/wounded morroc, ifrit. etc..
3.we wipe all his buddies on that said server.. (that's why they call us WPE. for killing them all)
4.before we quit, other guildmates are throwing away items.. that includes donation items.. (another good reason why he ban us.. lol )

however, when the incident happen, i didnt trashtalk on you. all i did is screenshots some good WORDS came from your
mouth.. you just ban me coz i wrote a negative review on your server.. and i didnt know that is prohibited. saying the
truth is illegal? lol ..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 17, 2010, 02:29 AM
I agreed to Kaleano. He just read the whole thread and he understands how worst you are becoming a GM.

Any court in any country will say " NO PROOFS =GUILTY".

Yes this is a warning for everyone to avoid this server.

I'm outta here.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: blue_destiny on Nov 17, 2010, 03:16 AM
Well, I would like to agree with Kaleano.

I too read the thread, and let me just say my eyes bled because of the harsh language... and I was tempted to go tl;dr in most of the posts.

I lol-ed at one of the GM / Admin's lines, saying that he can do whatever he wants and that the rules doesn't apply to him (or something to that extent). Lolz, it sounds like he's running a dictatorship server. In that set-up, no one else has a say in anything, I assume.

That really stood up for me, and enough to make me say this server isn't worth my time.

I consider myself warned. Thanks very much

Oh, the reason why I've been following this thread is because it's really "close to home". A Pinoy server, no doubt... so I wanted to see how they (server side) would react. If they did well, I would consider joining the server... but since they didn't... oh well ^_^
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 17, 2010, 03:22 AM
Quote from: Kaleano on Nov 17, 2010, 02:08 AM
So..I've read this whole five pages of rambling and repeating each other and whatnot.

It all boils down to this.

You guys were banned.  For whatever reason, doesn't matter who is right or wrong.  You're banned.  Just go find a new server that has a better GM team who knows what they're doing and how to handle certain situations.  I understand you're trying to Justify yourself, all of you, for whatever reasons.  But I mean honestly, is all this worth it?  Just sitting here, bickering back and fourth, wasting time?  Most of us see that he is an unreliable GM, he Gripes at his players for no reason it seems.  And before I have the GM gripe at me, you must realize as a GM you need to learn how to hold your tongue and deal with Criticism.  If you can't do those things, you'll make it no where in GMing.  No one likes a hot headed GM.

And I still don't see where you had any right as a GM to ban people without EVIDENCE.  Just because their friend use WPE or whatever it is, doesn't really give a reason for you to ban everyone in the guild, that is if thats your reason.  I kinda lost track of all that happened, cause well thats a lot of text to read. 
Point is, stuff happened.  Time to move on, all of you.

first i didnt ban everyone. I asked them who will still play in my server? Some players PMed me and they didnt. So now they are saying that i banned the whole guild. tsk tsk tsk.

Proof that I asked them who wants to stay.

translation for the last 3 lines.
Buong wipeout ba aalis?
-will the whole wipeout guild will leave?
kc baban ko na kayo.
-coz i will ban them
kng hnd kayo aalis sbhn nyo na kng cno sa inyo hnd aalis.
-if not, tell me now if you will leave or not.

well, the only donation you got is the purple valkyrie which blood said he traded it to one of my donators... So stop claiming it was you because i never saw you on that headgear. I always saw bloodseeker using it and it was not you [Bad3p] other donation such as vset,dset can be JUST be obtained in tcg and hunting which is 15% droprate. so, dont keep on saying that i ban you because you have donation items when u didnt even have it. NONSENSE

well, this is not in a court. This is just a game and a forum.

nonsense replies coming from you......

Quote from: bad3p on Nov 17, 2010, 02:28 AM

he ban us because of this..

1.we obtain items from donate shop without donating...
2.we have lots of GOOD items. from mvp's such as valkyrie, satan/wounded morroc, ifrit. etc..
3.we wipe all his buddies on that said server.. (that's why they call us WPE. for killing them all)
4.before we quit, other guildmates are throwing away items.. that includes donation items.. (another good reason why he ban us.. lol )

however, when the incident happen, i didnt trashtalk on you. all i did is screenshots some good WORDS came from your
mouth.. you just ban me coz i wrote a negative review on your server.. and i didnt know that is prohibited. saying the
truth is illegal? lol ..
1.banning you because you got donation items without donating....
2.having lots of GOOD items that came from MVP monsters.....
3. because you wipe all my buddies....
4. and lastly, banning you for dropping your items...
nonsense reply. can someone please donate some money to this guy so he can enroll to a school?

here's what you're asking for

you might complain about how will you know that the UNDECIDED = vesper card.

