Requesting Simple Custom Homunc AI Script

Started by RedHawk XIII, Dec 28, 2007, 01:34 PM

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RedHawk XIII

I've been looking for quite a bit and I can't find a homonculus script that does the following for all homuncs:

1) Goes to a point and does not move at all, and does not attack, simply stands there (even if you walk out of its range)

2)Does not attack or skill or move unless directed to

3)Can direct it to a point while owner is being attacked and while homunc is being chased, but goes to the point and stays there, not attacking and not skilling

4)Has the ability to execute any skill on command whenever owner commands such

If somebody could write a script like this and submit it to the downloads section, it would be VERY kind of you

Thank you very much.
Server in progress--one of many hundreds, if not thousands, scuffling and struggling to gain recognition.


mirAI should cover all of that except number 3.