My shot at making a guide!

Started by Devilanche, Oct 07, 2008, 07:58 PM

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Hello, my name is Devilanche. This is my Ragnarok Online Server Setup Guide. In my early days, I tried to use a lot of the guides on eAthena, and even though I eventually learned how to use them, I found a lot of them to be very confusing and frustrating. I saw that MWright967's guide, who I used a long time ago with some good results, is gone, and being that that was the only one on the forum, I thought I would steal the thunder! Mwahahahah!!!!!

I am a person who believes in making things as simple as humanly possible, so I'm not going to bore you with explanations or technical terms, I am simply going to tell you how to create your server, run it adiquitly, and start having fun...Because thats what Ragnarok is about!

So, without further adeu', here is my CUSTOM guide, and I hope you enjoy it!


1. Setting up your server
2. Getting your server online
3. FAQ

IMPORTANT: Before we can start this guide, you will need to know some information. You will need your LAN IP Address and WAN IP Address. You can find your LAN IP Address by opening up the start menu, selecting the program ''Run...'' and entering ''cmd''. You will be brought to a black command prompt window. Enter, ''ipconfig /all''. You will see a listing of things, look for ''IP Address.........'' followed by a number. It should be something like ''''. That number is your LAN IP Address. As for your WAN, you can simply go to '''' and copy the number that appears on the page. That is your WAN IP Address. Write these two numbers down, because we will need both of them for this guide.

The following is a step by step guide to creating the server. The explaination of how to actually get it to connect to the Internet will be explained in the 2nd section.

Setting up your server

Step 1: Download the Ragnarok Client and Ragnarok Sakray Client from the following link: Download Rag + Sak from here: . If this link does not work, you can use the ''kRO clients'' link on the main RMS site.

Step 2: Go to this link: . Download any of the ''eAthena-PV7-12xxx(WIN32)(STABLE).rar'' files there. Make sure they are STABLE and not TRUNK. If a particular link does not work, trying the ones closer to the top. Note: The top link has a glitch with the Gunslinger, do not use it. And make sure its PV7, and not PV8, or PV9.

Step 3: Extract the contents of the eAthena SVN onto your desktop into a folder. Name the folder whatever you want to call your RO server, and make sure you keep it on your desktop so you can get to it easily- you'll be using it a lot.

Step 4: Download this file:;12002379;/fileinfo.html. Once you have downloaded this, Extract it to your RO folder. When it asks ''Overwrite?'' select, ''Yes to all''.

Step 5: Go to your RO folder, look inside for something called ''Data''. Open it up and look for a file called ''sclientinfo''.

Step 6: Open the sclientinfo with Notepad, delete everything inside, copy and paste the following text into the sclient info, make the indicated changes, and save and exit the sclientinfo:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>


<desc>Ragnarok Client Information - Taiwan Version</desc>

<display>Enter your Server's desired name here.</display>
<desc>Enter your server's Description here (optional)</desc>
<address>Enter your LAN IP address here</address>


Step 7: Download this file:;12002454;/fileinfo.html. Extract it to your RO folder, and make a shortcut of it to your Desktop. This is the program you use to connect to your server. You can name the shortcut anything you want.

Step 8: Now its time to edit the actual server. Go to that eAthena folder you downloaded before on your desktop. Open it up. Now, inside there will be a folder called ''Conf''. Open this and look for a file called char_athena. Open this with Notepad.

Inside you will see various pieces of code. You must edit these pieces of code to allow yourself and others to connect. Make these indicated changes:

//login_ip: <---- Put your LAN IP Address in place of the, and remove the ''//'' before the ''login_ip:''.

//char_ip: <---- Put your WAN IP Address in place of the, and remove the ''//'' before the ''char_ip:''.

You will now save this file and close it. Now, in that same Conf folder, look for another file called map_athena. Open it, and make the indicated changes to this as well:

//char_ip: <---- Put your LAN IP Address in place of the, and remove the ''//'' before the ''char_ip:''.

//map_ip: <---- Put your WAN IP Address in place of the, and remove the ''//'' before the ''map_ip:''.

You will now, yet again, save this file and close it, and locate one last file in this Conf folder called ''subnet_athena'', and make these indicated changes:

subnet: <---- Where I put the word ''LAN'', you will put your LAN IP Address. So, when all is said and done, it should look something like this: ''''.

