Privacy? Are GMs entitled to it as well?

Started by Denia, Apr 04, 2008, 03:27 PM

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What if you were secret and not telling everyone that you're the admin... but suddenly 1 person knows and they blow your cover and tell everyone, would you really wanna stop playing after putting hours of work into a character? :(
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Quote from: Pandora on Jun 26, 2008, 04:17 PM
What if you were secret and not telling everyone that you're the admin... but suddenly 1 person knows and they blow your cover and tell everyone, would you really wanna stop playing after putting hours of work into a character? :(

deny it.

Fake screenshots, get pretend angry, get pretend hurt. Be creative, theres no need to give up your char.


Since the word spread fast and everyone knew about it I just kinda decided to go "overt", and although I don't advertise myself as being the admin most people know. I've since created other char that I can go play in peace when I need some quiet time, but I don't have the time to level another trans.
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Quote from: Lore on Jun 26, 2008, 06:15 PM
Quote from: Pandora on Jun 26, 2008, 04:17 PM
What if you were secret and not telling everyone that you're the admin... but suddenly 1 person knows and they blow your cover and tell everyone, would you really wanna stop playing after putting hours of work into a character? :(

deny it.

Fake screenshots, get pretend angry, get pretend hurt. Be creative, theres no need to give up your char.

Personally, I gave up on my character and got rid of everything, along with all my significant others things. Honestly leaves you feeling a bit of an empty shell of a GM. And either way, players will still scream corruption at you even if you have done all this. There isn't any use - but it still doesn't negate the fact that it'd be nice to have some privacy and not be harassed (not just myself, but for others around me as well.)


i guess there are some ways to hide the fact that your a GM

Like modifying the your speech patterns to make you less distinguishable.
Yet, even when most people attempt this it is not completely successful.

but if you ask me the best way is just to play your own character, and if someone has a problem with it tell them to shut up, and if necessary show them proof that your not corrupt...... ie. your gears (most GM's i know hardly have the time to get gears or lvl's), or your level, or even the logs if you have too

but even with all that their are some that still won't believe you... you just needa smack em once i guess


But I can't reach my arm into my ethernet cable to do that JJJ :(


From my P.O.V. it's no use to hide it.
Just tell the players straight from the beginning who you are and things will go fine.
People will always, really always find ways to reveal your real identity, so it's no point in hiding it. If they find out when you desperately try to hide it, it will only create drama.


It's pretty annoying when you're on the 10th floor of Thanatos Tower with 7 other people and a players PMs you and expect you to make the whole party wait while you switch to your GM char to assist his problem, but aside from those occurrence where players just "dont get it", it's not too bad. I haven't gotten that much drama from me playing, which I don't have much time for anyway XD

So yeah, I think GMs are entitled to some privacy and some quiet time too, when they're not on their GM, players should only PM them in case of real emergency, not for silly stuff.
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How is it possible for other players to find out who you are? Unless you explicitly tell them, the best they can do is guess.

Sure someone could say "Oh hey you sound a lot like GM Pandora!" from the way you speak, but you sure as hell aren't gonna say, "Ahaha~ You sure got me! I AM PANDORA!"

I've played tons of characters in my RO career and its  pretty much impossible to figure out who people are unless you reallllllly get to know them. In one case one of my buddies even tricked me for a week by using a different character.  Sure i suspected it was him, but who the hell can be sure? And i wasnt about to insult him by asking "ARE U TARG IN DISGUISE?!" Either way, be careful and no one will ever find out.

Perhaps you should tell me the story of how you were exposed...


Same way of talking, way less active on normal ingame chars, way less inactive on old forum account, and so on. In small servers it won't be too hard to hide it, but in a rather big server, it's hard to hide it.


Quote from: DeePee on Jun 27, 2008, 02:53 PM
Same way of talking, way less active on normal ingame chars, way less inactive on old forum account, and so on. In small servers it won't be too hard to hide it, but in a rather big server, it's hard to hide it.

lol there was one case where a GM wanted to report someone (they were on their legit) the only mistake they made was that both the GM and legit had the same skin (it was a totally customized one... probly one of a kind)


No they are not entitled to it as well.
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Quote from: Denia on Apr 04, 2008, 03:27 PM
Would you say a GM is entitled to privacy as well? Such as, if a GM were to be playing on their player character, should players know this player character's name? Is a GM even entitled to playing normally as a player?

What if your player name, were to be linked with your full real name. Would it be right of a player to divulge your identity for everyone to see and potentially harass you in game and/or harass you in real life?

What is your take on it?

I'm the Admin and Server Developer for my server. I also play a legit, and enjoy it. There's nothing ever wrong with wanting to play on your own server...if you didn't, RO would be less of a game and more

As far as players knowing identities, that's up to the GM/Admin's discretion, I guess. By divulging their identity, they're waiving their privacy. It's not right for a player to divulge that identity to *anybody*, but making a rule about it seems very extreme. I guess it's a matter of trust.

As for the "Should a GM be allowed to play a legit" question, I say, yes. In fact, I encourage it. Legits are strictly legitamate. Staffers(that choose to have legits) must hunt and procure their own gear, and they must level their characters on their own.

The only anti-drama rule I have is that no staffer on a legit is allowed to *lead* a guild. I've seen it happen on other servers and that staffer got eaten alive for "being corrupt" because they led a good WoE guild.

Just my take on it. By the way, I've read the posts about you, Denia; I really feel for you. :X I hope things get better for you in the future. Good luck.


You can't always hide it. What if you're the only GM online but on legit and partying in a dungeon, and then suddenly the server is looking for GM because they found a botter? I had no choice but to immediately hop off my legit, get on GM char and carry out the ban. Of course the timing of how you log off, only to see a GM log in, then to see you back again, blows every cover you got in front of that party group.

Sometimes priority just forces you to reveal your legit char, because there are other things before hiding your identity.

Ambrose Merle

As a long runnign moderator, recently having retired from a rather inadequate server, I must admit I highly approve of moderator privacy, even int heir GM accounts. They need breaks, and sometimes just to enjoy the game. as a mod I sometimes spent a few minutes hidden in payon just listening to them music to relax so I wouldn't strangle some of the more obnoxious players and drown them alive e_e;

Mod peace, for the win D< Nuff said from me.