Midgard Legends

Started by 2k2, Oct 22, 2023, 05:23 PM

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So, judging at first glance, this server feels iffy. I have never had such a hard time not only finding a server, but trying to connect to it. Asking for permissions in my discord to make an account is not user friendly, nor would I want them knowing what else I do on my free time. Is this really necessary to join a community? am I signing into a government website? what is the meaning of all of this? Such a shame, because I wanted to see what all the fun was about.


Quote from: yC on Nov 13, 2023, 07:11 PMWish there is a better script command for item exchange like npcitem(a[], b[], y[], z[]) to do the getitem and delitem in one line, could be more secure.  (or there is such command?!)

No need more commands, it's just a common sens.
Obviously this script has not been tested.
Owner of Spirit Online



[ADM]Loki/Rebelo left (got kicked from?) the server's staff. Claims it has something to do with his mental health. No wonder, after he sh*tted in the entire community, made big lies about his past, his experience, tried to use big server names to boost his credibility and siding with a known RMT guild.

Next is probably going to be [GM]Yuuf as she doesn't do anything other than random "good morning" to brazillian players on discord.

3 years in development by [ADM]Cyberneko to be completly destroyed by Loki/Rebelo and his team in less than a month.

Speaking of a month, in the past 24h hours, 2 MVP Cards (Orc Hero Card and Dark Lord Card) spawned (no screenshots of the drop shared yet as far as I know), and the server is still flooded by extremely rare cards (Alice Cards, Thanatos mobs Cards, Byorgue Cards, Sword Guardian Cards, super rare spawn mobs) due to the OCA Exploit. Reminder that there was already an Angeling Card in the server (again, no screenshot of the drop shared yet) and all of these cards suddenly entered the game after the OCA exploit. The timing of these 2 really strong MVP cards spawning and Loki/Rebelo leaving the staff is at minimum a suspicious coincidence.


As I was writing this post, the prediction about [GM]Yuuf turned out to be correct. She just left (or got kicked from) the server staff as well and will continue to play as a regular player with her guilds mates. Next one is likely going to be [GM]Skadi (formerly [GM]Peach on Ragna4th, another known corrupt GM of Loki/Rebelo "staff team").
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Quoteserver is still flooded by extremely rare cards ( Byorgue Cards, Sword Guardian Cards) due to the OCA Exploit.

ehh I really don't know about that

Ragnarok online has instances. I have killed over 100 MvP's on this server - How many do you think the guild of 40 people all allergic to grass that routinely get accused of playing the game for financial benefit have killed?

There is almost always 2 thor parties going at all times, byorgue/guardian cards should not be a surprise at all. I've only seen AFAIK 2 different alice cards go up for sale. 3 of the people selling alice cards in the last 2 days were actually the same person(I PM'd them to see what price) - Same for byorgue(2 sellers, one early on and a 2nd guy that found it recently in a party I was in and advertised it a bunch of times on diff chars)


Quote from: Orange on Nov 18, 2023, 09:39 AMehh I really don't know about that

Ragnarok online has instances. I have killed over 100 MvP's on this server - How many do you think the guild of 40 people all allergic to grass that routinely get accused of playing the game for financial benefit have killed?

There is almost always 2 thor parties going at all times, byorgue/guardian cards should not be a surprise at all. I've only seen AFAIK 2 different alice cards go up for sale. 3 of the people selling alice cards in the last 2 days were actually the same person(I PM'd them to see what price) - Same for byorgue(2 sellers, one early on and a 2nd guy that found it recently in a party I was in and advertised it a bunch of times on diff chars)
There have been Thor parties all day since day 1, and before there would be even 3 or 4 parties, but since the server is almost dead now, you mostly see 1 or at max 2 parties there.

The problem though is that NONE of these cards were showed up/being sold or there were talks of them before the OCA exploit. They all showed up selling in the market in the same day of the OCA drama.

So, let's see:

> 1 month+ of 3-4 Thor parties almost 24h and no drops whatsoever.

> OCA exploit happens and in the same day all these Thor parties manages to drop multiple Byorgue Cards, Sword Guardian Cards etc? What would be the explanation for the rest of the rare cards then, such as Alice also showing up to sale in the very same day of the OCA exploit, despite the staff claiming there was no damage in the economy and that only 11 cards were dupped?

