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Ragnarok Online => Job Discussion => Merchant => Topic started by: jjdepree on Aug 17, 2010, 03:02 PM

Title: Blacksmith suggestions?
Post by: jjdepree on Aug 17, 2010, 03:02 PM
Usually when I make a blacksmith I only get them to around lvl 70-80 and use them for nothing more than forging. For once though I'd like to actually go whitesmith. I play on a 8/8/5 server. Max lvl 100/50 - 100/70 trans. Max stat is 100.Not a lot for custom items. We are up to date as far as beasties and places and such. The pop is sort of low right now so anything gear wise I can't solo hunt with my champ is probably out of the question. I have a crap ton of cards!! I probably have everything I would need as far as equips I just need some direction. Such as builds and leveling areas (other than seals). Usually I just end up transing my melee characters in bib 5 but am trying to find something a little more interesting and a lot less lame. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Blacksmith suggestions?
Post by: Sarin on Aug 17, 2010, 03:57 PM
Still on seals? Those are largely abandoned for what, like 2 years?

Anyway....there are guides around for 99/70. That one level won't matter much, so find them.
Title: Re: Blacksmith suggestions?
Post by: jjdepree on Aug 17, 2010, 05:42 PM
haha no. I've only ever tried leveling on seals once and thought it was stupid since bib offers way more experience and a lot more to kill. I just said other than seals because for some reason that's mostly the only suggestion anyone ever has for leveling melee characters and it blows.