Jynx-Online STEALS

Started by Usako, Aug 15, 2006, 03:56 PM

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Rageful Zen

Quote from: Usako on Sep 25, 2006, 08:39 PM
First off. What the f*ck is a Juno Helm? I'm about 100% sure I didn't take credit for it though.

Second, I didn't claim credit for those sprites.

Third: Why are you talking about gift boxes? Do you mean the things in my "Custom DB" page? if so, that page is reading from my item DB2, with no exceptions. The gift box of which you speak is a quest item we put in (it is not a usable gift box like in gravity...it's just a blank item).

Crown of osiris, I also didn't claim credit for, but it is not an original headgear in RO. Someone took a couple views off osiris, and sprited it themself, then released it.

Chon Chon Poo, again I didn't claim credit for it. And just because it's the same type of headgear doesn't make it the same exact thing. Even if it's edited it is customized. Please read the definition of customize.

Yes, most of the sprites on my server are from eAthena. Some are also not. I have released my things on eAthena as well.

I am the f*cking moderator of the graphics section of eAthena. There is NO guide about how to make a pimp hat. there never was. I would know -_-

and actually i do see the pimp hat on the server. And on their site under the custom items. Kthnx. It wasn't there about 7 montha ago though.

If those other servers have stolen things too, I wouldn't mind having them taken down.

And for the record I could care less how many players I have. WE've been running for 2 years with the same amount of people on average. If I cared I would have gone off and played a large server and left mine to die. My server is a place for me and my boyfriend to enjoy and work on together in our free time. I hate when people try to ruin that for us and make false claims about us.

And yes we're sure about Yor creating freya. And now Mikeyboy is running it I believe.

i have never heard jynx say that she took credit for the pimp hat..
and even today, the pimp hat is no in jynx online.. go check if you like...
if proved correct, please let there be tranquility and just live our normal happy days with no fueding against each other, you wont even have to talk to us and we wont have to talk to you.. this is just nonsense, a lot of viewers thinks its nonsense seeing to servers do this..
i saw that your a .. graphics moderator. that must be apretty nifty job.. as for me im in the web design and junks..

anyways, vash said that he did get a pimp hat a long time ago from a guy, wasnt sure if it was his but there is no pimp hat on Jynx Online
A playful wind never stops.. flowing through and dancing, it stops only when it wants to....

Rageful Zen

Quote from: Riotblade on Sep 25, 2006, 08:41 PM
Quote from: Rageful Zen on Sep 25, 2006, 08:34 PM
Quote from: Kain on Sep 25, 2006, 08:31 PM
its obvious Cherry here doesnt know what he is talking about. Go to the offical eathena board, and just type in Usako, The sheer ammount of customs she has made will tell you otherwise. i would say about half of her sprites are unreleased, therefore if she found her sprites on jynx that means they stole it. End of discussion.

As for jynx not useing a "ro core" im going to call bs. Jynx is still Ro therefore it has a ro core, no matter what way you look at it, it is useing ro based sprites,classes ect.

im sorry buddy  but thats where your wrong, Jynx Online does not call itself Jynx RO ... its Jynx Online..
vash said hit himself how he runs it for Jynx... if you have further questions about that, then talk to Vash on msn or pm him on the forums...

as for freya..    are you sure about that ?

Yes, I am 100% sure about that.

duuno if i double posted...  he
but anyways. did the person who wrote freya make it 6~7 years ago ?
A playful wind never stops.. flowing through and dancing, it stops only when it wants to....


By the way, if you believe Vash is the creator of Freya, look up his posts on eathena.ws.  Yes, he's the same Vash that runs your server.  How do I know?  He just posted on a topic there regarding Jynx Online.  Oh wait, if he is the almighty creator of Freya, why are there so many topics of him... no you go figure it out.

Also, since you just posted a new post.

6-7 Years ago Ragnarok was not even out.  The first trace of Freya was by Yor who adapted it from an early version of eAthena.   Why the name Freya you ask?  Because Freya is the nordic goddess of fertility.  Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and war.  What's the relation?  Go figure.


also even Usako says:
"And just because it's the same type of headgear doesn't make it the same exact thing. Even if it's edited it is customized. Please read the definition of customize."

