Warning MicRO

Started by AquarRO, May 18, 2010, 04:17 PM

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People been putting a application for GM staff for like a years and they dont even get a new staff only say that we are reviewing people online there only to wait to become GM but then the Owner invite 3 Old friend into a Server without being reviews or Put application this new 3 People (Null) crash the server once after he broke and give away the server been corrupting to his friend and his guild friend giving +8+9 Gr mvp card now he is back MicRO is corrupting once again


I didn't understand... any of that... gigantic run-on sentence...

Can you try again o_o the owner invited friends who got stuff, and no new GMs were hired?


People sent the owner applications to become GMs, and he said he was reviewing them, but then he got three friends to be GMs and they crashed the server and told everyone the owner gave them +8 and +9 mvp-carded gear.


Am I the only one who finds this rather hard to believe? I mean, what the owner did was certainly crummy, especially to those who had submitted applications, but... it's entirely within the rights of a server owner to hire people whom he deems fit to run the server.

Second of all, I know this is the Rant and Rave section, but you're probably going to have to offer at least some proof of this corruption if anybody in here is going to take you seriously.

Lastly, I find it a little odd that somebody who has a name that seems to relate to some other server is making accusations about this server. I know people can play different servers at once, but honestly, at this point it seems more like pointless slander than anything else.


It's not like stuff like this doesn't happen often.


Quote from: Zarsheiy on May 18, 2010, 05:28 PM
Am I the only one who finds this rather hard to believe? I mean, what the owner did was certainly crummy, especially to those who had submitted applications, but... it's entirely within the rights of a server owner to hire people whom he deems fit to run the server.

Second of all, I know this is the Rant and Rave section, but you're probably going to have to offer at least some proof of this corruption if anybody in here is going to take you seriously.

Lastly, I find it a little odd that somebody who has a name that seems to relate to some other server is making accusations about this server. I know people can play different servers at once, but honestly, at this point it seems more like pointless slander than anything else.

^ this
Quote from: Serenity on Apr 09, 2010, 04:17 AM
I'm just trying to get laid.
Quote from: HiddenIts time for kickin donkey or chewing bubble gum. And i'm all outta bubble gum.


I Is Warned


well the things is the Previous Owner name Null was broke and he give the server to someone else but he jealous that he losing the server so he change the patcher of micro into LuminaRO file make micro died now! and now he is back + already invite back 5 of his friend to Team which previously was kicked by the New owner due to Stupid reaction inactive and talk s*** now people that was playing in MicRO 10 players in server for long time they not become a helper or GM where they apply for long but Null close the application of Staff and bring back 5 of his friends that is in his IRC Channel to be a staff -.- also the Guy name 40Cal and Nas and PleaseDontBanMe  is back to server with his old corrupt gears and he still say that His item is Legal and Null also confirm it that it Legal but these guy was a Noname person and 1 day he just Popup in the pvp and kill all with his GTB GR Valk +9 Armor 1b zeny 30k Acid Bottle and s*** before when a gm caught him wearing a Refined Apple of Archer he say it was a event price what a idiot... DO NOT PLEASE IN MICRO IF U DON'T WANT TO SEE CORRUPTION IN SERVER


Well the thing is, the previous owner (named Null) was broke and he give the server to someone else. But he got jealous that he's losing the server so he changed the patcher of micro into LuminaRO files to sabotage micro!

And now he is back and he already invite back 5 of his friends to (GM) Team which previously was kicked by the new owner due to stupid reaction, being inactive and talking s***.

Now, people playing in MicRO (population) stayed 10 for long time; they did not become a helper or a GM where they applied. But Null closed the application of Staff and he brought back 5 of his friends from his IRC Channel to be a staff. -.-

Also some guys named 40Cal, Nas and PleaseDontBanMe returned to the server with his old corrupt gears and he still say that his items are legal. Null also confirms it that they are legal. But this guy was a "no-name person" (prolly not really that famous in the server) and one day he just popped up in PVP and killed everyone with his GTB, +9 GR Valk, 1b zeny, 30k Acid Bottle and s*** (so prolly a Creator) before a GM caught him wearing a Refined Apple of Archer: he said it was an event prize. What an idiot...


I was suddenly possessed by a grammar Nazi and poof.
Has played in: aeRO, heRO, OracleRO, ReboundRO, AriaRO, IntenseRO, VastRO, LuminaRO, AerialRO, NyuubiRO and PumpkinRO.


Really, can you provide some kind of proof?

It's pretty hard to believe what you say.

If there is some kind of proof, it could be possible to HoS MicRO, you could turn this into a report.
TotalRO - 10x/10x



go here and search for "Null" u can see all what happen when he sold his server he told all his staff to quit or he will mad at that people >.> what a lame s*** u can see many GM Quit also u can see when people report

second one search for a guy name "Kobra" or "40cal" and "yuta" these 3 have a corruption item by Null


Probably Null read this post and he say that in Friday will be a server Wipe hahahha what a nerd there are about 100 Illegal gear inside even a +7 Combat Knife


Quote from: orix1357 on May 19, 2010, 03:00 AM
Well the thing is, the previous owner (named Null) was broke and he give the server to someone else. But he got jealous that he's losing the server so he changed the patcher of micro into LuminaRO files to sabotage micro!

So THAT was why that happened...wow, i am so glad we fired him.
The most dangerous thing a GM can do is to play NPC combatants as if they have brains, goals, and the desire to remain alive.
-Abulafia from WOTC boards

I have not failed, I have simply found 10,000 ways that don't work. -Thomas Edison


of couse good that LuminaRO fired him. Now he just invite more 5 other of his corrupt friend in game also the guy name 40Cal with full illegal item is now back on game


He was fired on Lumina for inactivity. Gm null didn't make any corruption here. I do remember MicRO players ended up here and I had to tell them to go back to their server reinstall the game and ask their GMs for help. Null didn't work at Lumina at the time yet but later when I asked him he denied he took part on that. I can't confirm what happened on MicRO among the GMs though. I know this is just a rant and rave, but your words are too unprecise, aquar.


I'm very disappointed in former friend and GM Bonta for posting things like this about our server. And under your own server's name, even, as if you're trying to pull people from MicRO.

I would like to reiterate our plan with MicRO; we want to make a transparant administration, where it is virtually impossible for anybody on the GM team to be corrupt in any way. With an @command log publicly visible to everyone who wants to scrutinize us, it's baffling how so many people can and will still say we're corrupt. I understand that people thought that we had personal stake in the game's balance and competition. I do. But all of the things that have happened in not only our administration -- in which Bonta was often accused of Iteming things for his friends, but of course we never found any evidence of the fact -- but the one before that in which we did find proof of Pk01's GMs iteming things, have been wiped clean.

This is blatant hating with nothing to base it on, and I'm very bothered at who it's coming from, when we are trying so hard to make the server amazing again.