Once you have made these changes, save and close the file for the last time. Now close everything and open up your eAthena folder and select the program ''runserver''. Your server will begin to run, and after all of its files are loaded (it'll take about 2 minutes), double click your Hexed Client and begin playing on your new server!

Getting your server online

Okay, so in the previous section I gave you a guide on how to create a server. Now, this is all fine and dandy, but theres one problem...What if you want other people to play, and not just yourself? I know that killing those Porings alone can be fun, but lets try to share that experience with others. The following step-by-step guide will leave off right where the previous chapter did. It will detail to you how to get your server Online for other people to connect and play.

NOTE 1: This is very important. You must have a router to be able to allow people to play on your Ragnarok Online server. If you do not even know what a router is, I highly suggest you do not attempt this, because it could result in you accidently screwing up your router's features.

NOTE 2: All routers are different. They all have different interfaces and different ways of allowing you to change specific things about the router, so as a consequence of this, I cannot tell each and every one of you how to enable people to play Online on your server for every router- it would just be impossible. So, this guide will give you the basic format for which you can change your router's settings to enable online play.

And now, it begins...

Step 1: Make sure you have the list of your LAN IP's, subnets, WAN's, etc. that I had you find at the beginning of the guide. You will need them for this section of the guide.

Step 2: Go to your web browser, preferably Internet Explorer, and double click. Go to the address bar and enter ''''. Do not put any www. or http:// behind it, put JUST into your address bar, and click go. You will be shown a small silver window which asks for your ID and password. Now, if you have made a custom username and password for your router, enter what you made it, if you did not, it will usually be admin for the ID and ''password'' for the password. If this doesn't work, contact your ISP for assistance. Also, try variations on the name, for example...Admin instead of admin, or blank password instead of ''password''.

Step 3: After you have successfully logged in, its time to do something called ''Port Forwarding''. Ports are basically the Doors of your computer. If you open them, people can come in, or in this case, connect, but if they are closed; no one can get on to your server. To forward the ports, you will go to a link on your router called something like ''Port Forwarding'' or ''Router Configuration'' (what its called depends on your particular router).

Step 4: Once you have successfully found the Port Forwarding page, select ''Add/Open/Forward New Ports''.

Step 5: You will be forwarding 3 ports: 6900, 5121, and 6121. We will begin by forwarding 6900. It will first ask you to give a ''Service Name'' to the port. Lets name 3900, ''RagServ01''. Then it asks you to input the starting ports and ending ports; but just enter 6900 for both of them. Finally, it will ask for your IP Address. Input your LAN IP Address. Click Enter, and the port will be open. You will repeat this process for 5121 and 6121, but make sure to change the service name for each of the other two ports, and to make the starting and ending ports the same as the ones you are opening.

When all is said and done, the port configuration page you are using to open the ports should look something like this:

Service Name: RagServ01
Starting Port: 6900~6900
IP Address: (This is just an example, make sure to put YOUR IP ADDRESS HERE!)

Step 6: Okay, you have opened all of your ports. Now, you will need to turn off any firewalls.  You will go to your eAthena folder and click on the ''Runserv'' program, and let it finish its downloading of files. Once you do this, go to ''Run...'' again, type in cmd, then once you're at the command prompt window again, put in ''netstat -a''. You will see a list of all the ports you currently have open. Look for 6900, 5121, and 6121. If you see them on that list, the port forwarding was successful and you now have your very own, legitimate, online RO server.

Step 7: Now you have your server, but the final problem is...How to get other people to connect? Simple. Download the Data Packet from the first section. Make it exactly like you did the first time, except where it asks for your LAN, put your WAN. Save it and close it. Take all of those files, and give them to whoever you want to be able to play. You will also need to give them the Hexed Client from the first section. They will extract the Data Packet into their RO folder, make a shortcut of the hexed client from the RO folder to the desktop, log in...And play!

Frequently Asked Questions

It is understandable that during your trials, you may encounter problems. The easiest way to avoid this is check your work and check it twice, because usually the reason people mess up guides is because they just didn't pay enough attention. However, if you think you've done everything right, refer the following FAQ.

Q: I get to the character screen, and then I disconnect! Why?
A: Your client and your server version don't match. Download an earlier eAthena version or a different one and keep trying till it works.

