ZealRO corruption

Started by Ariasqt, Feb 15, 2015, 10:11 AM

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Quote from: Zeal on Feb 15, 2015, 10:21 AM
You made a mistake :)

Im not Avid.

Its 100% and the only corruption is GM Kenny even though you wont admit it.

Bad press is good press, looking forward to this topic  /no1

I played AvidRO and saw it die a long time ago.  I just reviewed your ZealRO site and a lot of the content seems incredibly similar. You can lie about it all you like but it's blatant to me that you and Avid are the same person given how similar the codes/scripts you use are.

Your previous server (Avid) officially died when you gave 0 hope to your remaining Pinoy players by wiping the server. You gave the same excuse in Avid but primarily blamed your lack of Harmony back then, so it's not really refreshing that you're using the same s*** excuse but in a different context (corruption, failure promo, etc).

Honestly dude, you need to really work on your ability to code and develop your ability to improve the security of your server because your history of failures has always been due to a lack of competence. There's a reason why Justin Bieber gave up on Avid too.

For all I know, you could be telling the truth about the corruption, but to be frank, I don't really believe you given your history and how immature you are. You're worse than Cookie because at least Cookie's not a complete dumbass. I'm sure there will be people posting this thread in your forums, but as always, you're quick to delete those threads, just as you have been in Avid.


It's just an excuse to start again and get those juicy new server donations and why the hell are my posts getting deleted in rant and rave?


This is really poor. Now trying to Kenny for corruption. Even if Kenny did such things on the last night before Zeal made the decision to wipe the server, he could just do a 12 or 24 hours rollback. Kenny never did something like that before. Seems to me like zeal just used this situation as an excuse to wipe the server.

Just want to tell this as well:
I didn't know that Henryk was Kenny. But all I can say is that Kenny was the only GM you could relay on. Whenever I had a problem (bots, killstealing, question, ingame bugs) he helped as much as he could do. Whenever there was a bug, he reported it to Zeal/Head GMs. And everytime we have asked for an update he forwarded it to them as well.
Without Kenny I don't think that we would had that many player on ZealRo. Seriously, he really worked hard to help the community.

Even on his legit char he (and his guild) organized many events which were really really funny. In 2-3 Months of playing on this server I never saw even 1 event from the GMs which was nearly as much fun as his events.

Really, without him the server would have "died" much earlier. I would say, if you had gave more Power to GM Kenny, many issues/bugs had been fixed much faster and many of the ppl who left wouldn't leave the server.

Think what you want but blaming Kenny is a real absurdity.


Uh hello again, im pretty sure if some Admin on RMS could check the ip or mac of those guy they would be the same :D and yes all 3 are Blackcat :

http://forum.ratemyserver.net/index.php?action=profile;u=40184  Rkenshin Profile

http://forum.ratemyserver.net/index.php?action=profile;u=40165 Whitedog Profile

http://forum.ratemyserver.net/index.php?action=profile;u=37450 Snowflake10 Profile

everyone can read the post he made x_x we are not dumb Lol

also " rkenshin " stated on ZealRO forum that someone stole his name on RMS and pretending to be him ( ofc its Blackcat who else would do that LOL)

http://s24.postimg.org/9qvk1wdyt/IMG_1627.png <-- The real rkenshin

http://forums.play-ggro.com/index.php?/topic/1651-hello-new-to-ggro/ this post was given to us by Blackcat on Skype and uhm " I am Australian " and Blackcat this is his Facebook

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t35.0-12/10998111_10152683961279562_1124220371_o.jpg?oh=baaf874024278e3a6d4bc7c3c1f2ef0e&oe=54E3E880&__gda__=1424232401_ed4082a37ac31d38a8516ee996389600 <-- same Sign immage as Blackcat LOL


he also had 2 hunters in game 1 named Blackcat then after he became gm he made another one named  snowflake

i have to read 3 months of skype chat x_x and im already bored

EDIT: the admin already checked xDDD ahahah http://forum.ratemyserver.net/junk-yard/zealro/msg176711/#msg176711


This is really bad. Faked reviews will lead people to play or even donate on a server which isn't worth.
I'm saying this because I checked the reviews and it is really bad what they promote. RMS should check them.

A rating on stability greater than 1 is a joke in my opinion. The freezes where never fixed. And those freezes have nothing to do with the players connection / location. The freeze was on server site: while the screen was freezed for some seconds, the mobs also did not do anything. Normal (player-side) lag/freeze would end in the mob attacks while the player has the lag/freeze.