And about [ADM]Loki/Rebelo:

Ever since he left the staff, a lot of people has been taking the opportunity to directly talk s*** to him and call him out because of his abusive power trip phase. All these people are getting muted and banned from the discord by [GM]Skadi and Loki/Rebelo continues to mock and threat people saying he will get anyone banned whenever he wants despite not being a staff anymore.

Some people also brought up a potential reason of why he left the staff: dude is a creepy towards women in the community (and especially the staff). Everybody knows he would mercilessly ban anyone interacting in any way with the female staff members (Yuuf and Skadi) and say they're "his" and nobody should talk to them or make any jokes or implications. He'd often call them "my priests", "my honeys" etc, but whenever people called him out for being a creepy, he'd defend himself by saying "I'm a married guy and in a really good marriage!", but then would continue to harass these girls and mute/bans whoever tries to interact with them. Some internal drama must have happened as people talked about this on discord, because Yuuf had left the staff around the same time Loki left, but she was reinstated back sometime after it and she's no longer talking/interacting with him nor he is trying to talk or interact with her.

They ([GM]Skadi is banning everyone in orders from ex-[ADM]Loki/Rebelo) mutted and banned a lot of people yesterday for bringing up these claims or simply by saying Loki wasn't good for the server and that it's a good thing he's no longer part of it.
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Quote from: 2k2 on Nov 18, 2023, 11:03 AMThey ([GM]Skadi is banning everyone in orders from ex-[ADM]Loki/Rebelo) mutted and banned a lot of people yesterday for bringing up these claims or simply by saying Loki wasn't good for the server and that it's a good thing he's no longer part of it.

That's SUS. Probably still working on the server in the background and just claiming he isn't, "stepping down" the same way a CEO does after a big scandal while secretly still having full board control.


Quote from: 2k2 on Nov 18, 2023, 11:03 AMThere have been Thor parties all day since day 1, and before there would be even 3 or 4 parties, but since the server is almost dead now, you mostly see 1 or at max 2 parties there.

idk what to say man, there is 3 right this second with ~6 other people on map waiting for people to leave or out of party damaging. I just explored the whole map because the elite spawned, something that I'll do quite often so its not like I'm guessing - I actually see the exact number of people on map on a regular basis.

There's far less of these cards than you seem to think and there was not some omega surge on the OCA day... they have just consistently hit market day after day

The server sucks. You don't need to make s*** up. There are literal infinite OCA's on the server, something that has happened on MANY previous servers and it is at the point of being an actual inside joke/meme with the larger guilds who seemingly always end up with infinite oca's. Despite it happening repeatedly it still happened *at least twice* on this server with an admin that clearly knows how to code, it was not an accidental oopsie.


Once again, as I predicted, [GM]Skadi got kicked/left the staff. After Rebelo/Loki left/got kicked, Skadi started issuing bans and mutes to ANYONE sh*t talking Rebelo/Loki (despite him taunting people nonstop since he left/got kicked the staff), but eventually she left/got kicked as well. [GM]Yuuf returned to the staff the same day she (and Rebelo/Loki) left. Rebelo/Loki also left the Discord server because literally EVERYONE in the server was nonstop trash talking him and the same happened [GM]Skadi/Peach the minute after she left/got kicked from the staff.

Here is a video about the OCA dupe abuse and the overall situation of the server (tldr: the market is OVER SATURATED with duped items, cards, extremely rare cards, miniboss/MVP cards and zeny):


If you want to know more about it/dig deeper, one way is to directly contact the duper and ask him what happened. The exploit was known since the first Beta and an specific guild was aware of it but instead of duping it themselves knowing that would eventually get them permanently banned, they hinted/tipped off a small group of players about this so they could abuse it to benefit them (they were the ones directly buying all the good and rare cards), and after a few weeks they decided to report the duper to come out heroes of the situation.[/b]

Reminder that THERE WASN'T WIPE OR ROLLBACK. Everything generated through the dupings are all still in the server, including the thousands of cards the duper supplied to the server, hundreds of the good ones being to the group who found the dupe and indirectly abused it, all unpunished.
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Quote from: 2k2 on Nov 27, 2023, 07:42 PMReminder that THERE WASN'T WIPE OR ROLLBACK. Everything generated through the dupings are all still in the server, including the thousands of cards the duper supplied to the server, hundreds of the good ones being to the group who found the dupe and indirectly abused it, all unpunished.

