RateMyServer Ragnarok Community

RateMyServer.Net => Rant and Rave => Server Discussion => Hall Of Shame => Topic started by: yukina-chan on Nov 18, 2007, 01:21 PM

Title: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: yukina-chan on Nov 18, 2007, 01:21 PM
MythRO opened a new server and it's Wing-RO. Beware!

MythRO known to be.....

1) GM get to play as Legit with full gear Donations
2) GM lvl provided on GM legit
3) Custom Cards/Equipment not release are being used by GM legit
4) 15 players a day (10 are GM legit)
5) Donation overprice
6) Bad GM service.
7) Events mostly are GM legit winning the prize
8) Ban players and dun leave any explaination
9) Server keeps disconnected because a GM playing with a NPC
10) GM legit guild able to go on WOE


*1) They give them full gear donations to advertise. They were allowed to use it on PVP/PK/WOE. most of the PVP events are mostly win by GM legits

*2) Those GM lvls were used during events. i already seen it alot of times

*3) Custom cards with crazy special stats and other class skill like Soul Breaker and Preserve

*4) They spend their time PVP with players in-game instead of maintaining the server state.

*5) Donation [1] goes over 30 EURO and in order to get it to [2] they have to do the quest. There's breaking chances 50%

*6) GM are rude. most of the time Racist and Nonsense

*7) Event hosted by GM. GM legit use their GM lvl to make their way at the last min for the prize

*8) The player got banned without any clarification

*9) The server keeps disconnecting due to GM trying to study a NPC function

*10) Islanders a GM-legit infested keep protecting the same castle from week to week.


I recommend you guys not to play at their server. Wing-RO is no different. GM are the unprofessional group of Singaporean. They stick to each other and talk like they can win everything because they cheated using GM levels.

Players who didnt donated were slaughter by GM legit. When they found out they are GM legits, they quit the server.

Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Skotlex on Nov 19, 2007, 09:10 AM
Huh... the only thing i cannot understand is.. what the heck is "Donation overprice"? Donations are not even meant to give you back anything in return.. when they do it is a plus, how can anyone say that donations are overpriced? The very concept makes me dizzy...
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: yukina-chan on Nov 19, 2007, 09:48 AM
Quote from: Skotlex on Nov 19, 2007, 09:10 AM
Huh... the only thing i cannot understand is.. what the heck is "Donation overprice"? Donations are not even meant to give you back anything in return.. when they do it is a plus, how can anyone say that donations are overpriced? The very concept makes me dizzy...

Players donate they get the equipment which is just [1] item.
in order to get it to [2] they have to complete a very long quest and there's breakable chance of 50%. A few players complaint about this coz the price is WAY too high for a breakable item. 30 EURO is too much isnt it?
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Skotlex on Nov 19, 2007, 05:19 PM
You can't equate donations to price D: If the bonuses from donations are too low, that just means you should not donate for them....

I find it weird that someone would complain that what you get from donating was "too little".. O_O I only see the opposite here all the time.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: yukina-chan on Nov 20, 2007, 01:34 AM
Quote from: Skotlex on Nov 19, 2007, 05:19 PM
You can't equate donations to price D: If the bonuses from donations are too low, that just means you should not donate for them....

I find it weird that someone would complain that what you get from donating was "too little".. O_O I only see the opposite here all the time.

wah~ ok i get it~ >.< so i cant really complaint in that~

anyways i forgot to add that the Npc script are also take from HiddenRO. That's wat some players told me.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Silfarion on Jan 16, 2008, 03:05 PM
QuoteMythRO opened a new server and it's Wing-RO. Beware!

MythRO known to be.....

1) GM get to play as Legit with full gear Donations
2) GM lvl provided on GM legit
3) Custom Cards/Equipment not release are being used by GM legit
4) 15 players a day (10 are GM legit)
5) Donation overprice
6) Bad GM service.
7) Events mostly are GM legit winning the prize
8) Cool Ban players and dun leave any explaination
9) Server keeps disconnected because a GM playing with a NPC
10) GM legit guild able to go on WOE


*1) They give them full gear donations to advertise. They were allowed to use it on PVP/PK/WOE. most of the PVP events are mostly win by GM legits

*2) Those GM lvls were used during events. i already seen it alot of times

*3) Custom cards with crazy special stats and other class skill like Soul Breaker and Preserve

*4) They spend their time PVP with players in-game instead of maintaining the server state.

