PVP characters

Started by [L]egacy, Oct 12, 2009, 06:50 PM

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who would win in pvp: professor or champ?
give reasons plz
max level on my server is 250 and assume they both carry berries

is prof or sniper better in overall pvp? (im not concerned w/ woe)

can profs use the elemental change skills on other players?

also, wat are the advantages to baby class characters?

thx =)


Hmm, they both have their ways of disrupting each other but I'm going with prof.
Fog, dispell, burn, webs, bolts, scurse, fd.. etc you name it.
especially the dispells, they're royal screw over.
not so sure about lvl 250 though, but prof should still have the upper hand.

Prof or sniper for PvP, I wouldn't know.. this all depends on who's playing better, and I can't really tell for 250's? Proper usage of traps, arrow showers + DS, and prof can easily be downed. But proper usage of delu fog, web bolts and it'll hurt the sniper.

No they can't.

There are no advantages to using a baby class, don't use them.


On most 250's champ wins easily

GTB > prof useless
If it's 1 where you can get no skill delay, spam TSS and a prof will die in seconds, not to mention using something to freeze and if they do, asura.

Also snipers are generally bad due to errende card, they usually hit really fast and for quite low damage on highrates and that will proc the pnu and then you're screwed, they also die way to fast. Prof however is quite good against everything but GTB and a few classes.


oops, i forgot to add that gtb is only 70% for my server

and if gtb>prof, wudnt deviling>champ?

and antoher quick question: does defender (paladin skill) only reduce ranged PHYSICAL dmg?


Quote from: [L]egacy on Oct 12, 2009, 11:25 PM
oops, i forgot to add that gtb is only 70% for my server

and if gtb>prof, wudnt deviling>champ?

and antoher quick question: does defender (paladin skill) only reduce ranged PHYSICAL dmg?

Yeah, defender won't work vs magic or anything like AD, soul breaker I believe to.

And no, on 250's(Atleast 9/10) asura is not what champs are hax pvp'ers for, if it's possible to get no skill delay and instant cast tss owns like hell letting you attack super fast and for heaps of damage, while using element(So deviling = dead) and most will use cards in their weapon to freeze and asura if they do freeze, then even with deviling it's going to hurt like a b****

GTB being 70% and plenty of mdef gear around profs damage will still be low so they won't be great "killers" even with imp cards and no skill delay bolts will tickle someone thats equipped to tank them, though you can stunlock people while doing that and dispell/web/sc still depending how the server is they may be great pvp'ers, from experience champs own but a prof would make great support.


you can freeze someone with tss? 0.o
does it count as a normal attack?


TSS carries statuses, but again this is a lvl 250 server..
It's not like it's counted a normal attack, just some skills are able to carry statuses.

Defender does reduce sbk, the physical part I believe.