Homunculus (lif in particular, vanil also) and money-making: Possible?

Started by Leamee, Apr 16, 2011, 07:31 PM

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Hey guys,

I had a very enlightening conversation with a new friend tonight and I now have a few questions. Someone suggested that I make a lif and rebirth it and then use it in brasilis dungeon (I guess afk-farming since it's allowed here).
How should I go about it? Is it possible? How much should I expect to make per hour?

My friend also said that I should kill owl duke and owl baron with an evolved Lif to farm soft feathers asap. FBs go for about 15M on our serv which isn't that much but if it's a quick process, I'd be okay doing that.

Also, where could I go with a vanil to AFK farm? Wild roses? It seems a bit outdated to go kill those cats and the drop rate is kind of horrible (15%?) so it's a toss-up between wild roses, other monsters that drop witherless roses and moscovia dungeon 1.
Mosco 1 is great because thanks to aloe leaflets I don't have to buy potions, ever (unless I want to potion pitch). Moreover, I managed to sell a bunch of sharp leaves for 7K-14K/u and then there's the stems and the blue herbs but that's just icing on the cake.

However, I'd like some quick cash, not stuff that I could potentially sell because I have an insane amount of cards in storage that I'll probably never be able to sell.

So, which stats does a Lif need and where could I exp it? It's incredibly boring to exp by the way. Vanils are all powerful and independent right from the start even when they suck, but lifs are bleh. Apparently the evolved version is better but yeah. Any thoughts?


You need extreeemmmeeellyy high INT so when you do Mental Change, you get a massive ATK. Like, massive.

Intimacy drops to 1, but you don't need a minimum intimacy to use the skill, so spam it away.


Extremely high int like 1.5K matk unevolved? I can totally make a lif once I'm done with my work but where should I level it up and is afk brasilis an option? I mean I might as well make yet another Vanil if I can't afk with the Lif since I barely play these days. I usually just log on, feed the homuncs when I get the chance (sometimes I let their hunger drop to 0 because I'm so busy ><) and that's it.

I don't mind re-making my Lif though, since I'm logged on for up to 14 hours a day, so it takes me 4 days or so to get a homunc to be loyal.


120+ INT lif evolved @99 or delete her. MC gives +60 INT so is like 1.5k+ for matk in the end, 700-800+ unevolved.
Don't forget aspd, higher the better, 170+ too.

This is mine lif, isn't perfect since a friend has a 185 aspd with 1.9k matk but you can get the idea.

PS - it's with MC on ofc

Lif kinda sucks at their begin but if it has enough flee for brasilis go for it.


Ok, thanks a lot for the answer. How much flee would I need for brasilis 2? Brasilis 1 is kind of sucky because piranhas hit really hard. I'll make a bunch of lifs when I'm done with my work (yeah, still workin', I'm soooo tired  ;D).
Should I evolve her before I delete her to make sure that she's sucky int-wise or should I delete her if she doesn't have 700-800 matk pre-evol?
Also, how much flee do you think is good pre-evol? And I love your Lif's name, Lil Kiwi. I'm sure you got the green one.  :)


I think, like with other homunculi, evolving it doesn't affect its stats that much :S Not sure. Not a Lif expert.

Amistr & Vani <3


Yeah I do love vanils too even if Bubbles is my best vanil right now (= my best vanil is not so good). He's not so bad either since he can tank many mobs at the same time in niflheim even with awful flee. I wonder whether making a Lif would be a good thing or not. Could someone explain to me how I could peacefully AFK in brasilis 2 with a Lif? I mean there must be some sort of skill she could cast because I can't see myself AFK-ing and letting her hit the monster without using some kind of bolt or whatever she can do.
That said, the economy is really twisted right now and I sold 15 ygg berries today for 500K/u (not eating those anymore XD).
However some cheaper stuff doesn't sell so it's frustrating in a way as I can't tell you guys whether I could potentially have enough money to make new embryos forever or buy an elemental sword. There's one in shop right now for about 20M but I kind of don't want to buy it since I'd like to be able to OS Cornus with a haed.


Lif isn't an attacker by default. You need a custom AI to make it attack at all, and when it does, you need to activate constantly the Mental Change thing to boosts its ATK to an appropriate amount. It doesn't have bolts or attack skills. It's a support homunculus, and it specializes in fleeing and potting.

So if you're hoping to AFK and one-hit everything in Brasilis, then Lif isn't for you I don't think. You'll need to use that skill often, and shucks be if it has a cool down (not a Lif expert so not sure - check the site, blizzard's screwed my Internet).

Support homos aren't meant for attacking. If you want an attacker for AFKing, go for the all-rounded Vanilmirth, or the high-Flee ATK Filir. Noting Aetha probably has a rule against auto-skills, even for homos, so using an auto-MC Lif could get you in trouble. Same for auto-bolting, etc.


Actually you can auto-bolt on Aetha, I do it all the time and told a GM that I AFK 6 alchemists at the same time and he was like "wow feeding all these things, you're brave!"
I already got a custom AI and yeah it does, so you can't spam it unless you tp. Thanks for the advice though, I think I might stick to Vanil or Filir then. Do you think these homuncs could afk brasilis or someplace better?


Mm... Go for Filir. Piranha and Iara have low DEX and next-to-nothing DEF, meanwhile they have higher MDEF which means Vani hits less - especially Iara, whose at 39MDEF and 0DEF.

Filir can therefore dodge their attacks with high Flee, and hit hard with Moonlight (based on ATK).

Not a Filir pro', so you'll have to snoop around for good stats on it. I just know STR-AGI-DEX=<3


I think you're right, thanks. I looked at Iara's stats and I don't think my vanil would do well there. I just made another vanil but I want a new alch anyway so I don't mind making another account for a filir. Hopefully my filir will be good enough to dodge the attacks, otherwise we're both dead  :P
I did have one at some point but it sucked so I deleted it. I have 11 embryos left and hopefully one of them is a filir. I really really don't want to make more embryos as I'm saving up for high-end equips but if I need to, I will since it's an investment (if my filir can kick butt in brasilis).
I'm not a filir pro either but here's what iro says:
QuoteSTR   AGI   VIT   INT   DEX   LUK
29   35   9   8   30   9
Average Stat Growth
HP:    +60
SP:    +4.5
+0.71   +0.92   +0.1   +0.59   +0.71   +0.59
I'd say Agi comes first, then Str and Dex, Str being more important than Dex especially in my case.

So I'll aim for Agi > Str > Dex for now. I'd rather have a filir that can survive than a filir that hits hard but that dies when I'm afk (sometimes for an hour or more).

This guy also seems to agree with me when it comes to filir:
QuoteStat Growth [based on author's preference]
HP: 60.00
SP: 4.00
STR: 0.90*2*
AGI: 1.00 *1*
VIT: 0.20
INT: 0.60
DEX: 0.80*3*
LUK: 0.40

Basically if I hit 223 flee or possibly 225 to be safe I'm good. I plan on equipping choco card + 2 yoyos + fortune sword for Pdodge for a total of 30+ Pdodge which is good when you're AFK  :P