Maybe someone else customized her sprites, and Jynx found those..

Rageful Zen

Quote from: Riotblade on Sep 25, 2006, 08:48 PM
By the way, if you believe Vash is the creator of Freya, look up his posts on eathena.ws.  Yes, he's the same Vash that runs your server.  How do I know?  He just posted on a topic there regarding Jynx Online.  Oh wait, if he is the almighty creator of Freya, why are there so many topics of him... no you go figure it out.

Also, since you just posted a new post.

6-7 Years ago Ragnarok was not even out.  The first trace of Freya was by Yor who adapted it from an early version of eAthena.   Why the name Freya you ask?  Because Freya is the nordic goddess of fertility.  Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and war.  What's the relation?  Go figure.

well, vash says it himself that he wrote freya, with some help, but vash had started on it..  dont know the deails but thatst what he says.
A playful wind never stops.. flowing through and dancing, it stops only when it wants to....


I didn't go to jynx (i don't think anyway, I may have), I went to vash. He will claim that I didn't though. I don't appreciate being called a psycho, when you haven't been involved in this.

I have been watching jynx online for at least 7 months when ancyker reported that they were copyrighting my sprites.

they are not modified versions of my sprites. they are exactly the same....

Rageful Zen

Quote from: Usako on Sep 25, 2006, 08:53 PM
I didn't go to jynx (i don't think anyway, I may have), I went to vash. He will claim that I didn't though. I don't appreciate being called a psycho, when you haven't been involved in this.

I have been watching jynx online for at least 7 months when ancyker reported that they were copyrighting my sprites.

they are not modified versions of my sprites. they are exactly the same....

and you know baka stole from Jynx?
A playful wind never stops.. flowing through and dancing, it stops only when it wants to....


well usako when you post in a public place, you involve everyone ..


baka didn't steal from jynx. ancyker got the sprites from ME. or at least the ones i made.


Quote from: Rageful Zen on Sep 25, 2006, 08:52 PM
Quote from: Riotblade on Sep 25, 2006, 08:48 PM
By the way, if you believe Vash is the creator of Freya, look up his posts on eathena.ws.  Yes, he's the same Vash that runs your server.  How do I know?  He just posted on a topic there regarding Jynx Online.  Oh wait, if he is the almighty creator of Freya, why are there so many topics of him... no you go figure it out.

Also, since you just posted a new post.

6-7 Years ago Ragnarok was not even out.  The first trace of Freya was by Yor who adapted it from an early version of eAthena.   Why the name Freya you ask?  Because Freya is the nordic goddess of fertility.  Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and war.  What's the relation?  Go figure.

well, vash says it himself that he wrote freya, with some help, but vash had started on it..  dont know the deails but thatst what he says.

Dude, he didn't.  You're being completely lied to.  Just read some of his posts on eAthena (HE'S THE SAME VASH).  They'll tell you why he doesn't have the knowledge of starting it 6-7 years ago.  Freya is 100% based off of eAthena.  You know how I know?  Because I was around when Yor made Freya.  Even the config files are the same.  Stop being so stubborn.  I dont have any alliances in this argument but once I see a lie, I have to say something about it.

Quote from: Usako on Sep 25, 2006, 08:56 PM
baka didn't steal from jynx. ancyker got the sprites from ME. or at least the ones i made.

And she is telling the truth.  I've seen Usako making items for over a year.  Ancyker has been with eAthena for well over a year as well.  Usako is a honest person, let me tell you this.  More arguments over something so trivial can be avoided with the proper research.


Yeah, Kittomi is right. And like Jynx said, we dont want to be associated with anything ro anymore anyways..


Quote from: Kittomi on Sep 25, 2006, 09:00 PM
I think this whole thing is stupid its a GAME people, only a game nothing to get all bent out of shape over.
quit all this arguement and get on with your lives.

Quite true.  However, have you ever made something and someone else claimed it as their own?  That brings it beyond the game.

