LimitRO Metro Recruiting Staff

Started by Strudel, Oct 11, 2011, 12:55 PM

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Goodday everybody.
We in LimitRO Metro are in a need of Support Game Masters.
LimitRO Metro is a constantly growing server that just a month ago peaked at 70 players.
With a friendly GM team and community we want to raise the current population and show our commitment to the server and the population that's why we need you, a dedicated, loyal and trustworthy Ragnarok knower who can answer support and possibly technical questions.
There's not much to do except be friendly, stay active and have fun doing so.
You will NOT be allowed to have a legit account, if we do find you owning one after becoming a GM we will warn you, either play or be a GM, not both at once, failure to comply will result in a ban of both accounts.

You will have a chance of promotion once you've made enough contributions and been part of the team for long enough.

As a Support Game Master you will have the following commands available to you:

  • @goto
  • @go kick
  • @who, @who2, @who3, @whomap, @whomap2, @whomap3, @whois
  • @broadcast, @localbroadcast
  • @heal, @job, @speed, @blvl, @jlvl
  • @disguise, @undisguise
  • @size
  • #cash

Server Information:

  • Server: LimitRO Metro
  • Rates: 75x/75x/25x (MVP - 10x, MVP Card - 0.5x, Cards - 50x)
  • Levels: 99/70
  • Server Info: Trans Class & Extended
  • Episode: 13.2
  • Population: +50 Weekends WoE, +25~50 throughout the week.
  • Position to offer: Support Game Master
  • You must be a fluent english speaker, any additional language is a plus
  • Languages pluses: Russian, Tagalog, Spanish
  • Leave your resume in the next post or write us, contact info below.
  • Contact: metro (at) limit(minus)ro (dot) net

Your resumé needs to include:

  • Age
  • RO experience
  • Languages
  • How long you've played
  • How long you can be on for
  • Previous GM positions with server names
  • Timezone
  • Occupation (optional)*
  • About yourself
  • Why you want to be a GM
  • What this means to you (optional)

*This helps us figuring out how much you can be on



•Age: 19
•RO experience: 7 years of playing RO
•Languages: Tagalog, English
•How long you've played: 7 years  :o
•How long you can be on for: minimum of 4 to 5 hrs
•Previous GM positions with server names: Event GM at DreamerRO
•Timezone: GMT+8
•About yourself: friendly, obedient, for you to find out ..
•Why you want to be a GM: i want to share my cool events :D

have read all of what's written above about becoming a GM .. hoping to be a part of your GM Team :)

just pm me for updates


•Age: 21
•RO experience: Active PVP/WOE/MVP ++
•Languages: English / Tagalog
•How long you've played: 5 Years ++
•How long you can be on for: 2 hours ++
•Previous GM positions with server names: None just Helper @ MyRO
•Timezone: GMT+8
•About yourself: humble,active ingame support
•Why you want to be a GM: i want to experience being a gm, ever since i played RO, never been GM once, i want to be a good active gm :)


@umu123: Considering how blindly you've applied to a lot of server here.
I won't accept the application.

Still looking for Support Staff. Looking for Timezones GMT +8 or higher or, GMT -2 or lower.



awts. ok thanks anyway...  /sob

just pm or email me if you change your mind ;D


@Strudel, how about my resume? rejected too? /hmm



Positions desired
•   Support Game Master
•   with Ragnarok Online
o   Database (1/2 year)
o   Admin (DeviousRO 4 Months)
o   HeadGM ( ProRO 8 Months)
Mon-Friday: 3:00PM to 10:00PM (PST-8)
Sat-Sunday: Whenever Needed.

Age: 17

Nationality and Languages spoken
•   American
o   English (native)

•   How long you've played
o   6 Years

Brief personal profile...
Hey, my name is Kevin

I am a very community involved and love offering support to the new players, and also very much enjoy creating content (Full and thorough guides of installation or game play strategies). I am very reliable and active, so I can host events or be there to answer any questions players have on the server and/or forum. Essentially, I'm looking to fill the position of managing a server, so that the developers are not disturbed by any players. In even more simpler terms, the "go-to" guy.

