why there's some people who are really desperate to become a GM?

Started by Littlechan, Feb 06, 2009, 06:57 PM

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IMO, some of those people posting on the recruitment thread are the ones that shouldnt be recruited, i mean, some people will finally recruit them but then the poster will turn out to be a corrupt one, then he goes back to his "I wanna GM a server" habits, even though filipinos have a very bad reputation on pretty much every non-filipino RO server, the mass spamming of certain time zone with a certain language might end up being one person with many pseudonyms, and even though, corruption can come from any corner of the world


maybe because:
*they dont have any experience
*they want to abuse the commands
*they want to show off
*they are tired of being a player


I don't know why you suddenly decided to wash this board and this board only, maybe you just became a GM keben lol?

This is a 2009 topic but I guess it's worth a revisit.  In my view, talented people don't have to be desperate, they just get recruited without even asking.  So those that are desperate to be GM are the bunch that are better off to stay as a player.  A good GM know how to be a GM and know it takes a lot of time and effort.  So who wants to be a GM?  You can expect the opposite 75% of the time => those that don't know how to be a good GM  /heh


I think that sometimes (this wouldn't really apply to the people spamming resumes to multiple servers) if someone plays on a particular server and for whatever reason is not happy with how fast, or the content of updates, or whatever it is they find fault with they start getting it in their mind that oh I could do a much better job! Make me a GM! So they start bugging the current GMs about it -_- 99% of the time I doubt they have even the remotest idea of how much work it really is...

Mary Magdalene

Well yeah. For me, players who just want to be a GM only wants to show off rather just to become popular and start boasting on their friends that they're a GM on a RO (But the truth is they're just event/helper GM's so nothing's really special about it). And also maybe to become a " High Profile ".
" Not hurting somebody is a children's nonsense because you will really gonna hurt somebody even if you don't want to "


They likely think that being a GM will mean everyone loves them and is nice to them all the time. They seem to think the position means automatic respect, but somehow missed out that it also means a whole lot of works.
On top of this they have no idea that, in fact, "love and respect" are two of the hardest things to get as a GM, you're more likely to get lots of hate every time you punish a player, or, play a part in a choice that was for the good of the server but perhaps not what a good deal of people desire.

I think those who flood that section with applications do so with, probably, innocent intentions. They just want to be popular and loved and maybe be able to show off. They are simply failing to realise that things don't work the way they hoped, and sadly, if they do get hired, they're in for a very rude awakening.


They want to abuse there power, and feel stronger and have more power then everyone else.  /ok


I've seen players try to become a GM for a lot of reasons. You just need to make sure you start them off on a GM account that can't cause a lot trouble and have a system to where you can monitor them. Usually people with good intentions that want to be GMs and use that power to interact with the player base in some way, usually want to be Event GMs. The players that enjoy the server and care for it's progression typically want to become Support/Enforcement GMs. From what I've seen most of the higher-up's on a server's staff are looking for a proving grounds for themselves.
As such, there's usually a separation of intimacy there, especially with pseudo-anonymous recruitment here on RMS.


I might sound racist here, but I agree on the Pinoy part. Most of the applicants are Filipinos and it's not an opinion anymore that they're rule breakers or criminals in online gaming world. If you want a bit of safety, I suggest server admins not to pick them easily, unless you knew the person for quite a long time. It's not hard to distinguish the decent and bad ones, for Pinoys.

Let's drop it at that.

But yes, basically the general idea of people wanting to become a GM might be :

1. Power abuse : typical misconception where you think when you become GM, you are the king, you can @item your legit character and stomp on anyone that opposes you. man, people don't hire you to destroy their own server. if they can't see this, they should be rejected and banned from your server because these people are potential threats.

2. Rather into social than playing : the group that chooses to having fun around and wants more friends. being GM is without question, the easiest way to pull off attention. but then, remember that you need to have some special talent to get the spot. if wanting more friends can net you a GM position, everyone deserves the position then. oh and don't forget, while they might be social, they also can become the drama queens.

3. Because I work for it! : maybe he's already working behind the scene but doesn't have ingame presence? here they are, might be the techies, big boss, or whatever. they're mostly safe picks because, well, I don't know. you worked hard for it, why would you ruin it?

4. Creative : these people want to share their fun with players, mostly artists, or people good at managing events. it's all cool if you want more new stuffs for your server. the downfall might be, their creativity only lasted for some time, then they might change into other types of people. and again, watch out, we all know how plagiarism has spread over the Internet.


Quote from: Cressy on Apr 12, 2013, 06:36 PM
They likely think that being a GM will mean everyone loves them and is nice to them all the time. They seem to think the position means automatic respect, but somehow missed out that it also means a whole lot of works.
On top of this they have no idea that, in fact, "love and respect" are two of the hardest things to get as a GM, you're more likely to get lots of hate every time you punish a player, or, play a part in a choice that was for the good of the server but perhaps not what a good deal of people desire.

I think those who flood that section with applications do so with, probably, innocent intentions. They just want to be popular and loved and maybe be able to show off. They are simply failing to realise that things don't work the way they hoped, and sadly, if they do get hired, they're in for a very rude awakening.

So much this. I've had a lot of players say "Oh I would love to be a GM you get everyone to talk to you blah blah" not taking into account most of the time people talk to you it is to complain about something or demand something.  My favorite is always "Well why does blah blah take you guys so long, it isn't really THAT hard."


Quote from: aROPandora on Apr 14, 2013, 10:54 PM

So much this. I've had a lot of players say "Oh I would love to be a GM you get everyone to talk to you blah blah" not taking into account most of the time people talk to you it is to complain about something or demand something.  My favorite is always "Well why does blah blah take you guys so long, it isn't really THAT hard."

On top of all this you are at risk of LOSING friends, if you're doing the job right, because even if they're your friend, if they break a rule you will need to punish them. And sometimes people assume that "Oh, no my friend is a GM, I can get away with things" so when they end up banned they blame you for allowing it to happen...


Quote from: Cressy on Apr 15, 2013, 03:38 AM
On top of all this you are at risk of LOSING friends, if you're doing the job right, because even if they're your friend, if they break a rule you will need to punish them. And sometimes people assume that "Oh, no my friend is a GM, I can get away with things" so when they end up banned they blame you for allowing it to happen...

That too! (which is why I try crazy hard to make sure my friends don't know who I am even if I am not directly involved in punishments) Or even if it isn't necessarily a friend, but someone you had a nice conversation with....then they go break a rule and go all psycho on you cause you "let them get punished even though you acted all nice the day before so you must really not be a nice person and secretly want everyone banned" I really had someone say that to me. They had asked a couple questions the day before then did something silly that got them muted. Next time they saw me in game they jumped on me right away completely offended that they could get muted after being nice to a GM right before they broke a rule. I wasn't even the one that was on when they broke a rule and got muted....They went on about oh if they were a GM they would be more lenient about it and so more people would come to the server since it would be more fun! Yeah...cause it totally works that way.