*5) Donation [1] goes over 30 EURO and in order to get it to [2] they have to do the quest. There's breaking chances 50%

*6) GM are rude. most of the time Racist and Nonsense

*7) Event hosted by GM. GM legit use their GM lvl to make their way at the last min for the prize

*8) Cool The player got banned without any clarification

*9) The server keeps disconnecting due to GM trying to study a NPC function

*10) Islanders a GM-legit infested keep protecting the same castle from week to week.


I recommend you guys not to play at their server. Wing-RO is no different. GM are the unprofessional group of Singaporean. They stick to each other and talk like they can win everything because they cheated using GM levels.

Players who didnt donated were slaughter by GM legit. When they found out they are GM legits, they quit the server.

Oki...let mi clear this and explain all...

Wing-RO is not a new server that open by Myth-RO...

This is two different server operate by different admin...pls be clear about this...
If u realize...this 2 server is totally different concept...

Secondly, about playing with GM-lvl...onli one player saw in Myth-RO having GM-lvl in legit..
for the reason...he is Head Judge of the server, in order to full fills his job...he nid GM-lvl so that he can see whether a player is cheating,bottnig even scamming...

Thirdly, they are not using it but in fact they are testing it...seeing whether that equip is over powered anot...then onli release it out.

They are not GM legit...those are used to test the new @command...lik autoshop and autotrade...

Donation overprice...its in Myth-RO not in Wing-RO...in Wing-RO...having variety of donation item and max 15 euro each and its [2]...

Bad GM service...if u say Myth-RO its yourself then...ur the Head Publisher of the server....nvr update web site still wan messing...

Event mostly win by GM-legit...hmm...kinda, but its they are pro not because messing with GM-lvl...u noe the rules very well...GM not allow to use they legit 30 min before and after the event...GM also not allow to open legit account at the same time with GM account.

hmm...cool player being banned without clarification...u mean yr canadian friend?
-She openly state a player was a GM legit, in fact its not...
-She insulting GM...do u noe?

Server keep dc...due to trying npc...if u noe about scripting...some times script will hav unexpected run-time error due to typo error?
Myth-RO hav a dev server to test npc? wont cause player being DC...

Islander...nvr heard in Wing-RO...in Wing-RO...All High GM legit are not allow to join any guild except their own...rest are powerless GM.
because other ppl cant take down that castle so...that guild will hav it...The castle called Fad...drop Jewel Sword...worth to keep..

Lastly...if u noe about scripting, the script is keep inside the server...onli admin, co-admin and head dev can gain access to the server database or else hacking... *hacking is illegal...

I guess my post already explain most of the thread by our dear yukina...
Any more to ask and reply here...i will explain all
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 16, 2008, 04:17 PM
Quote from: Silfarion on Jan 16, 2008, 03:05 PM
QuoteMythRO opened a new server and it's Wing-RO. Beware!

MythRO known to be.....

1) GM get to play as Legit with full gear Donations
2) GM lvl provided on GM legit
3) Custom Cards/Equipment not release are being used by GM legit
4) 15 players a day (10 are GM legit)
5) Donation overprice
6) Bad GM service.
7) Events mostly are GM legit winning the prize
8) Cool Ban players and dun leave any explaination
9) Server keeps disconnected because a GM playing with a NPC
10) GM legit guild able to go on WOE


*1) They give them full gear donations to advertise. They were allowed to use it on PVP/PK/WOE. most of the PVP events are mostly win by GM legits

*2) Those GM lvls were used during events. i already seen it alot of times

*3) Custom cards with crazy special stats and other class skill like Soul Breaker and Preserve

*4) They spend their time PVP with players in-game instead of maintaining the server state.

*5) Donation [1] goes over 30 EURO and in order to get it to [2] they have to do the quest. There's breaking chances 50%

*6) GM are rude. most of the time Racist and Nonsense

*7) Event hosted by GM. GM legit use their GM lvl to make their way at the last min for the prize

*8) Cool The player got banned without any clarification

*9) The server keeps disconnecting due to GM trying to study a NPC function

*10) Islanders a GM-legit infested keep protecting the same castle from week to week.


I recommend you guys not to play at their server. Wing-RO is no different. GM are the unprofessional group of Singaporean. They stick to each other and talk like they can win everything because they cheated using GM levels.

Players who didnt donated were slaughter by GM legit. When they found out they are GM legits, they quit the server.

Oki...let mi clear this and explain all...
=.= mi is not a word
Wing-RO is not a new server that open by Myth-RO...

This is two different server operate by different admin...pls be clear about this...
If u realize...this 2 server is totally different concept...