What is the ideal server I'd like to work in?
•   The perfect server I'd like to work in;
o   Active forum community
o   Mature & active staffing
o   Fairly populated


Hey The name's Ike
I've been playing RO for approximately 5 Years.
The position I'm looking for could be either Support Or Event, whichever.
I've made a couple of test servers ran by SQL and TXT, so i have little experience with those.
This isn't the first time I've ever GM'ed for another server. I've GM'ed for CrossworldRO as a Head GM, EvilRO as a Support/Event GM, BlackoutRO as an Event GM, and In MysticRO as a Support/Event GM.
My time zone is (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
I'm mostly free throughout the day, so i can be on from 3PM - 12 or 1 AM. (Longer if needed)
Saturday's and Sunday's I'm usually free.
I Am 17 and Live In New York.
I speak English Fluent And Spanish.
I am not an uptight person, meaning I'm outgoing and love making friends. At the same time I am a mixture of a Strict/Cool GM. I'm the type of person others like being around, and I am very understanding when it comes to other people being Gay, Bi, or whatever. I Don't judge a book by the looks of its cover.
Well thats all i have to say ^_^
Thanks For you time~


Name - Phi

I can be on everyday usually after 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM

5 years total playing RO

3 years experience as a Event GM LeisureRO, KKRO,

1 year as a PR

Basic Information

I am actually 15 years old.

I can work with groups of peoples.


I speak both Vietnamese and English both fluently

Time Zone is EASTERN USA

This is my first year in college (Postsecondary Program)
I really want this job because i want to make this the best server out there. I really feel like with my abilities i can make this a enjoyable server.
Thank you,
[email protected]


Still recruiting, read the above and if you've received a pm then please reply.


Age: 22
RO experience:
-6 years Ragnarok online experience.
-Played variety low, medium, and high rate servers.
-iRO experience.
Languages: English,Filipino,French(Currently studying it)
How long you've played: 6 years.
How long you can be on for: 4-6 hours daily.
Previous GM positions with server names:
-Shadowlight RO, CommunityGM/ Recruitment GM
-DernajRO,Chief GM,
-RamenRO, SupportGM
-UpRO, Police GM
Timezone: +8GMT,Philippines.
Occupation: Student
About yourself: Name is Paul.. well i'm friendly i can work with people and finish the job in a timely manner follows directions and work within deadlines.
Why you want to be a GM: I know i can help a server in many ways so i offer what i can to help you guys.



I did send an email in your support account. If that is the place where to send to.
Anyways, I would love to here an update from this.


Best Regards,

Tetris Expert

•Age: 17
•RO experience:

      • 1 Year Developer (Client/Sever Side (3ceam/eAthena) )      
•Languages: Tagalog, English
•How long you've played: 5 years 
•How long you can be on for: 4 - 5 (Weekdays) /  4 - 8 (Weekends)
•Previous GM positions with server names:
   • RemedyRO (Developer/Quest Scripter)
   • SmurfRO (Developer)

•Timezone: GMT+8
•About yourself: I'm a Friendly guys. who loves to talk :))
•Why you want to be a GM: I want to help player's. Guide. and also some Events :))


Age: 16
RO experience: I've been mainly a supporter/helper/eventer mod, and also forum mod.
Languages: English, Portuguese
How long you've played: ~6 years
How long you can be on for: Like per day? I can be on from (GMT+3) 1PM to 1AM every day, and also almost 24/7 on weekends/holidays.
Previous GM positions with server names: fallen angels RO(Helper, defunct as of 2008), darkwoodRO(Helper, eventer, forum, defunct as of 2008 too), fenriRO(Helper, learning scripter position, defunct as of 2009) and the most recent one is wingRO(Helper/Eventer), I think it's defunct now, I left the staff when I stopped playing RO in March 2010. (I returned to play three months ago).
Timezone: GMT+3
About yourself: I like to help, to learn and to write, basically. I'm not a fan of PvP, but I do like WoE, because I like teamplay. Oh, I hate asslicking and corruption. (I left the recent servers I've played because of that)
Why you want to be a GM: Because I love helping other people, and almost all the guild I have created were to help the new and old players.
What this means to you (optional): It is great to help people where you have grown up. It's like being a scout in your maintown when you're old 

Addon: Also I was learning how to script NPCs like 3 years ago, and willing to learn too, so I could do something else than events and helping.


Applications still open, looking for 1 more staff member in the support section.