Alright I finally got banned so,


The GM's never checked logs for any of the exploits. Not the first one that lead to a wipe, not the 2nd one that input thousands of cards into the economy, not the 3rd one that duped everyones vends and not the 4th one that allowed for duping any consumable. The 5th and 6th dupes that are available on the server will be handled the same way. That is far too many dupes for a server to have without it being intentional.

Reborn, a prominent p2w member is on the server staff. Their guild has abused all of the above bugs and not a single member has been banned.

The admins changed their story and did not pay streamers/content creators, https://imgur.com/a/GqvSZMr

Its sad that these people have a chokehold on the game, the same admins & guilds are involved in 90% of pre-re servers. From my sleuthing it seems to be [ADM]CyberNeko and Reborn/Drew the ones financially benefitting from and making all of these decisions. Avoid them like the plague.


So, it's finally happening. Seems like this is final nail in the coffin of Midgard Legends.

Lots of turmoil, drama, confirmations and GMs/former GMs revealing things in the past 48h.

I highly suggest you all to read everything by yourselves to not have to trust me or think I made stuff up or whatever.

English chat (read everything from the past 48-36h): https://discord.com/channels/1124544485746016366/1130248826524024902

PvP chat (read EVERYTHING, there's not much to read): https://discord.com/channels/1124544485746016366/1179604299593031770

Br chat (the whole chat is relevant, but also gigantic, and not in english, thus you'd have to translate or understand everything there. From the beginning, lots of spicy things were revealed by the server staff, former server staff, streamers, guild leaders, RMTers, and the more blatant cases of the staff protecting Reborn attacking brazillians): https://discord.com/channels/1124544485746016366/1130241903246454915

Disclaimer: some screenshots of the Discord were done by me. DM screenshots were sent to me. In-game screenshots were sent by many different players.

Player who recently quit the server and discord saying how toxic the environment was and how Midgard Legends staff/ADM (Cyberneko) allows p2w members to run wild with HOMOPHOBIA, RACISM, DISTASTEFUL "JOKES", and NONSTOP DIRECT/PERSONAL ATTACKS TO EVERYONE IN THE SERVER.

Very revealing DM (truth or not, but the one revealing it was a prominent player in the server, was from [ADM]Loki/Rebelo's guild and a friend of his, also a known RMTer in the RMT community) discussing about [ADM]Cyberneko giving p2w members (especially Reborn) to break in-game and discord rules, attack people and do whatever they want with whoever they want, having special attention when it comes to suggestions and support tickets, and then the worse: admitting he sold 30 million zeny to Reborn early in the server and that p2w guild bought the Angeling Card from a russian player for 150 USD, and that some other items early on the server were also RMTed. He also reveals there is a big Telegram group for RMT (one of the same groups [ADM]Loki/Rebelo revealed in the discussion with another brazillian player in the screenshots of my very first post of this thread), consisting mostly of brazillians, americans and filipinos, created during OathRO's days and mostly frequented/used by p2w members and its clients. In case you forgot or hasn't seen this yet, [ CLICK HERE ] for a reminder of Reborn admitting and explaining in details all of their RMT activities during OathRO.

This shows the player has former [ADM]Loki/Rebelo on his Discord friend list.

This was the final spark that started the mass discussions about the server's staff blatantly protecting and allowing p2w members (again, mostly Reborn) to attack other players and break their own server & discord ToS. In short: Reborn would constantly show up in the Br channel and taunt players, call them racial slurs (calling them monkeys or saying they live in a jungle), call himself "king of Brazil" and many players would obviously attack him back, just for [ADM]Cyberneko to mute and ban the players defending themselves from Reborn attacks instead of muting/banning the player attacking the people minding their own business.

