veeeRO Corruption - again!

Started by AkQ, Dec 07, 2010, 01:49 PM

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the only thing that matters to the players left on the server is that we can still play together. it doesnt matter if everyone else bailed, as long as there's someone left it still has a chance. stop dissing on 40 for trying to save the server. we have nothing against cupcake but seeing as she hasnt even volunteered to take over the server, it doesnt concern her.


Quote from: victorbenipayo on Dec 09, 2010, 08:29 PM
we have nothing against cupcake but seeing as she hasnt even volunteered to take over the server, it doesnt concern her.

Cause she knows it's a lost cause and anyone with half a brain knows she's right.
You can post here and talk s*** about Veee ingame, but in the end he's the one who makes the decisions and I still highly doubt he'll let someone take over.


Well this is a fun thread. o.O

Soooooo, is this going to the HoS or whut? O.O


Quote from: Sway on Dec 09, 2010, 08:36 PM
Quote from: victorbenipayo on Dec 09, 2010, 08:29 PM
we have nothing against cupcake but seeing as she hasnt even volunteered to take over the server, it doesnt concern her.

Cause she knows it's a lost cause and anyone with half a brain knows she's right.
You can post here and talk s*** about Veee ingame, but in the end he's the one who makes the decisions and I still highly doubt he'll let someone take over.

Now you're just putting words in her mouth as you said i did.

As for the other stuff in your post, Yes, But if he sees people want the server to stay and actually get updated, he might consider it.


Quote from: TaintedNight on Dec 09, 2010, 05:30 PM
Oz isnt working a scandalous plan with Vee because Vee HAS ALREADY LEFT the server. Vee has FAILED to be an Admin. I know Oz love this server, and he want to change it. Oz already has a plan, and together with his new GM team, Oz can DO it.

And to all those cry babies about mvp cards, NOT EVERYONE BOUGHT STUFFS from Vee. There are bad and TRUE players. They worked hard on thier stuffs. While there are some people who are just sitting in town, and talking BS about thier items. WHy don't they use those "free time" and work for it??
Posted on: Dec 09, 2010, 09:10 am
I want to say this also. For those WHO HAS ALREADY BOUGHT STUFFS from vee, if you already know that Vee is corrupted, then WHY DID YOU DO THAT? WHY DID YOU BUY STUFF FROM VEE? The server isnt corrupted itself, THEY are ALSO the ONE that MADE it corrupted. YOU bought stuff from him, and then YOU left and server and POSTED "YOUR CORRUPTION" with Vee here. That is just... STUPID.

I'm sorry I just had to quote this.

I've never played on VeeeRO.  But this is by far the most absurd post i've seen on this whole topic.

GM Vee or whoever should have stood their ground and NOT gave the items to players.  There are some people who will server hop around and see if the GMs are corrupt by asking them for items/rewards for writing reviews and whatnot.  So no, its not really the players fault for asking for items, its the GMs fault for not standing their ground.  A player should be free to ask for whatever, its the GMs job to keep justice in their server and refuse stuff such as this.  Especially if they know its wrong.  :|


i bet that at the end veee will shut down server and takecare of his other server :P nobody will be a new owner


While I disagree with how AquarRO shares his opinion (the insults are really not needed), I do agree with his position. Posting here that you want to take over so desperatly makes you look really... eh, I don't have to complete that sentence.
You want to take over? Talk in private with Veee. You don't need to come here and publish everywhere that you want to become VeeeRO's admin.
This is a report, not the 2011 elections. If you're going to post here, please post something related to the corruption itself. Anything else can go in VeeeRO's forums, or Veee's email (dunno if he even reads his forums anymore).

So yeah, I think that Veee (if not VeeeRO as a whole) should be added to the GM HoS. I understand that he's trying to save his server, but either give the items to everyone or to noone.

And so you killed yourself,
but you killed everyone else around you too.


Quote from: Tom~ on Dec 10, 2010, 07:13 AM

This is a report, not the 2011 elections.

It could be... :(

Other than that, i don't think there is any evidence saying veee didn't do yeah.