Secondly, about playing with GM-lvl...onli one player saw in Myth-RO having GM-lvl in legit..
for the reason...he is Head Judge of the server, in order to full fills his job...he nid GM-lvl so that he can see whether a player is cheating,bottnig even scamming...
A GM's legit character has no reason to be using illegitimate gears, it doesn't matter what they are. Second of all, a GM's legit having a GM level for checking for cheating, botting and scamming, why do you think regular GMs do their jobs? Users will tell you.

Thirdly, they are not using it but in fact they are testing it...seeing whether that equip is over powered anot...then onli release it out.
That is bull crap right there, if you want to test them out, test on a map no one goes to, lets say jupe_ele, and test there on an MvP. If you want to test it for being over powered, look at the damage it puts out, and what it is putting that damage on to.
They are not GM legit...those are used to test the new @command...lik autoshop and autotrade...
new commands have no need to test, either you know what they do and you use them, or you don't know and you try once and find out.
Donation overprice...its in Myth-RO not in Wing-RO...in Wing-RO...having variety of donation item and max 15 euro each and its [2]...

Bad GM service...if u say Myth-RO its yourself then...ur the Head Publisher of the server....nvr update web site still wan messing...
A webmaster is not a GM.
Event mostly win by GM-legit...hmm...kinda, but its they are pro not because messing with GM-lvl...u noe the rules very well...GM not allow to use they legit 30 min before and after the event...GM also not allow to open legit account at the same time with GM account.
Just shut up right there. You cannot be pro on a legit and successfully do your GM job. You cannot 'master' a class with illegitimate items.
hmm...cool player being banned without clarification...u mean yr canadian friend?
-She openly state a player was a GM legit, in fact its not...
-She insulting GM...do u noe?
So a user cannot have their thoughts that a GM has a legit, but a GM can be PRO on their legit? What kind of sense is that? Insulting GMs, how? Saying the truth? That you use illegitimate items?

Server keep dc...due to trying npc...if u noe about scripting...some times script will hav unexpected run-time error due to typo error?
Myth-RO hav a dev server to test npc? wont cause player being DC...
If you do not know how to reload a script or make a script right so it doesn't crash your server then you shouldn't have a server or have the ability to make changes to a server. Second of all, there is no such thing with a script having a run time error. If a script does not work, it will not load, period. You obviously do not know a thing about what you just said.

Islander...nvr heard in Wing-RO...in Wing-RO...All High GM legit are not allow to join any guild except their own...rest are powerless GM.
because other ppl cant take down that castle so...that guild will hav it...The castle called Fad...drop Jewel Sword...worth to keep..
Please, do yourself a favor, and us as well, and visit this [site (http://www.englishgrammar101.com/). What you just said made no sense.
Lastly...if u noe about scripting, the script is keep inside the server...onli admin, co-admin and head dev can gain access to the server database or else hacking... *hacking is illegal...
If you knew about scripting you would know that a script cannot give you a run time error. Admin has to have access, co admin and head dev could have it, and hackers yeah, but where the heck does that come into play with this person's statement?

I guess my post already explain most of the thread by our dear yukina...
Any more to ask and reply here...i will explain all
Well, I am listening...
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Jinxess on Jan 16, 2008, 05:31 PM
Technically, Zonie, mi is a word. Just not a word found in the British English Dictionaries or American English Dictionaries. But I agree with your view point as a whole. o.o
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 16, 2008, 05:33 PM
It is not a word in the form he is using. However, mi is a word, you are right.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Silfarion on Jan 17, 2008, 05:48 AM
k admit i having grammar mistake coz not so gud in English...

Everyone hav their own method/way of doin sumthing...
If the method they use...

Because of having a GM checker...when there is GM online player tend to pretend nice and friendly,so another way was using legit...
but anyway that server already closed...but Yukina-chan wan to relate 2 different server into one?

MVP is different from player...i guess u can tell mi these u noe it very well...

Yea...they are testing how long does the autotrade can last...72 hour or perhaps onli 48 hours..

In that server Head Publisher is in-charge of the server sprite, promoting server as well as web site...

Its to avoid misuse of GM power...

For that case, it happen to be a long story...if u really wan to noe then i tell all...

Yup...i am not a scriptor...those are thing i learn from programming...may be diff.. i am sorry about that...

Well...to clean the server name...we having hard time to gather all friend in a server again moreover all are from diff country...
i dun wan Yukina-chan to ruin it again...

Sry if i used the wrong word or term...

I am juz a player in Wing-RO...not a GM or even Developer....Juz plain a player...
I juz hoping the server wont have any problem...