Zeal tried to fix that stuff. You can say he did many mistakes, but he tried his best to fix it. Unfortunately it doesn't work. He removed the lag with a new server but the issue with this freezes never got fixed.

If you check the ratings of ZealRo there are many 90 - 100 point ratings giving a 9 or 10/10 for stability. This is fake. Everyone who played on this server for at least 1 hour would know this. Sorry, but this is a fact.
That's why I never rated this server before. Zeal always promised to make the server better. I wanted to wait because I wanted to give a better rate. Now seeing his methods and true face and how the server went in the last weeks it was impossible to give a higher rate.
This is not only my opinion but the opinion of at least 3-4 friends of mine.
And I think everyone who serious played at least some hours could confirm this.


Quote from: Davidt on Feb 16, 2015, 06:59 AM

A rating on stability greater than 1 is a joke in my opinion. The freezes where never fixed. And those freezes have nothing to do with the players connection / location. The freeze was on server site: while the screen was freezed for some seconds, the mobs also did not do anything. Normal (player-side) lag/freeze would end in the mob attacks while the player has the lag/freeze.
If you check the ratings of ZealRo there are many 90 - 100 point ratings giving a 9 or 10/10 for stability. This is fake. Everyone who played on this server for at least 1 hour would know this. Sorry, but this is a fact.
That's why I never rated this server before. Zeal always promised to make the server better. I wanted to wait because I wanted to give a better rate. Now seeing his methods and true face and how the server went in the last weeks it was impossible to give a higher rate.
This is not only my opinion but the opinion of at least 3-4 friends of mine.
And I think everyone who serious played at least some hours could confirm this.
He's right ANYONE can confirm that the server had lag spikes without a break sometimes less sometimes more sometimes it even reached 10sec lag spikes he always promised to fix these but oh well you can see what happened. Zeal is a joke of a Admin trying to scam people with his lies, using his pet GM Blackcat (fitting name btw) to make the server look good.

Btw Zeal isnt there anything you want to say except using fake sarcasm? Any proof that weve been cheating, any proof that you are not avid? Btw why didnt Avid answer to this topic yet?  /heh


Zeal on skype you asked me a prof about " Snowflake" being GM Blackcat, and after i gave you the proof you said " Yea thats out of my hands " o.o" so you acted all cool before because you tought i couldnt find a proof? i can put here all our skype conversation with Blackcat or GM Staff if you want :D but i dont think you would like that right? Don't even dare to lie 1 more time.


I deleted my RMS review for ZealRO awhile ago because Zeal's response to it was entirely a lie.  He said woe had been disabled for two weeks and the population was GROWING? Cmonnnn.  Zeal also would take the time to delete my forum posts, yet entirely neglect what I was saying in those posts.  Disgrace to you and your future endeavors of lies. You can't just delete what you dislike and speak about "this isn't my server, it is YOUR server" in-game.  I am very glad ZealRO died.   /kis2

Quote from: vooboo on Feb 15, 2015, 11:10 PM
Your previous server (Avid) officially died when you gave 0 hope to your remaining Pinoy players by wiping the server. You gave the same excuse in Avid but primarily blamed your lack of Harmony back then, so it's not really refreshing that you're using the same s*** excuse but in a different context (corruption, failure promo, etc).

Honestly dude, you need to really work on your ability to code and develop your ability to improve the security of your server because your history of failures has always been due to a lack of competence. There's a reason why Justin Bieber gave up on Avid too.

It is hard for me to imagine poor Zeal all cooped up alone being attacked by all of us.  You know?  He knows not what he does.  We are all wasting our time because GM Zeal/Avid is just going to be cheeky in the face of all of our harsh truths.  He'll pretend and lie because it matters to him  /heh  GM Zeal is obviously going to maintain his Corrupt Kenny story because it is easy for him.  He takes zero responsibility.  It is easy to start over than to fix your own mess ups.  Right?  /no1

GM Zeal was given many suggestions by both players and staff.  Like I said, he isn't even aware that he is supposed to hear the advice of his peers.  He is unfit and I hope he has a son someday to lie to.


I don't care what is true.  His server is dead.  I think it is entertaining to watch GM Zeal/Avid squirm and struggle to preserve his already bad reputation  /gg


Okay here is my final part of this topic as promised.

