Server Advertising!! Itsuki-Ro - Anthem-Ro shows how it goes!

Started by ~EXKillA~, Aug 06, 2008, 08:41 AM

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It was on July 27 when they had this funny idea making advertising on my server

From one of my Game Masters:
today 2 new spanish player join the server and advertising a server ...
at first @mute
then @jail
... but the came again and a again
10-20min later the attack of our server ended ...

i did IP range bann, and killed with that about 10 accs with about  30 characters on them for advertising.
they did a nice job

i also looked onto their homepage and everything....   ;D ;Di would like to call out that they are noobs but i dont want to do that  ;D ;D

and Anthem ro did that too but in a much funnier way:

Anthem ro made advertising on my server
i banned them

Anthem ro did advertising on anthem ro with THEIR chars for our server ( some guys thought its funny to make Ecchi-RO chars on anthem to do advertising in anthem ro: JOIN ECCHI-RO bla bla
didnt get banned there

one of Anthem ro went into my Forum into report section
blaimed us for making advertising in their server
and threatened us they would report us for doing that and added funny 19 pictures of REAL LIFE GAY PEOPLE which had sex to their Report (*note: my server has naked anime characters*)

i banned them there, wrote down the Name, IP etc.

Went to Athem-RO forum
wrote an Thread, copied the thread into the thread there, and told them that it is not funny to do that and that it shows that they are real noobs if they have to do such s*** thing.

what happened? i got banned in anthem ro forum
2 days later again anthem-ro advertisers in my Server

:) nice job guys
[color=red]ECCHI-RO has been moved

New Domain >>>>>> <<<<<< New Domain

We also activated our old Forum until we fixed our current one, please check out the Homepage[/color]


no offense but i had a tough time reading ur post >.> and didnt understand most of it, all i got was some guys advertised on ur server and u banned them so good job n_n
anyway to enlarge the first picture remove the .th near the end in the url

also what anime nude content?


You've posted this already and yes those guys did get banned on our server as well. I've already responded to this back in May when you first reported it.

Quote from: Denia on May 28, 2008, 11:08 PM
Quote from: ~EXKillA~ on May 18, 2008, 07:35 AM
yeah i agree

but i can  tell you not only server post stuff on other server
a few weeks ago we got a thread in my introduction section in my forum from a admin of anthem ro

something like

"Hi and bye

Stop making advertising on our forum of anthemro
*link* otherwise we will report you"

i told him that i cant tell my server to stop it because then i wont make advertising for their server, so i told him to give me ip, email, name etc of that player.... i havent got anything...

3 days later

he posted again in report
<br f*** server bla bla
here for you pedophiles and perverts:

mass links for gayporn sites"

nja, i banned him, then i went to anthemro forum and posted there
what i told that guys and also wrote

"what a shame that a admin of your server make such posts in other forums
*copy of his "report post* "

my result, i got banned

later on i found out that THAT admin of anthemro did the advertising from our server in his forum by him self ._." what a shame

A player was doing it. You even said it was a player and came onto our servers posting what he had posted. Like you, we can't stop what they do to your server, as your players did it to ours and you say you can't do anything about it. We never advertised for him or anyone to go do it. In fact, I said:

Quote from: GM Denia on Apr 29, 2008, 09:40 PM
Locking thread.

Despite what other players/servers may try to do to this server, please do not go and retaliate. We are more than capable of retaining our players, and although a bit annoying, we should not stoop to the level of server advertisers and terrorize their forums with propaganda for their players to leave their server and join ours.

Thanks guys! ^^

For the full source:,26487.0.html

In fact you came onto our forums, you didn't PM any of the GMs, instead, you reported it by posting the gay porn back at us. So, who is violating forum TOS? You posted GAY PORN ON OUR FORUMS. We banned you. Much like him posting gay porn on your forums, you banned him. If you PMed us, and heck, linked us instead of posting the full img tagged pictures where children can see (this isn't an 18+ server), we would have dealt with it accordingly. If I were to copy and paste the full content here, I would get banned too. Because there is gay porn in there, and in image tags as well and not even as a link. (If I linked it here openly I think I'd get moderated still o_o; )

As for an "admin" reporting it to you guys?

Quote from: Ressy on Apr 29, 2008, 02:08 AM
I posted a report on their forums for their actions. You biter ):<