QuoteQuote from: deadly2003 on Today at 03:20 pm
Someone just so happen to warp on the wrong town when two of his friends were talking about it.
1. Don't assume all players are my friend and you or your guild as my haters.
2. Dont assume that the word Vesper = Vesper Card. Theres a lot of vesper in the game. Vesper01,Vesper02,Vesper03,Vesper04

Did he say "may Vesper Card ka nmn dba?" which means "you have a vesper card right?" NO! so, don't assume it's MVP CARD.

Oh yeah sorry I actually forgot, there are Vesper Cores. Oh wait! A prof wearing a Vesper Core? WTH???
ohh yeah you're the one who keeps on saying its a vesper card. Then give me a proof of vesper card? WTH???

also, is the difference of 300 accounts will make it not yours? hahaha so what if a player with the ID number 200010 and created 5 accounts with ID number 200055-200059? then after 2-3 months he decided to create again for his additional buffers then the account number is 200703. So from what you're saying. This account 703 will not be his account because its too far from its original account id. WTHHHHHHHHHHHHH?

for you to understand about logs.

Here are the only given logs in a server.

log_branch_db: branchlog

// Drops & Pickups Table
log_pick_db: picklog

// Zeny Table
log_zeny_db: zenylog

// MVP Drop Table
log_mvpdrop_db: mvplog

// GM Log Table
log_gm_db: atcommandlog

// NPC Log Table
log_npc_db: npclog

// CHAT Log Table
log_chat_db: chatlog

Take Note: Not all given logs will be enabled. Only those which the GM wants will be enabled.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 17, 2010, 03:31 AM
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 17, 2010, 03:22 AM
Quote from: Kaleano on Nov 17, 2010, 02:08 AM
So..I've read this whole five pages of rambling and repeating each other and whatnot.

It all boils down to this.

You guys were banned.  For whatever reason, doesn't matter who is right or wrong.  You're banned.  Just go find a new server that has a better GM team who knows what they're doing and how to handle certain situations.  I understand you're trying to Justify yourself, all of you, for whatever reasons.  But I mean honestly, is all this worth it?  Just sitting here, bickering back and fourth, wasting time?  Most of us see that he is an unreliable GM, he Gripes at his players for no reason it seems.  And before I have the GM gripe at me, you must realize as a GM you need to learn how to hold your tongue and deal with Criticism.  If you can't do those things, you'll make it no where in GMing.  No one likes a hot headed GM.

And I still don't see where you had any right as a GM to ban people without EVIDENCE.  Just because their friend use WPE or whatever it is, doesn't really give a reason for you to ban everyone in the guild, that is if thats your reason.  I kinda lost track of all that happened, cause well thats a lot of text to read. 

Proof that I asked them who wants to stay.

translation for the last 3 lines.
Buong wipeout ba aalis?
-will the whole wipeout guild will leave?
kc baban ko na kayo.
-coz i will ban them
kng hnd kayo aalis sbhn nyo na kng cno sa inyo hnd aalis.
-if not, tell me now if you will leave or not.

well, the only donation you got is the purple valkyrie. other donation such as vset,dset can be obtain in alot of ways, tcg and hunting which is 15% droprate. so, dont keep on saying that i ban you because you have donation items when u didnt even donate.

well, this is not in a court. This is just a game and a forum.

Point is, stuff happened.  Time to move on, all of you.

first i didnt ban everyone. I asked them who will still play in my server? Some players PMed me and they didnt. So now they are saying that i banned the whole guild. tsk tsk tsk.