First of all GM Kenny / Henry and w.e other names he may use on RMS was not the reason we are wiping ZealRO.

The reasons are due to the things ive stated via our forums, ill post them again here via a spoiler.

When we launched the server, both myself and the staff did our very best to balance out the server in terms of economy, rates and more.

Part 1
Within 1 month of the server opening we then encountered a bug that was heavily abused flooding billions into the server via selling salad obtain by Lunakaligo.

The food was supposed to be dropping at 5% however was dropping 100% even from a poring.

Payers could then sell the food for 6k zeny each and even more with +10 overcharge on a merchant.

This caused a lot of items to be able to be bought quickly and lots of zeny to flood the server that shouldn't.

This was the start of the crappy economy we have at the moment.

Most of the zeny was recovered and the bug was fixed but lots of the zeny was unrecoverable and players already sold items that should have been more of an investment to purchase/sell.

Part 2

With a community poll we disabled the Reject Sword skill on MvP monsters preventing the one shot MvP kills however this was used for a long period of time to obtain lots of MvP gear that should have been harder to obtain.

After disabling the skill, this gave one group of players a huge advantage as they already had this gear and it was now much much harder for new players to obtain them and this group of players then used those gears to be able to horde and kill more and more MvP's

It then became economy breaking as this group of players controlled the market.

Part 3

We created a promotion giving new players an instant level 90 pre-trans char, some gear and battle badges.

This was working great and was abuse-proof however during this promo we switched to a new host and updated how our logs are stored to minimize the lag issue to a minimum.

Upon changing how the logs were stored there was some human error on how the script reads and was allowing players to obtain the free promo over and over and over again, flooding battle badges, battlegrounds gear, VIP passes, class mounts and much more into the server.

Players were making over 100+ chars and selling all the badges.

This also flooded lots of zeny to certain players that they should not have obtained.

Part 4 - The BIG one

As you know, the MvP rates of the server are 10x and 1x for cards.

Being 10x means that all high tier MvP equips drop at 100%

Can you see the issue here with balance? Gear that should be rare is instead super common.


Now I know you're saying; "Why did you let this happen? This should of been patched and fixed before launch!"

I agree 100% however we are only human and learn from our mistakes.

The one thing I will tell you and I know most of you will agree, I love the Zeal server and love the community.

I will never close the server, both myself and you will agree that ZealRO has a lot of potential if these bugs and game breaking features were not available from a fresh start of the server.

Now another things that is quite funny is everyone attacking saying i just want money, the wipe is to make more money. Are you sure? or you just finding more reasons to attack me and the server because of the decision ive made?

Everyone that has donated will get all the credits back ingame, its that simple, if i only wanted money i would not do that.

Also all the donation money has gone back into the server, if you have ever been an admin of a dedicated server and not just one that uses trinity hosting or wan hosting or w.e other hosting service you can get for about $5/month than you will know the expenses.

DDOS protection for one is a huge expence, these hosting companys that charge $5 ~ 20$ per month for a server that you can host RO on with 10/20GB DDOS protection? that's a lie and people are so stupid to even purchase this server, YOU CAN NOT GET DDOS PROTECTION FOR $20 / MONTH WITH A SERVER INCLUDED!

My god, RebirthRO paid $20,000 setup fee for DDOS protection from prolexic thats not even counting the monthly fees, sadly we don't have the funds to provide such protection for ZealRO.

Now with this in mind our server costs are around $650 / month for our server machine and DDOS protection then ontop of that there are adverts that we renew every single month also adverts on Facebook, then we buy graphics and other things required for the server/development.

This is where all your money goes with ZealRO, i cannot take in account what other admins do, that's upto them but this is what we do at ZealRO.

So please try and run a server by yourself with all the expenses and them come back to me and say im doing it for money.


Next is this Blackcat reviews things.

I was not aware that Blackcat made different accounts to make reviews for ZealRO, if he did this then both myself and king will have a word regarding this as this is against RMS's rules and we don't tolerate rules breaking of any kind, why would we risk getting de-listed on the best website for players seeking a Ragnarok online private server?


I understand the frustration going around as you guys lost 2/3 months worth of hunting / levels etc and also keep saying why didn't you just do a 1 / 2 hour roll back?

No, ill say it again NO!

This will not get rid of the things listed in the below spoiler.

