Beware of servers using Vote Bots!

Started by jacobo_bobo, Sep 07, 2016, 06:02 PM

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In my opinion topsites are almost useless now days.. there are many servers that are using bots to increase their vote count and get a higher position on the topsites.

I know of some servers that are using such bots to cheat and gain an advantage over actual good servers, so I am here to expose them so that players can go to actual good servers instead of wasting time with cheating servers.

Based on the top 10 of most topsites:

First and foremost, a list of REAL GOOD SERVERS that do not cheat on top sites:

1. TalonRO -
2. New Sarah Server -
3. DreamerRO -
4. MyRO -   (used to cheat but not anymore)
5. EslandRO -   (used to cheat but not anymore)

Now the list of CHEATING SERVERS using vote bots on multiple vote sites (such as

1. ForsakenRO (botting votes for years)
2. LimitRO (botting votes for the last 1 year since population started declining)
3. Ragnarok Sakray Server (new server botting votes)
4. WeDevGames (newish server botting votes)
5. RagnaChanRO

These are servers on the top 10 listing on most top sites, beware of the cheating servers and don't waste your time on them.


Stay safe and choose wisely~  /no1

Cyan Hijirikawa

Evidence, or didn't happen. When making these sort of claims, you should present factual evidence rather just some random banter that could have came from someone's behind.

And no, I am not defending any of those RO servers you've mentioned, but then again, when creating stuff like this, would really prefer having actual evidence presented before such claims. Do you get what I mean?


It's hard to come up with concrete evidence considering most of the topsites do not share their graphs. But I have monitored the vote sites for quite a while and I can see the above mentioned servers getting burst of votes in a certain day or within a period of a couple of hours.

But Sure, let's take a look at the biggest cheater of them all, ForsakenRO.

Vote Count on Xtremetop100 - 916
Vote Count on - 389  (This site has a dedicated Admin and banned ForsakenRO for botting votes in the past, fRO was rank 1. now rank 7)
Vote Count on Top100Arena - 2,630 (lol?) - (Compare it to Sarah server which has 5x the population of fRO..Sarah has 2,458)
Vote Count on TopRagnarok 200 - 2,266 (Compare it to DreamerRO and MyRO which have 100-300 more users than fRO during peak hours, dRO has 1,270 and MyRo only 1k.)

The vote count simply varies too much, it really depends where they aim their vote bots.

Take a look at LimitRO on has more votes than servers with 2-3x their population.

How can LimitRO and ForsakenRO have almost as many votes as Sarah and Talon when both these servers have 1-2k online and LimitRO has 350 and fRO 500ish(?) Vote bots.

Do those servers have more dedicated players than the two biggest servers atm? of course not.. Limit and Forsaken are plagued by auto can tell because their population barely fluctuates throughout the day like normal server's populations do and their forums are dead.

Population Fluctuations throughout the day:
TalonRO - 1,100 ~1,700
Sarah - 1,100 ~ 2,2800
DreamerRO - 600~ 900
ForsakenRO - 500-600  (really 550 all the time..except maybe during woe)
LimitRO - 350-450 (really 350 all the time..except maybe during woe)

Cyan Hijirikawa

Well at least that's a start. That makes it more of a "viable" claim rather than just thrown out there. Thanks for the further explanation, and I do agree with you, if those servers do tend to use bots to get votes, then players should be wary. That in itself should be a red flag that says a big banner "WE ARE DESPERATE, PLEASE COME AND PLAY OUR SERVER" lmao.  /heh


Ragnachan and Estland are also some of the bigger vote bot users btw. So is Rebirth, lol.

Easiest way to check usually is top100arena as you can see the daily vote counts. In most cases you'll see 0-50 votes normally and then 2000 votes on the first day of the month. It's kinda funny to see really :D it isn't as bad as it used to be though.


Ohh I was not aware Top100Arena had their graphs public! That makes it even easier to prove my case hahaha

Apparently they stop botting votes when the end of the month is coming because they know they rankings will reset

RagnaChan moved to the list of Cheaters...I was aware they botted votes when they started but I was under the impression they had stopped..Maybe they just got tired of botting votes and not getting any results..

Tip for cheating servers:
Spend time listening to your players and making your server better. Doesn't matter how many users you trick into trying your server if the server sucks.



Nah, we can't really predict how good server are nowadays. Even RMS rating wouldn't help.

The best would be knowing the admins and their reputations, but well, I don't think alot of people take that into consideration unless you're a very old player who befriended / known them in the past.

If you're new, there's no way you can know those, and thus you'll better off asking in this forum. See who cares enough to reply and try to fit to your preferences.