Rageful Zen

Quote from: Riotblade on Sep 25, 2006, 08:57 PM
Quote from: Rageful Zen on Sep 25, 2006, 08:52 PM
Quote from: Riotblade on Sep 25, 2006, 08:48 PM
By the way, if you believe Vash is the creator of Freya, look up his posts on eathena.ws.  Yes, he's the same Vash that runs your server.  How do I know?  He just posted on a topic there regarding Jynx Online.  Oh wait, if he is the almighty creator of Freya, why are there so many topics of him... no you go figure it out.

Also, since you just posted a new post.

6-7 Years ago Ragnarok was not even out.  The first trace of Freya was by Yor who adapted it from an early version of eAthena.   Why the name Freya you ask?  Because Freya is the nordic goddess of fertility.  Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and war.  What's the relation?  Go figure.

well, vash says it himself that he wrote freya, with some help, but vash had started on it..  dont know the deails but thatst what he says.

Dude, he didn't.  You're being completely lied to.  Just read some of his posts on eAthena (HE'S THE SAME VASH).  They'll tell you why he doesn't have the knowledge of starting it 6-7 years ago.  Freya is 100% based off of eAthena.  You know how I know?  Because I was around when Yor made Freya.  Even the config files are the same.  Stop being so stubborn.  I dont have any alliances in this argument but once I see a lie, I have to say something about it.

Quote from: Usako on Sep 25, 2006, 08:56 PM
baka didn't steal from jynx. ancyker got the sprites from ME. or at least the ones i made.

And she is telling the truth.  I've seen Usako making items for over a year.  Ancyker has been with eAthena for well over a year as well.  Usako is a honest person, let me tell you this.  More arguments over something so trivial can be avoided with the proper research.

im not really talking about sprites and junk...

the baka used to work for jynx and vash and the people were like "hey lets go make our own server with this"
-bloop- server....

anyways.. call me a lier.. but the players are getting sick and tired of this and theyre telling me to stop trying to fix things..
if you guys want to claim wahtever.. pm jynx telling her which items and such... but please dont call her a stealer..
if you have any problems, im really hoping you will say "those arent tyour items, please take them off"

if jynx wont respond send a pm on the forusms to Soulx.. that would be and ill talk/ask jynx about the items..
i really hope you can drop this subject and move on..
players keep telling me to get off RMS and get back onto jynx online.. but im just trying to make this for the good.

i hope you understand, right ?
A playful wind never stops.. flowing through and dancing, it stops only when it wants to....


quoted from eAthena. my nice long post in reply to theirs:

QuoteI dont feel I should have to defend myself against net-felons like these. But I shall anyway, for any of those who may doubt me.

QuoteAlso, I have laughed at this Usako person for about a year now. Because we have had EVERY sprite she has ever claimed to make in our game LONG before she says she made them. She downloaded them from the same place we did, or stole them from our server back when our files were not protected.
How is this possible? I visited Jynx about 7 months ago, and they did not have my sprites. Now they do. My sprites were made OVER a year ago. Also she said she had never heard of me...so why has she been laughing at me for a year? It's more like my sprites were stolen back when MY files weren't protected (which now they are...and by the way. their files AREN'T protected).

QuoteThis is this Usakos server IOSRO. I would love to state where each and every one of the sprites she has custom came from so ask Ill give where their listed. She hasnt made but one or two of them, and they were things like the halo without a line in it and so on. She even has a sprite our EX GM Farto made months ago, and claims she made it. But hey did I go and say "MY STAFF MADE THOSE TAKE THEM OFF YOUR THE WORSE SERVER EVER" nope I didnt.
Actually I already state on my server who made each and every sprite (I admit it needs updating for more recent changes/updates. I lazy to do the formatting. Sue me ;p But the one in my installer is up to date (p.s. please excuse my forum link -_-)). If I don't know who made them, I put unknown. If I was stealing credit for sprites, why wouldn't I for all of them. I would love to know which exact sprite he thinks his ex-GM made. He made it months ago eh? I haven't made any headgears for months as well. Most of my headgears are from when my server opened TWO YEARS ago. I may have made a couple sprite edits that have been done before (ex. halo without the stick) but I can assure you I did the edits 100% on my own.