Some examples of the overall sociopathic behavior of members of this guild and how the server staff allowed them to run wild on discord doing whatever they can with zero punishment, while anyone talking back in a respectful manner would likely end up mutted or banned for "inciting drama".

A lot of the messages in the past 48h were deleted, but especially in the PvP chat, where this "Not a grill" discord user posted a lot of videos of p2w doing PvP while in voice channel calling people f****ng n*ggers", "disgusting monkeys", "stinky asians" and such. The videos were up for over 1 day without the staff doing anything about it, only when a lot of casual/unrelated players started questioning the staff why nothing was being done about it and linking/mentioning the server's and discord's ToS to show they were nonstop breaking the rules.

Reborn talking about "PvP channels are never good" (due to drama inciting), when it literally was only his guild mates nonstop attacking people there with racial slurs, homophobic attacks and distasteful jokes.

Ps: not english. Players discussing about how the server staff blatantly sided with p2w guild and allowed them to do anything on the server, including bug exploit abuse, rule breaking, actual real-life crimes such as racism, homophobia and even constantly doing "jokes" (it's what p2w members claim/defend themselves after people call them out for it) about dramatic themes such as gulag, slavery and more.

Sane player lightening up Reborn and p2w members about their antissocial behavior, how cringy it is and how bad it makes the server and discord look for new players, as A LOT of people quit the server in the past 48h after p2w ran blatant on discord with racism, homophobia and distasteful "jokes". Attention on the reactions of this message and Reborn's response.

Ever since IslandGoGames / Orange (here on RateMyServer) got banned, it sparked a lot of discussions regarding RMT and how nobody other than him/her was banned, despite people in p2w (and many others who supplied to them) publicly admitting in the past 48h.

All of the mocking reactions were done by p2w members.

LuckyBlackCat briefly became a GM yesterday but left the staff and now left the discord server as well.

More of his typical bullsh*t making excuses for the corruption and lies his staff did.

Former [GM]Skadi (former known corrupt [GM]Peach on Ragna4th and an active member of p2w guild) confirming about the OCA Duping incident and how [ADM]Cyberneko knew a big damage was done, thousands of cards injected into the market but told his staff to say it didn't affect the game and "only a few cards were sold".

There are a lot of messages from p2w members themselves in the past 24h admitting they bought hundreds of millions of zenies in exploitted cards before they reportted the exploitter. Reminder that they knew (no wonder why, they literally have/had corurpt server staff in their guild) about the exploit and were the ones who taught/hinted the russians in order for them to exploit for their guild, benefit from it, report them and come out as "heroes".

This is a screenshot that proves that even massively rare cards were being sold for nothing, the server had 100+ of Odium/Maero/Dolor/Despero of Thanatos Cards (among the rarest Cards in the entire game, up there with MVP Cards in rarity).

As I talked to a lot of players and former players in the past 24h, I got to know about some game-breaking things in the game where people had been abusing since day 1, such as the server having a "Daily Attendance" system where it'd reward you with TRADEABLE OVERPOWERED ITEMS, enticing a lot of players to create multiple different accounts to farm the most overpowered of all the items, an item named "Blacksmith's Blessing" which makes your refine safe. Some people had dozens accounts just for this daily attendance to get this item and sell to other players or refine their items. The server has always been dead and small, not even having more than 200 players, but somehow, more than 3000 (!!!) Blacksmith's Blessing were supplied into the market that made +9 and even +10 items extremely common, as already seen in screenshots I posted here before.

And the last thing the staff added to the server, was a rather controversial system nobody asked for that solely benefitted p2w: a forced PvP map with infinite supplies where it would spawn a lot weaker versions of MvPs every 45min, and since p2w is way more geared than anybody else in the server due  to their RMT activities, they were over 30 active members at any given time of the day, the highest level characters in the server (the server is harder to level than officials) due to exploits, and literally the only guild in the server, making them camp this map 24/7 since its inception.



- A lot of friends and guild members of former [ADM]Loki/Rebelo are revealing some of their activities and posting relevant links about the shady stuff that happened in the server, including the Angeling Card, the suspicions around it, why [ADM]Loki/Rebelo banned the player who "dropped" the Angeling Card right after he sold it to p2w (and no p2w members banned for buying the card for real money) and then left the server staff right after this.

