3rd Class Discussion

Started by asdfqwerty123, Aug 31, 2007, 12:20 PM

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Quote from: Anti-Static Foam Cleaner on Mar 20, 2008, 02:37 PM
You can never be godlike in RO.

lol this is one of the few times i will agree with u.............

RO is ever changing if the new classes are "god-like" then gravity will make some mvps/monsters that are oh geeze wats stronger then god-like? ummmm that are........ super-god-like XDDD


Quote from: Anti-Static Foam Cleaner on Mar 20, 2008, 02:37 PM
HP: 60,000,000(Def 39+, MDef 65+)

and i thought beelzebub has the highest hp of all....

Quote from: Kukai on Mar 20, 2008, 02:30 AM
i want to this job fast to update

all of job are going to godlike

i see for Ranger

1900% and stun 60%

Rune Knight

have a semi support

Guillotine Cross

can use instant kill

Warlock and Arc Bishop

with combo heal and bleeding

the realy godlike?? or maybe can kill easy?

so is this really how its going to be? or you just made it up w/ your own imagination?


that was i think for PVP not for battle with MVP

beacuse the skill of Rune knight have and support skill to increase stat for ally party

Ranger and Warlock have an AOE damage as well

Guillotine Cross can instant kill to enemy

ArchBishop i think its only work on undead

for MVP

i don't think about it because New MVP more Stronger now


ah ya i should mention this

the new 2-3 classes seem to be more geared towards FORCING players to party up rather then giving them the option of partying up


Quote from: phranxis on Feb 17, 2008, 12:43 AM
Novice>Thief>Assasin>Gulosdetgdefsdf cross>Assasin Coss?

hmm someone told me that Gravity is gonna do it like this... really its going to be a skill fiesta by the time this patch takes over..


Quote from: Anti-Static Foam Cleaner on Mar 21, 2008, 04:22 AM
How so?

XD most of the rumors bout there skills say they require like 2 or 3 other ppl to acutally do good dmg~

Ansuz Isaz

Case in point for JJJ's statement? The new Warlocks are supposed to have awesome new AoE abilities that can only be used when other Warlocks are near. =D That's just a rumor, but it makes sense, since, looking back on the history the mythology RO was based on, large groups of spell casters had to ban together to cast larger spells, seal large enemies, so on and so forth. -Would love to see some ability for Warlocks to be able to summon some kind of MVP god if twenty of them banned together, just for the lols.-

There are others, but I'm not too sure about all of it. =P

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

Well to be honest Wizards were always slightly party-oriented.

I wouldn't expect something like this from "solo" classes like Runes, Guilles or Rangers.

Ansuz Isaz

xD Fair enough. I'm not sure what to say about Gullies or Rangers, but it seems that Rune Knights will have slightly more support character abilities than even Paladins have, which means they'll be even more geared to helping others than before. Then again, this really doesn't change them much. xD Paladin's all ready had plenty of support techniques, so giving them more won't seriously change a lot.

Hm... In terms of Wizards being slightly party-oriented, I'm kind of neutral on that one. =P Not sure what to say about it. I've seen most of them solo, but, then again, most servers I've been on have everyone soloing, so... Meh. xD


personally im hoping that they make the new classes totally weak and give them party skills so they HAVE to party =P

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner


oh come on man dun be so pessimistic give it a chance more partys = more fun~
=P well atleast to me that is =P

Anti-Static Foam Cleaner

I just don't think players should be forced into anything. People should party because they want to party, not because it's the only way to level.


fineeeee Dx but come on man its no fun with out parties Dx

u have to admit it'd be really boring if u did everything by ur self dun u think?