QuoteAlso a note, my sprite for the sprites she is claiming does NOT have her little gay credit in them at all. She puts a note at the end of each of her sprites as noticed as I went to eathena (for the first time in about a year) and downloaded some of her things that she is claiming. All her sprites would have this wouldnt they especially if they are "exculsive" Well my sprites for each of these do not have note at the end of them.
Why don't they have the gcredit? Because before I publicly released my sprites, I didn't put the credit on them. Why have a credit/watermark on a sprite that would only be on my own server? Those sprites were taken from my patch and distributed on some site, which pisses me off a lot. It happened a long time ago though, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I would love to point out this fact. please refer to the site they claim to have gotten my sprites from. http://www.ragcan.com/ori.html

take a look at the images jynx gave.

they are FABRICATED. where they have put my sprites in their images, there were other sprites.

The text on those sprites are exactly the same. only the images are changed. also, all the sprites around them are the same. the only difference is that the sprites that were originally there, aren't, and they pasted the images of mine in.

This pisses me off greatly. I have never been accused of ripping someone else's work. I have never taken credit for something I didn't make. I have only taken PARTIAL credit for things I HELPED make.

I would like to point out one last thing. I was doing alittle spy work on their server in the past couple days (to dig up evidence on them). Guess what I saw:

You may recognize these. If you don't, please take a look here: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?show...c=36449&hl=

See those top wings? Yeah. I have been in contact with Zarcon, the creator of the sprite, and he never released those wings. When I viewed the side/diagonal views on Jynx's server, they were very unclean and pixelated. I know zarcon would never let that fly in one of his sprites. My conclusion? Someone ripped the front view, and resized them for the side/diagonal views. They have the pink ones on there as well, but I didn't catch a screenshot. I doubt they've even given credit.

In conclusion, the admins of jynxRO are big jokes. They also claim to have an all original server software.

QuoteCompletely unique server files ( not run on eathena, fraya, or aegis )
(lol they can't spell freya....)
But, look at something else in their info.
Quote@commands << To see all your commands
@COMMANDS?! Those are only available in eA or freya. I doubt they made their atcommands all by themselves ;p

here is their custom item page by the way. i'm pretty sure none of this was made by them...and i dont see any credits, nor did i see credits in their client files. nor on their forums.

another funny thing (now i'm just having fun making fun of them) they dont even have an autopatcher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LAWLZ!

Okay I'm done. If you want to believe them go ahead. Make my day (It will have made my day to see someone idiodic enough ;p)

I would also like to point to the post vash made, showing this image:

I would love for him to point out where exactly i said I made all those. I have a whole post on my forum giving credits to every spriter that made these things. It's also in my installer. I see nowhere that says "I made every sprite on my server. Praise me."

By juno helm i guess you meant geffen helm. And actually, MANY people have made that sprite. I can guaruntee that it wasn't farto that made the one I'm using. Someone had posted all the views of it on aegis a while back. I emailed the guy and asked if I could make act files for his sprites. He said yes, and I did. He has been given credit for the sprite. I have been given credit for the ACT file.

I have more evidence for you.
This post. Vash is the topic orignator, posting a sprite he made. I am not going to say he didn't make it, because honestly I don't know. It's possible he did, it's possible he didn't. Now look a few posts down. "DivineJynx". Coincidence? I think not.
Now I must look at Vash's other posts. So far I have read he doesn't know PHP. Also it said that on May 12, 2006 he posted a support question, asking how to make GM accounts after having upgraded to SQL from TXT. This is proof that he is using eAthena. I am not sure why people can still believe the lies they are telling. I guess it's all about familiarity. You guys have been playing there, and want to believ
Also Vash was viewing the post about jynx online (the one that i crossposted to here). It's quite obvious even there. After I posted "so vash, we know you're reading this. why not just say hello ;p it's obvious you are the same vash, after reading all your posts." he left the topic, or at least made himself invisible.


think of it this way kitto.

you spend hours upon hours of time working on makeing sprites you think would look good on your server. then when your done someone steals them, claims they made them and give no credit to the orginal author.

now wouldnt you be angry? I know I would.