LoL! are you kidding? Who would PM you that time? The players that were on the guild was just US, the original WIPEOUT members. I kicked everyone else before you ban the whole guild so no one else would get banned for no reason at all. I was the last member online aside from GM Glenn's baby assassin that he uses to hang out with us. Oh by the way, he was also the one who told us about Ecstasy (the sinx doing 2.2k damage on a fully geared prof and doing 4k+ spammed grimtooths). We have it on video don't worry. ^_^

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 17, 2010, 03:41 AM

i think crestfall has a screenshot about that one.. ill ask him or ill post mine later..
[about gm's knows something about that super GT and still they didnt do anything]

@Deadly you are the one being nonsense.. the question we ask were not answered correctly.
thus, your redirecting that topic to another topic.. pssh. lol..

LOL are you kidding? you ban everyone even though they said they will stay.. LOL...
my bro disenchanted got ban, and he pm you that HE WILL STAY.. soooooooo?

Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: -Ish on Nov 17, 2010, 04:18 AM
Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 17, 2010, 03:22 AM
here's what you're asking for

you might complain about how will you know that the UNDECIDED = vesper card.

QuoteQuote from: deadly2003 on Today at 03:20 pm
Someone just so happen to warp on the wrong town when two of his friends were talking about it.
1. Don't assume all players are my friend and you or your guild as my haters.
2. Dont assume that the word Vesper = Vesper Card. Theres a lot of vesper in the game. Vesper01,Vesper02,Vesper03,Vesper04

Did he say "may Vesper Card ka nmn dba?" which means "you have a vesper card right?" NO! so, don't assume it's MVP CARD.

Oh yeah sorry I actually forgot, there are Vesper Cores. Oh wait! A prof wearing a Vesper Core? WTH???
ohh yeah then a proof of vesper card? WTH???

Oh wait, look at the screenshot date. Wow, so recent? How would we know that you just deleted the script for vesper card just to make a screenshot? And a quick question, you we're wearing a headgear with Maya Purple. Why was that? I thought it is disabled too? Why wear something that is actually disabled? O.O WTH?

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 17, 2010, 03:22 AM
also, is the difference of 300 accounts will make it not yours? hahaha so what if a player with the ID number 200010 and created 5 accounts with ID number 200055-200059? then after 2-3 months he decided to create again for his additional buffers then the account number is 200703. So from what you're saying. This account 703 will not be his account because its too far from its original account id. WTHHHHHHHHHHHHH?

LOL! This one really needs to go back to school. Didn't you understand what I wrote? Please read again.


Fixed wrong quoting patterns.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 17, 2010, 05:56 AM
1.) He is not answering our accusations right.
2.) If he answer one question, he has no proof to show.
3.) Always redirecting the topic. *Your the one who is non-sense.
4.) He posted screenies that is outdated.
5.) One stupid person who does not understand why -Ish created this thread.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: deadly2003 on Nov 17, 2010, 06:05 AM
Anyway, show me a complete conversation then ill answer everything based on the whole conversation.

This will be my last reply if you can't show the whole conversation of your screenshots.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 17, 2010, 06:06 AM
^ cant you find a better scape goat? :))  ..
coz this one is very obvious, that your GUiLTY..
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: crestballs on Nov 18, 2010, 12:14 AM
We already showed everything. And every single person who already read the posts are matured enough to understand why ragnarok players should avoid your server.

As I said, we have the proofs, and you don't have a single one.

And btw, yes you asked us who will stay to the server coz you will start banning people. I PM'ed you that I will stay. Ill upload the screenies soon. And yet you still banned me for what ever reason you have. You said that I cheat? SHOW US ALL YOUR PROOFS IMBECILE.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Derby on Nov 18, 2010, 09:42 AM
I just love reading these type of threads. It makes me interested :D After reading the whole convo, i seriously wouldnt join this server. The Admin talks like a KID u can see in some of his replies. Rules does not apply to Admin, wow! Free to ban without reasons! Free to give items! Free to aid friends! wtf, this is seriously a fail Adminstrating team in that server. I can already sense GM Corruption in it. I wanted to join this server for fun though but i guess i wont. Anyways, I believe that the Admin is corrupted there judging by the evidence given atm. deadly, you should show some proofs that they were cheating as well. Show logs. Post them here. And u want them to post the whole convo, why don't u post the Chat Logs since the beginning of the server till now. Conclusion, IMO this server sucks because of the admin.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: bad3p on Nov 18, 2010, 11:11 AM
^ that one.. ouch LooooL..