When we launched the server, both myself and the staff did our very best to balance out the server in terms of economy, rates and more.

Part 1
Within 1 month of the server opening we then encountered a bug that was heavily abused flooding billions into the server via selling salad obtain by Lunakaligo.

The food was supposed to be dropping at 5% however was dropping 100% even from a poring.

Payers could then sell the food for 6k zeny each and even more with +10 overcharge on a merchant.

This caused a lot of items to be able to be bought quickly and lots of zeny to flood the server that shouldn't.

This was the start of the crappy economy we have at the moment.

Most of the zeny was recovered and the bug was fixed but lots of the zeny was unrecoverable and players already sold items that should have been more of an investment to purchase/sell.

Part 2

With a community poll we disabled the Reject Sword skill on MvP monsters preventing the one shot MvP kills however this was used for a long period of time to obtain lots of MvP gear that should have been harder to obtain.

After disabling the skill, this gave one group of players a huge advantage as they already had this gear and it was now much much harder for new players to obtain them and this group of players then used those gears to be able to horde and kill more and more MvP's

It then became economy breaking as this group of players controlled the market.

Part 3

We created a promotion giving new players an instant level 90 pre-trans char, some gear and battle badges.

This was working great and was abuse-proof however during this promo we switched to a new host and updated how our logs are stored to minimize the lag issue to a minimum.

Upon changing how the logs were stored there was some human error on how the script reads and was allowing players to obtain the free promo over and over and over again, flooding battle badges, battlegrounds gear, VIP passes, class mounts and much more into the server.

Players were making over 100+ chars and selling all the badges.

This also flooded lots of zeny to certain players that they should not have obtained.

Part 4 - The BIG one

As you know, the MvP rates of the server are 10x and 1x for cards.

Being 10x means that all high tier MvP equips drop at 100%

Can you see the issue here with balance? Gear that should be rare is instead super common.


Now I know you're saying; "Why did you let this happen? This should of been patched and fixed before launch!"

I agree 100% however we are only human and learn from our mistakes.

The one thing I will tell you and I know most of you will agree, I love the Zeal server and love the community.

I will never close the server, both myself and you will agree that ZealRO has a lot of potential if these bugs and game breaking features were not available from a fresh start of the server.

You guys that are ranting need to understand that this decision was hard and is to benefit the server from now on and in the future.

It got boring, we tried everything to make it more fun such as Zombies event, PvP system and more but that wasn't enough because all players already had everything because of the bugs in the above spoiler so there was no motivation or competition to keep going.

If we kept it how it was with all the unbalanced glitched/bugged stuff in the game the server would of been trash and no reason to join and harder to bring in new features..

Just think of it as a 4 month BETA test and now on the 1st March when we relaunch we know 100% for certain all the bugs / glitches / exploits are vanished and no longer abuseable so its fair play for everyone at all times and not just the groups that abused the systems.


Its also fun when you see PM's / messages such as "im going to ruin your server" , "im going to get you de-listed on RMS"

If you want to ruin ZealRO, please give it your best shot, im looking forward to wasting you valued time  /kis. my decision is whats best for the server, i know that and maybe 20% other the other players know that, the rest of you well.. there are 1000+ server you can play, here ill link you to the RMS server listings here. Have fun on one of them.

As regards to getting ZealRO delisted, ill be happy to hold my hand up and say fine, de-list me however ive not broken any rules to be de-listed and wont ever do so, that would just be a dumb move. So also do your best to try and get me delisted.


Now regards to my inactivity...

Where do i start... This is not going out to all of you, just the immature kids that don't know life yet.

When you get to a certain age you have got to go out and work to earn a living, you know.. to put that roof over your head.. or to keep that food in your belly? Have you ever heard of work?.. or are you kids still doing the Sunday paper round for your local news paper?

If i was running a server solely for money then yes i would not work and stay at home gathering all your $$ donations and funding my house, my son, my wife to be, my phone bill, my car, my holidays and more. but no, I HAVE A JOB so yes, i can only spend 2/3 hours per day on the server on a weekday since its a school night for me. And the weekends im at my computer screen almost 24/7 as you noticed im very active in main chat / forums and the staff chat on Skype on weekends.