Q: I can't connect to my server, nobody can, even though I did everything correctly, why?
A: Well, either you did something wrong, or more likely..You have another server in the same RO folder as the client you're trying to use to connect. You can only have YOUR server files and the RO files in your RO folder- you cannot have ANYONE else's server files. So, if your server is Puffy RO, and you have files from Super Duper Cool RO in the same RO folder, you'll have to uninstall everything, reinstall rag/sak, re-extract the Data Packet from section one plus your hexed client. Its a messy deal, so don't mix servers.

Q: How do I add customs, change my server, and change rates?
A: Use the eAthena boards for this. This is just a guide on how to set it up, not how to script it.

Q: I keep getting ''palette errors'', why?
A: If this happens, you have a rotten eAthena packet. You will need a new one. Sometimes this happens because whoever made the packet didn't script it correctly and messed something up, for example...They might have lost one of the palettes (AKA, pictures) for the ''Knight'' class. If you create a ''Knight'' character and the server can't find the Knight's palette, it will start erroring because it won't know how to interpret that missing palette. If it keeps erroring you, press ALT+CTRL+DEL and open the Task Manager and force-close Ragnarok.

Q: How do I make an account on my server?
A: When you go to the log in screen for the first time, it will ask for your ID and Password. Enter your desired password and username, but right after the username including either ''_M'' or ''_F''. An account will be created with that name, and depending on which ending you pick, either M or F, a Male or Female account will be created. You can have as many accounts as you want.

Q: How do I delete a character?
A: On your character screen, click on the character you desire to delete, then select ''Del'' on the bottom left hand corner of the log in screen. It will ask for your email, but just leave it blank, and then click ''OK''. The Delete-Bar will load for 10 seconds, then it will permanantly delete your character and everything it has on it.


I want mirrors for those filefronts...can't seem to download them...MEDIAFIRE?


how much memorywill it take?
The rich wage war, but its the poor who die.


This guide doesn't seem to be taking off like it should...What's so special about MWright's that he got a bunch of comments and mine doesn't >.>


Quote from: Devilanche on Oct 26, 2008, 11:19 PM
This guide doesn't seem to be taking off like it should...What's so special about MWright's that he got a bunch of comments and mine doesn't >.>
MWright SAID please like his and praised it, but no one did that publicly as far as i saw, honestly im not sure if he was just being egotistical/exaggerating or if he was being honest

anyway, im sure lots of people love your guide, they just don't say it


Meh...He did have quite a bit of acclaim, you can go look at his old threads and see that. Plus, he had a lot of people ask for his guides.

It WAS a good guide...It influenced mine a lot. I think he just turned a lot of people away from it with how he acted. He has Dr. House syndrome...

Honestly, not to be a ****, but I think my guide is just better. The problem is- I came too late to the party so to speak. The Ragnarok world is slowing down very fast, and most of the new people who wanted to make server's already had...Using his guide. Mine is basically pointless.

I'll just take it down I suppose.


gota love ip checks

anyway, brb talking with yc


MrWrong Facts.

-Biggest boaster.
-Stated that anyone that are renting a dedicated host and not running the server from their PC is sad.
-Boast so much when he launched his new server
-Closed down the server after 1-2 weeks.



Quote from: JJJ on Oct 27, 2008, 12:06 AM
gota love ip checks

anyway, brb talking with yc

OMG. I love those too <3
QuoteWhatever floats your boat.


Quote from: -Bleed- on Oct 10, 2008, 05:32 AM
I want mirrors for those filefronts...can't seem to download them...MEDIAFIRE?


Picture of virus scan, just for your sanity.

Divided we stand, together we fall.
There isn't any god that can save us all
So don't pray on your knees, just beg on your hands
There is no belief in this promised land


keep it up =P people use it even if they dont state it =P
The rich wage war, but its the poor who die.


Third person talking is crazy.


lol whats that got to do with this thread xD? And my karma keeps getting negativer and negativer each day D=
The rich wage war, but its the poor who die.


You know whats sad? All you losers on RMS you can really keep a argument going Forever I mean come on give it a rest whats been done is done.. Look into the Future not the past! Really people do you have nothing better to do that constantly start flame-wars for no aparent reason.. Give it a rest god..


I don't think of someone who can keep me entertained sad, I think of it as fun and if it's fun to me, then it's well worth my time.
What's sad is how people can't handle the flaming.