Any more question..pls ask...juz wanna clear the name of Wing-RO...thats all

Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 17, 2008, 06:42 AM
Quote from: Silfarion on Jan 17, 2008, 05:48 AM
k admit i having grammar mistake coz not so gud in English...

Everyone hav their own method/way of doin sumthing...
If the method they use...

Because of having a GM checker...when there is GM online player tend to pretend nice and friendly,so another way was using legit...
but anyway that server already closed...but Yukina-chan wan to relate 2 different server into one?

MVP is different from player...i guess u can tell mi these u noe it very well...
An MVP is something that should have a certain range of damage being dealt with a weapon or gears. If it is over the amount, then it is too over powered.
Yea...they are testing how long does the autotrade can last...72 hour or perhaps onli 48 hours..
Autotrade keeps you on until you log back in, some gm kicks you, or the server crashes.
In that server Head Publisher is in-charge of the server sprite, promoting server as well as web site...

Its to avoid misuse of GM power...
Server sprite?

For that case, it happen to be a long story...if u really wan to noe then i tell all...

Yup...i am not a scriptor...those are thing i learn from programming...may be diff.. i am sorry about that...

Well...to clean the server name...we having hard time to gather all friend in a server again moreover all are from diff country...
i dun wan Yukina-chan to ruin it again...

Sry if i used the wrong word or term...

I am juz a player in Wing-RO...not a GM or even Developer....Juz plain a player...
I juz hoping the server wont have any problem...

Any more question..pls ask...juz wanna clear the name of Wing-RO...thats all
Have a staff member defend the server, you made the mistake of defending a server without knowledge of what the GMs do, only they would know, unless they are so flamboyant with what they do that everyone knows they are using illegit gears on legit characters.
If they want to test gears, even if it isn't on an MVP, they can use this wonderful thing called @evilclone

Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Silfarion on Jan 17, 2008, 08:23 AM
May i ask...wud meant by "Server Sprite?"

U noe...human is different from bot or even clone...
Last time, i am using my HP... they cloned mi...and my HP juz noe how to use Balisca and Redemtio... :-[

Even they test on mvp or clone...they wont noe the exact effect on a player...

hmm...but when thay are testing sumthing they will inform player first...so who ever willing to be tested can go to pvp arena...

I am not a Staff...juz a player
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 17, 2008, 01:29 PM
QuoteIn that server Head Publisher is in-charge of the server sprite, promoting server as well as web site...
I am asking what you mean by server sprite.
A player is different, a clone is testing not only against a player but against a GM or
you can clone a user. Same thing as actually testing it on the actual user, and they fight back.
And yeah, they would know, if they are testing effects, then they test on other gms.
There is no justifiable reason to be testing gears on users.
Now asking them if they could test on them, that is fine, but not if that is all they do.
Honestly, that just sounds to me like they are there for fun, no work, and that is not what will make a good staff team.
Now I may be wrong, but that is why I asked you to have staff, who know what is really going on, to defend their server.
Not only does it give me something new to read, but it also sheds light on what has or has not happened, what kind of staff they are, and who is lying.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Silfarion on Jan 17, 2008, 02:19 PM
hmm..i mean the sprite that used by custom item in the server...

For mi who ever lying is not important anymore, becoz the server has been closed...
Yukina married and leave Ro world(that wud she told mi)
i juz dun wan because of this thread causing problem to the server...
I noe about this thread from a new player that come to the server...i quite shock at that time...
All the time, i am wondering y most of the time i am alone in the server...
At least now i noe...this thread probably one of the cause...

Sry if i cause any problem to u...
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 17, 2008, 02:45 PM
As I said, inform a staff member, so he/she can defend their server.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Silfarion on Jan 17, 2008, 03:17 PM
Actually, i informed a Server Consultant...
but he told mi he cant open this topic >.>
may be i should get other ppl...
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 17, 2008, 04:05 PM
Ok, so as staff, he cannot defend his server.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Regalia on Jan 25, 2008, 09:24 AM
I am here...Ragalia Forum Representative of Wing-RO.
Nice to meet you..
Actually, Silfarion u dun nid to explain...
Becoz, Wing-RO and Myth-RO is two totally Different server...
having the Different owner and Admin...

Wud ever yukina-chan say is about Myth-RO's corruption...
For those i dunno becoz i am not a player in Myth-RO...
I dunno the reason yukina-chan wan to destroy the name of Wing-RO...
Relating 2 totally different server...

Even, Wing-Ro player also get a shock after know we having a bad name here.