- A link to a Ragnarok RMT website was posted there (not gonna post it here for obvious reasons).

- It was revealed that the server staff (mostly [ADM]Cyberneko], [ADM]Loki/Rebelo and [GM]Skadi) was nonstop hunting brazillian RMTers, including the GMs themselves disguising as potential buyers just to ban them, while never doing the same to p2w members RMTing since day 1.

- DM conversations of players looking to quit trying to sell their items and accounts for new players/potential buyers.

- Names of unpunished p2w members who both, sold and bought items from brazillians were revealed.

From what was revealed here, it seems like there has been a RMT war between 2 major RMT groups: [ADM]Loki/Rebelo's guild (Yggdrasil Tree) and p2w, where both sides bought and sold items to/from one another and kept reporting one another as well, with [ADM]Loki/Rebelo working as a double agent, likely siding to whoever side benefitted ($$$$) him the most, despite having to tackle down his own guild mates.
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I still believe that p2w is completely innocent for what it's worth. They are just a group of friends who are very good at RO and have no need or want to not play fair. They are literally the ones who found out about some exploits and exploiters and then reported them to the ADMIN team.

In my opinion, you have a great misunderstanding about what kind of people they are. I would suggest getting into a group chat with aaron and Reborn and talking this out, because we're not getting anywhere like this. If you want to we could probably arrange this and just open up to each other. I am completely serious about having a dialogue to sort this out.
I am not associated with NovaRO.


Quote from: Nova on Dec 02, 2023, 04:35 PMThey are literally the ones who found out about some exploits and exploiters and then reported them to the ADMIN team.

"They reported their competition so they are the good guys" - Also I understand the hypocrisy as that's what I do sometimes, takes one to know one and all that. I know one when I see it.

Quote from: Nova on Dec 02, 2023, 04:35 PMIn my opinion, you have a great misunderstanding about what kind of people they are. I would suggest getting into a group chat with aaron and Reborn and talking this out, because we're not getting anywhere like this. If you want to we could probably arrange this and just open up to each other. I am completely serious about having a dialogue to sort this out.

They do not talk to outsiders, they default to "i dont care" as soon as you start talking about anything remotely serious. Unless you're losing to them in PvP they have nothing to say to you. They 'win' every server by having all the competition banned, exploiting, RMT'ing and blackmailing admins. They infiltrate server staff either joining it themselves or by buying people off.

Anyway as for the server when I messaged the admins in an attempt to clarify things like where the OCA npc came from he gave a non-answer. All he could say to accusations was "I will not doubt my own truth" which is doublespeak for "This is obviously a lie but I am sticking to it"

Also a few people added me on discord, to ask why I 'ruined the server' - Firstly ur getting gaslit by the admins secondly it was because freyr said I could give him 1 billion zeny to be small and it was too hard to farm that legit so I used the exploits that the admins implemented on the server. I thought thats what they were put there for, I was legitimately unaware that they were not meant to be used by players like me.


You know, those are some very serious accusations. I think you'll have to come with some very serious evidence to justify what you just said about p2w and Reborn.

Aish... We should really get into a discord call with all of us together and try to put an end to these rumors once and for all. Typing words on the internet is completely different from talking to each other on voice. I am confident we can clear everything up and who knows, we might even be friends at the end.

I hereby formally invite you to come and talk to us on discord groupcall. Please let me know if you are willing to do that and we will arrange for a time and place. It's all love in the end, because we are all part of the same community.  /lv
I am not associated with NovaRO.


Quote from: Nova on Dec 02, 2023, 09:16 PMI hereby formally invite you to come and talk to us on discord groupcall. Please let me know if you are willing to do that and we will arrange for a time and place. It's all love in the end, because we are all part of the same community.  /lv

just add me on discord mate


Well for one, I am not Reborn. And like I said before, things are a lot different when you speak to each other using your own voice. I can assure you he's a pretty friendly person when you guys open up to each other. You just have to be willing to take that step and it's really not that scary. Just think of it like talking to buddies about RO. I'll make sure all your questions are answered and they WILL be answered, because there is nothing to hide. Please come to our call!
I am not associated with NovaRO.