Stupid things you have heard people say about RO?

Started by LiteX, May 06, 2009, 05:20 AM

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Not only top headgear.
I've broken people's wings on heRO, and they are bottom headgear and armour.


Lol, the number of times I've used it... and I've only experienced it breaking Top headgear, garment and shoes

I wonder what are the various chances for Chariot to break these diff gear slots.
Quote from: Jeon on Jun 04, 2009, 12:02 PM
XileRo is the only HR I know that has a reasonable PvP system. I did watch the RWC like you said, all I see is people spamming the room like every other gang fight there is in RO.


Cmon guys I was joking, I expected more from RMS(well not rly)

Quote from: Detox on Sep 07, 2009, 12:04 AM(I'm just going off the fact that you have a SinX as an avatar)
My avatar at the time:

This was after a LONG post talking about how I don't know anything about RO(And he was quoting where I said things like "nah bragi is a useless skill because you cant cast anything while its up and it lasts ages")


cards are useless they can be sold for 1 zeny

(It's Censored, kay?)


Quote from: Kisa on Sep 07, 2009, 12:56 PM
cards are useless they can be sold for 1 zeny

what an idiot... its 10

12 if you use overcharge


Quote from: Orange on Sep 07, 2009, 12:44 PM
Cmon guys I was joking, I expected more from RMS(well not rly)

Quote from: Detox on Sep 07, 2009, 12:04 AM(I'm just going off the fact that you have a SinX as an avatar)
My avatar at the time:

This was after a LONG post talking about how I don't know anything about RO(And he was quoting where I said things like "nah bragi is a useless skill because you cant cast anything while its up and it lasts ages")

haha we're just too used to being "srs" when stuff pertaining to ro mechanics pop up.
Quote from: Jeon on Jun 04, 2009, 12:02 PM
XileRo is the only HR I know that has a reasonable PvP system. I did watch the RWC like you said, all I see is people spamming the room like every other gang fight there is in RO.


No I think the person was just too stupid not to realize that's ichigo from bleach, wearing his bankai outfit and a vendetta mask.


Ohh? I thought it was EFG cosplaying as Ichigo.

*spelling edit*


Quote from: SilverStream~ on Sep 08, 2009, 01:51 AM
No I think the person was just too stupid not to realize that's ichigo from bleach, wearing his bankai outfit and a vendetta mask.

Quote from: Avisari on Sep 08, 2009, 08:39 AM
Ohh? I thought it was EFG colspaying as Ichigo.

Oh wow I love you guys


Poor EFG.. Orange you're so cruel. With that size of a sword he will never get a girl.

Stupidest thing Ive ever heared someone say in RO;

"where is the monsters"


Stupidest thing i could remember atm is:
"I only speak in guildchat when i wanna sell you something."




I did ask to keep this thread clean and mature.., don't go there by bypassing the filter + calling people names.

456450456884649856 day warn Ps. I love you Lost~Dreams -Relics[/color]


So you are lostdreams from ZNRO..

leave ben aloneee ;<


Lol relics, I couldn't resist posting it when i was going through received files i thought it was hilarious.


I did ask to keep this thread clean and mature.., don't go there by bypassing the filter + calling people names.

456450456884649856 day warn Ps. I love you Lost~Dreams -Relics[/color]


"How are you sonic blowing with a dagger?"

& I still havent figured that out yet!!

"Low Rates are for noobs"-Some Assasin Cross on a HR server, can't remember which,
I think this was me too........

"GTB is completely unfair. It takes multiple classes and makes them completely useless. I propose that GTB either gets an MDEF nerf or is completely removed from the server. I am sick and tired of going into PVP or Clock Tower 01, and getting rocked by GTB users. I'm not the only person upset about this. GTB is game-breaking and I strongly feel it should either be nerfed...or removed."
unfortunately....... even ppl who run servers seem to think so......
Totally unfair.......


Me with a GTB shield and quad orclord armor. whitesmith.
A team of 3 wiz [non trans] n champ ask for pvp....... got slaughterd and said hacker a few times and ran off...
same thing happens agn.... champ makes screnshot and posts on forum..... other's ask for build and if have customs or not and what cards & eq's? gets flamed by evry1 sor being stupid.
[didnt know ther was a mall]