he cant show proof. coz we didnt cheat.. we dont cheat and we never cheat.. ;)
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: hantzsiy3 on Nov 19, 2010, 07:42 AM
hahaha i just read the additional replies added after my last reply now. deadly, one request ( my first and last ), please show evidence of my biochemist having a chatbox entitled "BOBOGM" or whatever reason it was for you to jail me. :D oh NVM! i forgot, i don't need to bring you down more, coz anyone(excluding your friends and mine or WipeOut) who will read this entire thread will understand just how immature you are :)
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: MrBeanLaden on Nov 22, 2010, 01:35 AM
The GM has a point BUT he didn't defended it properly. THAT makes a great difference between right or wrong, good or bad.

He has the right to defend his server but all he did was to present empty proofs that aren't even relevant to the evidence posted by the opposing part. Furthermore, the most pathetic thing that he said was that rules don't apply on the admin.

Excuse me Mr. GM, at least have some discipline and dignity.
Title: Re: HeroesRO
Post by: Illapse on Nov 22, 2010, 02:40 PM
Reading the admins reply, even though I do not play the server nor ever have, really irritates me. I feel bad for you guys.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 07:48 AM
First of all, learn to read a server rules before playing in a server.
Players will not follow your rules if you can't follow them, too.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 07:48 AM
2nd, any GM in any server will surely ban you guys because you're a WPE USER which is STRICTLY prohibited in ANY SERVER. HR,Mid Rate or LowRate server.
Incorrect, not every server out there is anti-WPE, and the fact you allow people to use it judging by the screenshot, you sound bias.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 07:48 AM
5th, I really hated you guys because from the beginning, you already answered me back and complains a lot.
That's pretty bad, actually. As an admin, you're meant to help promote fairness to all it's users, set an example for GMs, and make sure that every is treat the same. If you have a hatred for someone, then more than likely you'll respond differently to them. Afterall, you are just human. The fact you hated them for 'complaining' shows that you are not willing to take any form of criticism, again, this is BAD for your server. All the servers out there need some form of criticism to help expand their server and generally make it a better place.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 07:48 AM
6th, No one can stop WPE, even pRO [Philippine Ragnarok Server] can't stop it. With a gameguard, a hacker can still hack it. In one of your Reviews, I've said to that player that he can use WPE as long as he must be like a normal player, if someone reported him to me, ill be banning him in my server and I did that. 3 Indian players Got Banned in my server for using WPE. No one can stop wpe so why would I ban a player without giving him a chance.
Again, that's a really idiotic move on your part. Your rule 'DO NOT CHEAT', but you allow them to aslong as no one realizes? Really? You're a terrible admin.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 07:48 AM
7th, why does all your screenies goes to your side? where's the part that you flame me, the players, and the server? uploading screenies that only shows the bad side of the GM? why don't you upload your bad part?
They are hardly going to show what they've done to you, are they? Either way, the stuff that was posted, an admin shouldn't be reacting like that.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 14, 2010, 07:48 AM
Lastly, any GM with a server and a population of around 45-50 will try its best not to ban a player. Banning only those who really passes through the limits.
No, that's just the admins who are desperate for donations or who want to give advantages to their friends. Being bias isn't going to help your server grow, is it?


Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
No RULES apply for the admin. NEVER forget that.
I'm confused, do you want an actual private server which is enjoyable, or a playground for you and your friends? Of course you have your own rules, if not, you're doing some pretty s*** management.

Quote from: deadly2003 on Nov 15, 2010, 08:11 AM
I'm fair, you just can't see it because you hated me that much. :D
Judging from everything you've posted, the screenshots, etc, you're really not fair at all.

Seriously guys, I have never met this admin before, nor played the server, but christ, if I had to deal with him I'd be packing my bags ASAP. It angers me when admins/GMs decide to take it upon themselves to be bias to the people who help create their server, they do not realize that without the players they'd have NOTHING worth paying for. The admin presents himself to be childish with absolutely no idea what it means to admin a server. Being banned wasn't really a negative for you guys. :P