Congratulations to the Winners of War of Emperium Tournament 2009

Started by yC, Jul 27, 2009, 09:47 AM

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Good day everyone. I hope you had fun at the WoE tournament event that was taking place yesterday. It was a great success and many people were looking for more inter-server events similar to this one in the future. Well, good times always have to end and we can always look forward to the next time.

The event beat my expectations, there were 1800+ online at the beginning of the event and it fluctuate between 1500~1800 during the 2 hours. Not to mention there were hundreds of people PvPing and/or GvGing in the arenas all day long during the preperation period.  Consider how there were no auto venders and nearly everyone is participating in the war, this kind of population WoEing together is really impressive. It also tells us that there are plenty of skillful players (and guilds) in the world of Ragnarok who are looking for challenge.  Good job guys and girls.

Now onto the results, here we go:

   * 1st place:     Freestyle, 2.5 points.

   * 2nd place:    RO Buddies, 1.5 points.

   * 3rd place:    Reborn Team, 1 point, longest defending time.

   * Winner in the competition of kills: Lundis, High Wizard, from Freestyle guild, 649 kills. (I can't get a picture of him lol jk.)

As promised, the winners will be announced here. Please accept our congratulations to all of you. The best out of all the participating guilds.

For all the details including the top 10 ranked and other complicated rankings, click here. I will include some screenshots and videos of the event in the link when I get them from various people in the coming days.  If you have any video you would like to share, feel free to email me at admin {(at)}

Once again, we thank all participants who made this event fun and memorable for me and everybody that was there. Last but not least, a big thanks to the organizing server, their team and staff that worked hard for the past month to present this event to the world of Ragnarok Online.

Thanks for reading.

- yC


Wow! A High Wizard got the most kills! What a surprise!


That looks like it was intense.
I wish I could have joined :D



Those Creative editing guides would come in handy for lag reducing.
I don't think I've ever seen that many people in a guild
*Feels Noobish*  :-[ :'(



Wow nice..
Do you guys think that they will hold another event like this?



i would like to congratulate the winners of the tournament.  :o
~OuterLimitRO 100k/100k/100% (Free to Play Server. No Donation.) Join Now!

OuterLimitRO Season 2
Vote For Us!:


Congrats to those who deserve it.

High Wizard got some skeeeeeeeeeeelz yaw.
QuoteWhatever floats your boat.


WOW, I never noticed that while we played FeelRO there was a tournament going on...
Well, I'll the the guild through the forum... I think no one knew... We were just needing
a server, we didn't know FeelRO was hosting a "private RWC" of some kind... Well,
still we(Unfaithful) got the 6th best defense... That's nice ^^


Hello guys! i would like to ask if this tournament is LOW RATE OR HIGH RATE OR SUPERHIGH RATE? PLS TELL ME GUYS! THANKS A LOT!


it WAS no rates, but the maximum stats were 99, and 99/70 blvl/jlvl.
You were handed over a budget to buy gear, something along those lines.


ahhh...did the hight rates with a max level of 500 can join too? or all in low rates that the max LVL is 99/70? thank you


The tournament was open for anyone, you'd get a 99/70 character..