MetaRO - 100x/100x/100x~150x/150x/150x, 0.01% MVP Card drop

Started by boxlunch, Sep 04, 2014, 12:03 AM

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100x/100x/100x Weekday & 150x/150x/150x Weekend Rates
Innovative War of Emperium, PvP, BG, MvP, and more!
Open Beta - September 3, 2014
Official Launch - September 12, 2014

Hey you!

Are you tired of incompetent server owners? People who run servers but don't really play the game? They add changes that only impede on gameplay?
Do you feel that the quality of an acceptable RO server has fallen into an abyss? That it's all about donations, gigantic wings or stupid kawaii hats?
Are you hungry for a new, evolving metagame? Where each and every WoE is different and you're not playing the same old matches each time? Where every class is viable? Where you can change up your builds to constantly improve your odds?
Have you ever wanted to win a Super WoE or proclaim your superiority over another server in an Interserver WoE? To show everyone that your guild is truly the best?
Are you eager for a server with more endgame than WoE? Where all aspects of the game come together for a constantly progressive gaming experience?
Have you ever wanted to PVP for a MVP? To regain the feeling MVPing once was? A true Free For All battle for some of the best rewards around?
Do overpowered donations and MVP cards make you cringe? Where people are only "good" because of the items they own, but not the skill they actually possess?
Do your friends from 2008 that you despise still beg you to play RO and you've reluctantly decided to give in?
Are you able to admit that playing RO may be your guilty pleasure and feel as if it's time to indulge?

If you answered yes to a single one of these questions, you have more than enough reason to join MetaRO! We pride ourselves on revitalizing RO using our expertise as competitive players over a long and fruitful RO career. We love this game to death and have experienced many enjoyable aspects of the game over the years, and we've worked very diligently to combine them all on MetaRO. The primary reason players will turn away from a server is the failure of the administration to adapt to its players and keep the server fun, fresh, and exhilarating. We hope to use our vast experience as players and programmers to avoid this pitfall where so many other servers have met their demise.

How can we possibly hope to achieve these legendary claims?  Here's some things that may help solidify your interest and belief in MetaRO:

+Over 20 Custom Towns, Fields and Dungeons
+Party EXP Share and Devotion range increased to 20 levels
+Characters now stop naturally regenerating HP/SP at 75% weight
+Maximum Level: 99 (Leveling past 95 as a transcendent class requires a large amount of grinding or the use of EXP scrolls)
+Maximum Job Level: 70 (Transcendent Classes), 90 (Extended Classes), 99 (Super Novice), and 50 (First Classes)
+Earth 1, 2, 3, and 4 now reduce Earth by 75%, 100%, 125%, and 150% respectively
+Coma now takes a player to 5% HP instead of 1 HP
+Guild aura skills work outside of WoE and affect the leader
+Maximum Guild members reduced to 24 and Alliances reduced to 1
+MVP/Miniboss spawn variance time removed and Tombs added upon death
+Multicastle WoE (2 Castles/4 WoE Cycles so smaller guilds can compete without being crushed by larger guilds)
+New BG and WoE Modes (WIP)
+Competitive Guild Packages

+Automated Events
Daily Quest
Poring Catcher
RPS Roulette

+Monster Colosseum
Fight your way through the Colosseum with your team. After 6 successful rounds, the Colosseum will level up for the next instance (Max Level 5). Challenge and rewards increase during each round. If your team fails, the Colosseum will regress 1 level.

+Heaven's Arena PVP (WIP)
Rank up in Solo PvP and Group PvP to make it to the top of the dynamic arena. Earn rewards for successful wins, and exchange them for cool prizes. Win enough times and become a Floor Master, which offers even more rewards!

+Minor tweaks to classes to make them more versatile and viable in WoE, PvM, MvP, PvP and GvG, as well as some quality of life changes:
Slim Potion Pitcher:
-Healing effect no longer stacks (i.e. 1 SPP cast heals the same as 10 simultaneous SPP casts).
-Healing effect doubled.
-bHealpower now increases the effectiveness of the heal.
This is an EXTREMELY important change that will lead to shifts in the metagame. It reduces the unnecessary redundancy of multiple SPP chems by simply increasing healing.  This also allows for hybrid chem builds to maintain the same amount of healing while the dedicated SPP chem is doing something else (i.e. moving).  This will lead to a much more mobile metagame.

Provoke & Mindbreaker:
-Can now be used on party and guild members.
-Skill failure chance removed.
-Duration doubled.
-Mindbreaker: MATK increase reduced to (100+skillLv*10%; Max=150%)
This removes the need to never EVER have a spare provoke/mbk guild again

+Complete changelogs can be found on our site and forums

GM Qualifications:

lkjewq (22)
Senior in an ABET accredited Computer Engineering program
10 years of consistent Ragnarok play time
Leader of many successful guilds on 99/70 servers and servers above 99/70. (GVGMODE, NATG, Shatterpoint, cbcl, schang comedy tour 2013 to name a few)
High caliber player with extensive RO knowledge and understanding of mechanics/metagames/gameplay
Powered by an undying passion for RO

Newtype (24)
Professional and University Graduate
10 years on and off Ragnarok play time
Nominal Graphics, Design and Scripting experience
High caliber WoE player
Moderate RO knowledge and understanding of mechanics/metagames/gameplay

zHero (22)
Senior in Optometry program
10 years on and off Ragnarok play time
High caliber WoE player and renowned Emperium Breaker
Moderate RO knowledge and understanding of mechanics/metagames/gameplay

Barry (29)
IT Professional in Network Security and DDOS Protection
10 years on and off Ragnarok play time
Moderate RO knowledge and understanding of mechanics/metagames/gameplay

Tonii (24)
Professional Graphics Expert
10 years on and off Ragnarok play time
Experienced at building server population, Successful Mid Rate Server Admin, and Hosting Events
Nominal at scripting and Moderate RO knowledge and understanding of mechanics/metagames/gameplay

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