Zeal Ragnarok Online | Coming Soon | Join Our Community


So that's it Zeal? You are spreading lies in your forum and afterwards you act like you've never told them? Thanks for showing RMS what kind of pathetic little liar you are. Anyway we both know and so does RMS now that you as an Admin won't be able to keep a good server up not you nor the lying staff (Blackcat) you have on your benches. You are telling us we don't know how life works? Does it work spreading lies over and over again? Ignoring and pretending afterwards? Nice life you've got there keep the work up.


Thanks for showing the RMS community what kind of guy you truely are  /kis /kis2 /kis /kis2 /kis /kis2

Sincerly Arias.


Quote from: Zeal on Feb 16, 2015, 01:23 PM
Super long post

I don't know about the others, but I'm attacking you for your character and incompetence.

I agree that opening a RO private server doesn't bring in a large source of revenue overtime but it does in the beginning of its longevity. What I never understood is, why the heck would anyone would bother opening a private server out of passion/enjoyment but wouldn't bother to do it properly. Based on your past activity, it looks like you were most dedicated in the beginning of the server life (the time when the server typically rakes in the most revenue) and then become inactive afterwards. You can't deny the fact that this doesn't look suspicious at all; especially considering your history of reopening a new server and re-branding it completely. The fact that you deny you're Avid raises even MORE suspicion.

I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not running the server for a quick influx of profit; however, if we assume you are opening servers just for the sake of profit, you must generate very little income in real life to be that desperate to scam that many people online. (Lol.) I figured the type of people who still scam people in the RO private-server market are broke teenagers/high school students. But of course, only you know whether you are lying or not.

I recall you using a similar argument regarding costs of operating a server. I agree to some extent there are costs associated with it, including the payment of various marketing aspects and the operation costs (i.e. hosting services, retaining domain names, quality staff, etc); however, when I confronted you the true costs in the past, you failed to provide an invoice/receipt for any of it and blocked me.

The next time you have the audacity to attack people on their "immaturity", I recommend you self-reflect on your own behaviour. I'm a little flabbergasted to see that things have not changed over the years, especially considering I just recently decided to get back into RO again.


This topic didn't turn out to be as interesting like the rest :c

Aside from the misleading topic title, what I gather is that one GM messed up bigtime and wrote a fake review and another GM lost his cool and did something he shouldn't have. I don't think the server admin is to blame for both of their folly.

The admin said a few things which some of you disagree with but he clearly doesn't feel the same way now and is only trying to focus on improving the game. I know as a player even I would be bloody pissed to see a server wiped without considering other alternatives with the community.

I find it funny when some of you claim the admin scammed you. Did he run away with your money and just close the server without any warning like most servers do?

I'm not saying the Admin is in the right here and he opted for the best possible solution. But at the same time none of you are speaking genuinely for the benefit of the RO community. Well I guess that's why it is in the Rant and Rave section.

I wouldn't agree that a server is run without any benefit whatsoever. It's probably true that most of the revenue go for the maintenance and upkeep but hey don't blame the ones who make it, it's also because of the ones who play it. There are an handful of servers with decent features and have no donate but people still prefer to join a server which has a donate shop. In fact, servers that sells equips and cards via donates tend to survive longer than most because they generate more revenue.

Lucy Liu

I only can give the advice dont join ZealRo. Zeal made many mistakes in the past and than he had the plan to wipe everything. We asked in forum as there isnt any other solution and we asked when the server will be shut down for 2 weeks before reopen. He didnt answer, he is only a king in making promises and deleting all comments that arent 100% positive and ignoring us. We bought a few weeks ago longlife VIP passes and other things .. The server only ran for 3,5 months.
After the announcement, he came online in ZealRo and said "tomorrow the server will be closed for 2 weeks", but suddenly the server was down and all characters level 1/1. He lies every day! He dont care about us.
And its such a no-go that gm blackcat used playernames to make positive reviews here.


The  most funny thing in Zeal's "final speech" is that he didn't answer to a single question. (He just repeated what he already said and then pretended to be the only one to has a job)
Questions like:
- Are you Avid? If not, can you prove it?
- What equips "shouldn't be there"?
- Why did you blamed Kenny of abusing his power, generating billions of zeny and +10 equips? Did you just used it as an excuse to wipe?
- Why did you delete every post you didn't like in the forum? And also banned who posted it?
- Most important: why the hell is Blackcat still a GM for the reopening? When everybody saw he faked a review impersonating 2 different persons? OH WAIT, WE ALL KNOW WHY, WHAT A SILLY QUESTION  /heh

Bye bye
