Why do people open a server?

Started by yC, Sep 23, 2006, 07:40 PM

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I am going to leave this one up to your imagination.

Omg Onoes

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Personally, I'd open a server for my friends, to have a place we all commonly like, with the rates, items, places, etc that we like. Also, the experience of opening a server probably helps a lot with gaining knowledge and learning things, not to mention, gaining friends =p

But-Thats just me =o

(What August said too-but only for teh servers with admin who doesn't care >: )


i dont get what august mean (was about to give him a warning too lol)

maybe someone can help explain



I opened my own because the old server me and my friends played on died.


people probably make an ragnarok server to try and add something to other people ragnarok experence or they thing they can do it better then another server.
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I've ran a few servers just for fun. In my case, 'cause I enjoy the coding of NPC's, the editing, and the whole setup of a server. I dont care much for actually running it, but scripting and testing stuff's always fun.


So they can do GM-y stuff that they normally cant do.


My boyfriend and I opened our server because after playing on a few large servers that had been corrupted and turned to lagfests we just decided we could make our own. We never planned to make it a big server. We just wanted something to do in our free time. He writes the story and scripts and does the events, and I take care of the client side content. I used to sprite a lot in my free time, though not so much anymore (college and work ftl :p). Anyway we got a few dedicated players and we've all become good friends. It's just something we do to have fun. Some couples go to the movies or rock concerts...we own a ragnarok server...though we do some of that other stuff too XD


Yea. What she said.

To make a server that isnt a big steaming pile of---
You get the idea. There isnt really any exellent RO server out there that everyone loves >_>
I wish there was <_<

El Cid

yC...God told me to do it in a dream.  DO NOT DEFY GOD...he also promised me 77 virgins in heaven if I did (I didn't mean that as rude :))


I've always wanted to make one.. i've made some small ones just for ppl i know, bout it.

Some people make them to feel powerful and superior to most aka Niktout.. lol ;p


Hello YC!

For myself and more likely for many others, we open a server to Game Design and Develop. I started out about when Yare first started, I was a total Nub, and it was around 6 years ago. Now today I have open up to many languages because of Yare and Ragnarok. That includes C++, C, PHP, Mysql and Flash Actionscripting. Because of this reovltuion, I am not turning into a Technical Artist in which I am now trying to strive to make my own game. I hope that explains some ideas to you.


well most for what others say the fact of the e-penis and the internet ego
what i dont understand is why do they make a server that runs 1 day or so and it sucks or lags or nobody wants to try i mean at least know a bit of what you doing before you turn it on