Anyway i hope i am able to clear the name of Wing-RO.

Regalia Forum Representative of Wing-RO.

Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 25, 2008, 03:29 PM
Well, Regalia, is the same staff on that server?
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Regalia on Jan 26, 2008, 03:39 AM
U mean Myth-RO ?

All Wing-RO staff are different with Myth-RO...
Except some experienced GM that been hired my Wing-RO admin...
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 26, 2008, 03:59 AM
Ok, so what is a logical explanation for this person's posts?
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Regalia on Jan 26, 2008, 07:00 AM
nothing to do...
may be she is too boring?
Related two server that dun hav any relation...

She even post in Wing-RO forum...
she will doin sumthing bug that making Wing-Ro goes down...
her post in locked in serious business in staff section.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 26, 2008, 09:40 AM
Gah, English please. D:
If this person is saying false things, they obviously haven't done anything serious.
I mean, look at her activity, she only has 3 posts out of the forums, all in this topic.
I don't take her serious one bit, but servers are known to do that.
That's how teenagers are.
No matter what happens, you will always have people calling your server 'corrupt' or calling a gm 'corrupt'.
Not just yet, but in the future when you get more players.
You just gotta ignore them, post your evidence [hard evidence] explaining the situation, their possible causes for claiming corruption, and simply say, 'I've posted the truth, take it as you will.', and leave the topic as is.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Regalia on Jan 26, 2008, 11:03 AM
Oki, Thanks for the guide.

If got free time, come to Wing-RO. :P

Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Zone on Jan 26, 2008, 04:58 PM
Well, I am making a few parting gifts, finishing up a test server, a couple clients, and a customs patch.
Other than that, I am done with RO entirely.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: darkavatar on May 26, 2008, 08:48 AM
hmm, wow alot of drama... rofl

anyways its a late post but then u want a staff to answer here i am..(sorry i ddnt know until know about this post... apparently know one told me at all..)

my GM name for both mythro and wing-ro is same. its Avatar and im the head gm

everything was already stated  so i wont keep on repeating what they said. what il just add up is this... cant u guys just grow up????

myth is myth and wing is wing... two different server.

theres two ways to describe corruption... the good way and the bad way.. but we all know if a group of people gathers, theres always corruption in it. you cant stop corruption in any sense.

i know the real reason why yukina posted this.. i know she is just frustrated on what happened before... but i already told them to grow up... this is just a game why make a big ruckuss over something that you will grow tired of doing 8 yrs -10 yrs from now.

im gona just post here to give people assurance that wing ro is not what yukina described it to be.. if ever this would be true then i guess i failed as a person. alot of people know me when i was playing avalonro and hiddenro... most of them are old GMs and most of them are my friends. yukina herself is my friend. i wont hold grudge to what ever she posted here and i wont make it personal... for god's sake im 24 yrs old and this nonesense is not a thing il go haywire about just because someone posted bad on a server i play and manage.

so to ratemyserver management. can we close this post and delete if possible... id rather have a post that came from real players of wing saying the server is corrupt and gm being rude rather than having a post like this... i dont like convincing people saying its not true or true or what ever. its always up to peoples perception to decide... what i just want is judge according to what u see and weigh things before you say something... lets act more civil and more adult rather than being childish..

so again i do apologize for what ever commotion this may have caused. wing ro is not a server that is full of corruptions nor gms being rude.. were a friendly community. and wing ro is not myth ro. details of the past should be left forgotten. i myself was disgusted of what happened. but then its past...

so everyone i invite you all to try wing ro... and if anybody has some problems ingame talk to me i am always willing to help out.. just not items sorry im sticking to rules. XD

for those who needs my contact im leaving my email. [email protected].

hope you try wing ro.. we are a community of friends.. good day.. XD
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Silverbaine on Feb 02, 2009, 08:03 AM
Daman this server was great, awesome, now i cant find it anywhere
The GMs were great, the players were great I dont know where this person got such ludacris ideas, its a shame really as i miss the server/gms/ and players it had tons of cool custom ideas, i had just finished the bslvl 400 quest which is a great idea long as it is, i never got bored here and gms were constantly online, silfarion if you read this plz look me up so i can understand why wing closed.
and all others well you dont know what you missed out on.

Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: CookieEater on Feb 02, 2009, 08:21 AM
Freaking Necrophile. Don't post in old topics, especially if you are gonna make useless comments.
Title: Re: Beware of Wing-RO!
Post by: Guest on Feb 02, 2009, 09:27 AM
very.... ancient topic, locked