♥ ☺ Guild Emblem Request Thread v2 ☺ ♥

Started by twilightcm, May 19, 2010, 03:58 PM

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Hi, I need some help with an emblem. You see, I used to have a guild called Unknown Entity long ago, but we eventually stopped playing RO. Now we want to go back to action but nobody seems to have the old emblem. I managed to find it on an old screenshot but it's very small and fuzzy so I can't do anything about it (noob at photoshop). Can you do something with it? If you can't, can you make a new one for us better than the old one? I would be very thankful  :P

This is the old emblem: (it's a face, a mysterious one lol)

There are just three colours: black, gray and white
Guild name: Unknown Entity
Initials: UE

If you chose to create a new one let it be a face, something like the old emblem

Thanks for everything!


Hello there can u help make a guild emblem
here`s the Info

Name: Vampire XIII
Initials: V XIII or V
Design: ive created some of this logo but only on group forums
here the sample
or could you make better that this for  here`s the source of the pic
or make your own design . will you.. cuz ive seen many guild and im making a unique one..

background: you can make it transparent or something..?
colors: hmm since its a vampire try a gothic style.

thanks ill be waiting or post it on my email [email protected]


Hi. I need at least 3 emblems of my guild :D

Your Guild Name :Renegade
Any initials or words you would like to have : the letters Re,RE or simply R.
Type of Design : a rectangular figure showing a symbolism inside that appeals to the eyes and has a resemblance of the word Renegade.
Favorite Color(s) : Black, Red, Gray. or colors which you will find cool whenever you see an emblem. :D

thx :D


I have all of your emblems done, except the last 2 posts. But its 4am right now, so Ill post tomorrow morning with them.

Lwarence, however, your emblem looks loqquality because of the weird design. I tried my best for bleach tough

Posted on: Jun 12, 2010, 04:08 am
Quote from: shend on May 21, 2010, 09:52 AM
Your Guild Name : [G]ravity_
  • ne
    Any initials or words you would like to have : none
    Type of Design : I want a simple design, and with wings (chibi version^^)
    Favorite Color(s) : Blue, white

    thanks before ^^

Chibi Angeling/Poring, and then wings, then wings with a smiley face
Posted on: Jun 12, 2010, 01:15 pm
Quote from: animegami on May 20, 2010, 10:08 PM
Your Guild Name : -Student|Council-
Any initials or words you would like to have : SC
Type of Design : Something Prestigious Like with shield and wings
Favorite Color(s) : white blue

Quote from: shend on May 21, 2010, 09:52 AM
Your Guild Name : [G]ravity_
  • ne
    Any initials or words you would like to have : none
    Type of Design : I want a simple design, and with wings (chibi version^^)
    Favorite Color(s) : Blue, white

    thanks before ^^

Chibi Angeling/Poring, and then wings, then wings with a smiley face
Quote from: Explicit on May 24, 2010, 12:21 AM

Please help i need 2-3 emblems if its ok.!

1. Guild name : Replica Reborn
2. Initials : RR or R
3. Design: a Cross or a wing or maybe something that fits to the guild name hehe..
4: Background is transparent if its ok.!

Thanks hope you can help me guys hehe..!

3 colors

Quote from: pangkoi101 on Jun 01, 2010, 08:11 AM
Guild: Bull Sh*t :)
Initials: Bs :D
Design: Anything With Color Blending :)
Background: Transparent :)
Color: Hmm Gothic Style :D
Rejected due to a bad submission :( :-[
Quote from: Gee on Jun 01, 2010, 06:19 AM
Guild Name: Stand Strong
Design: Square
Colors: Black, Orange, Red

If it's alright, can you send it through a private message?

Err... okay
Here are the earlier emblems which I meant to have posted already.
Please bear with me guys....
Tonight... x_X


Its Okey Take your Time.. All I need To Do Is Wait... For my Emblem that you will work on it... Thanks!
More Power!


Dude the emblems you gave me was cool.
Sorry that I forgot to say thanks haha. :P

Heres another one that I need

Guildname: Noblesse Oblige
Type of design: Soft edge please
Reference picture:

In these two i just need the Initals inputted.
Yes i need those 2.
And if you can make another emblem that you think suits Noblesse Oblige thanks.


Okay. I can assure you that I can have them done today. I know I'm not the most reliable, and I apologize for this. I really do.
I'm a 15 year old with ADHD (meaning I'm hyper and can't focus). So bare with me!


Your Guild Name : Nightmare Essence
Any initials or words you would like to have : NE
Type of Design : Square, Cross, Dark, Grunge
Favorite Color(s) : Black, Light Blue, White.


Guild Name : Black Dahlia
Initials : BD
Type of Design : Attached
Favorite Colors : Black, white, midnight blue

Kind of obvious, but I'd enjoy it if you could make a black dahlia in top the left with flecks of midnight blue in it. If you can't, just make it look cool(:

The attached file is just a design I rigged up on Paint. I don't want those exact colors used, but the design I want used.

The initials if you would, in the bottom right corner.

How'd you do on your exams? I'm almost fifteen and I've got ADHD. xD Get this to me anytime you feel like it. No rush. kthx.

Here there be ninjas.. wait, where are they?


hi there..
can i request a emblem too?
can you edit this in photo shop?
make it like to a box with the circle inside the box....
and add a blue wind on the left side of the box.....
the wing is outside of the box and could you put the word "Limitless"(small fonts) outside of the box...
preverbly in the middle but outside of the box....
the box is like any ordinary guild emblem who uses photoshop...
since i cant use photo shop... hehe


Can you make Emblem for me?

Guild Name: Death Squad
make a skull emblem and put the Death Squad on sides.im thinking red with black colors


Your Guild Name : The Most Epic Failure
Any initials or words you would like to have : None
Type of Design : A rhomb or anything that looks like a road sign OR epic fail guy face
Favorite Color(s) : yellow; black; white


Anybody ever used GIMP ?
I tried doing emblem with it. It going pretty well but, I have no idea where to change it to either 8 bit or 16M colors.
I only got 16-24-32 bit..

Aniway, if someone could explain me how to do it, or do it for me (making it 8bit color or 16m, so ro will support it)

here are the emblem :

Thank you.


Emblems please :D

Guild Name: Utgarth Decrees
Initials: U.D
Reference: or
Background Colors: Red and Black.
Emblem Shape: Soft Edges.

Make the emblem look dark and stylish sort of like an antagonist feel to it. Please and thanks.
QuoteWhatever floats your boat.