I killed CrownRO. Ask me anything

Started by Aerogorn, May 29, 2021, 11:22 PM

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Title explains it. I am Adrian. Been playing RO since 2004. What's up?


well done chief you took the beast down


I am not familliar with the drama. Can someone bring me up to speed?  /gg


I was a Volunteer Moderator for CrownRO. Your name rings no bell and all I can say is that there was too much happening behind curtains. Sushi and most GMs were hardworking and generous. Community toxicity was present, but nothing enough for the team to handle at the time. I left early before the server crashed, so I'm not too sure of what occurred, but I had to leave a reply because you wanted to sound so significant, and I thought I'd put you in your place.


Alright let's hear it then. How'd you do it and why?
I am not associated with NovaRO.


Quote from: tmleavitt on May 31, 2021, 03:18 PM
I was a Volunteer Moderator for CrownRO. Your name rings no bell and all I can say is that there was too much happening behind curtains. Sushi and most GMs were hardworking and generous. Community toxicity was present, but nothing enough for the team to handle at the time. I left early before the server crashed, so I'm not too sure of what occurred, but I had to leave a reply because you wanted to sound so significant, and I thought I'd put you in your place.

I am Adrian aka Astr8Pro. I dropped billions worth of corrupt created items in town and exposed Sushi and Fury's easily corrupted selves. Everyone has a price ^.^


Quote from: Aerogorn on May 31, 2021, 09:14 PM
I am Adrian aka Astr8Pro. I dropped billions worth of corrupt created items in town and exposed Sushi and Fury's easily corrupted selves. Everyone has a price ^.^

Oh you're the dev, who duped items for the guild and they still lost WoE. Don't even remember their names. Too bad, CrownRO was toxic, but fun. I played for the Pwnstars at that moment. I was always curious what happened to that server, cause I never really followed the discord channel. Now I know. Thanks for the info. Big no no for your behavior  /heh


Is that all the story?

I will prepare popcorn.. a lot of it.. if anyone willing tell us more story about it.


Quote from: tmleavitt on May 31, 2021, 03:18 PM
I was a Volunteer Moderator for CrownRO. Your name rings no bell and all I can say is that there was too much happening behind curtains. Sushi and most GMs were hardworking and generous. Community toxicity was present, but nothing enough for the team to handle at the time. I left early before the server crashed, so I'm not too sure of what occurred, but I had to leave a reply because you wanted to sound so significant, and I thought I'd put you in your place.

damn very edgy


is that it? i was hoping that you ddos or ruined the server so bad it needed to be closed. what you did is just a normal for a corrupt staff on private server. no big deal


Had to create an account just to reply to this. Summary for all the disappointed popcorn eaters.
I played crownro while it was good. The owner was shady but the GMs were actually good. There was one GM that was pretty rude and dismissive of everyone besides his friends but they got him removed.
I remember OP. The self pat on the back post says it all. Attention seeker. He got caught posting in random servers to leave negative reviews on crownro rms in exchange for items in their servers. GMs were too nice and that was their mistake.
This guys guild had one member who volunteered as a coder for the server. He was a nice guy too but got thrown under the bus in the end. OP and 2-3 other friends abused something that the volunteer coder pointed out and farmed a bunch of stuff. They always dominated woe. One day another guild came and wiped the floor with them even though they abused a bug and when GMs didn't listen to their demands, they flooded the server with all the stuff they farmed (with the bug) breaking the economy. They basically farmed stuff that let you buy bloody branches and did this all day. I had a sniper in their guild towards the end so I was in these bloody branch runs too. Just didn't know they were bugged branches.

Anyway! Sorry to revive this post. I just found it hilarious that this kid came here for attention like he did something big


can i hire you to bug find on my server



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