This is how we create new jobs in RO branch ^^


Quote from: Lai on Sep 10, 2016, 04:20 AM
This is how we create new jobs in RO branch ^^

Pretty ballsy move for your to admit to botting votes on ratemyserver forums but I can't say I am surprised. So now you have a GM in charge of botting votes and you consider this a "job"? Aren't you ashamed to admit that your server sucks and you have to rely on cheats to attract new players?

Smh... RO Admin these days.. I really hope the few players your server has reads this arrogant comment of yours and discover they are wasting their time following a lame admin/server who relies on cheats, and I hope they move on to the good servers that actually make it to the top with hard work and dedication.

I suggest to move GM/Admin Lai and LimitRO to the Hall of Shame.
(if he isn't already there)


Not being bold or arrogant.
Just being honest :)

I don't see anything wrong with buying a service that is common today.

I do not admit that my server sucks, theres nothing to be ashemed of :P

Private servers are private for a reason, since each server is created by a private person, which gives the server the soul of that private person.
And LimitRO is mine, therefore, every Limitronian likes me, of being me ^^

I can't, and won't be able to please everyone, especially not you :P bobo ^^

doesnt bobo mean" stupid" in ph? o,o

Peace out! :D


Quote from: Lai on Sep 11, 2016, 08:17 AM
Not being bold or arrogant.
Just being honest :)

I don't see anything wrong with buying a service that is common today.

I do not admit that my server sucks, theres nothing to be ashemed of :P

Private servers are private for a reason, since each server is created by a private person, which gives the server the soul of that private person.
And LimitRO is mine, therefore, every Limitronian likes me, of being me ^^

I can't, and won't be able to please everyone, especially not you :P bobo ^^

doesnt bobo mean" stupid" in ph? o,o

Peace out! :D

You should be ashamed of yourself. "You see nothing wrong in buying a service" -- A service that breaks the terms and regulations of the vote site? A service that falsely places your server on a higher rank than it should be? You are not ashamed of tricking players into joining your server? You should be.

You say its your server and it has your soul, so your server is a cheating server? You say every player is like you, so all your players are cheaters? Nice to hear...even more of a reason for players to stay away from this trash.

"Limitronian" really? can you be more original and stop copying TalonRO's "Talonians"? Cause Limitronian sounds like s*** to be honest. Be more creative, if that's even possible for you.

I know you can't please me. Doesn't mean you need to cheat to get ahead.

It wouldn't surprise me if you used proxies to cheat your way through Ratemyserver rankings too.


Quote from: Lai on Sep 11, 2016, 08:17 AM
buying a service that is common today.
[ citation needed ]

Quote from: Lai on Sep 11, 2016, 08:17 AM
therefore, every Limitronian likes me, of being me ^^

Ignorance seems to be bliss. A lot of people wouldn't approve of this behaviour if this thread was spread around in your server's forums or in-game.

Quote from: Lai on Sep 11, 2016, 08:17 AM
Private servers are private for a reason, since each server is created by a private person, which gives the server the soul of that private person.

I can't, and won't be able to please everyone, especially not you :P bobo ^^
You're right, but would you allow a thread in your forums linking to this one? To see the community's response that is. I mean, you have voiced your opinion over the matter, and you have a strong stance on purchasing these services with no shame or arrogance. Why not?
It'd prove your second quote I put up there to be correct, no?


Is anyone even surprised? From "premium" accounts that get you a certain amount of starting votes every month to this, it's always been this way. Top site lists aren't a good way to measure anything.

I would be more concerned with servers that have more RMS reviews than actual population (vendors included) and those reviews all seem to be written by the same person, with minor modifications.

Also, before you hound on Lai, consider that he's just being honest, which is already a more respectable behavior than the average, where server owners straight up lie to their players while pretending to act cool and "professional".



Quote from: Terpsichore on Sep 12, 2016, 09:55 PM
Is anyone even surprised? From "premium" accounts that get you a certain amount of starting votes every month to this, it's always been this way. Top site lists aren't a good way to measure anything.

I would be more concerned with servers that have more RMS reviews than actual population (vendors included) and those reviews all seem to be written by the same person, with minor modifications.

Also, before you hound on Lai, consider that he's just being honest, which is already a more respectable behavior than the average, where server owners straight up lie to their players while pretending to act cool and "professional".

There is nothing respectable about his behaviour.. It appears he just has complete disregard for honesty since he is tricking players into joining his server. I wonder what else is a lie, his fake population? Fake reviews? Doing deals behind his player's back for extra cash?

I do not respect his "honesty" about cheating... That would be the same as respecting a serial killer for openly admitting he enjoys killing his victims.